Lets see what these geodes are hiding!

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[Music] hey guys so today we're going to cut open some geodes we asked y'all a few days ago in a short if you'd like to see us cut some up for video y'all said yes so guess what we're going to do it now we're going to do some of these larger geodes and some of these smaller little sugar geodes we're going to see what comes out of them I'm kind of interested in L large one here because it has what we call Rattlers in it and what Rattlers are is loose crystals on the inside of it it sounds like a little rattle whenever you shake it so what we're going to do we're going to get over to the salt and start cutting them we'll see you there all right so we're going to start with these little sugar geodes and then we're going to work our way up to the big ones so let's go ahead and get this turned on now it's about to get messy and dirty so I'm about to get covered in water forgive me but uh yeah let's go ahead and start this [Music] oh that's pretty Co right there I didn't expect that I didn't expect all that on the inside we good the frogs they're excited too we're going to get these cleaned up as soon as we get them in the house but I'm kind of liking what we're seeing already I hear you I agree frog I hear you pretty cool all right let's go ahead and continue with the rest of the small ones [Music] [Music] all right so now that we got the smaller ones done I want to go ahead and start cutting on some of these bigger ones but I want to go ahead and lay these smaller ones out so you can kind of get a look at them a little bit before we clean them up too so these are the little sugar geodes and I got to be honest this first one one I thought wasn't going to be great at all ended up probably being the best one I mean look at that little crystal structure in there it is pretty pretty so let's go ahead and get these set aside so we can clean them up and then we'll get a view on those but first let's get these big ones going all right so we're going to start with this this one and then we're going to move to the Rattler so let's go ahead start this one [Music] [Music] we're going have to crack that one open maybe a flathead get it in between there and start cracking it up in that way I saw just did not have enough to C all the way through it [Music] all right so both of these are going to need to get popped open so let's go ahead and pop these open so part of it already kind of broke off bummer but we're going to try to get the rest of this off there we go ain't that cool look at that man that's got a big old cluster in it too golly and here's the little Rattlers we were telling you about had the little loose ones that kind of rattle around in there so they make that little sound every there in there I like that one I like that one I think that one's going to be tough to beat ready mm all right here we go we about to crack it open now man that's that's actually a pretty big cluster M but I mean it kind of shoots into the mean area that's kind of weird but I like it I like this part I like that I like this part look like little caves in there but this looks like a like a scary cave all right so let's get all this stuff inside clean it up and then we'll kind of talk about what we s so we're back in the house and we're going to get a closer look at these stones but I got to tell you I'm pretty happy with the way some of these geodes turn out and we'll start with the most impressive smaller geode look at that there I mean I really love all the little crystals inside there uh I was not expecting this one to be probably the best one out of all of them uh it's just so shallow like you know there's a a lot of there's a big pocket for a lot of crystals in here and I'm just loving it this is another cool one just because all the crystal line structures in there I really like these like little pockets that are individual Pockets within you know I think it makes it a pretty unique stone and then let's show you the last three the little one I thought was going to be more impressive to be honest little one I thought was going to be most impressive because you the little ones have the Bigger Pockets in them from my experience so little little weird to doubt by that or not weird it out I'm a little uh disappointed by that while I got you here I want you to like share and subscribe it really helps the channel out and it helps us do some cool and more interesting projects with more and interesting geodes as well as cool and more and interesting lapidary stuff as well as jewelry too thank you and we'll get back to the video all right so here's the one that kind of broke into three look at here ain't that cool man look at all that crystals look at all those crystals in there and it's got quite a few Rattlers now I'm going to dump these Rattlers out on the table but that's just some of the Rattlers we heard inside of that geode so I'm really interested in this one I really like it it's I'm just I'm upset that it broke right here it's like H it could have been so much better if it didn't break but hey uh it still looks pretty cool I like it um tell me what you think about L I like the um the Deep Pockets yeah it looks like a canyon yeah like a snowy Canyon mhm by by exact words I was thinking yeah that's what it looks like it's really cool and then these crystallin little Crystal clusters yeah little Rattlers yeah all right so now we're going to do the last one which may be one of my favorites as well uh laur's favorites I think is for a little different reason I haven't really asked her but we'll see so this is the one that we did last and I like this one to be honest I like the way it looks I like that one side's pretty Canyon is and then the other side's got this little like Crystal Bridge that comes out and I really like those little holes in there um I think this one's the my favorite because from our cutting and smashing of geod you don't really see that little Bridge like crystal structure which I mean it just looks so cool tell us down in the comments below what do you think was your favorite one and why if you like this video might do some more who knows we can get some geod from different places get different kinds so it'll be a fun time thank you for watching and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Elegant Pebble Jewelry
Views: 2,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geodes, rockhounding, rocks, minerals, geode, rocks and minerals, cracking open geodes, crystals, cutting geodes, geode crystals, geology, lapidary, lapidary art, lapidary artist, opening a geode, geode rocks, gem
Id: 1XQA4VwOF-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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