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[Music] what is up guys my name is coming in today after you guys a brand new video of Base building how to build an unreadable Bates now this isn't my normal base building video because I'm not showing you a complete base at all I'm showing you different examples of what you could add to your own base so basically this can be used in many different settings but I'm going to show you all the different examples I have and basically show how overpowered it is now when I show you all of this is gonna be taking a lot of metal and I'm sure a lot of you guys gonna say that is impossible to even get that much metal but at the end of this video I'll show you a good way to be able to get metal fast so just like I said disclaimer this is gonna take a lot of metal why I'm doing this little unreadable based tactic examples that I'm showing you right now right onto the other side of this wall is because I'm thinking of bringing back my vanilla server if you didn't know I used to have a vanilla unturned server called true survival I want to bring it back for you guys as long as you guys want me to I asked my discord if you wanted to join the discord link in the description below I asked them if they want it back many people said yes so I'm wondering people who aren't in my discord do you want me to bring back another vanilla server if you do want me to bring back the server hit that like button down there comment down below maybe hit that subscribe button if you want to and also vote in the poll right there do you want your ever come back yes or no I'm welcome to bring back the vanilla server but I want to ask you guys first anyways let's get on to these base building o-p tactics now first things first before show you all of these tactics I'm gonna first show you guys how hard it is to raid so basically there's a wall right here there's a metal plate and there's sandbags now all the tectus I'll be showing you use these three methods and a lot of you guys might be thinking metal plates why are you using metal plates well believe it or not these are very very powerful and very very useful in your base and I'll show you exactly why also we will be using metal charges to show how hard it is to raid and that is because dragon Fang I mean it's not as strong as what it used to be it takes one percent off of a metal wall with one shot two percent off of metal plates and for a sandbag it does get ten percent but it's great about these sandbags it's just because you can clear one doesn't mean you can get through that's why I like them so much because they're kind of annoying for the Raider anyways though let's go on to charges so how much is this gonna take let's do the metal wall first and let's put just one charge on it and let's see how much it does as you can see that did about half but not enough so technically it's gonna take three charges for a metal wall so we'll count a metal wall as three charges and then it gets destroyed for the metal plates let's do two charges you know maybe it's a little weaker who knows so two charges right there kaboom the boom and now this is at 7% all right so this metal plate also does three charges and like I said most people probably shoot this but if someone is gonna use a charge on it it only pulls one up which is great it doesn't even damage the other sandbags so one charge for once and back alright now let's go to the tactics boom where should we start off I guess first let's start off with these windows because this isn't really a opie unreadable tactic but I think it's still a good idea for you to use this now we have two variations as you can see we have metal poles going down and this one with metal poles going down with another metal pole right here which blocks your head now let's explain all this firstly when someone goes to raid your base what they're gonna think the most easiest way to get into your base is is through the window so they get through that window they try to get in oh but wait they can't get in because these metal poles are in its way and then they have to destroy these and honestly is just annoying for them what's great about this one is it does the same thing as that but for this you can even use a metal shutter that way you can still see out no one can headshot you really I mean maybe they can barely skim the top of your head if they get a really good shot but nine times out of ten this pull right here in the middle will block the headshot and if you need to shoot out boo-boo-boo-boo-boo hide you can look hide block that head hide hide hide hide hide and that is why I love this pole right here so you know you can use these to your discretion but I just think it's very important because you'll see the rest of this base is very overpowered people think it's the easiest to get through that window they destroy the window try to walk through but sadly it's not as easy as they thought now going for the windows we have floors right here and these examples that we'll be using will be used in this way the outer edge is your honeycomb and the inside is your actual base we can look at another example with the circular pattern the outer edge is your honeycomb and the inside is your actual base and you can add as much honeycomb as you want you can make it huge you can make so much honeycomb that you're extremely extremely protected and what this base design is going to do is make the Raiders go through your doors so your full capability and you know exactly where the people that raiding you are gonna be and that is what is beautiful and this is the first honeycomb of the day that I'm showing you you might be thinking what is this I can't even tell what this is this looks like nothing honestly well I'm gonna show you with a bird's eye view boom as you can see it's a very overpowered very strong very strong honeycomb and as we already saw the wall takes three these plates take three as well and these sandbags are just extremely annoying so we have 3 plus 3 plus 3 plus 3 plus 3 plus 3 that is 18 charges Plus this wall right here which would obviously be there making that 21 charges plus the sandbag so we're talking 21 charges maybe 22 but they probably use a gun on this obviously so let's just say 21 charges with an annoying sandbag just to get through one little one by one you might be thinking commenting how did you create this well I'll explain it to you right now let's salvage this and as you can see what happened is it's just a bunch of plates placed that's really all it is I mean I can give you a little quick demo right here it's really not hard at all you're gonna have a wall let's just say this is your wall and we're gonna just scaffold these plates so this one can be a little diagonal this one can be a little diagonal maybe like that of course you're gonna fit it between your walls which will make it very easy and then you just continue on you can say this one maybe be right here and then right here and right here and right here and right here and right here and eventually this will create this and I know this is a lot of metal boys but trust me metal scrap is not hard to find and actually is much easier to find than you originally thought so nine times out of ten when you see a honeycomb base most times that roof is gonna be where you're gonna want to enter because it's usually the easiest to raid well that is where the roof honeycomb comes in and that roof honeycomb goes like this usually what you would do is make a whole