Unwarranted Acts of Pure Rudeness

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I was going for a walk just now and a girl standing outside a bar yelled you you're so ugly kill yourself loud enough for people to turn around and stare what's the most unwarranted rudeness you've ever witnessed experienced Reddit as a freshman I had a crush on a guy named Joe Joe was never mean to me directly but all of his friends would make nasty comments about how I was fat ugly covered in acne because I didn't shower I used to go home crying fast forward seven years later he sees me at a store we chat for a bit he's still cute until this little gem came out of his mouth no offense but you really outgrew your ugly face we used to make fun of you all the time how things change so wanna get dinner sometime I said sure arrange the date and never showed up no offense but I wouldn't be caught dead with you butthole he clearly did not outgrow his ugly face I was walking through a San Luis Obispo on a warm spring day the sun was out the birds were chirping there were a group of cute girls wearing sundresses walking in front of me a truck full of guys drive up next to the girls stare at them for a minute then the hand came out and dropped the biggest thumbs down ever on them it was brutal no it's okay see it's a common misconception but the thumbs down actually meant the competitor was allowed to live Cesar truck guy was sparing her life I was out for a walk with my three-month-old baby strapped to my front a middle class middle-aged woman passed me in her car screeched to a halt rang up to me pushed me and my baby over then shouted down at me I'm sick of you clean up after your ugly freaking dog you freaking see what dog the cops got her plate number we'll see where this goes I was very unpopular at my junior school so my mother decided to transfer me to her private school I must have been about seven when the teacher announced to the class that I would shortly be leaving the school every single person in the class stood up and clapped and cheered I sat there wishing the Earth would swallow me up please tell me the teacher did something I lived above a bar and while walking to my car in the parking deck which was attached to the apartment building I saw a blonde Sorority Girl yelling and trying to fight this couple of girls they were asking her to stop and leave them alone she kept yelling and calling them ugly skanks out of freaking nowhere comes a cop to calm this girl down she sees him and yells out crap it's the fuzz Cheez-It I laughed so hard at that and the cop did too things to do one Bend two Cheez-It had a similar experience where I was walking past a big group of people around my age and one of them said loud enough for me to hear I'm so glad I don't look like that makes me appreciate life the rest of the group nodded and agreed I know the field bro 3. how mean I was a college freshman in a co-ed dorm and I was walking through a connector to get to a soda machine when one fella elbows his buddy and says I wouldn't flick that with your dong hope you said I wouldn't flick you with his either what a c I was once hit by a car turning illegally broke my leg the driver proceeded to flip me the bird yell get out of the freaking way [ __ ] and sped off we never found the guy I was about 15 or 16 and I had really bad acne I was at a party I was talking to some girls because well that's what 15 or 16 year old guys do then this girl who was sort of quiet just said ever heard of acne cream freak the girls all laughed and I just walked off feeling defeated wasn't any fun I had tried a few different things that the pharmacist had recommended but didn't really see any successes then I went to the dermatologist and got some rokitane now I'm fabulous she was probably an angry drunk I'm sorry that happened one time my mom and I were driving through my condo parking lot we went around a corner and this lady was driving at his head on we were far over to the right as we could go for a minute it was like a game of chicken until the lady got back over to her side and passed us yelling Frick you you stupid be my poor sweet mother was having a huge awesome party in my house in college and some dumby said basically the same thing to me having no idea it was my house told her to get the frick out of my house and she laughed at me so I just started shoving her backwards toward the door as a hot girl this caught her off guard because she probably wasn't very accustomed to facing the repercussions for being [ __ ] I was pretty liquored up and short on patience so I just gave no freaks every time she would just about catch her balance I would shove her again told my friends at the door not to let her back in because she was a freaking bee that we had no need for her friends made a huge stink so we kicked them out too while about 30 people laughed at them a moment of Shame was transformed into a moment of Triumph largely by my cool friends who had my back that's pretty smart teaching her that being a c gets you consequences in the real world good on you in college had a drunk girl get on the elevator with one of her friends she looked at me and started saying ching chong ching chong with her eyes slitted then she said that's you I calmly looked at her and brought my hand up to my mouth fingers curled as if grasping something then proceeded to do the BJ gesture that everyone is familiar with then replied without you she was livid and started screaming at me about how I'm in butthole her tirade culminated when I was getting out of the elevator when she screamed Frick who at this point I turned towards the closing elevator door and said I'd be bored you'd be tired the doors closed to her final in articulate Scream Of Rage I felt pretty pleased with how the encounter finished that is awesome I work in a grocery store in the produce department a couple weeks ago I was stacking some bananas when a girl walks in scoffs your bananas are gross and walks away