Unturned, But There's Only Mega Zombies...

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what is up guys my name is comedy and today i have a brand new video where i'm going to be unturned but there is one problem there are only as you can see mega zombies on the map there are these flaming zombies these electric zombies and the stomping zombies [Music] and none of them are very nice and we're gonna try to win an unturn now you might be thinking before i get in there you might be thinking what do i mean by winning unturned because of course there is no ender dragon like minecraft so the goal of today is to be unturned as in win a horde beacon i already start off with a horde beacon i'm going to try to place this horde beat somewhere and win the horde beacon with only mega zombies can i do it i have no idea but i'm going to try my hardest unturned but only mega zombies let us try and get started and i cannot die boys not even once now i kind of already planned this out a little bit thank god there's no one in here and my plan first off is to get the fire fighter outfit that way the burning zombies will not affect me at all literally not one bit now sadly these axes aren't gonna do me any good because i'm literally not gonna be able to do any damage to these zombies at all literally not one piece of damage and if i get their attention i will die also i do start off with max skills i thought it's only fair i start off with max skills and i start off with a map of course as you can see i'm in stratford my goal is to get to the military base you might be thinking cometing why do you want to get to the military base well what's good about the military base is this is pei so the military base will drop babel strikes that is right mabel strikes the maple strikes is exactly what i want because with the maple strike i will be able to possibly kill all these zombies now i think my biggest threat are that kind of zombie right there that electric zombie because those zombies actually snipe they literally can hit you from like 10 000 feet away if they can see you they can hit you that is what's scary about those these things are kind of irrelevant to me now because their fire will not even hurt me i'll probably show that later on in the video and these stumpers aren't a huge concern of mine it's really all about the electric people and i am in this hospital because i do want to get some meds without of course being noticed meds are going to be good i should get a whole lot of cloth at the military location as you can see there's a lot of items i did increase the spawn rate once again i think it is only fair when i am by my oh goodness when i am by myself trying to win unturned when there's only mega zombies all right we have a whole lot of meds now also if you guys think that there is a better like kind of ending to unturned rather than just use a horde beacon please let me know because i do have some other things in the works where i need to have some sort of like some sort of goal some sort of ending of unturn so if you have that please let me know now i really want to just drive this out it'll be faster i'm just really scared of those electric zombies but i think i'm gonna yolo it and see what happens please wish me luck guys okay well this thing doesn't even have a battery that's great but this car is set up here we go boys oh okay they are stronger they are stronger i repeat i repeat i repeat they are stronger oh my goodness i did not think the mega zombie would be stronger than the car but it is it's all right though you see those you see that electric guy you saw how far that hit me well that sucks i use my dressing but at least i have rags still and as you see in the bottom we have a lot of meds so we'll be okay we're at the military location we should be good all right you know what i should have done i should have um got some kind of weapon so that i can cut down these trees so that i can just hop over this fence rather than going to the main entrance which is probably gonna be smothered with a bunch of zombies but we're gonna try anyways also i want to show off this firefighter so you see him at 100 he's gonna blow fire it doesn't affect not one bit does it affect me that is why these fire zombies now are really not a warrior mine at all the only worry is i guess the stompers somewhat and the electric ones this guy really still following me get a grip bro there you go he got over me now the main concern of all of this our biggest threat is gonna be just the health of the zombies in general the health is insane on these mega zombies so i'm gonna have to get so much ammo i honestly don't know if it's gonna be possible anyway so why i am here i'm gonna get a whole lot of ammo like this right here and a whole lot of clothes like that right there but i'm not going to even try to get that and sadly this is going to be a slow game at least for now until i can get a whole lot of ammo i'm going to start actually laying down because i believe i can get really close to them if i lay down there's some cool night vision a grenade i'll always take that and a whole lot of ammo boys look what i found you see it i see it i know you see it oh this is great all right we already got the gun we already have a good amount of ammo now i just need to find a whole lot of magazines so that way if i have a lot of magazines i can just reload real fast and we'll be good now sadly we're gonna be starting slow here because i do need to get a whole lot of loot and i think once i'm able to kill these mega zombies we should be good to go because these mega zombies drop i think like 20 different items you heard me right guys 20. i see another box in there i'm gonna get and i think i'm gonna try to kill these mega zombies so i can see how much ammo imma need for each one we'll do a little test and then maybe we can just get a bunch of items from these mega zombies we will see but i'm gonna get out of here a little sneaky i'm gonna salvage this and make this i know boys i am a sneaky guy i'm a sneaky guy holy crap right away they heard that jesus all right we're gonna try to get a zombie's attention