Before Fionna & Cake, Adventure Time's Lore is KEY (Part 1)

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one of the most mysterious pieces of lore from Adventure Time is the motherground an entity that gives birth to one of the most intriguing characters of this series and what if I told you we actually have a lot more information about the mother gum that you might not know over the course of this video I will dive into the mysteries of the mother gum I'm packing its lore and its significance throughout this series so let's get started but first if you're new here or have seen my content before please hit the Subscribe button if you like Adventure Time or just enjoy my content and the Subscribe button will be a huge support without any further Ado let's jump right to the fascinating lore of the mother room let's start with the very first time we see the mothergram and work our way up from there very first time we see her is an episode Simon and Marcy from season 5 episode 14. this is when we get a flashback to Marceline's early days with Simon as her protector she falls ill and Simon is determined to find some chicken noodle soup for her to make her feel better we need to get you some chicken soup on his quest he spots what he thinks might be a place to get some chicken noodle soup a food truck pink stuff yeah that pink stuff he climbs on that's the very first time we see the mother girl how do we know that this pink goo is the mother gown because later on in the episode after Simon has to resort to the crown to keep him and Marcy safe a can of chicken noodle soup and a can opener dropped to the ground who got the chicken noodle soup the camera pans up and it's the mother gum this time with a face who Smiles at Simon after giving him the chicken go soup I found chicken soup you're gonna feel awesome in a moment I'm just glad you're okay from the very first interaction we see with the mother gum it's a very positive interaction which is something to note down and I'll bring it up later as an explanation on how the mother gum even came to be but let's move on the next and the last time well maybe last time we see the mother gum is in the season 7 episode 1 titled Bonnie and Nettie you know this is the episode where Princess Bubblegum lost control of her kingdom after being outvoted by her citizens you do weeds and loss to the king of Finn and Jake's swore to protect the Candy Kingdom so they had to stay with the king of ooh and be his servants he finds a door labeled extreme danger and is too scared to open it so he tasks Finn and Jake to explore for him turns out it's just a family of expired banana guards I love you I love you too hey there's stairs back here but they go deeper and what they find is truly amazing it's a candy dragon look well what we now know to be Nettie king of who only wants to profit off of Nettie button and Jake don't agree so they go see Princess Bubblegum about it the king of who doesn't care and still wants to profit off of Nettie however he scares Neddy and Nettie flees the Candy Kingdom Finn and Jake catch up to Princess Bubblegum and after telling her she remembers oh no this is all my fault Eddie and gives us the backstory of her Nettie and the mother gum strapping folks this is where things start getting good we finally get to see how Princess Bubblegum and Nettie were born in a flashback on their way back to Bonnie is seen falling from the ceiling of an abandoned building housing dumb mother go Nettie Falls next but he lands on a stalagmite and frightened and hurt squirms out of the building and into the wilderness coming across a tree in an open field and starts sucking its roots Bonnie shows up and tries to comfort him with the butterfly which only frightens him even more she then hugs him and clicks her tongue which causes a glow to emanate from both of them the scene zooms out to show that this field is the same one where the future Candy Kingdom will be built meanwhile in the present Nettie stumbles around in the wilderness and hides at a cave Bonnie tracks down Neddy to the cave using her bod Rod which is calibrating to their sister brother Bond she goes in alone and manages to calm Neddy down and lure him to sleep she then wraps him in a blanket and flies him back to his chamber in the Candy Castle he wakes up and begins to suck root by him means restoring the flow of candy juice to the kingdom this is the last time we hear about the mother go in the series itself more on that later this episode gives us a lot of important information that we need and can use to piece together a story for the mother God Princess Bubblegum and Nettie the first one and most obvious one being that Nettie is the sole reason the Candy Kingdom is deriving and Nettie was born from the mother gum meaning that the mother gum is the sole reason the zucchini kingdom is thriving yes Princess Bubblegum built up the Kingdom from the ground up but it's all centered around the tree in which Nettie resides if it weren't for Nettie or even if it weren't for the mother gone the Candy Kingdom wouldn't even be a thing now remember how I said that this was maybe the last time we see the mother gone well I wasn't lying we get a ton of lore and information about the mother drum in the Adventure Time explore the Dungeon Because I don't know video game this came as a huge surprise to me but this video game reveals pretty much exactly what happened to the mother gone the video game reveals that Princess Bubblegum locked the mother gum away in the dungeon of her newly constructed Kingdom to keep them safe after she was born from the mother God one thousand years later and one day several dangerous criminals suddenly escaped from the candy Kingdom's underground dungeons so Princess Bubblegum has her allies explore the Dungeon to find out what's going on eventually they discovered that the mother God has been locked up for centuries has seeped into the structure of the dungeon and weakened the doors allowing the prisoners to escape the Explorers find themselves forced to fight the mother gum and after the battle it is unable to remain bound as one entity the mother gun destabilizes and turns into bubbles and floats away the bubbles are yelling stuff like really bad as they drift away very sad but isn't that crazy all that time wondering about the mother gum when it's been in a game for over 10 years you might be wondering though is it Canon we know the comics aren't Canon so is this game canon surprisingly it is I did a lot of research for this video and it seems that people have agreed that this game is indeed Canon this also might be what the bubbles are in the intro when we fly by The Candy Kingdom they aren't pink but they could be a remembrance of the mother gum blowing bubbles to remember pb's parents now you also might be asking we now know the middle and end of the mother gum Saga what about the start unfortunately we don't have any video games that reveal the lore this time this is where we strap on our imagination caps and start speculating but I think I might know but then again I might be wrong so leave your comments about it so if you remember way back to the start of the video where I say from the very first interaction we see with the mother gum it's a very positive interaction well this is it this time period is right after the whole mushroom conflict and the land is infested with losers these zombie-like creatures very obviously bad that got mutated from the whole mushroom conflict now I think the mother gum is just mutated like the uzus after all we see them co-existing in the same post-apocalyptic land of oop but this time instead of standing for evil like the users very obviously do the mothergram stands for good and tries to balance out the oozer's bat think back to the very first interaction we see with the mother gum it's helping out Simon and Marcy by giving them chicken noodle soup I don't think that that's just a random one-off thing to throw into this episode I think the creators put that in for a reason trying to show us that the mother gum started off as a mutation just like the oozers but stood for good instead of evil although you could say that BB ended up being evil but that's a whole other can of worms that I'm not gonna open today and there you pretty much have it the riveting tale of the mother Gump spanning from the cataclysmic post mushroom conflict era through the rise of the Candy Kingdom to its eventual dispersion Into The Ether of the veg time Universe you've explored her initial appearances dug into her cryptic appearances in the Imagine Time explore the Dungeon Because I don't know video game and even speculated about her mysterious origins in the locations of her actions now don't forget the essence of the mother gum although sometimes overshadowed resonates deeply within the Adventure Time Universe she's not just the origin of one of the key characters Princess Bubblegum but an embodiment of a powerful force of good amidst a turbulence it's these stories the undercurrents beneath the main plot that give a show like Adventure Time its Rich intricate World building and Lasting appeal now we might have traced The Narrative of the mother gum up to this point but in the world of Adventure Time every end could potentially be a new beginning whether it's in the form of subtle hints like the floating doubles in the intro or the prospects of uncovering more lore in the future content Spirit of the mother gum seems destined to continue permeating the universe so how's that for a tale of Epic Beginnings heroic survival and the never-ending cycle of stores if you've got any theories or comments I'd love to hear that did I get something wrong did I totally miss something please let me know let's keep this discussion going and before you go remember to smash the like button if you enjoyed our journey today and if you're new here or haven't done so yet please hit subscribe it supports the channel and ensures you won't miss out on any future lore Dives or episode analysis if you enjoyed this video you won't want to miss out on this video where I deep dive into the Forgotten best episode of Adventure Time what I uncover is truly fascinating and something you probably don't want to miss but as always my friends stay adventurous ever wondered who prismo's boss really is in Adventure Time now keep your pants on it might just be you but Embrace yourselves because I'm about to ruffle some feathers as we play the game of elimination with top contenders for prisma's Boss get ready for a shocker gold ain't the one called the shots for Prisma sounds a little wild right but hear me out let's rewind to when Marvel's got swiped by gold and our new magic man tries to play Genie by wishing her back with prisma's wish power prismo being the cool guy he is Grants it but hold up instead of Marvel's all we get was a trash bin rocking a basketball hoop now check out prismo's face he's as flabbergasted as the rest of us I mean if gold was truly the head honcho wouldn't Prisma know all about his boss's mystical Mojo and yet here he is scratching his head in confusion and then like a rerun he repeats the wish trick with Betty after Simon strolls in hoping to wish her back to life so so why does gulp get the boot from the boss's sea simply because prismo seems more puzzled by Gold's Powers than understanding and that's just not how you'd react if comb was really the Puppet Master pull in prismo strings right all right now let's move on to the cosmic owl hold on to your socks because this one's gonna be a doozy cosmic owl is it prismo's boss either yep you heard me right there's this major Buzz around the