Unraveling the Strange Secrets Of Magic - Adventure Time

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let's talk about magic for those of you who do not know magic is a very powerful force within the Adventure Time Universe it's one of the most widespread things within the Adventure Time universe and even its Multiverse considering there are so many Cosmic beings who utilize now this might actually be one of the longest videos that I have ever actually made because there is so much to cover so go ahead and get yourself a snack and let's go ahead and get right into it the first thing that we have to cover is where exactly magic comes from and one of the weirdest things that you're gonna have to basically try to understand is that magic in itself is nothing you see the best way to basically understand the Adventure Time universe is that none of it is actually real but instead a dream with everything that is actually being seen entirely created by that particular individual as well as your own mind the original dreamer is the cosmic imagination who is at the head of every single event within the Adventure Time Universe thus every single thing that exists within the Adventure Time Universe first comes from his own thoughts and dreams gold the Catalyst comets the primordials the universe prismo everything that was created within the Adventure Time Universe has him to thank for it additionally I want to say this now because there was a lot of confusion within my kokantepi video is not the literal origin of magic but instead one of the first magic users to exist within ooh and due to the fact that he's a primordial who existed prior to the universe he had greater knowledge than any other Mage that we have ever actually seen the reason I bring this up is that people were basically misconstruing what I said and believing that he actually was the cosmic imagination and thus was above that of gold he is not and although he is incredibly powerful he is nowhere near to the same supreme power of that of the cosmic imagination however one of the main reasons why he was so powerful is due to the next thing that we have to discuss now in order to basically become a wizard you pretty much have to go over an incredibly interesting process of trying to mantle the cosmic imagination what this entails is basically trying to realize that everything around you including you is a dream and does not exist while still trying to maintain your own existence this obviously sounds incredibly difficult and that's because it is even the simplest of skills and spells take hundreds if not thousands of attempts before they actually work out properly and depending on the type of magic that you are attempting to use it could result in either your death blowing your limbs off or even rupturing all of reality itself now the reason kokantepi was so powerful was due to the fact that he literally predated the universe so he already knew that this entire thing wasn't real it was more of an illusion than anything to him he basically saw it as nothing more than a playground which allowed him to pretty much extend his magic to a much greater degree than any normal individual could possibly hope for it should also be factored in that magic is also entirely dependent on one's own potential and understanding of the universe because of this one's lineage and Cosmic importance matters a great deal in terms of how much magical power they can actually obtain for example bufo could never become as powerful as Peppermint Butler and Peppermint Butler may not be able to become as powerful as that of the Lich this is due to the fact that Peppermint Butler as well the Lich have much higher Cosmic importance in comparison to that of bufo with the Lich literally being the Incarnation of all evil and the death of all things he has a much higher potential rate for Magical use we also have to factor in the difference between normal magic as well as dark magic I do not believe that they are actually very different but instead one just simply has a very negative stigma due to what it actually does dark magic basically covers things such as necromancy dark packs as well as curses we've also seen that dark magic is significantly more powerful than normal magic and as such many Mages actively try to ban its use what exactly makes dark magic more powerful is unknown however whatever the case it has definitely been shown that it has a much higher potency than normal magic it's possible that that kind of magic simply is more powerful due to the fact that it typically takes from the user in exchange for the insane amounts of power but Peppermint Butler has found ways around these creating loopholes so that he doesn't have to deal with the various negative effects that his magic would ultimately cost him that being said dark magic or normal magic how powerful can someone actually become as a mage depending on their potential they can easily become one of the most dangerous things within the Adventure Time Universe pepper and Butler at his prime was more powerful than any other wizard within wizard city was able to destroy the entire city however we also have to factor in that someone like Evergreen was able to create a crown that had the ability to Grant almost any wish however it is clear that from non-cosmic beings one's magic abilities are clearly limited evergreen's Crown ultimately had the ability to Grant almost any wish however it did lack the power necessary in order to destroy as well as remove