Unveiling the Stunning Agate Bands Revealed by Rock Saw!

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[Music] thank you I have a band full of Lake Superior agates and we're going to be cutting them open today on our 10 inch high-tech Diamond Lapidary saw let's get started foreign [Music] foreign [Music] are you kidding me the very first cut this is what we are hoping for when we're cutting these like Superior agates open wow didn't expect that from the inside I bet you and me both unbelievable oh my goodness all right let's cut another [Music] [Applause] so I was really really worried about this one because when I was looking at where to cut it right along here you can see that that's a fracture that's a pretty nasty fracture and I wanted to cut it this way all the way through and I just was like it's just gonna break off once I start cutting it and so I cut it at kind of what I would say for me and not very conventional cut but I'm kind of excited to see what happened we'll just do a little rinse we'll see see how it fared oh I I'm not at all disappointed with how that turned out oh my goodness look at that that's stunning I think that one worked out okay so I'm gonna cut these three right here this one has some great potential the coloring on this one is unbelievable that Limonite staining I do feel like this one's gonna be a moss so we'll see and not sure what is going on in this one so looks like there's some light bands right there let's get to cutting and find out [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] oh [Music] my God [Music] [Music] foreign let's get our Mr Heater off got it up to 52 degrees it's up from 34 from when we started let's check this agate out oh wow that looks almost I'm not gonna say full-on fragmented membrane that's just oh this is really beautiful maybe it is that is really really unique that is so cool we are having a lot of fun cutting open this one was wild so cool so we are actually cutting all of these for Daniel and I'm pretty sure he found most of these in the state of Minnesota which Lake Superior agates are actually the state gemstone of Minnesota pretty cool and we have let's see here one two three eight more to cut let's get going better get my heater back on so I don't freeze to death out here [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so I have snuck a peek at this Agate but something weird happened while we were cutting it a fractured piece of it literally popped out you can see that right there this is not cut that is just the fracture part of it just popped off so it tells you I mean you can see it there's a lot of beautiful bands inside that but check this out how beautiful is that and even though it's kind of a bummer that this fractured look at how beautiful this is we can round that off and polish it and if I'll be reaching out to Daniel if he wants me to I'll polish that one up for him so it's kind of a bummer when they fracture like that but look at that just popped right off crazy but I think that would look really great with a nice rounded face polish [Music] so we have six more Lake Superior agates to cut and these three right here I don't have the highest expectations for this one does look like it has some bands but they look super light so I mean I hope I'm wrong but this guy right here doesn't show a whole lot and same with this guy I mean it's got Limonite but right here looks pretty pretty cloudy so we're gonna cut these three to see if I'm I hope I'm wrong but we'll see if I'm right that I think it's kind of maybe more Duds and then these three I have high expectations for them we'll get to those after we cut these three [Music] I was right it is very very cloudy I mean it would be cool to polish that and get a really great look at what's going on in that That's Unique though all right the next one [Music] we'll get this last one here clean and see if I was right or wrong hope I was wrong oh I would say I am wrong this is beautiful gosh that is so pretty I love the way that that quartz looks wow that is really really cool glad I was wrong on that one so we're on to the last three this guy right here this one that I think I'm the most excited about and this guy right here so normally I would cut for surface area but because this pattern is right here I'm hoping that it goes all the way through and I think if you cut it through this way you could get a really beautiful face polish on it so that is what I am gonna do with this one I'm not gonna go for surface area I'm gonna go for that beautiful full pattern this guy gosh I don't know looks like right here I'm hoping it runs through that way so I'm going to cut it right down the middle there and this guy which is the one we're going to start off with hard to say probably gonna cut it right like that [Music] let's see what's going on oh yes that's so beautiful wow oh man agates are the best they're just the best in my opinion but yeah wow cool beans let's see let's see if I'm right about this pattern in the middle of this guy [Music] [Music] if you're wondering how long it takes to cut agates that took a minute and 35 to 45 seconds just shy two minutes I'm excited about this one nervous and excited what gosh look at that oh my gosh look at that see right here focus on right there see that it's got some Shadow Banning oh I want to polish this one real bad oh I bet that would be so pretty polished man that's I'm over the moon about these he's he's turned out so well I'm so thankful that these have turned out I mean they are what they are right but just think without the they're beautiful for Daniel because these are his and always happy when they turn out to be beautiful when you're cutting them it's permanent so oh I'm really really happy right now so let's let's peel the Band-Aid on this really gnarly beautiful nodule that I don't know if it was mine I probably wouldn't cut it but we're gonna cut it right here [Music] [Music] oh boy sad to see it be the last one but I man we cut through a ton of agates tonight so oh got A Sneak oh no oh boy all right let me just adjust this real quick oh so excited oh yes that is so sweet I mean it's got some fractures in there classic like Superior agate but if you look close right in here there's so much going on this would be another really fun one to polish wow that is so pretty absolutely beautiful bands inside that is awesome it's a great way to end all the cutting [Music] so we could open a ton of beautiful Lake Superior agats today and I had a ton of fun exposing all of those beautiful bands that were hiding inside for all those years I hope you all enjoyed this video thank you all so much for watching if you liked it leave a thumbs up and don't forget to share and comment thanks for watching bye
Channel: Agate Dad
Views: 367,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: agate dadli, agate, agates, lake superior agates, agate stones, agate rocks, gemstone, gemstones, minnesota, limonite, agate dad, lake superior agate, agate hunting, how to find agates, agate identification, agate stone, where to find agates, cutting agates, moss agate, lake superior agate hunting, north shore agates, gems, how to identify agates, minnesota agates, what is an agate, rockhounding, rock hunting, finding agates
Id: f6zW1takiH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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