cosmic owl running the prismo show but there's this one mind-blowing scene that tells a different tell in my eyes let's dive head first into the sky hoax part 2 episode the grand finale of The Elements miniseries we've got Betty our resident schemer laying out her command master plan of using the Crown's power to time travel back and stop Simon from ever getting his hands on the darn Crown but wait there's more she's even dreaming of stopping the Mushroom War from happening cut the prismo in the cosmic owl just kicking back in the time room but when Betty drops her plan both of them look like they've seen a ghost with the cosmic owl even dropping his drink total shocker right I'm getting my bottom dollar that Adventure Time is throwing us a curveball here hinting that the cosmic owl and prismo are playing the same game level in terms of power and influence remember the first time we heard about prisma's boss was back in the crossover episode where prismo drops a bomb to Finn and Jake that if they don't fix the mess his boss is going to be super ticked fast forward to prismo and the cosmic owl reacting to Betty's plan to stop the Mushroom War their faces are just Priceless it's almost as if they're both fretting about the same boss worried that they're in for a rough time like in the crossover episode but now we're left with a cliffhanger if it ain't the cosmic owl then who is prismo's boss I've got two wild ideas brewing in my noggin that might just make some sense let's dive headfirst into Theory number one brace yourself this one's wilder than my grandpa on a Vespa prismo's boss might just be us the audience big leap how did I piece that together first let's hop in our time machines and head back to the Jake the Dog episode just to fill you in and make sure we're all on the same page let's get get a quick refresher so after the Lich masquerading as Billy Bamboozled thin and Jake into opening a portal to the time room he gets prismo to Grant him a wish the Total Wipeout of Life yikes to tackle this and then Jake had to throw in some wishes of their own but plot twist Finn's wish goes Haywire it lands him in a parallel universe where the mushroom bomb never went off all thanks to Simon petrikov freezing the bomb before it could hit the ground here's where it gets spicier than a jalapeno Simon's skeleton is just hanging out under the Frozen box crown and all like it's a day at the beach now Finn in a wild move to save his fam from the destiny gang snatches the crown and goes on a freezing bolt shooting power trip this however eventually does Kick the bomb off but here's where our Adventure Time creators made a wee bit of a goof the scene with a bomb going off again after being frozen still shows Simon petrikov sporting the crown but hold up that just can't be right because Finn swiped it off in the beginning so the Adventure Time masterminds patched up a little hiccup by spinning a whole new episode that episode crossover bet you didn't see that one coming this episode of folks is like a UFO site it's the one and only time we hear about prismo's elusive boss the crossover episode swoops in to save the day tidying up that tiny little snap move from the Jake the Dog episode but picture this our dudes Finn and Jake have just wiped the floor with the Lich and the farm will Dimension but hold up farmworld Finn still left clutching that crowd sending his brain on a wild goose chase seeing his doppelganger in distress our main Finn turns to prismo asking can you fix this mess because hey that Finn is technically him but stick with me here because it gets weirder prismo pulls some time you want me stuff he joins the crown from the farmwal dimension it's the rewind button on his timeline plunks it back on Simon's head before the bomb goes off and then wait when the bomb does explode it's scrubbed clean from Farm world's timeline and voila just like that they've patched up the original animation blunder from the first episode turning a mistake into a funky fresh backstory how Wild and unique is that so you're scratching your heads wondering why in the land of ooh would prismo's boss flip out over this well it all starts to click into place when you realize who prismo's boss really is none other than us the Die Hard viewers right we're technically calling the shots because we're tuning in we're soaking up every ounce of Adventure Time goodness now think about it if the show didn't have us the loyal audience well it'd be like a tree falling in the forest with no one to hear it right any goof any mix-up wouldn't mean a thing because there'd be no one around to catch it but because we're out here all eyes on the show any mistake especially a Whopper of an animation air could send the show's lore into a full-blown tailspin that's enough to get us the audience the big bosses a little hot under the collar and that folks is why prism was freaking out more than a cat at a dog show where the lifeblood of Adventure Time without the loyal fan base Adventure Time wouldn't be the Smashing hit it is probably wouldn't have sailed through 10 epic Seasons you see Prince was pulling a Sly One on US busting down the fourth wall he's got a vested interest in keeping us viewers hooked so Adventure Time Keeps on rolling because if the viewer account takes a nosedive if less folks are tuning in perceiving the show it might just fade into Oblivion leaving prismo and all the quirky citizens of Adventure Time and in the Lurch non-existent but maybe you don't quite agree with this Theory but no problem I've got another Ace on my sleeve that might just be the real deal so brace yourself with this one prismo's boss could actually be the big bad Cosmic imagination itself how's that for my mender now let's take a crazy dive into this wild idea so we know prismo's sweating buckets over the farmworld business because our boyfriend is hard at work building a portal to the Multiverse but here's the kicker Finn's knowledge of the Multiverse and the potential Fallout of such a portal is about as thin as a wet tissue paper and is fiddling around could end up wreaking havoc on the structure of all realities now this is where things get really trippy why would the total meltdown of these realities be such a big deal we know prismo's scared stiff about his boss laying the blame on him hinting that these realities gotta stay in one piece but what this is where the cosmic imagination Waltz in this enigmatic Force gets its fairy Mojo from the perception of others so if all these realities went poof and no one's left to give the universe a thought it would just disappear into non-existence and who goes with it prismo Finn Jake and all our favorite characters from Adventure Time and maybe this is why why prismo slips in that vital line and by proxy you all both will be in the dip too he's not just fretting about getting Candor catching Kate from his boss it's about the survival of the entire tapestry of existence that's a wild ride the cosmic imagination the big cheese that ties together and keeps all the realities chugging along based on what its inhabitants think and perceive when needy's perceptions to keep on trucking if these perceptions hit the skids well so does it leading to a Total Wipeout of everything so if you squint a little and maybe turn your head prismo's boss being the cosmic imagination starts to make as much sense as pineapple on Pizza controversial but some folks swear by it prismo's whole gig seems to be directly linked to the upkeep and survival of these realities if these realities start teetering on the edge it set off alarm bells for the cosmic imagination that's a one-way ticket to Danger down for prismo and all our Pals in the Adventure Time universe so we've uncovered who could be pulling prismo strings now here's where things Get Saucy we're gonna tie all this into the bigger picture of Adventure Time here's where our friend the prize ball Guardian struts onto this stage much like prismo's boss the prizable guardian might seem like a simple big guy on the outside but trust me there's a whole can of worms we're about to open you might be scratching your head thinking prize ball Guardian is this some new form of cryptocurrency no this ginormous dude might just hold some big time insights that could flip the way we understand Adventure Time on its head got your curiosity peaked well it should be if today's big reveal about prisma's boss blew your mind wait till you get a load of what we've dug up on the prize ball Guardian so strap in because we're about to plunge deeper into the rabbit hole oh boy strap in folks because we're diving head first into one of the wildest enigmas of Adventure Time the mind-boggling prize ball Guardian I mean seriously what's its deal why are there candy folks snoozing inside what's with the living quarters stashed in there it's like an endless Rabbit Hole of unanswered questions but hold your horses cause today we're gonna unravel this mystery before we start splashing around in the deep end let's rewind and have a gander at the few rare moments where the prize ball Guardian actually rocks up in the series first time we catch a glimpse of this bad boy is in the episode grebel's 1000 plus where it's showing off as this souped up tricked out version of the gumball Guardians and boy is it not just standing guard but also doubling as a mobile living quarters for the Candy Kingdom this hunk has a boxing Noggin packed with candy citizens all cozy and prized containers and that's how it scored its name prize ball Guardian it's Sky High Sports a dark pink getup and even totes a boomerang blaster on its waist take note it's always lone wolfing it's just our prize ball Guardian who comes to snag cuber mistaking him for starchy and there ain't nobody else in sight tuck that little piece of information away for later cause it's gonna be big also did you catch that when cubers scooped up and shuttled to the living area they Breeze past this indoor wreck area that's all dark and unused it's another curveball Throne into this crazy mystery folks and that is pretty much all the prize ball Guardian action we get in this episode other than the fact it goes Kaboom thanks to cuber's grebels going off like the 4th of July fireworks then we get another peep of our Guardian in the big old finale come along with me the Cameo short but sure me and Beth chirp off that the prize ball Guardians back in town which means they've caught sight of it before only this time it's rocking up with a souped up banana guard who's packing a jet pack a double Dome and a blaster now remember that piece of information I told you to tuck away about our Guardian not hanging with anybody else well folks this is where it pays off it sets up a timeline why the heck is that pimped out banana guard there because after Cuba turned the prize ball guardian and fireworks show with his grables it needed some extra muscle so Greg was 1000 plus lands before the series Grand Finale come along with me on our future timeline but hey that's about all what's served up and the actual series itself now it's high time we rolled up our sleeves and took a wild leap into some sweet sweet speculation let the theorizing begin kicking off with the big fat question that's been looming over us like a giant elephant why are all the candy peeps hold up inside the prize ball guardian and where the heck is Princess Bubblegum we'll strap in folks because I reckon I've got answer to these head scratchers first up where's our gal Princess Bubblegum what if I told you that we actually catch sight of her in the snazzy new intro sequence of the grand finale come along with me no kidding she's