my bananas were highly offended there are a lot of sad stories in this thread but this one hit me the hardest internet hugs I was a sophomore in high school when the 9 11 attacks happened I was in second period English class when another teacher came into our room and told ours to turn the TV on the first Tower had already been hit smoke and fire blowing from the top we spent the rest of class watching history unfold all of us were confused and frightened and unsure of everything about the future in front of us the talking heads on the television were already telling us that it was most likely a terrorist attack Muslim fundamentalists the bell rang and I stepped out into the Hall my head down still in shock I wasn't but two or three steps out of the door when I was violently shoved into a locker by a large senior Varsity athlete he had one hand in my chest and his other one in my face pointing a finger straight at me your people did this he said before pushing off of me and stomping away I'm half Filipino and half German I cried on my way back from school I had some guys in a car shout out of their car window that I looked like an orangutan I go to school in a very Posh area and I'm pretty much the token black girl in the entire town it hurt and I cried I think taking some action at times like these is all that needs to be done I think about situations similar where I have been called a terrorist and it hurt like heck every single time and stuck in my mind and played again and again if there is some sort of response that is a perfect answer that can be said I believe it would free us from thinking about it later I have a Pomeranian Papillion mix so essentially I own a mutt well one day I was taking my dog for his daily walk when a lady approaches me and asks what breed my dog is I proceed to tell her and she gets the most disgusted look on her face then she begins to rant on about how I'm a disgrace to Society for owning a dog that is not purebred and how it's people like me who make the world a bad place after walking away still ranting on from down the street I was left standing there simply speechless I said nothing more than what breed my dog was and received a rant completely out of proportion took my sister out to a local pub and some random dong who was completely wasted came up to her and said something along the lines of I bet you think you're attractive but you're really not she got really upset about it and when I yelled at him and told him it was completely uncalled for and horrible to say something like that to someone he doesn't even know all he could come up with is hey I I don't even understand half of the words you're using I threw the rest of my drink down the back of his neck he was obviously a complete [ __ ] but my sister hasn't really gone out for a drink anywhere since then and told me the other day that she still thinks about it sometimes I wish I remembered his face so I could punch it if I ever saw it again you're a good sibling don't let other people get you down like that they don't know you as for me I work in customer service my life is one big ball of rude I'm always extra nice to you guys to compensate for the buttholes as much as I can usually say something corny that makes them laugh or say bye in a happier tone I didn't experience or witness it but I thought it was relevant my friend Charlie got a broken rib when his girlfriend kicked him in the side while he was sleeping when he asked her why she did that she replied you cheated on me he had never done so and later found out that she had had a dream in which he cheated on her back in high school we had to do a presentation on a certain character from The Canterbury Tales that our teacher chose for us she made us choose Partners so I picked the one guy that everybody hated because I felt bad for him for not having a partner fast forward to the presentation my partner talked about his character of how Charming rich and skinny that person was then he pointed me out and said unlike my feels here every bit allowedly laughed at me for a good two minutes which felt like an eternity I didn't know what was going on I wanted to cry and beat the crap out of him because I was very depressed heavy have a bad case of acne scar at the time yeah I know how it feels to be [ __ ] on I know how that feels I continuously tried to be nice to this guy that everyone hated just because I felt pity for him it only made me realize why exactly he was hated so much I ended up slapping him in the end so worth it I'm quite a skinny teenager 17 years and I remember this one time I was getting the train to Brighton this story takes place in the UK and there were these bunch of girls to my left who kept glancing over and giggling when I looked at them just before anything interesting happened an old man who looked like he was struggling a bit walked my way I gave up my seat for him seeing as he was having a bit of trouble walking being a teenage boy I thought this was because they found me attractive or liked me in some way I chose not to do anything about it because they didn't look that attractive to me even though they were quite pretty I glance over again because I hear them giggling again and I see one of the girls leave the group and walk towards me looking back at her friends causing them to giggle and look my way she was a bit bubbly but I didn't care as she looked pretty nevertheless at this point I was thinking that she was going to give me her number or try to talk to me because she liked me in some way she walks up to me and before she talks to me she looks back at her friends one more time which causes them to giggle again and had a smile so I thought oh she must like me girls act like that when talking to someone they like and the old man looked at me as if to say she looks like she likes you then she opened her mouth to say something I didn't expect hey my friends we're just saying you look skinny enough to be a holocaust victim are you sure you