Pterodactyl Game Panel Setup Tutorial Part 1 | Linux Guide

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how's it going everybody listen Dev here bringing you another tutorial video in today's video I'm going to be showing you how to set up pterodactyl panel uh basically what this is is a open source game server manager what it does is basically allows you to manage one or more servers uh with a wonderful web UI design uh rather than just controlling everything from the back end like how all my other tutorial videos are so to go ahead and get started what we need to do is SSH into our server all right so what we need to do is go ahead and log in as root if you aren't logged in as read already so in order to do that I'm just going to do Sue space Dash and I'll log me in as root after I put in the password for it and now I'm logged in those roots next thing I'm going to want to do is we're going to go to this website here is all the operating systems that pterodactyl will run on for example we got uh Ubuntu 18.04 20.04 and 22.04 and this particular tutorial I am going to be using 20.04 and once you're on this website don't worry I will have the link in the description for it below we're gonna copy this Command right here and we're going to paste it in here and hit enter now we have a couple options here uh for this tutorial I'm going to try to keep it as basic as possible I'm going to go ahead and assume that you only have one server so we're going to set up both panel and wings on the same server you can separate these but like I said I'm trying to keep it as basic as possible choose option number two and then hit enter for the database name I'm gonna be leaving most of this stuff as default so for database name panel we just find the username will be pterodactyl that's also just fine I am going to put in my own password and then for the time zone you put in whatever time zone that you're in I'm going to be in America slash Chicago and enter on that then for the let's encrypt password we're gonna uh just type I'm sorry for let's encrypt email just type in uh whatever email you want that to be assigned to and then the email address for the admin account in my case will be the same email and then the account name I'm gonna do uh Lucian and then the first animation uh last name was l uh whatever you want in these fields for the admin uh password I'll do my password now for the fqdn this is if you're setting up the uh like if you're setting up the panel to work on uh a domain name in our case I'm assuming we're not we don't have a website so if we're going to use the IP address so we're going to do the IP address of the server that we're currently installing everything on in my case it's a local uh server we're going to hit enter on that and then I'm going to want to automatically configure the firewall a little tip here if you are setting up a DNS for let's encrypt if you're using an IP address it won't let you set up let's encrypt which is totally fine because we don't need that's encrypt if we're just setting it up on the IP address like like we are now on the server however if you are doing a domain please use let's encrypt Run for the installation process uh for that we're not going to get into that in this video but we are going to want to configure the firewall someone hit y for yes and enter on that and then I'm going to hit Y again and enter on that to confirm all the settings uh up above and then we're going to let that run through all right here's asking us if we want to send anonymous data to pterodactyl in my case I'm going to do no if you want to feel free to do yes but once you uh type in the answer just hit enter okay now that we are here panel is uh installed next we need to install wings so I'm going to type in y for yes and hit enter and again for the firewall I do want to hit y for yes again as well uh configure user and configure user for the database y for that as well now this is to access the MySQL externally in most cases people running servers to typically do want to do this if you don't feel free to hit n for now in my case I'm going to hit y for yes then for the address I'm going to leave that blank this is to open up the port 4336 which is the default Port 3306 sorry which is the default port for MySQL again Locker yes on that username default pterodactyl user just fine password I am going to set my own password once again for this user and for let's encrypt um since I'm using an IP address I'm going to hit now if you are using a domain again you're going to want to hit Y for that but my case like I said I'm hitting n for now and then y to pursue with installation and as you see Wings is successfully installed to verify that we can type in sudo wings there's not a configuration set up right now but don't worry we will get to that so in order to get into that what we're going to do is open up our web browser here when you go to the IP address of our server and then here we're going to log in with the username and password that we use during the pin oscillation and then from here you'll want to go to admin then first thing we're going to do is set up a location I live in the United States and the server is located in the United States and then we'll click on nodes get create new for the node name feel free to call it whatever you want now for the QD fqdn since we did not set this up on our domain address we are going to use the IP address of the server and since you're using an IP address and a domain it's going to be a connection over HTTP and not SSL and then this is going to be for the amount of disk space and memory that this particular node has we're not going to get into multi-nodes you can't set up multiple nodes on multiple different servers whatever leaving this basically as possible so we'll say 20 000 megabytes which would be about 20 Gigabytes and 10 to 40 on the memory here which is 10 gigabytes Ram uh use whatever resources your server has available for the overallocation I'm going to hit zero on that and same thing with the disk base I'm going to leave the Daemon port and the SFTP Port default you can change them if you want but in my case there is no need to change them I'm going to go ahead create node then from here you can go ahead and set up your allocations if you want to which I will do right now myself so since the node in the panel on the same thing we're just going to type in the IP address that we're using and then the ports let's just use the Minecraft port at 25565 and then we're going to hit submit so now this is uh whenever you want to add servers you need to have these allocations for the port for each server which we'll get into in the next video once you got your Port set up if you set up forts you can skip this part if you want to important thing is is to go to configuration and then on the right you hit generate token we're gonna select all this copy it we're going to go back to our server here and we're going to paste it in I'm going to hit enter do systems um CTL start wings and then to make sure it's running we can do system CTL status links and as you see here it says active running so we'll have Ctrl C to close that out we can minus this now and then we're gonna hit OK on that and then if we go to nodes you see we have a green heartbeat indicating that it is online it's running and that's everything to do with setting up the panel and your first node in the next video I will show you guys how to set up your first server uh using Minecraft as an example that's going to be it for this video I appreciate you guys watching and I'll see you on the next
Channel: LucianDev
Views: 5,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Decimation Games, LucianDev, Pterodactyl Panel, game server management, server administration, game hosting, server control panel, game server setup, server management tutorial, Pterodactyl tutorial, game server panel, game server control, server configuration, server hosting, game server hosting, server management software, Pterodactyl Panel setup, server management guide, Pterodactyl Panel tutorial, game server control panel, game server setup tutorial
Id: 0J3xNT-lir0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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