right there front and center in the very first moments did you catch it that's right those are her bubblegum pink mitts locked up behind those icy bars but how can I be so confident well the brains behind the show themselves have let slip that every Elemental gets a shout out in the new intro sequence and sure enough we catch sight of each and every Elemental in the intro patient same pims were right there at the very start still in deep freeze we see the new Fire and slime Elemental squaring off and the counter lump Elemental makes an appearance too but guess who we're missing the candy Elemental which means those pink hands we spot at the start have gotta belong to Princess Bubblegum Bingo next up we see someone's on the hunt board and who's this mystery someone you ask you guessed it folks it's our gal Marceline looks like Marceline and Princess Bubblegum are still kicking at a cool thousand years later which totally adds up but hold up how could we be so sure that's Marceline will buckle up because here's the Scoop first the thing that this person's writing is none other than the duck rock that popped up for the first and only time and the season 1's evicted episode you know who else made their debut in that same episode Bingo Marceline it's wildly strange that this minor character gets a call back in the finale's intro of all things second if you hit pause on the intro when the mysterious figure breezes by you'll spot that the telescope they're peeping through is engraved with two letters in M sitting on top of an a now who in this wild and Wacky World could possibly still be around it just so happens to have the initials M and A nailed it our Immortal lady Marceline abedir third and finally you'll notice that this person's all wrapped up in a baggy coat snow pants and Mittens from top to toe that's a get up only a vampire would need to rock out in the sunshine AKA our girl Marceline also the red boots that she's wearing is something that Marceline also wears in her debut episode evicted so if Princess Bubblegum and Marceline are still very much Alive and Kicking why is her kingdom all kinds of messed up and why the heck has she stashed all her subjects inside the prize ball Guardian presumably in some sort of cryostasis State well honestly it's not as wacky as you might think in fact we've seen this theme popping up again and again in Princess Bubblegum's life that overwhelming feeling of not being in control in the episode of varmints shines a big old spotlight on this in this Adventure Time episode we see Princess Bubblegum and Marceline team up to take down these pesky creatures known as varmints that are causing a whole load of trouble for pb's new digs a humble pumpkin patch but the juicy Center of this episode is pb's emotional meltdown dealing the sheer weight of everything she's lost she pours her heart out to Marceline confessing how her die-hard dedication to her kingdom led to her losing it all even driving away her nearest and dearest this emotional outpouring is a rare moment for PB and gives us a peek into the deeper layers of her character she's wrestling with the loss of her kingdom and her struggle to balance her Duty and her personal life this emotional heart to heart is a pivotal moment for Pb she doesn't just acknowledge her losses but she starts to see the lessons she can learn from them this opens the door for her relationship with Marceline to spark bathtub light marking a mega moment of growth for both of these characters I reckon that Princess Bubblegum talking her candy citizens away inside the prize ball Guardian was her way of finally nailing that tricky balance between her relationships and her royal duties I'm betting those living quarters we see are where PB and Marceline are living it up while also giving PB control over all her candy citizens because even though the living space is dark it doesn't really look abandoned in fact there are still books scattered around the room I've got a hunch that this was pb's master plan to finally get a handle on her kingdom while also keeping her bond with Marceline going strong so we've been doing some Noggin scratching and we reckon that Princess Bubblegum might have used the prize ball Guardian as a safety net for her kingdom but there's a bagel question still hanging in the air what was the Tipping Point Let's swivel our attention to a major Game Changer the ice Crown yeah you know the one that ancient doodad that turned the plain old Simon Patrick off into the wacky Ice King this ain't just some trinket it's a force that has shaped the entire Adventure Time Saga could the ice ground had set off this chain of events that led Princess Bubblegum to make her drastic decision what impact did it have on lose future timer alright folks let's get our adventure boots on we're about to take a deep dive into Howie icecrown changed Adventure Times history forever brace yourself as we unearth the ferocity story of this magical item and its effects on the land of ooh we've got more Mysteries to crack open so stick around but as always stay adventurous nice I love this classic looking sword for Finn surely he sticks with the sword for the entire series and doesn't switch it up at all right foreign oh boy let's talk about it our Epic Journey Begins With Finn's first weapon of choice the golden sword of battle also known as Scarlet this battle hardened blade has seen its fair share of action it's dented chipped and dirty giving it a rugged charm that matches Finn's adventurous Spirit its Hill is black adorned with worn leather grip straps and a red gemstone that shines like a beacon of courage in the Palm in the business Time episode the businessman after the perfectionists take it upon themselves to polish and sharpen the soap restoring it to its former glory it's a sight to behold isn't it but it's time in the Limelight is cut short in the real you when the sword now four-dimensional after passing through the bubble Creator causes an explosion and gets a loss in the cotton candy Forest this marks the end of Scarlet's run as Finn's trusty weapon and leaves spin without a sword until the Mystery Train episode during the Scarlet sword era Finn uses a plethora of swords that don't see the light of day or just one-off appearances but I feel like they deserve a Little Love in the episode it came from the night sphere Finn picks up the sword of the Dead from the grasslands wielding the sword he confronts Marceline's father Hudson abbotty who's using his gullet to trap The Souls of U in an epic battle fing uses the sword of the Dead to slice open the pods in abadier's Gold foreign the imprisoned Souls amid the chaos and reciting the Incarnation to open a portal to the nidosphere Finn drops the sword despite its brief appearance the sword of the Dead proves instrumental in Finn's quest in an episode titled slow love a different sword makes its appearance dubbed the aromatherapy sword it boasts pink jewel and a hilt pointed on both ends Finn is never seen wielding The Sword in battle but it proves it's might by effortlessly slicing his bed in half this pink jewel is more than just a decoration it is a scented oil diffuser capable of stunning opponents a sword of this sort reveals just how diverse and unexpected the world of Adventure Time can be but now with the golden sword lost in the cotton candy Forest Finn needed a new weapon to continue his adventures and the universe delivered just in time in the suspense-filled Mystery Train episode Vince stumbles upon his next trusty companion the root sword so named for its unique spiraling handle that resembles intertwined Roots this sword isn't just a visually striking it packs a punch too right off the bat Finn puts it to good use against the conductor this new weapon also proves its worth against the monster in belly of the Beast and even the Ice King in Mortal Recoil but the root sword isn't just for battling foes Finn stores it in a makeshift pocket on his backpack keeping it close at hand for whatever dangers might lie ahead and it's not just practical it's a sight to behold the blade is a slightly pinkish silvertone double-sided and well maintained save for a small chip that's a testament to its use in bad from root like helps we journey into a darker realm with our neck sword the demon Bloods uncovered in a dungeon left behind by Finn's father Joshua this weapon has a story as fascinating as its name suggests the demon blood sword at first Graces our screens in Dad's dungeon where Finn and Jake from ventured deep into their father's Labyrinth down at the end of their perliest Journey Finn discovers the sword encased in stone and with a mighty effort for reason he immediately puts it to use slaying the final monster of the dungeon the demon blood sword or simply no demon sword holds a special place in Finn and Jake's family history it was owned by their father Joshua and was the grand prize at the end of Joshua's dungeon we see Finn and Jake undertake this curlish journey in the episode of Dad's dungeon Joshua forged this remarkable weapon out of Demon blood a fact he shared in a holographic video for his sons but this sword has a Twist it's infused with demon blood causing the demon kios to make sporadic appearances pleading for the return of his blood banishing Kiev is a simple task though with the spell kiyoth Rama pancake written just behind the handles rapper I may have just summoned Kia I don't know the Blood Demon sword has proven its metal time and again an episode returned to the nidosphere it withstands Marceline's bloodmess Cloud blasts and in Vault of Bones it even shows immunity to fire Finn uses it heroically saving friends and vanquishing foes sadly the demon blood sword meets a tragic end in play day when Finn breaks it and releases the captive demon blood but not all hope is lost in the pit Finn tricks Kieth with a clever replica of the demon blood sword made from Frozen grape juice in Burlesque by Shelby leading to kiosk's demise from swords forged in Demon blood we now turn to the realm of the Mystic inorganic in the episode blade of grass Finn replaces the Fallen demon sword with a new unique weapon the grass sword for a mere three dollars Finn becomes the owner of the grass sword purchased from the grassy wizard but this sword like its predecessor holds a secret curse it starts following Finn around attempting to bind to its bot and Eerie trait that unnerves our hero but Finn ever the adventurer doesn't shy away he accepts the curse and in doing so gains greater control over the grass sword's abilities it's more than just a sword it becomes a part of him literally in a heart-stopping moment at the Citadel the grass sword makes the ultimate sacrifice to save in resulting in the loss of his right arm but life finds a way in Breezy Finn's arm grows back revealing a new grass arm underneath his skin possessing the same Powers as the grass sword in a shocking turn of events the grass sword takes control over the Finn sword giving birth to the character of fur I already know what you're saying the Finn sword we haven't covered that yet well that's next up so let's take a step back and look at a sword that briefly overlapped with the grass sword acquired in the episode is that you let's unveil the Finn sword replacing the grass sword at least for a while the Finn sword is a fascinating artifact this sword is born when Finn takes a step back in time to save his buddy prismo containing the spirit of his own alternate version the Finn sword doubles Finn's physical attributes making him even more formidable in battle and this isn't just for show in the dentist episode we see the Finn sword