so this guy right here okay well i missed somehow i don't know how but i just want to see how much ammo it's going to take for each zombie that is really what i need to know so i need to know how much ammo they'll chill bro so i know how much ammo i need to get because that is important okay well there's a little too many hopefully this guy stays still now as you can see i'm able to stun them okay it's a little okay that's not that is not terrible my friend that is not terrible that is possible for me i think i did make it so i can stun mega zombies um if you guys play unturned you probably know that that is usually not possible i made it that way though because i mean quite frankly if i didn't it'd be almost impossible anyways i got some ammo let's continue on killing a whole bunch of mega zombies guys all right well we're having some trouble here guys a little too much we got throwers we got flames i can't tell what's what okay that's better [Music] oh right now how much should i get oh please leave me alone bro [Music] oh okay this guy's stupid we're good how much did i get that is the question and oh my goodness okay i got a good amount of stuff i got a whole lot of grenades i'll take that vest so i can hold a little bit more ammo military barrel vertical grip [Music] all right guys things are going good for me oh look at this guys mre2 that is wonderful i kind of need that that's actually very good and let's just get a whole lot of ammo so that i can kill this guy as well oh hi you can't even hurt me bro oh okay well now you can i need to get i need i need more magazines that's what i need because i i have to do this way too often he is now dead though and he dropped me another magazine hey it's like the unturned gods are listening to me now anyways look how much dressings i have this is just beautiful i don't even need all these medicines i have all these dressings and what's also great is i have a whole lot of um grenades too and i have a good old mre which actually i might keep for later i do have some suppressors as well you know what i need to find an alice pack and maybe i will be able to find that but i think right now is the easy part and it's gonna get a whole lot harder guys i'm terrified for that i'm gonna try to kill this electric guy because these guys are the scary ones the electric ones those are the scary ones just kill up oh no there's a lecture guy that's what i'm scared of these electric guys oh no no no no no [Music] i can't see oh okay we gotta back up a little bit we gotta back up a little bit [Music] i told you those electric guys are so they're so strong i don't like it [Music] all right i killed him beautiful now i'm trying to do the math each zombie takes about what i'd say maybe 40 ammo shots um a horde beacon how many zombies are there maybe a hundred zombies guys i i i really i don't know exactly how much zombies are i've never calculated it um i could probably search but you know that's kind of cheating at this point this isn't good these electric guys are not something to mess with okay well that's actually oh gosh you crapper oh no there's a lecture guys i'm telling you they're not they're not something to mess with there's nothing i don't have any i have no more room what i need what i need badly is a um all right i'm gonna i'm oh no oh no oh no oh no oh my goodness i almost died right there replay it guys i actually almost i yo you still following me bro holy crap what we're gonna do is we're gonna try to kill him with this grenade let's see if it's possible can you chill that one went too far that one went too far stay still stay still none of them stayed still so that was um not the most fair did they just mess up the tree and that's just messed up oh no i'm bleeding okay time to back up back out i'm bleeding that's when it's time to back out bye-bye i don't think grenades are gonna be a feasible option so i think i am now done with using grenades good thing i don't have any more i think this guy is a little confused yo that guy's kind of confused too well it happens so wrong now i've spent a good amount of time at this military base now and honestly i'm not enjoying my time here i'd rather be somewhere else these military zombies are harder to kill and that is why i will not be doing my horde beacon here at least i think they're harder to kill maybe not i would think they are though because they have that helmet but i could be mistaken please all i need is an alice pack and i don't i don't think any of the zombies dropped it yet unless i'm just blind which you know is possible how did you get how did how do you know oh wow that one hurt that one hurt that one hurt oh no oh no oh no oh no guys this isn't good this is not good this is not good [Music] we should be okay we should be okay we're chilling we're chilling we're chilling i need that military knife okay all right we're chilling guys we're chilling actually that's good i got all their attention can you stop can you stop guys i have a new plan is it gonna work i have no idea but i'm gonna try [Music] have a mercy on my soul thank the heavens i finally got a ballast pack i've been doing this for a while guys killing and hoping that i get something worthwhile looks like finally i did and now i can hold a lot more stuff a whole lot more stuff all right now you might have been able to tell from that little little montage that i did i'm setting up some crates so that i can have some extra ammo in that town because honestly i think that is what is going to be needed because if i don't do that i think i'm actually going to be screwed am i going to be able to do this honestly i don't know i still have all these magazines to fill up i have a whole lot of magazines as you can tell but now i have no more boxes i need to try to get as much boxes as i can and hope that i have enough ammo will i i have no idea and on top of that it's gonna be hard boys that's all i have to say it's gonna be hard but don't think this guy can't do it because damn nabbit he can so i'm gonna continue killing more mega zombies and i'll let you know in a little bit how it's going oh thank god i thought