should be outside when you look that bad what since when dear girls my age have an interest in history the old man's face just dropped I thought of a comeback almost instantly well thanks I'm naturally skinny it's a shame you're not because of the rate you're going you might need to take up more than one seat her expression changed from smugness to shock W what do you mean well I'm just saying that you could probably lose a few pounds to prevent the embarrassment of going outside she suddenly burst into tears as if someone turned on a tap and ran towards the exit of the platform it was a bit awkward as the sight of a girl running away crying caught the attention of the people waiting for their train the girl's friends group were soon to follow as they tried to calm her down he didn't mean it you're not fat calling me words like bastard and T they left the platform themselves for a moment there was silence people were looking at me some with the look of disgust on their face I looked at the old man and he looked at me and said I thought you handled that quite well TL DR girl insults me I make her cry a couple months ago I was walking to class and this thuggish guy walking with his two friends in my direction stopped and exclaimed whoa hold up guys looks like we got an alien face here what he said didn't bother me I take pride that I have unusual features what bothered me was that he said this to deliberately be hurtful to someone I pity those who need to put others down in order to feel like a worthy human being I was at capital x Affair in Edmonton this past weekend and met one of my first and closest friends with his sisters that I haven't seen in a few years his older sister turned and looked past me at my younger brother and said is that Ethan oh my God he is so fat and continued to laugh her tea off my little brother is incredibly insecure about his weight needless to say I lost all respect for her I was in the cereal aisle grabbing a box of start alas says to me aren't you a bit too fat to be getting that kind of thing I was 18 and worked on the checkouts at the local supermarket a man asked me what I was doing I told him I was at University doing a degree in digital media art as I wanted to be a web designer he looked at me and completely serious said ha you will never get a job in that what a waste of time some humans are buttholes I got a job doing web design p is not web design but your hero nonetheless I was in that awkward phase of middle school at 99 of people go through frizzy hair acne Wicked social anxiety sitting at my desk minding my own business when this guy Adam walks up to me I had never talked to him before and everyone had a huge crush on him me included he leans down to my desk and says do you think you're pretty pale mare I didn't know what to say and I was super nervous so I basically stuttered out a quiet I don't know and just looked down at my desk so he says well and I look up and he continues you're freaking ugly and he just walks away and everyone laughs I went to the bathroom and cried until this nice girl who had been observing for college credit came in to comfort me about six seven years ago about age 18 I was in a bar with some friends after a private party I at this point had quite long hair for a guy about nipple length in that bar I got spat on tripped up and finally beaten up in the restroom the bartender laughed when I complained to him even though I'd known him and his younger brother for years and the security dude drenched my arm behind my back and bodily threw me out for complaining I had done literally nothing to deserve this except for having long hair as sorry as I am for what they did to you all I could think of after you said Parker was the Danish equivalent of pack he was irmajud perkas Stern I used to work at Target and a lady wouldn't let me ring her up because I have snake bites she had all her crap on the belt and took one look at me and took her crap to another register as I looked at her in confusion she pointed to my lips and said that's disgusting I can't let you help me so odd am I the only one here that thinks you should have been in a hospital instead of working snake bites are the leading cause of death in third world countries take out your phone make a picture or even pretend to and keep on walking she will spend the rest of her day wondering what you do with it or she tries to get physical which is a great excuse to give her a nose job finally my time to shine in a sad way when I was about 12 or 13 I had just woken up from a nap after school I walk into the living room and see my mom playing on the phone to her friend I hear her then say without noticing me since her back was to me I know he doesn't look the way I had wanted Billy's a good son and he does really well in school I went back into my room and cried for an hour then afterwards aimed back out and pretended I didn't hear her when I was a sophomore in high school one of my teachers rearranged all the desks in the class so that they were in rows facing each other our teacher joked at me and the girl across from me would make a terribly cute couple she responded with ew number number just you number I cried the minute I got home from school I still die a little on the inside every time I think of that when I was a freshman in college a kid who I considered ugly myself it was nice enough not to say anything to told me in a very delicious way that I looked like I had been beaten with an ugly stick right after I fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down with my face I Shrugged it off at the moment cause the guy was a butthole but once I got back to my dorm I cried whwn I was a sophomore in college I walked down the hallway of my dorm without a shirt on because this is America God damn it to go to the bathroom one of the guys on my door had a couple girls over and they were talking about trying to find the one girl or boyfriend as I walked past the one girl bitchelly said there's