effortlessly slicing through giant worms proving its sharpness and durability ability but alas the Finn sword and the grass sword were destined to become one resulting in the creation of fur yet even in destruction the Finn sword lives on after Fern's demise and come along with me his remains transform into a seed in the shape of the Finn's sword planted by Finn and Jake this seed Sprouts into a new tree with a remade bin sword at its very top many years later shermy and Beth discover the sword a silent Testament to Finn's Legacy now let's dive in to Finn's next weapon of choice a more modest but equally effective blade amply named the small sword Finn first wields a small Sword and the episode do not harm using it in an attempt to wake Susan from her comb this blade Bears a striking resemblance through radaball's sword indicating it's a wrappier-like design the small sword features a remarkably thin blade designed for precision stabs but capable of delivering powerful slashes when needed after Fern's formation Finn had to part ways with the grass sword and fin sword leading him to adopt this compact Warrior Finn's consistent use of the small sword in subsequent episodes like elements suggest a new preference the small sword even gets a moment of Glory in the hands of sweet pea used to annihilate the farmworld lydges hand however all good things must come to an end and the small sword is no exception in a divisive battle with Rumbo the small sword suffers irreparable damage from the grand demon sword to the humble small sword then Story shows us this Size Doesn't determine Effectiveness and with that I'm eager to unveil the next sword in Finn's Journey last but certainly not least let's explore the dark and captivating world of the night sword crafted by the Adept Peppermint Butler and the marcian Hudson episode The Night sword is gifted to Finn as a safeguard against Princess Bubblegum's family this isn't your everyday blade however the night sword brims with potent dark magic straight from the nitosphere this exceptional blade is far more than meets the eye not only does it boast incredible durability but it also has the ability to Shackle and neutralize the powers of other piece but that's not all the night sword Harbors a demonic eyeball and Compass within it further setting it apart from the rest and the nice sword doesn't just fade away a millennium into the future we find it in the mighty hands of a giant bearded Sweet Pea we also spot a gray version of this sword earlier subtly foreshadowed in the background Cameo of the Treehouse from the Hubble Beginnings with the Scarlet sword to the potent dark magic of the knife sword Finn's journey is a testament to resilience adaptability and the unending pursuit of Justice every sword tells a story a reflection of Finn at different points in his life reminding us that it's not the weapon but the wield that truly matters I hope you all like this video thank you all so much for the support recently I don't want to get all emotional with you all but this has truly been my dream for such a long time and I'm so happy that I have a community of people that love talking about and discussing Adventure Time just like I do and truly I wouldn't be here without you all so thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart if you like this video please like And subscribe it helps so much but as always stay adventurous Finn's future is revealed in the distant lands episode's obsidian and together again and it's very tragic but that begs the question how did Finn get well it is confirmed that the episode obsidian only takes place a few years after the finale come along with me but we also wanted to keep it sort of about them now so it's like what their relationship would be like a couple years down the road let's keep a little context come along with me shows that PB and the kitten kingdom are getting ready to go to war with Cambodia it was made by pb's relatives nobody really wants them to go back to war so Finn ends up stopping just as everything seemed back to normal gold arrives after the little Showdown Betty fuses with gold and leaves therefore saving the land of ooh after that we get a nice cinematic showing all the residents of food going back to their normal lives the one where we really want to point out however is when Finn and Jake are lying on the beach then out of nowhere the humans from Hub Island make their Voyage back to the land of including Finn's mom and Nerf now this is the the last time we see Finn before his big reveal in obsidian so what happened better answer this question let's first detail Finn's appearance in obsidian after the dust had settled in the glass Kingdom Simon appears late to the party with a group of familiar and new faces including the banana guards Bronwyn and mostotably Finn Finn appears as a grown-up now taller matured facial hair reflecting the years that have passed since we last saw him in come along with me Finn along with Simon Brahman and the banana guards joins an ensuing celebration at the glass Kingdom you might have noticed that I didn't mention Finn's new tattoo of Jake across his chest well while we're on the subject of making a mark why not leave your own by hitting that subscribe button no ink required now about this intriguing tattoo it's the first clue that could point us in direction as to what happened to Finn During the period between come along with me and obsidian you're not gonna like this but Jake had died during this time or at least the creators are pretty heavily pointy now now why do I say this well I think uncivilized elk said it best Jake is dead I think that after Jake passed Finn got this tattoo to honor the memory of his brother those flowers around Jake are forget-me-nots and for me personally that was all I needed to know Jake's influence on Finn's life was Monumental and I know Finn would look back at that with utmost happiness you're a beautiful flower and I love to watch you grow I like to believe that he's pretty spot on with this the death of a close friend particularly someone as significant as Jake was to Finn would have undoubtedly left a profound impact on Finn probably had to navigate through grief and perhaps even a sense of loneliness after losing his best friend and a brother in the aftermath of Jake's suspect passing I reckon Finn would have sought Comfort among those who knew Jake best that's probably where common comes in considering the not so Rosy relationships Jake had with his kids they might not have been Finn's First Choice I'm gonna be frank here your son's a real-time jingle Blaster but as we all know Bronwyn and Jake had a pretty good relationship their relationship was forged in the Wheels episode and although the relationship was a bit Rocky at the start it ended amazingly making Brown when the perfect person for Finn to connect with in the face of grief they would have been able to lean on each other find comfort in shared memories and navigate their sorrow together I believe the presence of Bronwyn an obsidian is a hit towards this this shared Journey brings us to consider Finn's emotional stick in obsidian then appears to be content not brimming with happiness but also not birming with sadness but exhibiting a sense of contentment and maturity Batman's towel just blew off my bad Eh this Tranquility embodied in the tattoo of Jake and Finn's overall composed demeanor suggests Finn has gone through the stages of grief and has reached a point of acceptance now don't get me wrong this does not mean he's over the loss of Jay in fact far from it but rather he's learned to carry that loss to hold space for the sadness while also making room for Joy growth and new experiences just as Jake would want him to from the Spanish point we can see his contentment might also signify the strength of the relationships he's built since Jake's past his bond with Bronwyn for instance likely provides a sense of camaraderie and mutual understanding that's both comforting and healing all of this paints a picture of Finn not just surviving in the wake of tragedy but finding a way to thrive he's taken the Raw Deal life hand with him and grown from him finding peace in his journey and the circumstances of his life in other words fit has become the embodiment of resilience between the time of come along with me and obsidian but like the many layers of an onion The Narrative unfolds to reveal even more intricacies in the opening sequence of come along with me we spot a gray that looked like our marked Finn and Jermaine no mention of Jake this cast a Shadow of Doubt over the belief that Jake died before fit is this just a simple oversight or a subtle clue that the story might have played out different well actually I believe it's a lot more simple than you might think and I think Jake still died before Finn did remember back to the finale come along with me after Sherman and Beth 5 Finn's old prosthetic arm they take it to the king of U which is now bimo after they ask who this arm belonged to says yeah my best friend friends Fred name was Phil can you see where I'm getting at outlived both Finn and Jake and likely made those Graves for both of them and as we see in the finale often forgets Finn and Jake's names or at least Finn's name which is kind of sad but that could explain why it looks like it says Finn and Jermaine had simply just messed up the name of Jake or even mixed up Jake with his brother Jermaine not to mention is already an unreliable Storyteller and a very imaginative there are so many things pointing to the fact that probably just forgot Jake's name or mixed him up with Jermaine with this in mind it takes us to speculate Finn's post Jake life and what happened to him further into the future a bigger Revelation coming from the distant lands episode together again little spoiler warning if you haven't seen the episode yet but Finn's appearance and together again is a ravaged startling contrast to his previous content demeanor in obsidian decades have passed and we see an age Finn in a state of vivid hallucination revisiting a reimagined narrative from his pre-teen years filled with a mix of beloved characters and bizarre circumstances including a dramatic guilt-ridden moment where Jake melts into a grave marked r-i-p Jake a clear sign of Finn's unresolved feelings of guilt and sorrow the hallucination breaks and fitness revealed to be in the Land of the Dead surrounded by familiar older faces including Mr Fox at this point it's clear that Finn is not just visiting he has died probably of natural causes this Revelation however doesn't deter fit instead he's excited by the prospect of reuniting with Jake reflecting his enduring blood with his brother this very bond with Jake invites us to reconsider the hallucination that first ushers us into together again it serves as a portal into an essential facet avenge Journey his mental state given his seemingly indifferent acceptance of Jake's death as depicted in obsidian one might expect stoicism but and together again his guilt-ridden hallucination manifests a stark contrast suggesting a hidden depth of emotional turmoil likely tied to Jake's death this hallucination a distinct departure from Ben's usual steadfastness exposes a profound internal struggle that had been lurking beneath the surface reflecting on this New Perspective it's conceivable that as time passed from obsidian to together again Finn's grief transformed taking a darker path towards guilt perhaps he started to blame himself for Jake's death this is all speculation of course but it seems plausible that Jake may have died in the act of protecting Finn which is consistent with