third floor or second floor if you only want one floor of storage to be a honeycomb meaning a whole floor is dedicated to just protection and what this is gonna do as you can see it's protects your base very very good now technically if you add this as a honeycomb it'd be 3/4 the roof plus 3 plus 3 plus 3 for the roof that would be 12 charges to get from above your base into your base 12 charges that's still a lot boys that is still a lot and just because they get through this doesn't mean they're in your loot room your loom can be very very secured now how did I build this roof 1 this is a little bit harder and you might have some trouble but you can kind of tell how I created it as you can see is just diagonals going across as you can see Raiders can't fit through the sides so they can't just destroy this and slip through these plates they're gonna have to destroy these plates if they want to get to your base and that is what's obviously beautiful about it and then what you're gonna have to do is obviously just build off of this like that and then you just do a little jump and place obviously there's another wall right here you can place it on that one and that's essentially how you do it like I said it's not too hard and this is a roof honeycomb and I know a lot of you guys might think this is unnecessary but I mean if you want an unreadable base this is necessary because I have made this based on numerous servers and honestly nine times out of ten the Raider just gives up because I mean who's gonna want to go through this much protection it's gonna literally take you so much charges so much dragon Fang ammo probably my guess at least six boxes of dragon Fang ammo just to get through one one by one that doesn't mean they know where your base is that is one one by one if you do these type of methods no Raider will rage you that's just the case you will not get raided oh right now we have the last room that we really need to talk about let's open this and let's see how it looks nothing too crazy we just have of course some metal place around here a vault door obviously to be very protective the hatch up there and that's essentially that and let's see if someone wants to go through a wall no matter what wall it is let's just pick this one we have a wall that's three charges a plate another three charges and a plate another three charges that's nine charges and then look you're on the wrong side of that ladder so technically you have to go through another one which is actually twelve charges but the sides will always be three six nine or of course you could just go to the vault door which is for charges so like I said not very protected and also just a side note as you can see you might think hey they could just go to the doorway it's the least it's only three charges you can also stack sandbags here I didn't do that actually when I probably should have but usually I would stack sandbags right here that way it's just another little annoyance and then one more tip in here that you guys probably haven't thought of that is this birch ladder it's not a metal ladder it's a birch ladder and it's not just a birch ladder it is a 4% birch ladder yes I damaged this to 4% why is that the case that is because now if someone uses any explosive to get into this room the ladder will be destroyed and they're not going to have a ladder to climb up there not gonna know that this letter is 4% either so maybe they try to blow up this with an explosive the latter will be destroyed let's say they go through a wall and they are trying to blow the plate up once again the latter will be destroyed there will be no more ladder obviously you will have a claim flag there will be no way for them to get to your second floor and then by that time the only way for them to get to your second floor is essentially to go through that roof which we already said that roof is extremely honeycombed and you can make this better than I did you just have to do a lot of practice boys about just getting this perfectly lined up but boys use these techniques use these opie unreadable examples for your base and you will not be able to get braided let's recap on this circular building that outer perimeter will be honeycombed with 21 plus charges and a sandbag row that middle room can either be a loot room or it can just be a maze of doors you can enter right there then you have to go through all these doors so that ladder hash that I already showed you could be right there next we have the second floor the second floor will still be honeycombed on the outer perimeter but that inside will probably be your loop of course you can scatter loot here and there on your outer perimeter but that inside can probably be your main loot and I don't think you're gonna have to worry too much about getting graded then we're talking about the third story that third floor is gonna be your roof honeycomb like I already showed you place plates everywhere make sure it is hard to rape and one last thing see that whole outer edge is highlighted right now boys make that whole thing that you see a honeycomb if you really want to you can if you want not only make one perimeter of honeycomb make to make three make as much as you want each one by one is 21 charges they will hate you after they raid your base if they even can raid your base now I told you I was going to show you easy ways to get metal it's not by going to those metal rocks and jackhammering it it's not even by exploding cars just go to your local city whatever is close by I'm going to Stratfor it and what you're gonna want to do is just braid the whole city here's a rake right here and guess what that just turned into only one scrap but trust me boys it adds up very very fast and by the end of this I swear to you you will have a whole inventory of metal scrap just by going through the whole town because look right there I got five scrap off this one building let's count how many buildings there are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 buildings times 5 I don't want to do the whole math but the maths on your screen right there and other maps have bigger cities this is only 18 buildings if you get 5 scrap per building some buildings might give you more like fire or police and some buildings might give you less like the diner but regardless that number on this screen that's how much scrap I could probably expect from this city right here anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure they like the video if you enjoy subscribe if you are new comment down below if you're gonna use this I also comment down below if you don't agree with this base building method and why you don't agree with it I understand the cons of it being hard to build but I believe the pros are way bigger than the cons don't knock it till you try it and trust me when you try it you'll be impressed at how long you survive without getting rated survival games are all about the grind anyway so my name is commenting and I am out of here until next time I will see you guys later [Music]
Channel: Kameding
Views: 86,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unturned, 3.0, unturned 3.0, base, designs, raid, raiding, unraidable, overpowered, base examples, tactics, metal, wall, plates, windows, doors, ladders, strong base, unturned unraidable, unturned base, unturned unraidable base, unturned base design
Id: _u12s87zdDM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2019
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