a man for you the boy friendless girl then made a sound similar to The Sound people who are choking and trying not to throw up make once again made me cry these are just four of the ones that stick in my head I get this crap all the time and it's always unwarranted my boyfriend gets that sometimes yes boyfriend so the guy gets girls even though he is considered ugly by many people including me at first but he's so awesome that now I think he's the handsomest man on the planet so Frick the people who say mean things to you you're gonna blow someone's mind one day I freaking promise I was taking a girl to go get some food late at night and we were driving up the front of Kroger I was going to drop her off so she could buy healthy crap when another car turned into our lane the parking lots at Kroger's don't have arrows for which direction each lane should head as their parking spaces are all even instead of angled and there was plenty of room for both cars when out of nowhere the girl just rolls down the window and yells then needs to learn how to drive at the black driver and passenger of the other car when I gave her the what the frick look and asked her why she had done that she goes oh that was me smiled and got out of my car like nothing had happened I hope you drove off I once bent over to grab something I dropped off of the floor and my classmate behind me said eww don't bend over again with a disgusted face presumably my butt was too ugly for him I don't know I was about four feet away from him and in jeans it wasn't like I was booty popping in his face I was around 9 or 10 and I was at Deep River water in Indiana I was in line for the really tall and steep slide and I was eye level with the top platform when this younger girl Taps her friend on the shoulder points to me and kicks the ground water into my face I don't know why I deserved it but I shake my fist every time I tell the story I still remember that smug face too a few months ago I was working the bar at my restaurant it was late the only guy there was a regular my restaurant is inside a hotel so this guy comes down from his room to ask me to open a bottle for him idiot he did not buy this bottle from me the regular a really awesome army guy who had just gotten back from Afghanistan attempts to tell the guy how to knock off the bottle cap on the edge of a desk dude stops him mid-sentence saying yeah I don't give a crap I quickly jerked my bottle opener away and told the guy good luck Instant Karma it's also a great way of damaging hotel furniture I was about 13 or 14. in French class and a substitute teacher split the class into groups of two to work on a project as a socially awkward penguin who didn't have many friends I was the last to be picked and as there was an odd number of people in the class there was nobody to partner up with me at this point I'm feeling pretty crappy about myself as I normally did when we had to group off but after going through that tired routine of telling the teacher nobody wanted to partner with me that the teacher then said something along the lines of well nobody wants to partner with you anyway and I just lost it and tit up right there then left the room crying I know it sounds silly but sometimes the event still haunts me today that teacher sounds like a piece of crap I was dropping something off for someone I know who I am was sort of friends with and her little dog that I loved a pet proceeded to hump my leg she goes oh no puppy he is too ugly for you in all seriousness she is Asian and they are brutally honest in my experience she wasn't joking I am too ugly to be leg fricked by her dog I left and went searching for tall buildings with easy roof access she is Asian and they are brutally honest in my experience right it is written in our genetic code slanty eyes and brutal honesty I used to wear a yamakuta from school on my way home to about ad saw me and started yelling Heil Hitler and throwing Nazi salutes at me there was also a time I went on a date with a girl after the first day they said I don't think I can keep seeing you because you're going to hack or there was a time where a lady I was interested in asked me what I did I answered I make video games they say how do you feel about corrupting the Youth of America I was on my way to pick up my dates to go watch a movie when I went to go knock on the door her little sister showed up and decided to blurt out your ugly thanks that was definitely necessary I used to work at a drugstore as a photo clerk for a while and I'd get all kinds of men asking me what my ethnicity was fairly often one guy who turns out was older than my dad came up and asked me what I was then asked me how old I was I tried to stop the conversation by telling him that I found it to be inappropriate as I was working so he called me a b and said I wasn't that cute anyway he then demanded to know where the belts were located all right then I was once called anorexic and told to eat a burger by a complete stranger that was behind me in line the irony I was in line at McDonald's I don't understand how people think it's okay to bully skinny people I know many people who are naturally skinny and they could eat till they explode but not gain any weight skinny does not equal anorexia it's not okay to bully fat or skinny people ever you should have looked back at them all and said well she can't be talking about Emmy because I look fabulous then strut away like you don't give a crap while muttering something about crazy B must be looking in a mirror etc etc if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] thank you bye for now
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 27,738
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rude, rude people, rudest comments ever, how can you be so rude, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit stories 2023
Id: R6LUin_AlnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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