Jake's protective nature and deep love for his brother in the immediate aftermath Finn might have been able to rationalize it as Jake being a hero but as the years wore on it's likely that guilt crept didn't intensifying his grief and leading to the sorrowful hallucination we see in together again I'm not going to talk about the middle part of together again because you should really go watch it it is so good but I am going to be talking about the ending of together again so again spoiler warning with that out of the way Finn's future still awaits Finn and Jake eventually reunite and in the climatic moments of their journey in the Land of the Dead Finn and Jake confront new death after a conflict involving a Talisman in an appearance by the Lich the pair are in a position to potentially assume the mantle of death themselves the intervention of Mr Fox spares them from this fate as he manages to activate the kiss of light eliminating new death and taking on the role himself this climactic battle won they parted ways with loved ones including Josh Margaret Jermaine and Tiffany Finn opens up to Jake about his feelings following Jake's death Jake when you left I kind of freaked out it was the worst thing to ever happen to me but deep down I just kept waiting for the day I'd finally see you again deciding to reincarnate Finn sets off on a New Journey and after a moment of indecision Jake decides to join him with a final fist bump the two find themselves together again their future shirt me and Beth well maybe but only time will tell meet baby snaps later known as Princess cookie denied humiliated and dismissed for embracing his differences a dreamer with an unwavering Spirit he weathered through life's harsh realities fueled by one profound desire to spread joy and warmth like Princess Bubblegum but every aspiration Bears a great cause and Princess cookie was to pay heavily spiraling into a tragic Quest that leads him to a clip of Despair and Liberation his dream of being a princess would see a Candy Kingdom Rebellion hostage crisis and gut-wrenching sacrifices a tale of surreal dreams and poignant realities this is the tragic story of Princess cookie as a new arrival at the candy orphanage princess cookie then known as baby snaps felt an acute sense of displacement he was thrust into an unfamiliar environment filled with faces he did not recognize and Customs he did not understand despite the harsh realities of the orphanage his vivacious Spirit often expressed itself through dance an activity he loved and would often attempt to initiate among his fellow orphans however his attempts were met with the listless expressions of his new companions their own Spirit stampined by the harsh realities of their lives their lack of enthusiasm mirroring the pervasive sadness that filled the cracked walls of the candy orphanage it was the arrival of Princess Bubblegum that shifted the dynamic of the orphanage and in turn baby snaps his own aspirations the Whimsical Tales of magic and Imagination woven with compassion and red and her soothing voice opened up a new world for baby snaps a world Beyond The Cracked walls and depressing undertones of the orphanage it was a world filled with beauty Earth and most importantly ho Princess Bubblegum was at the center of this magic her radiant Aura and captivating presence were the embodiment of the Kingdom he'd only ever dreamed of she was like a beacon in a storm providing hope and warmth in an otherwise cold harsh reality her benevolent shown the writer than any Royal Crown could for baby snaps she was the epitome of everything he wanted to become her words anything your sweetheart desires echoed in his mind for the first time he saw a world of possibilities a world where he could transcend his circumstances the spark within him was kindled into a flame a flame that harbored a singular profound desire I want to be a princess like you he yearned to bring the same Joy warmth and hope to others that she had brought to him that fateful day fueled by this newfound aspiration he made a brave decision he told Princess Bubblegum about his desire to be a princess just like her I want to be a princess like you [Music] however his bold confession was met with stifled laughter to Princess Bubblegum the idea of a rough and tumble baby snaps aspiring to be a princess must have been seemed amusingly out of lace but the baby snaps her laughter was a crushing blow his Earnest wish was treated like a Joe his feelings dismissed with a simple lap this moment marked the beginning of baby snaps's crisis he was humiliated and hurt the very woman he admired the figure of kindness and hope he wanted to emulate had belittled his dream she had not only laughed at him but also at his deepest desire this was a betrayal he couldn't accept his admiration for her turned into resentment and his aspiration to be a princess grew into an obsession from that moment on he couldn't shake off the feeling of anger and betrayal he felt I got Duty Dawn as he put it and as the resentment bastard baby snaps started to morph into Princess cookie a figure who held a profound grudge against Princess Bubblegum believing that she just wants to home session for herself the one-time admiration had turned into a bitter rivalry his wish to emulate transformed into a consuming desire to take her position it was no longer about spreading happiness it was about proving her wrong years passed at the candy orphanage and as the children aged so did their challenges baby snaps now calling himself cookie found himself drawn to leadership roles he possessed a natural Charisma that his peers couldn't help but be drawn towards and as time went on the name baby snaps felt increasingly disconnected from these strong thoughtful individual he had become the once vibrant orphanage began to show its age and the children's Spirits followed Sue cookie grew increasingly disillusioned with the apathy that gripped his friends saddened by their resignation to a life of hopelessness he remembered the joy they experienced during Princess Bubblegum's visit a Beacon of Hope that briefly cut through their despair this memory became a source of inspiration for if Princess Bubblegum with her title and Crown could bring about such Joy then perhaps he could do the same after all Princess Bubblegum had once told him that he could be anything he desired the idea of becoming a princess and spreading Joy became an obsession for cookie the crown to him was a symbol of the power to change to uplift to inspire it was not about rule or authority it was about becoming a Beacon of Hope for their forgotten and the loss he dreamed of creating a kingdom where everyone would be free to be whoever they wanted to be without judgment or restriction however this idealistic dream seemed unreachable in the face of the reality cookie was surrounded by the combines of the candy orphanage became a microcosm of the larger world he saw as unjust and unkind the laughter that Princess Bubblegum had stifled when he announced his princess dream was an echo in his mind a constant reminder of the disbelief he had faced that day unable to contain his desire for Change and equality cookie finally decided to challenge the status quo he organized his Fellowship Blitz and led a rebellion against Princess Bubblegum demanding the princess's crown as a symbol of their new world Cookie's Act was not just an act of defiance against Princess Bubblegum but a bold proclamation of his belief and the possibility of a world where dreams aren't scoffed at but celebrated and where everyone can be whatever they aspire to be his Rebellion though marred with acts of Hostage shaking and violence was his desperate attempt to bring about change the crown became more than just an object it was a symbol of Hope and a beacon for those who felt lost much like cookie did all those years ago at the candy orphanage despite the DraStic and morally questionable actions he took Cookie's motivation remained rooted in a place of wanting to spread joy and acceptance a desire born from the depths of his past experiences and struggles across the chaos of the hostage crisis Jake Finn and Princess Bubblegum found themselves barricaded behind banana guards Princess Bubblegum had attempted negotiation with cookie how about I give you a big cowboy hat then will you let the hostages go yet koki remained Resolute only the crown would suffice amid the tension Jake proposed a daring plan he wished to disguise himself as a mailman a seemingly inconspicuous role that would allow him to move freely within the hostage-filled route however Princess Bubblegum echoing her earlier refusal to cookie dismissed his idea suggesting that he looked more like a Milkman Jake while reluctant agreed to her modification and with Finn playing a shadow the two set off on their covert operation as Jake talked with cookie he found a parallel between his own small disappointment and cookies deeply rooted frustration Princess Bubblegum's dismissal of Jake's initial idea echoed her refusal of Cookie's demand and Jake began to see the struggle of the Misunderstood cookie in a new light cookie was labeled a criminal but to Jake he was a tragic figure a victim of a harsh world that refused to see him for who he truly was as he looked into Cookie's teary eyes Jake saw the pain pain of being laughed at for wanting to be a princess of being unable to realize a dream because it didn't conform to societal expectations he felt a Pang of empathy a sharp contrast to the laughter and dismissive attitude cookie had received from Princess Bubblegum he realized then that koki wasn't a threat but a kindred spirit a soul longing for acceptance and respect and a chance to live his troop a resolve solidified within Jake a determination to help cookie realize his dream instead of seeing a criminal to be locked away Jake saw a fellow being that deserved a chance at happiness just like anybody else cookie looked at him with wide eyes the glimmer of hope reflecting in them for the first time a bond formed between them strengthened by empathy and understanding Jake was committed to his promise ready to challenge the preconceived notions of the Candy Kingdom for the sake of his new friend princess cookie the dark silhouette of Princess cookie and Jake astride him in the form of a stretchy horse tore through the night they were fleeing from The Candy Kingdom escaping towards a freedom that shimmered in the distance like a mirage Freedom was within their grasp it was as palpable as the cool wind that whipped across their faces a stark contrast to the stifling atmosphere they just escaped for a brief moment princess cookie had been able to forget the Grim reality of his existence the laughter exhilaration and sheer joy of the moment felt boring yet they resonated deep within his candy heart they galloped on suddenly looming ominously in front of them was the Steep clip of a ravine Jake didn't falter his unwavering confidence resonated in his declaration with a brave heart and unwavering faith in his abilities he continued to gallop towards the edge undeterred yet princess cookie couldn't match Jake's enthusiasm or Optimus fear welled up inside him his dreams his aspirations of Freedom all seemed to dissolve into a distant Echo what ensued was a chaos of panic and Desperation Jake Bell sending princess cookie hurtling towards the edge of the Ravine it was a heart-stopping moment a tangible manifestation of all the fears and uncertainty that had been looming over princess cookies candy coated heart as Jake scampered over the Grim reality of this situation was laid bare for both of them to see there at