Unveiling the Mysteries of the Mother Gum from Adventure Time

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one of the most mysterious pieces of lore from Adventure Time is the motherground an entity that gives birth to one of the most intriguing characters of this series and what if I told you we actually have a lot more information about the mother gum that you might not know over the course of this video I will dive into the mysteries of the mother gum I'm packing its lore and its significance throughout this series so let's get started but first if you're new here or have seen my content before please hit the Subscribe button if you like Adventure Time or just enjoy my content and the Subscribe button will be a huge support without any further Ado let's jump right to the fascinating lore of the mother room let's start with the very first time we see the mothergram and work our way up from there very first time we see her is an episode Simon and Marcy from season 5 episode 14. this is when we get a flashback to Marceline's early days with Simon as her protector she falls ill and Simon is determined to find some chicken noodle soup for her to make her feel better we need to get you some chicken soup on his quest he spots what he thinks might be a place to get some chicken noodle soup a food truck pink stuff yeah the pink stuff he climbs on that's the very first time we see the mother go how do we know that this pink goo is the motherground because later on in the episode after Simon has to resort to the crown to keep him and Marcy safe a can of chicken noodle soup and a can opener dropped to the ground who got the chicken noodle soup the camera pans up and it's the mother gum this time with a face who Smiles at Simon after giving him the chicken noodle soup I found chicken soup you're gonna feel awesome in a moment I'm just glad you're okay from the very first interaction we see with the mother gum it's a very positive interaction which is something to note down and I'll bring it up later as an explanation on how the mother gum even came to be but let's move on the next and the last time well maybe last time we see the mother gum is in the season 7 episode 1 titled Bonnie and Nettie you know this is the episode where Princess Bubblegum lost control of her kingdom after being outvoted by our citizens you do weeds and lost to the king of Finn and Jake's swore to protect the Candy Kingdom so they had to stay with the king of U and be his servants he finds a door labeled extreme danger and is too scared to open it so he tasks Finn and Jake to explore for him turns out it's just a family of expired banana guards I love you I love you too hey there's stairs back here but they go deeper and what they find is truly amazing it's a candy dragon look well what we now know to be Nettie king of Vu only wants to profit off of Neti button and Jake don't agree so they go see Princess Bubblegum about it the king of boo doesn't care and still wants to profit off of Nettie however he scares Neddy and Nettie flees The Candy Kingdom Finn and Jake catch up to Princess Bubblegum and after telling her she remembers oh no this is all my fault Eddie and gives us the backstory of her Nettie and the Mother Down strapping folks this is where things start getting good we finally get to see how Princess Bubblegum and Nettie were born in a flashback on their way back to Bonnie is seen falling from the ceiling of an abandoned building housing dumb mother go Nettie Falls next but he lands on a stalagmite and frightened and hurt squirms out of the building and into the wilderness coming across a tree in an open field and starts sucking its roots Bonnie shows up and tries to comfort him with the butterfly which only frightens him even more she then hugs him and clicks her tongue which causes a glow to emanate from both of them the scene zooms out to show that this field is the same one where the future Candy Kingdom will be built meanwhile in the present Nettie stumbles around in the wilderness and hides at a cave Bonnie tracks down Neddy to the cave using her bod Rod which is calibrating to their sister brother Bond she goes in alone and manages to calm Nettie down and lure him to sleep she then wraps him in a blanket and flies him back to his chamber in the Candy Castle he wakes up and begins to suck root by him means restoring the flow of candy juice to the kingdom this is the last time we hear about the mother go in the series itself more on that later this episode gives us a lot of important information that we need and can use to piece together a story for the mother God Princess Bubblegum and Nettie the first one and most obvious one being that Nettie is the sole reason the Candy Kingdom is deriving and Nettie was born from the mother gum meaning that the mother gum is the sole reason the zucchini kingdom is thriving yes Princess Bubblegum built up the Kingdom from the ground up but it's all centered around the tree in which Nettie resides if it weren't for Nettie or even if it weren't for the mother gone the Candy Kingdom wouldn't even be a thing now remember how I said that this was maybe the last time we see the mother gone well I wasn't lying we get a ton of lore and information about the mother drum in the Adventure Time explore the Dungeon Because I don't know video game this came as a huge surprise to me but this video game reveals pretty much exactly what happened to the mother gone the video game reveals that Princess