How to Setup a CSGO Server on Ubuntu (Linux) 2023

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hi and welcome to the channel today we are doing a video on how to set up a csgo server on auntu Via SSH this request came from one of our viewers to make this video so let's get right into it before starting you need to know csgo is a very CPU intense game it takes a lot of calculations to do things when you're in game playay so wherever you install this csgo dedicated game server make sure it has a decent CPU the requirements before starting I assume you already have an unbuntu server uh you can connect to it via SSH then you're also going to need a steam account and the reason why you need a steam account with the CSO game because you're going to need a steam off ID token to actually get the game server to run um and I and I'll go into that as we continue so the first thing we're going to do is open up our SSH I like using putty so we're going to go and connect to it I know my SSH information is right here but to be honest by the time this video is posted all that information is is dead anyway so we're going to connect to it v s H and we're going to go ahead and run a simple update Command right now cuz we want to make sure our untu server is fully patched and updated so you're going to go ahead and run that command first and let's go ahead and uh as I paste the commands I'm going to put them right here so you can see that in the video and just letting us know it's going to use some storage when it does that update no problem we're going to hit yes I'm going to let this run in the background so we're going to continue back once this is done updating all right you can see we uh fully got everything updated now the next thing we want to do is reboot the system so we're going to put in our reboot command we're going to let the system reboot and also another thing to note is I do have win SCP here on the this other window um that's something that you probably want to download and install if you don't have it's just an easy utility to connect to something uh via SSH and then you can upload and transfer files very easily and you can edit files from there directly as well you're going to need this if you don't use Linux on a daily basis just going to let you edit files easily I mean you can use Nano and things like that if you're familiar with with Linux but let's go ahead and just use when SCP and get that installed as well while you're waiting for this to reboot so our next command here is going to allow us to enable uh the steam download so we're going to go enable those packages so hit yes to that going to let that download we're going to add this repository so that's been added then we need to add this Archer Tech here so it downloads the right version and then like I said let's go ahead and do another update check on that and let that run all right you can see everything's fully up to date so now we're going to go ahead and install the steam CMD so we're going to go and put that in and hit continue hit yes to that and let steam uh CMD come down so our next thing is going to be um our steam license agreement so when it installs it's going to ask you to agree to the terms of service so we're going to get agree hit okay on that so the next thing we're going to do is now add a user called CSO so we're going to put that command command in and like I said we're doing this because really for security reasons you don't want to have everything run under root so we're going to have it run under the csgo user so that's why we're creating that and the next thing we want to do is go into uh the csgo user so we're changing so we just went from root to the CSG go user now so now we're going to go ahead install CSG go so here's our next command and going to make this window a little bit bigger here so you can see that all and like I said this will be in the description of the video so don't freak out if you can't see it on the screen so we're going to put that in so now it's actually download it's actually updating uh steam CMD first then it's going to go ahead and start downloading uh csgo so steam CMD is now fully updated so now it's actually going to be reaching out and getting the csgo dedicated server files so that's going to be downloading now now this can take some time uh depending on your internet connection uh to the dedicated server wherever it's at if it's in the cloud or if it's at your your house um so like I said be patient this could take 15 30 minutes just really depends on I mean it's got to download like 25 gigs so um like I said just be some be patient let's let it uh download and then when it gets done we'll uh resume so actually while this is downloading we can go ahead and go to steam's website and we can actually get our off key or off uh login token really it's called so what you need to do is go to steam deev manage game servers once you get there to get to generate your your off ID you need actually need to log into your steam once you log in go back to that page and then you're going to have some options to add and I I'm not showing you uh that right now it's because when I log in you're going to see all my login tokens and you want to make sure you don't share that with anybody because if that dedicated server uh you know gets shut down or banned by steam they actually can remove that game from your uh Library so you got to be careful this is almost like a password you want to make sure you store it somewhere safe so that's what we need to do next go to this URL log in scroll to the very bottom of the page and then it says create a new game server account you're going to put in ID 730 for csgo and then hit create and it's going to give you like a random generated uh set of characters you're going to copy that and then we're going to put that in our command line for our next thing to get the CSO server actually running all right it took us some time but uh we're just finishing up so once it gets done downloaded now it's got a very ver ify the update make sure that it downloaded all the right files nothing's corrupted so now it's verifying all the files so like I said this will run for probably another 5 minutes and you'll be done I mean we're already at 10% um and then we're going to run our next command here which is this right here so this is basically just telling us that it's going in that directory it's uh executing the srcds and game CS go of course and then game type now this is where you change like the game mode um and things like that so I'm not going to get details with that um but you can change your map group here um your default map to start so we're going to just do d as our startup map so like I said set Steam account is that ID that we got from that steam uh game right I'm going to goe and paste mine in but of course this is going to get deleted after this video so it's not going to work so don't copy mine you're going to want to paste in yours so it's going to look something like this something very long random characters and all that so we're going to go and copy this and then once this gets done verified F we're going to paste this command in our SSH prompt here and then that's that's going to start a game server up and then we can see if we can join to it all right so it's fully verified those files if you get success app 740 fully installed you know you're good to go so it's going and rightclick that command that we just copied from here and we're going to to hit enter and see if it starts up our csgo server all right it fully loaded up as long as you see connected