beings who are continuous constant like gold while the cosmic imagination himself would be able to completely erase gold if it ever decided to moving on to the next topic when it comes to Magic is the mushroom bomb a lot of people seem to be under the misconception that magic wouldn't exist within the land of ooh if the bomb had not been dropped this is somewhat true but also false at the same time due to exactly how the bomb affected the world one thing that needs to be said is that magic existed well before the bomb was dropped evergreen's Crown literally existed far before the bomb was even thought about showing that magic was still being utilized however the bomb ultimately had an incredible impact on the amount of magic within the world due to how it affected many of the people within its radius now I have an entire previous episode talking about the mushroom bomb but I'll give you a quick summary here the bomb was made up of various magical components including the very essence of the Lich when the bomb was dropped basically every single human and every single creature on ooh was mutated in a very unique way developing various magical abilities as well as new mutations altogether now obviously the devastation was horrifying however it did create more of a Renaissance period for magic users because now magic was simply much more common it was a combination of all of these various factors that made the land of ooh as magical as it is today however this ultimately comes up to another issue with how magic is perceived since we have already established that magic works by trying to mantle the cosmic imagination that leaves up a lot of interpretation of how certain types of magic function a good example of this would be Bella Noche and anti-magic anti-magic is weird because it literally allows someone to completely strip another individual of their magical capabilities but how exactly this works is never really expanded upon so I can't really say too much about it however I would like to mention that my personal headcanon is is that it pretty much reverts anything that it comes into contact with to its pre-imaginative state but that's just my head Cannon there's no way to really prove that however if we were to take that with a grain of salt we could say that someone is actually able to regain their powers even if they were to have lost them to someone like Bella Noche one thing we also have to mention is beings that are completely comprised of basically pure magical power a good example of this would be the Catalyst Comics as they are literal representations of aspects of the Multiverse we know that they're magical because Evergreen flowers stated that the Lich during his time as a comet was oozing evil magic I like to think that they are direct Heralds of the cosmic imagination in order to maintain the dream that he is currently having similar to how gold is also a necessary component of the universe including the fact that the Catalyst Comics including their incarnations all have a profound understanding of the universe this would actually fuel their magical abilities even further now I could obviously go over Cosmic beings who clearly utilize magic however I would rather keep that somewhat secret until they get their own personal videos just so I don't spoil anything major however there's another thing that I have to mention which is Magic's effect on the mind and body as mentioned by Betty every single magic user regardless of how they got their magical abilities possessed some form of sadness Madness or some other kind of trait although this could be the cause of the magic itself I don't think it is remember in order to utilize magic you must admit that every single thing around you is not real meaning no matter what kind of power you obtain you are alone no one else truly matters as you would imagine this would immediately lead to many people either losing their minds because they can't cope with the idea that they are alone and that the entire universe is meaningless or they become incredibly sad and depressed because they realize that they are alone in the universe is meaningless in fact it was this very thing that led to Magic Man to completely lose his mind so even though you have the ability to obtain incredible magical power you ultimately pay a massive cost of equal value in exchange for it well anyway that's all I have to say for this video I originally was actually going to put this video back into the polls however after seeing it shoot up to 40 on the vote again I actually decided to come back and finish it just because it was such a high runner-up also for anyone who actually managed to get this far into the video thank you for watching and also I realize that we've hit 3 000 subscribers and I just gotta say thank you all for watching and enjoying the content it really means a lot and I'll be sure to keep the content flowing as long as you guys keep enjoying so I'll see you guys in the next video be sure to like subscribe and go to my other social media platforms bye foreign [Music]
Channel: Local Enthusiast
Views: 292,716
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coconteppi, wizard city, distant lands, adventure time, ice king, the lich, primordials, orgalorg, peppermint butler, finn, jake, tv, golb, hunson abadeer, princess bubblegum, adventure time distant lands, adventure time magic
Id: xEZcRqol1dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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