it was dead thank goodness we're good they're all in one place now now um since that just happened now you know what i was trying to do um i think i am giving up on that now as you can see they literally just demolished it in one go my plan was to make a bunch of plates all around their roofs but i don't think that is gonna happen regardless before i die of starvation or hydration i need to really finish this word beacon so this is what i have right now i mean you kind of caught me in a bad timing so now i don't really look very prepared but trust me i am so what i was trying to do right there was figure out a way to get rid of these electric zombies let me explain to you these flaming zombies i have a firefighter outfit no big deal these stomping zombies right here that look like nothing they stomp and it has a little ripple effect on the ground as you probably saw earlier well as long as i jump a lot honestly it's not really going to hurt as much i don't think i think it will still affect me somewhat but not entirely but what i need to worry about the most is those shocking zombies those those things snipe and those things hurt and the only way to really let them not shock you and not strike you basically is to get cover so i was going to go from roof to roof to try to snipe off those electric zombies and go from there well now that is not happening so i guess we'll just see what happens without having to do that anyways so as you can see this is what i have a whole lot of magazines a whole lot and now i'm missing one sadly but i'll be okay as you can see i also have a whole lot of ammunition crates a whole lot a whole lot um is that going to be enough guys i really hope so but i really have no idea now i'm missing another one because i just had to reload all of my guns i'm not looking the best here i honestly don't think this is going to be enough because i mean we can do the math now guys i have 52 magazines and each magazine about one and a half magazines to kill a mega zombie i mean basically it says we can only kill 35 zombies with what i have granted i do have some more boxes i mean all these boxes combined can probably fill maybe probably only about half of these sadly so honestly i don't think i'm only gonna be able to beat about 50 zombies i mean granted yeah maybe i could have grinded more but i really want to see how close i can get with this my guess i will not win we have to try anyways now another thing i have to worry about is if they destroy this horde beacon okay i'm gonna put it right here i think it's still in zone well guys here we go let's see if i can do it i am terrified three two one hey there i have something to tell you guys all right so real quick i have a couple things to say a couple things i want to mention first things first i do have a true survival server as you guys probably know but it just got wiped yes that is right we're now going to be on california map the beautiful california map make sure to join that is going to be wiping on valentine's day the ip report is in my discord link in the description below join it check it out i'll be streaming in the next couple days as well now there's one more thing i want to say i actually made a patreon now this isn't something i'm going to be talking about a lot because you know it's a patreon i don't want to talk about it too much but if you guys do want to check it out the link is in the description below feel free to check it out if you want it is going to be able to help me help my youtube videos and mostly to help my beautiful unturned servers because i'm trying to make more true survival servers possibly some semi-rp servers we will see what happens regardless check the patreon out if you want but more importantly check out my discord and check out the true survival server on valentine's day boys take your valentine check out the server thanks for watching make sure to subscribe like now let's see if my future self can defeat these mega zombies today i can do a zombie huh do you think so okay okay okay chill though okay but that's not nice [Music] let's see if i can do it i am terrified three two one all right mega zombies are initiated oh god all right i don't even know if i have enough dressing for this guys i really don't have that many dressings oh gosh okay okay okay okay okay okay oh well that just hurt my feelings i basically that's just two hours two hours wasted guys that was terrible okay well i don't want to end it like that wait let's try let's try to do one more guys okay i'm running straight up here okay what's happening okay all right we're gonna try this one more time guys wish me luck okay okay okay okay okay okay okay i need to heal under here i need to heal i need to heal i need to heal i need to heal me all right guys after seeing that i don't think this is possible that was so incredibly hard i do not think this is actually possible to do because once you put down that horde begin every single zombie in the town goes after you so there's probably like at least 20 zombies at once going after me that electric shock is just too much sadly unturned but with mega zombies only is actually impossible anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this video i will be doing more unturned butts um right around the corner like i said if horde beacon isn't the best goal let me know what you guys think the best goal is um unturned but mega zombie only is impossible when it comes to hoard beacons only maybe i will change it up and do something else as time goes on regardless i hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure like if you enjoy subscribe if you are new new videos coming around the corner i actually have really good ideas when it comes to having an end goal and unturned you guys have to wait and see i have some things cooking up boys i have some things cooking up anyways my name is coming out of here until next time i'll see you later boys [Music] you
Channel: Kameding
Views: 26,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LsldmkbvD4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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