the edge of freedom and confinement stood princess cookie teetering on the edge of Despair and Liberation he knew that the pursuit of his dreams had come at a great cost a cost he was about to pay as he looked down at the gaping mob to Ravine his future was uncertain he could be captured and condemned to a life in the dungeon or fall into the abyss it was a heavy price one that he paid willingly he'd rather shatter into a million pieces than have his Spirit broken and dreams crushed with any confines of a dungeon and so he let go he let his candy body fall into the open air and embodiment of his ultimate sacrifice for the pursuit of his dream the sound of his fall reverberated through the canyon echoing in the hearts of All Those Who Bore witness she ended up Surviving the fall but not without paying a grave physical toll his body was shattered his candy formed broken but his Spirit his dream of being a princess remained intact for in his heart princess cookie knew that no dungeon could ever contain his dreams no fall could ever shatter his Spirit despite the broken pieces of his candy shell his dream remained unbroken although this wouldn't be the end of Princess Cookie's story in fact far from it but I think it's better if I just let this play out excuse me Your Highness egg special delivery from the grass Kingdom [Music] oh [Music] princess cookie or baby snaps as he used to be known has spent a lifetime grappling with projection feelings of inadequacy and the harsh reality of a dream that Society deemed laughable he was an outsider a character whose Ambitions dare to defy the roles defined by the society he was a part of but his return to the hospital was not a defeat it was a turning point the crown didn't transform him into a princess in the traditional sense no instead it gave princess cookie something far more powerful validation it signified that he had finally been accepted for who he wanted to be who he believed he was and the recognition from his peers cemented this newfound status his fellow inmates once sharing the same combines under similar circumstances now Look to Him with a sense of reverence they were no longer just patients they were his subjects and he their princess they bowed to him not out of fear or obligation just out of respect for his courage to embrace his true marking a significant shift in their perception this moment signified more than just a change in Princess Cookie's status it marked a change in his own self-perception he was no longer the child laughed after his dreams nor the hostage taker driven by his desperation he was a princess the embodiment of his deepest dreams and desires a Beacon of Hope to others in his situation a symbol of defiance against a world that it once refused to accept him so they all princess cookie his subjects Jay and the hospital remain the same in essence yet completely transformed they had undertaken a journey of acceptance not merely in terms of the society they were a part of but within themselves their understanding of identity Ambitions and the meetings of acceptance and respect were irreversibly changed ushering a new era in the Candy Kingdom mental hospital an era of acceptance self-discovery and the freedom to be oneself what if I told you that hangers were a key to unraveling a long hidden secret in Adventure Time a secret patient safe him her name alone is an icy gust of intrigue a deep dive into a story of power history and yes even hangers she's far from a mere background character from her Escape of a cataclysmic event teaching Princess Bubblegum the intricacies of her elemental power from a mere paper plane to her puzzling cameo in the come along with me intro so in today's video I'm going to navigate the lore and Mysteries surrounding patient Saint Pim how much of an impact does patient save him really have on the land of ooh and how do her actions really much set up all the events that take place in the finale stay to the end and you'll find out let's dive into the chilling lore and legend of patient Saint Pim but real quick if you're new here or I've seen my content before please hit the Subscribe button if you enjoy Adventure Time or my content hitting the Subscribe button means a whole lot I'll hold you any longer let's jump into the lore behind the mysterious patient Saint pin let's rewind back to her first appearance in season 8 episode 8 Elemental picture this the Ice King notorious is Princess kidnapper has shifted his interest to hangers that's right hangers odd isn't it they might wonder why hangers why now and just when you think things couldn't get any stranger we see a crack glowing mysteriously in the ground what could be in there let's dive in after a series of unexpected events a mysterious Force an intense digging session and the discovery of an ice chamber do you know what this extra square footage means when I decide to sell we are introduced to a woman who had been crafting models from the hangers inside a massive sphere of Ice and there she is patient say pin the ice Elemental making her grand debut in the most unexpected of ways what you think is just another wacky adventure time plot twist is actually the beginning of a storyline that will take us on a wild ride through Elemental history in the future of ooh now does that pique your interest it certainly should trust me when I say we are just scratching the surface of patient Saint pim's story imagine being frozen for a millennia waking up to find a world radically different from the one you knew what would you do this is the reality for patient Saint pin an old Elemental with powers that dwarf those of our familiar friend the ice skate when she wakes up her first move is startling and you guess what it is she demands the Ice King to lead her to the fire candy and slime Elementals but do you know where this I'm candy and fire dudes are Ice King complies revealing that they might be the very princesses we've grown to known Slime Princess Bubblegum inflamed princess shot patient forms a plan one that Finn and Jake would fight tooth and nail to stop but could they absolutely not in a chilling Display of Power she freezes Our Heroes in their dress then of course his Ice King into capturing the princesses we're kind of like a power couple get me those princesses you got it boss now bear with me as we delve into her elaborate scheme after Gathering up all the princesses Ice King returns to the ice kingdom and tries to free the captured princesses Black Veils only when patience thaws their upper body to they regain some burrito confused and shocked they listen to patience reveals the truth about their elemental powers powers they never knew they possessed does this surprise you I bet the princesses were probably more shocked than you are right now totally but how did patients come into this Frozen existence in the first place it's a tale as old as the world itself for eons and Millennia there have been embodiments of the four elements fire ice candy and slime patience a previous ice Elemental or saw a catastrophic event that would annihilate them her solution frees himself to survive the others disagreed choosing death over self-preservation but patients chose ice chose survival and all of you bit it this brings us to a puzzling question did the ice kingdom form around the place where she sank Frozen to the bottom of an ancient ocean what does her Frozen form wash up on the shore of what would become the Ice King I'm eager to hear your theories in the comments below now hold on to your seats because here comes the Cliffhanger as patience begins to demonstrate the princess's Newfound Powers bonabell tries to turn the tables her plan goes Ari but a seemingly insignificant Jelly Bean tilts the balance a slip a crash a splash of slime and the princesses are free even as the episode ends with the Ice King trying to help a trap Haitians she is still revealing her grand scheme to come whatever I don't need their approval I'm gonna start some crazy Biz man just watch this debut episode of patience State Pim sets up a storyline that promises to shake the foundations of who in this series as we know it from the get-go it's clear patience isn't all there in the mind a crucial detail that will play an important role in her future you're cool dialed in you know Furious to know more well let's delve into it shall we this little master plan of patient saint pims that I was talking about earlier is slowly revealed throughout the series we get the first glimpse of this master plan in season 8 episode 19. jelly beans have power imagine this PB green eyed With Envy as she struggles to grasp her elemental power the way Slime Princess does there's a slime and place for everything isn't it just like patient stuff and the Flames of pb's frustrations just when pb's curiosity is at its peak a paper plane flutters through her window a direct line of communication from patients to chadberry one of the first candy Elementals as we take a step back and focus on PB Guided by her dreams with chatsbury she learns how to harness her powers to maximize their potential isn't it fascinating how a seemingly mundane object a paper plane becomes the Catalyst for such a powerful transformation I'm walking in my own shoes meanwhile in the frosty Solitude of the ice kingdom patience is bidding her time we catch glimpses of her meticulously crafting her plan for the Elementals each move as calculated as a Chess Masters what exactly is she plotting the mystery is as enticing as it is elusive a dog threat dear viewers for all that will be revealed but patience like our masterminds name suggests is key all we needed was a little patience where her intricate plan takes us all the way to the series finale come along with me it time for the grand Revelation stick with me and let's find out remember the heartwarming moment when Finn discovers his mother you knew my mom you're just gonna drop that that emotional Epiphany propels Our Heroes Finn Jake bimo and Susan on an Epic Journey Across three islands and what we now know as the islands miniseries in Odyssey that culminates in a long-awaited mother-son reunion but hold on a minute let's hit the pause button on this voyage and we ride back to the land of why you ask because while Finn and his comrade sail the Seas who is spiraling into chaos in the shadows patience Saint pimp is brewing a storm a tempest born of an elemental purification spell I'm building a magic battery to power my Elemental purification spell cool yes that's right the grand plan her master stroke is finally coming to light but there's a catch Haitians doesn't have the power to cast this cataclysmic spell single-handed so off she goes on a wild goose chase searching for the missing piece to her power puzzle but to no avail or so she thing enter Betty the unsuspecting solution that patience is predicament Betty arrives at the Ice King's doorstep armed with a plan to jog his memory and remind him of his past as Simon hey do you want to go on a date with me tonight yes meet me at 8 o'clock at my magic man house alas her plan rumbles but From the Ashes of her failed attempt arise a newfound understanding she resolves to embrace Ice King for who he is and it seems like Betty is finally making some progress however her resolve is short-lived for patients recognizing Betty's untapped power seizes the opportunity she freezes Betty in her tracks ushering her into her secret lair beneath the ice kingdom as for Ice King he's left scratching his head wondering where did the weird lady Go patience though distracts him with the Simple Pleasures of a donut but wait the plot thickens unbeknownst to the oblivious