Bubblegum locked the mother gum away in the dungeon of her newly constructed Kingdom to keep them safe after she was born from the motherground one thousand years later and one day several dangerous criminals suddenly escaped from the candy Kingdom's underground dungeons so Princess Bubblegum has her allies explore the Dungeon to find out what's going on eventually they discovered that the mother God has been locked up for centuries has seeped into the structure of the dungeon and weakened the doors allowing the prisoners to escape the Explorers find themselves forced to fight the mother gum and after the battle it is unable to remain bound as one entity the mother gum destabilizes and turns into bubbles and floats away the bubbles are yelling stuff like really bad as they drift away very sad but isn't that crazy all that time wondering about the mother gum when it's been in a game for over 10 years you might be wondering though is it Canon we know the comics aren't Canon so is this game cannon surprisingly it is I did a lot of research for this video and it seems that people have agreed that this game is indeed Canon this also might be what the bubbles are in the intro when we fly by The Candy Kingdom they aren't pink but they could be a remembrance of the mother gum blowing bubbles to remember pb's parents now you also might be asking we now know the middle and end of the mother gum Saga what about the start unfortunately we don't have any video games that reveal the lore this time this is where we strap on our imagination caps and start speculating but I think I might know but then again I might be wrong so leave your comments about it so if you remember way back to the start of the video where I say from the very first interaction we see with the mother gum it's a very positive interaction well this is it this time period is right after the whole mushroom conflict and the land is infested with losers these zombie-like creatures very obviously bad that got mutated from the whole mushroom conflict now I think the mother gum is just mutated like the users after all we see them coexisting in the same post-apocalyptic land of ooh but this time instead of standing for evil like the users very obviously do the mothergram stands for good and tries to balance out the oozer's back think back to the very first interaction we see with the mother gum it's helping out Simon and Marcy by giving them chicken noodle soup I don't think that that's just a random one-off thing to throw into this episode I think the creators put that in for a reason trying to show us that the mother gum started off as a mutation just like the oozers but stood for good instead of evil although you could say that Phoebe ended up being evil but that's a whole other can of worms that I'm not gonna open today and there you pretty much have the riveting tale of the mother Gump spanning from the cataclysmic post-mushroom conflict era through the rise of the Candy Kingdom to its eventual dispersion Into The Ether of the image time Universe you've explored her initial appearances dug into her cryptic appearances in the Imagine Time explore the Dungeon Because I don't know video game and even speculated about her mysterious origins in the applications of her actions now don't forget the essence of the mother gum although sometimes overshadowed resonates deeply within the Adventure Time Universe she's not just the origin of one of the key characters Princess Bubblegum but an embodiment of a powerful force of good amidst a turbulence it's these stories the undercurrents beneath the main plot that give a show like Adventure Time its Rich intricate World building and Lasting appeal now we might have traced The Narrative of the mother gum up to this point but in the world of Adventure Time every end could potentially be a new beginning whether it's in the form of subtle hints like the floating doubles in the intro or the prospects of uncovering War lore in the future content Spirit of the mother gum seems destined to continue permeating the universe so how's that for a tale of Epic Beginnings heroic survival and the never-ending cycle of stores if you've got any theories or comments I'd love to hear that did I get something wrong that I totally missed something please let me know let's keep this discussion going and before you go remember to smash the like button if you enjoyed our journey today and if you're new here or haven't done so yet please hit subscribe it supports the channel and ensures you won't miss out on any future lore Dives or episode analysis if you enjoyed this video you won't want to miss out on this video where I deep dive into the Forgotten best episode of Adventure Time what I uncover is truly fascinating and something you probably don't want to miss but as always my friends stay in that church
Channel: Paxw
Views: 268,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adventure time, mother gum, the mother gum, mother gum adventure time, adventure time mother gum, princess bubblegum, neddy, adventure time lore, pb origin, bonnie and neddy, adventure time analysis, candy kingdom, cartoon network, neddy adventure time, baby princess bubblegum, adventure time theory, princess bubblegum origin, pb adventure time, bonnie, princess bubblegum family, princess bubblegum's past, mother gum theory, mother gum origin, mother gum past
Id: 0bLbln-lqMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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