The Story of Patience St. Pim Changed Adventure Time Forever

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what if I told you that hangers were a key to unraveling a long hidden secret in Adventure Time a secret patient Saint Pim her name alone is an icy gust of intrigue a deep dive into a story of power history and yes even hangers she's far from a mere background character from her Escape of a cataclysmic event teaching Princess Bubblegum the intricacies of her elemental power from a mere paper plane to her puzzling cameo in the come along with me intro so in today's video I'm going to navigate the lore and Mysteries surrounding patient Saint Pim how much of an impact does patient him really have on the land of ooh and how do her actions really much set up all the events that take place in the finale stay to the end and you'll find out let's dive into the chilling lore and legend of patient Saint pin but real quick if you're new here or I've seen my content before please hit the Subscribe button if you enjoy Adventure Time or my content hitting the Subscribe button means a whole lot of all Journey longer let's jump into the lore behind the mysterious patient Saint pin let's rewind back to her first appearance in season 8 episode 8 Elemental picture this the Ice King notorious princess kidnapper has shifted his interest to hangers that's right hangers odd isn't it they might wonder why hangers why now and just when you think things couldn't get any stranger we see a crack glowing mysteriously in the ground what could be in there let's dive in after a series of unexpected events a mysterious Force an intense digging session and the discovery of an ice chamber do you know what this extra square footage means when I decide to sell we are introduced to a woman who had been crafting models from the hangers inside a massive sphere of Ike's and there she is patient say pin the ice Elemental making her grand debut in the most unexpected of ways what you think is just another wacky adventure time plot twist is actually the beginning of a storyline that will take us on a wild ride through Elemental history and the future of ooh now does that pique your interest it certainly should trust me when I say we are just scratching the surface of patient Saint pim's story imagine being frozen for a millennium waking up to find a world radically different from the one you knew what would you do this is the reality for patient sape him an old Elemental with powers that dwarf those of our familiar Friendly Ice King when she wakes up her first move is startling can you guess what it is she demands the Ice King to lead her to the fire candy and slime Elementals but do you know where this slime candy and fire dudes are Ice King complies revealing that they might be the very princesses we've grown to known Slime Princess Bubblegum inflamed princess shot patient forms a plan one that Finn and Jake would fight tooth and nail to stop but could they absolutely not in a chilling Display of Power she freezes Our Heroes in their dress then cores is Ice King into capturing the princesses we're kind of like a power couple get me those princesses you got it boss now bear with me as we delve into her elaborate ski after Gathering up all the princesses Ice King returns to the ice kingdom and tries to free the captured princesses Black Veils only when patience thaws their upper body to they regain some burrito confused and shocked they listen to patience reveals the truth about their elemental powers powers they never knew they possessed does this surprise you I bet the princesses were probably more shocked than you are right now totally but how did patients come into this Frozen existence in the first place it's a tale as old as the world itself for eons and Millennia there have been embodiments of the four elements fire ice candy and slime patience a previous ice Elemental four saw a catastrophic event that would annihilate them her solution frees themselves to survive the others disagreed choosing death over self-preservation but patients chose ice chose survival and all of you bit it this brings us to a puzzling question did the ice kingdom form around the place where she sank Frozen to the bottom of an ancient ocean what is her Frozen form wash up on the shore of what would become the Ice King I'm eager to hear your theories in the comments below now hold on to your seats because here comes the Cliffhanger as patience begins to demonstrate the princess's Newfound Powers vonabell tries to turn the tables her plan goes Ari but a seemingly insignificant Jelly Bean tilts the balance a slip a crash a splash of slime and the princesses are free even as the episode ends with the Ice King trying to help a trap Haitians she is still revealing her grand scheme to come whatever I don't need their approval I'm gonna start some crazy Biz man just watch this debut episode of patience Saint Pim sets up a storyline that promises to shake the foundations of who in this series as we know it from the get-go it's clear patience isn't all there in the mind a crucial detail that will play an important role in her future you're cool dialed in you know Furious to know more well let's delve into it shall we this whole master plan of patient saint pims that I was talking about earlier is slowly revealed throughout the series we get the first glimpse of this master plan in season 8 episode 19. jelly beans have power imagine this PB green eyed With Envy as she struggles