Ice King patience ushers in the hypnotized Princess Bubblegum blame princess and Slime Princess as Ice King devours his treat patience initiates her long planned spell harnessing Betty's energy when Ice King lured by the desire for another donut I wonder if my roomie has any more of these so Donuts only one way to find out stumbles upon the scene patience swiftly dismisses him with Finn and Jake on their Maritime journey and Ice King hastily banished patience unopposed finally achieves her goal the casting of the elemental purification spell one might think that this is the end of patience's part in Adventure Time Saga bought dear viewers prepare for another twist in the tale did I mention that patience is Elemental purification spell was a smashing success well I might have been a tad too generous with the truth you see patience admits the spell worked too well instead of embracing their powers they were overrun by them I have distilled them into something monstrous imagine ooh divided into four distinct quadrants each ruled by a different element a different flavor of chaos Princess Bubblegum for instance morphs into a colossal gum Tower each Citizen's mind is a reflection of their quadrants element a map of sadness Envy anger or unending bliss now let's rewind to our intricate Trio Finn Jake and remember their Maritime Journey their return to U delivers a jolt of surprise what the heck happened to the tree house the land they knew and love is transformed beyond recognition its candy Visage a haunting testimony that patience is potent spell an unwelcome homecoming wouldn't you agree but determined to understand this madness they braved like Andy Tower of Princess Bubblegum but the journey is fraught with danger and Ice King must pull them to safety before bubblegum can convert them into candy not to be deterred Our Heroes set their sights on the ice quadrant patience is icy Abode their mission to rescue Betty the missing puzzle piece in patience's spell and wrets you my new pal weird lady as they tread the frosty pass of the ice domain they meet Carol once a cloud person now an eye statue but Carol snitches once they confront patients she expresses regret but offers no assistance narrowly escaping becoming a resident of the ice kingdom our Trio along with the Frozen Betty managed to escape their journey is a wild ride through the quadrants each step up brush with transformation with a thawed Betty and the collected crown jewels they hope to cast a counter spell but Betty as we know has other plans meanwhile patience witnesses her kingdom melting under the growing influence of Princess Bubblegum's expanding candy Empire watching her Frosty domain dissolve she takes the final step she freezes herself again hoping to wake up in a better world a thousand years later Mr Fox please roll me someplace safe and if you're not familiar with Adventure Time and you're wondering if whoever returns to its former glory it does thanks to lsp's anti-elemental Powers Finn and LSP activate these Powers effectively restore to its original state so all is good and now surely this time is the last time we see patient Saint Bim in the event time series right wrong what do you mean I'm wrong she appears again oh my goodness yes she appears again and not many people seem to notice it but she actually appears in the new come along with me intro did you see her let me play it one more time this time in slow motion right there she succeeded yet again in freezing herself for another thousand years now spoilers here for the finale but if it weren't for patient say pin the events that took place in the finale would have never happened not only did patients contribute to the start of the great gum conflict like casting her Elemental purification spell which led the Finn and LSP using lsp's anti-elemental powers the reversal which ultimately caused the effects of the dum-dum juice from 800 years ago prior to reverse as well which started the whole conflict between PB entertainment we get to the start of the great gum conflict but also the arrival of gold too Betty honestly seemed to be heading down the right path after realizing that she will probably never get her Simon back and starting to accept the Ice King for who he is but something changed when she was frozen and used for her power by patience her ultimate plan to reverse the spell was not to reverse a spell at all but time travel back in time to stop Simon from ever wearing the crown we know that this plan eventually failed thanks to Ice King and she's teleported to Mars to try and cure her Obsession for the Ice King and the madness put on her by Magic Man which leads to her ultimately learning nothing from that entire episode and devising a plan to finally save Simon from the crown and get Marvel's back for Kingman which leads us directly into the finale when they succeed in summoning gold if it weren't for patient Saint Pym or any of the actions that she took none of this would have happened she is directly responsible for pretty much everything that goes down in the finale and she even makes a one second appearance in the intro classic patience as we uncover more about patience we see a whirlwind of strata energy manipulation and pure survival Instinct with all our vapassity and eccentricity there's a calculating brain hidden behind the blizzards see any similarities between her and urgents Evergreen you know the ice Elemental millions of years ago two characters Bound by a formidable will to survive despite impending disaster coincidence or is there more to the frosty story it's interesting to note their individual past Evergreen racing against time to confront the Catalyst comment versus patience choosing to freeze herself to evade the mushroom conflict the irony in their names isn't lost on us urgents signifying urgency against time and patience and embodiment of enduring patience but let's not brush off the tragic undertone to patient's carrier she wakes up to a world that is alien compared to what she knew distorting it further with her Elemental purification spell yet her Victory feels empty power without the world she loved is it worth it witnessing patience's transformation is like watching an ice sculpture melt once vibrant and electric she grows quieter once methodical plans spiraling her icy Kingdom melts away before the advancing candy Empire Princess Bubblegum leaving patience in a deep chill of Despair and then comes a significant moment patience freezes herself yet again hoping to wake up to a better world a thousand years later it's a bleak testimony to her intense loneliness and disillusionment the jovial Lively character we first met is now a lonely figure choosing isolation over a world that has moved on having fed your War craving hunger still want to learn and uncover more mysteries about Adventure Time well do I have the perfect thing for you watch this video while I uncover all the Mysteries and lore surrounding the mother gum from its start to middle to end I reveal it all and what I uncover is truly amazing you won't want to miss it but if you found this video intriguing hit that like button and not subscribed yet please consider it's a massive boost for the chant but as always my friends stay adventurous ah the Moon looks so nice look how friendly she looks okay a little weird but surely that's just nothing right okay I was wrong this is the moon and her story is filled with mystique and lore the Moon is a vampire like Marceline and is a part of the vampire King's Court you know that one guy yeah that guy it's the moon's story is filled with things that are so weird and so hard to understand but that's why in this video I'm gonna tell her story then reveal all the lore and Mysteries surrounding the Moon while trying my very best to explain each and every little detail about her character but first if you're new here or just like Adventure Time Please Subscribe it means so much to me but without further Ado let's get into the video the moon's introduction to the series is short but sweet we see her along with the entire vampire King's Court formed from The Vampire extract that PB did to Marceline she's even playing the flu here how sweet however things would only get more strange and weird from here on out that's her voice after the vampire King's Court realized they are back after getting killed by Marceline they each go their separate ways instead of making a scene about it the moon silently Retreats towards the lake dropping Moon pearls as she leaves surely this is an aside of all the weird things that come with the moon right right after Marceline learns that all the vampires are back out in the land of ooh again this is really bad she makes it her mission to stop them all just like she did all those years ago however while fighting the Hyrule fans she gets slashed by him and therefore poisoned by him she falls ill almost lifeless but PB remembers that the mood has self-healing abilities so she sends Finn and Jake to look for when she says you guys take her back to the poison lab it sounds like you guys stake her back surely this won't come up later in the episode right but PB Marceline and pep but go to pep Hut's poison lab back at the Candy Kingdom this is where things start to get really weird cut to the forest Finn finds a moon Pearl Jake says it's gross but then thinks they're pretty gross I think they're pretty they follow the trail of moon pearls it leads to the moon's hiding spot in a boat they find the moon sleeping in a vase Jake very scared tries to stake the moon they wait while Jake thinks about the Moon exploding or something as it should for staking a vampire and then the stake sword comes right out of the moon's body she just healed that sword right out of her body the two are very surprised the moon didn't explode into dust after staking her but they wouldn't give up the two try frying the vampire in the sun it works but the moon heals her face nearly as fast as it burns while Jay thinks of a new way to kill her Finn tries taking her a bunch of different ways like what vonabell said wait you guys stay also keep in mind the moon just stays sleeping the entire time this is going on not a care in the world it's almost like she knows that they can't hurt her wait hold on but at this point Finn and Jake have been staking the moon for hours yes literally hours man we've been doing this for hours Finn says that it's weird that Bonnie wanted them to stake her back rather than taking her back when the two finally think about it they're still confused between you guys stake her back and you guys take her Finn just suggests that they do both Jake says that they should put her back in the vase as the sun goes down when the thing on her forehead Wiggles Jake panicks and puts the moon back in her face to sleep but she wakes up and hisses at them Finn being the daring hero that he is dares her to chase them what run so she does Finn rides on Jake's back and the moon chases them now this is where things start to get even more weird the moon keeps chasing Finn and Jake when Jake asks why Finn made her chase them Finn says that Marcy needs her healing which she does she is slowly dying by the second Finn sees the Moon running with many feet and very fast but he mentions that she's smiling right at him she's smiling right at me I don't need to play by play Man she's messing with us Finn realizes that the Moon is messing with them she's not catching up to them on purpose even though she very well could Finn asked Jake's to stop so we can talk to her Jake however is way too scared to slow down as you should but a good slap in the rear makes Jake slow down