established for Server let's go ahead and load up our csgo instance and see if we can connect and keep in mind like I said you can use wi SCP get into this directory in the your csgo config and we already have a a server config file here so we're going Toad and edit this um and it's just got like our host name we can set um a password if we want to put on the server if we want bots on and off I mean this is where you would just change all your configurations we're going to ahead and pop that in there and we're actually going to um restart the server and then see if that config file loads up and look there's our server config and you can actually edit this file Direct ly so if you want to make changes you can just make a change here and then hit save and then actually saves right back into the terminal re-uploads the file and everything for you so it's a nice thing to use um and I mean you can use Nano and other things like that or VI to edit your files but I feel like if you're not a Linux user WIP is your best friend all right so now let's switch to csgo and we're going to use this connect command in console so we can connect directly to the server so if you just want to do connect the IP address of your uh dedicated server wherever it's at and then the port number there and let's get it connected all right we open up csgo we're going to go ahead and hit the key next to one and open up our console then we're going to paste in our Command here and then hit submit and see if we can get connected to our server it looks like it's loading up be patient uh it might take a little bit to connect but yeah you can see we're on Dust 2 so it looks like it's the right server yeah awesome all right let's just test it out make sure everything's working yeah and uh yeah and you can see the server name at the top right there hosted by ignite Pros you can see that's in there and you can see demo to which is what we modified that name to and yeah everything looks good we just added some bots on here so we could get some gameplay but yeah everything's working great so now we're in the back end and you can actually see everybody that's like just all the stats and the logs and everything so that's pretty cool now keep in mind if I close this s terminal out what do you think is going to happen is the server still going to run or not uh I think it's going to fail so let's go ahead and close close out of this and let's go back to csgo and you can see look connection warning so how Linux works is if you disconnect the SC tunnel it's going to stop running whatever is running right so if you want this to run forever let me show you a trick to do that all right so we're back in our terminal here we went ahead and logged in so now we're going to install something that's called TM so this is an open source terminal multiplexer I'm not going to get it get really involved into it but basically it's just going to allow you to have the csgo server running right now also one thing to note if you need to update the server you can create little batch files to to update them and things like that but what you can just do simply is just rerun this command again and this is basically going to go out there for that app it's going to see you already got the game server so it's going to verify the latest files with the files you have download the update verify it again and then you can obviously execute this command again to run the server again so let's go ahead and install this multiplexer so this is going to be our first command we're going going to install this go and hit yes and then now we'll be able to execute our server here again which before we do that we need to change our user so we're going to go to that csgo server that we created and then we're going to put in this command to start it and now we're and paste in that command execute the server now the server is running now you can actually close your terminal so if you close this out it'll still run in the background and like I said again if you want to update the server make sure you shut down the server and then we're going to run this command here to actually start that server so let's go ahead and close out of this terminal and go back into our csgo game and see if we can connect to the uh server so we're open up our handy dandy terminal here hit connect and hopefully we don't get an error message here and look at that it's connected to the server and we close that SSH terminal out now uh one thing to knowe if you are unable to connect to the csgo server right um then you might need to check the firewall rules or IP table rules in the auntu server now this auntu server is a fresh install there's nothing on it no firewalls no nothing so everything's just open um so that's one thing the check um I'll give you a list of commands to uh run if you do have a firewall uh enabled or tables I'll show you some commands that you can run to open up the ports but it's basically 27 015 TCP and UDP um now csgo wants you to have more ports open than that um but I feel like those two ports are good enough it's always work for me that's all I have to say if you're having issues then maybe open up all the ports they want you to open but those two ports TCP and UDP as long as you open them you're you're know you're good to go now if you want to uh kill the server and shut it down you can do it two different ways if you're already in SSH you can do contrl c and that'll actually execute the server shutdown or you can do this so what you're going to want to do is connect to it via SSH login as root and then we're going to run this command and this is going to show us all the running processes under user CS go right and you can see uh the one right here um srcds run so we're going to go and type in Kill and then we're going to put in that ID of that process hit enter and then we're going to rerun this to see what processes are running and if that one's still running actually we should have executed the 2715 so that should have ended both of them um but now your csgo server should be stopped so if we run it again you can see nothing is running uh csgo wise under that user anymore and your server is fully turned off so before I end this video I wanted to show you one last thing so if you do have firewalls uh enabled or anything you need to check uh and allow these uh two ports open now these are the rules if you're using the ufw built-in firewall with the moon Tu but if you're using IP tables or something else another different type of firewall then you just need to open up those ports right I'm not going to list those commands but uh these are ones for example if you're using the ufw and like I said this is cso's what steams like this is what they're saying what ports need to be open but I open up these two and everything works fine so if you're run into any other issues then you might need to open up these additional ports I just don't like opening up ports so that's just me like I said I hope this video was helpful you guys please leave any comments below like I said I'm not a Linux user um I kind of just doing this for uh one of our users on the channel um but like I said I hope this uh helps them out and I'll see you guys in the next video thanks
Channel: GreyTech
Views: 5,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: csgo server, how to setup a gaming server, setup a gaming csgo server, ubuntu gaming server, ubuntu csgo setup, install csgo on linux, install csgo on ubuntu
Id: 2WvkgRYvxJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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