to grasp her elemental power the way Slime Princess does there's a slime and place for everything isn't it just like patient stuff and the Flames of pb's frustrations just when pb's curiosity is at its peak a paper plane flutters through her window a direct line of communication from patients to chadberry one of the first candy Elementals as we take a step back and focus on PB Guided by her dreams with chatsbury she learns how to harness her powers to maximize their potential isn't it fascinating how a seemingly mundane object a paper plane becomes the Catalyst for such a powerful transformation I'm walking in my own shoes meanwhile in the frosty Solitude of the ice kingdom patience is bidding her time we catch glimpses of her meticulously crafting her plan for the Elementals each move as calculated as a Chess Masters what exactly is she plotting the mystery is as enticing as it is elusive a dog threat dear viewers for all that will be revealed but patience like our masterminds name suggests is key all we needed was a little patience where her intricate plan takes us all the way to the series finale come along with me it time for the grand Revelation stick with me and let's find out remember the heartwarming moment when Finn discovers his mother you knew my mom you're just gonna drop that that emotional Epiphany propels Our Heroes Finn Jake and Susan on an Epic Journey Across three islands and what we now know as the islands miniseries in Odyssey that culminates on a long-awaited mother-son reunion but hold on a minute let's hit the pause button on this voyage and we ride back to the land of why you ask because while Finn and his comrades sail the Seas who is spiraling into chaos in the shadows patience Saint pimp is brewing a storm a tempest born of an elemental purification spell I'm building a magic battery to power my Elemental purification spell cool yes that's right the grand plan her master stroke is finally coming to light but there's a catch Haitians doesn't have the power to cast this cataclysmic spell single-handed so off she goes on a wild goose chase searching for the missing piece to her power puzzle but to no avail or so she think enter Betty the unsuspecting solution that patience is predicament Betty arrives at the Ice King's doorstep armed with a plan to jog his memory and remind him of his past as Simon hey do you want to go on a date with me tonight yes meet me at 8 o'clock at my magic man house alas her plan rumbles but From the Ashes of her failed attempt arise a newfound understanding she resolves to embrace Ice King for who he is and it seems like Betty is finally making some progress however her resolve is short-lived her patients recognizing Betty's untapped power seizes the opportunity she freezes Betty in her tracks ushering her into her secret lair beneath the ice kingdom as for Ice King he's left scratching his head wondering where did the weird lady Go patience though distracts him with the Simple Pleasures of a donut but wait the plot thickens unbeknownst to the oblivious Ice King patience ushers in the hypnotized Princess Bubblegum blame princess and Slime Princess as Ice King devours his treat patience initiates her long planned spell harnessing Betty's energy when Ice King lured by the desire for another donut I wonder if my roomie has any more of these so Donuts only one way to find out stumbles upon the scene patience swiftly dismisses him with Finn and Jake on their Maritime journey and Ice King hastily banished patience unopposed finally achieves her goal the casting of the elemental purification spell one might think that this is the end of patience's part in Adventure Time Saga bought dear viewers prepare for another twist in the tale did I mention that patience is Elemental purification spell was a smashing success well that might have been a tad too generous with the truth you see patience admits the spell worked too well instead of embracing their powers they were overrun by them I have distilled them into something monstrous imagine ooh divided into four distinct quadrants each ruled by a different element a different flavor of chaos Princess Bubblegum for instance morphs into a colossal gum Tower each Citizen's mind is a reflection of their quadrants element a map of sadness Envy anger or unending bliss now let's rewind to our intrapatrio Finn Jake and remember their Maritime Journey their return to ooh delivers a jolt of surprise what the heck happened to the tree house the land they knew and love is transformed beyond recognition its candy Visage a haunting testimony that patience is potent spell an unwelcome homecoming wouldn't you agree but determined to understand this madness they braved like Andy Tower of Princess Bubblegum but the journey is fraught with danger and Ice King must pull them to safety before bubblegum can convert them into candy not to be deterred Our Heroes set their sights on the ice quadrant patience is icy Abode their mission to rescue Betty the missing puzzle piece in patience's spell and wrets you my new pal weird lady as they tread the frosty pass of the ice domain they meet Carol once a cloud person now an eye statue but Carol snitches once they confront patients she expresses regret but offers no assistance narrowly escaping becoming a resident of the ice kingdom our Trio along with the Frozen Betty managed to escape their journey is a wild ride through the quadrants each step up brush with transformation with a thawed Betty and the collected