Finn starts saying some tough words to the Moon then she starts to speak in a deep voice [Music] Finn notices that she's talking about the real moon in the sky then the moon starts laughing with a horrific expression which causes Finn to get scared and Jake to run faster the kingdom Marceline has to wait two whole hours before petbutt's antidote kicks in while talking about ways to pass the time Jake busts through the wall with Finn and the Moon close behind Bonnie hides with Marcy in a hatch and locks it telling Finn and Jake to hold her off until Marcy wakes up they realize that the moon isn't trying to attack them just standing there so Finn uses his prime opportunity to attack however when Finn tries to stab her he suddenly collapses the moon hisses at Jake and he also collapses Finn tries to stop her by grabbing her ankle but just gets pulled along then even asked the banana guards to help but she melts the chocolate covering their tops the Moon is after Marceline and tries to open the hatch that PB and Marceline are in however it's locked the moon tries to pick the lock by just screaming Pig while fan goes back for his sword Bonnie slaps Marcy lightly and tells her to please wake up Marceline wakes up to the Moon picking the lock and opening the hatch yes just by screaming Pig did you just steal pigs at the Lock until it opened out of nowhere pet butt shoves a giant stake in the Moon from behind and shoves It Forward Marcy sucks the moon inside her and heals quickly falling asleep peacefully in Bonnie's arms let's start with the biggest question what is the moon now if you remember back to the start of the video I said that she was a vampire which is true but there are definitely a lot more deeper and more hidden meanings behind what the moon actually is the Moon from Adventure Time is not just a vampire but a symbol of mystery delusion and confusion her very existence ties into the Moon Tarot Card which represents fear anxiety subconscious and bewilder feelings and conditions she inflicts upon people around her now if you're familiar with the Adventure Time series you will know that tarot cards have been brought up before Jake's daughter Charlie is a skilled tarot card reader and has an understanding of how to read the future and see a person's essential nature through Mystic rituals but back to the moon the moon's mysterious powers include accelerated self-healing which makes her almost invincible and creating glowing pearls which seem to serve as a deliberate Trail for others to follow this connection to pearls further ties into the moon's traditional symbols as pearls have long been associated with lunar Beauty and mystery her peculiar dialogue and actions cause fear and disorientation in those who interact with her even when she's asleep her present seems to discombobulate those in her vicinity leading to miscommunications and misunderstandings like Finn and Jake literally tried staking her for hours making zero progress every time this could be seen as a passive defense mechanism on her part making it even harder for anyone trying to harm or kill her as seen by Finn and Jake moreover the moon's character is filled with dualities this is reflected in the classic Moon's tarot cards depiction of a dog and a wolf symbolizing the civilized and the wild the moon embodies this Duality with her seemingly tame Persona that can quickly shift into a feral state for example remember the very intro to this video she starts off seeming like a nice and calm character seen by just playing her flute along with her vampire Pals even as she sleeps in the vase she seems pretty calm and doesn't appear that threatening heck even when she first starts chasing Finn and Jake she's just running with a grin on her face purposely not catching up to them but remember that was at first all these moments show off for calm and tame persona but can still quickly transition to a feral and scary State as we can see when she talks to Finn and when she tries to kill Marceline the moon represents the mysterious depths of the subconscious and hidden realities that are yet to be understood which is best shown by the fever dreams Marceline has throughout the episode where the moon takes the main stage what do these dreams really mean and do they reveal anything about the moon or even Marceline Marceline's fever dreams are very telling of her subconscious fears desires and her relationship with others around her let me explain in the first Dream Marceline is knocking on the door of a home where Simon and Betty are making a pot she arrives looking fancy and holding flowers this dream seems to illustrate Marceline's longing for enormously familiar warmth and love a stark contrast to her vampire hunter life we even see in flashbacks the human's initial resentment against Marceline and I mean even Simon all these relationship Marceline makes eventually just crumbles away from her affection for Simon is well known as she regards him as a father figure from her early post-apocalyptic days the fact that she brings flowers might signify a desire for reconciliation or to express unspoken feelings in the second dream the scenery changes drastically Marceline is older singing a sad song Peppa is digging a gray and Bonnie Princess Bubblegum is taller this could represent Marceline's fear of death aging and isolation which are common themes throughout Adventure Time the fact that Marceline appears a lot older but PB doesn't might represent the fear that Marceline has about not being a vampire anymore after all her being a vampire is the only reason she is able to live for so long and without that she has to grow old while watching those around her not age at all Bonnie Marceline's inability to hear might symbolize a communication barrier between her and Bonnie but as the dream progresses it starts raining inside the cabin and a hand pops out of Bonnie's mouth this could signify a fear of being swallowed by her problems or perhaps internalized fears about Bonnie not being able to help her with the challenges she's facing then the cabin shakes and orange ooze starts dripping down the Walls revealing the full moon likely symbolizing the moon's influence and Marceline's fear regarding her the presence of the Moon and Marceline's dream signals its intrusive and Powerful influence over Marceline this could be symbolic of Marceline's own subconscious fears and anxieties as possibly unaddressed trauma regarding her past encounters with the vampires the moon's voice is heard as Marceline wakes up to the Moon opening the hatch this could reflect the blurring of lines between her subconscious fears and the reality of her current predicament emphasizing the Urgent threat that the moon presents Marceline's dreams hints at her internal struggles deep-seated fears and unexpressed desires they demonstrate the impact of the moon on our psyche underlying the mysterious unnerving power that the moon possesses this ties in with the overall theme of the Moon as a symbol of subconscious fears and unknown realities as her presence and Marceline's dreams triggers the surfacing of these hidden emotions and beers it's a complex nuanced relationship that showcases the depth of Marceline's character and the fascinating symbolism imbued in The Moon's character finally let's answer one more question and perhaps the most mysterious one and the one that you you might not have even known about remember back to the very first time we see the moon it's when the vampire king's court has a big dispute and each member goes off on their own way the Hyrule shape shifts into a warthog and leaves towards another Forest which ends up being where the hyrulefit Bites the Dust literally the empress says that she will build her own Army and leaves towards the ice kingdom which ends up being the place where she bites the dust however the moon silently Retreats towards a lake dropping Moon pearls as she leaves and if you remember Finn and Jake find her at this Lake but she isn't healed there unlike the other two vampires it's not until she arrives at the Candy Kingdom trying to get Marceline where she finally Bites the Dust why wasn't the moon killed at the place she retreated to like every other vampire did well the answer is that her motivations are less rooted in the quest for power or control and more aligned with observation and existence as evidenced by her primary ability being healing this passive orientation might be why she didn't base the same fate as the other vampires at the place she retreated to furthermore her enigmatic utterance could offer additional Insight this statement might imply a subtle guiding rule suggesting her influence on the paths of other characters like Ben and Jay traditionally the Moon is seen as a source of guidance and light amidst Darkness perhaps aligning with her role in The Narrative thus she might not directly confront her Destiny but instead indirectly steer others towards the outcomes she anticipates which could explain why she wasn't eliminated at her Retreat like the others there's also the possibility that the moon intentionally allowed Marceline to defeat her her final dialogue with Finn might reflect an acceptance of an inevitable end as an entity embodying mystery in the subconscious she might have had a profound subconscious awareness of her impending demise given her shared vampiric Origins with Marceline she might have felt a sense of connection that led her to accept her end in a different location and at Marceline's hands as for why she would allow Marceline to absorb her several theories can be suggested while still aligning with the question of her differing fate the moon might have sensed her impending and and chose to face it on her owners diverging from the other vampires her shared history and vampire nature with Marceline might have fostered a deeper empathy prompting her to decide her on it she might also have felt alienated in the world of U and believed that her powers could be better harnessed by Mars thereby choosing a different ending for herself but like everything related to the Moon in Adventure Time these are only interpretations the beauty of this character is her cryptic nature and how she fuels a continuous sense of intrigue and wonder in viewers Minds as much as we can try to dissect and understand her there will always be an element of her character just shrouded in Mr just like the real moon that shines in our sky and that's the mysterious story behind the Moon from Adventure Time but just like the moon there's another character with a captivating and enigmatic Aura someone who has equally baffled fans and stirred endless debates and that's none other than patient Saint pin ready to venture further into the Intriguing mysteries of Adventure Time let's uncover together the Enigma that is patient Saint Pim will unravel her Origins discover her deepest secrets and decipher the war that surrounds her I guarantee that by the end your perspective on Adventure Time will be utterly transformed so why wait click on this video to start this fascinating Journey right now but as always my friends stay adventurous
Channel: Paxw
Views: 1,028,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adventure time, adventure time lore, adventure time explained, adventure time theory, finn the human, jake the dog, finn and jake, princess bubblegum, pb, bonnie, prismo, prismos boss, prize ball gaurdian, gumball guardian, ice king, simon petrikov, fionna and cake
Id: iBv61q8OmbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 19sec (5059 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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