crown jewels they hope to cast a counter spell but Betty as we know has other plans meanwhile patience witnesses her kingdom melting under the growing influence of Princess Bubblegum's expanding candy Empire watching her Frosty domain dissolve she takes the final step she freezes herself again hoping to wake up in a better world a thousand years later Mr Fox please roll me someplace safe and if you're not familiar with Adventure Time and you're wondering if whoever returns to its former glory it does thanks to lsp's anti-elemental Powers Finn and LSP activate these Powers effectively restore him to its original state so all is good and now surely this time is the last time we see patients say Bim in the event time series right wrong what do you mean I'm wrong she appears again oh my goodness yes she appears again and not many people seem to notice it but she actually appears in the new come along with me intro did you see her let me play it one more time this time in slow motion right there she succeeded yet again in freezing herself for another thousand years now spoilers here for the finale but if it weren't for patient say pin the events that took place in the finale would have never happened not only did patients contribute to the start of the great gum Conflict by casting her Elemental purification spell which led to Finn and LSP using lsp's anti-elemental powers the reversal which ultimately caused the effects of the dum-dum juice from 800 years ago prior to reverse as well which started the whole conflict between PD and her family weekend to the start of the great gum conflict but also the arrival of gold too Betty honestly seemed to be heading down the right path after realizing that she will probably never get her Simon back and starting to accept the Ice King for who he is but something changed when she was frozen and used for her power by patience her ultimate plan to reverse the spell was not to reverse the spell at all but time travel back in time to stop Simon from ever wearing the crown we know that this plan eventually failed thanks to Ice King and she's teleported to Mars to try and cure her Obsession for the Ice King and the madness put on her by Magic Man which leads to her ultimately learning nothing from that entire episode and devising a plan to finally save Simon from the crown and get Marvel's back for Kingman which leads us directly into the finale when they succeed in summoning gold if it weren't for patient Saint Pym or any of the actions that she took none of this would have happened she is directly responsible for pretty much everything that goes down in the finale and she even makes a one second appearance in the intro classic patience as we uncover more about patience we see a whirlwind of strata energy manipulation and pure survival Instinct with all our vapassity and eccentricity there's a calculating brain hidden behind the blizzards see any similarities between her and urgents Evergreen you know the ice Elemental millions of years ago two characters Bound by a formidable will to survive despite impending disaster coincidence or is there more to the frosty story it's interesting to note their individual past Evergreen racing against time to confront the Catalyst comment versus patience choosing to freeze herself to evade the mushroom conflict the irony in their names isn't lost on us urgents signifying urgency against time and patience and embodiment of enduring patience but let's not brush off the tragic undertone to patience's carrier she wakes up to a world that is alien compared to what she knew distorting it further with her Elemental purification spell yet her Victory feels empty power without the world she loved is it worth it witnessing patience's transformation is like watching an ice sculpture melt once vibrant and electric she grows quiet or once methodical plans spirally her icy Kingdom melts away before the advancing candy Empire Princess Bubblegum leaving patience in a deep chill of Despair and then comes a significant moment patience freezes herself yet again hoping to wake up to a better world a thousand years later it's a bleak testimony to her intense loneliness and disillusionment the jovial Lively character we first met is now a lonely figure choosing isolation over a world that has moved on having fed your War craving hunger still want to learn and uncover more mysteries about Adventure Time well do I have the perfect thing for you watch this video while I uncover all the Mysteries and lore surrounding the mother gum from its start to middle to end I reveal it all and what I uncover is truly amazing you won't want to miss it but if you found this video intriguing hit that like button and not subscribed yet please consider it's a massive boost for the channel but as always my friends stay adventurous
Channel: Paxw
Views: 19,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adventure time, patience st pim, patience st. pim, patience st pim adventure time, patience st. pim adventure time, adventure time patience st pim, ice king, adventure time lore, cartoon network, adventure time elements, adventure time elemental, adventure time history, adventure time explained, adventure time elementals, adventure time ice elemental, princess bubblegum vs patience st pim, patience st. pim's plan, urgence evergreen, elementals, elemental, come along with me
Id: N1zXjoui0Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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