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*Funky music playing* Rozzy: What's up guys! 2rgames here just doing some boss battles- -chilling Roze: *appreciating hum* what's up? 2rgames: OH SHIT-! [THEY DONE FACKED UP] SHIT DUDE!!! OH MY GOD!!! [whelp this is a nice start...] Rozzy: Your neck is fucked up [#quality game] *giggles* Rozzy: What's going on here Roze? Roze: Uhmm Rozzy: What? the actual... Roze: My neck is FINE [it's not dude] Rozzy: It's fine you say? Roze: It's FINE! [still not buying it...] Parrot™ is it fine? Angsty Parrot™: This psycopath of a man has super glued me to his left shoulder... and he WON'T let me go... I live in a constant state of PAIN... please... I cannot take it any longer... please end my suffering... [#dicksoutforParrot™] Roze: Yeah, you hear Parrot™ -said that it's fine, it's fine *BLOOP* Rozzy: Roze, we need to find Norbert... -we need to find NORBERT! And go talk to him Roze: Uhh, who's that? Rozzy: I DON'T KNOW! BUT WE NEED TO FIND HIM OKAY!? Roze: Let's ask this guy then... *PLOP* [Goddamnit Rozzy...] Rozzy: Oh fuck... It's starting good! I just broke my legs... Roze: Great Rozzy... Rozzy: *HUGE SIGH* Roze: Well this guy doesn't know either Rozzy: Okay... are you sure this isn't Norbert? Nah OH! we can't... we can't tell what his name is... ??? guy: The other night I saw major Len loading supplies into a dinghy. looked like he was up to no good. [oooohh interesting..] Rozzy: Okay so this guy is just feeding you information for EXP He's a snitch basically.. Roze:Yeah Roze: He's over here Rozzy! Rozzy: Hold on... Roze: ROZZY! Norbert- Rozzy: HOLD ON I gave him 1 EXP... for HIM TO TELL ME I'VE BEEN AWAKE FOR 47 DAYS NOW... [me in exams...] DO YOU THINK I GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR SLEEP SCHEDULE- Roze: Just come here I found Norbert, Rozzy... Rozzy: Defeat one "flamethrower" boss holy shit.. [the shit is holy] EPIC VOICE: Recently Norbert was helping out on a scavenging mission to Novobirsk when they ran into a JIJANTIC "firebreathing" zombie unfortunately this means they can't clear it out for supplies until the zombie is slain... Roze: 200 EXP for this dude Rozzy: Yeah! Roze: This is pretty nice.. Rozzy: Yeah, It's probably going to be pretty difficult.. Roze: Let's think a lil' bit here a flamethrower boss... Rozzy:APHH-A GIGANTIC FLAME BREATHING ZOMBIE... How do we defeat that WAIT FLAME {So we basically-} BREATHING ZOMBIE! WATER is his weakness Roze: Yes,better! Rozzy: COMFIRMED! *WHOOSH* Rozzy: I'm ready! Rozzy: WAIT!! gi-gigantic... I don't think one water bottle is gonna do the job... [No shit sherlock] Roze: is it 33 somethin' liters or 50? [BY JUST ONE WATER BOTTLE!?] Rozzy: Uhhhh...let me check... Roze: I'm pretty sure thats 1 liter... Rozzy: I don't know it doesn't say... It just say OVERpriced tap water.... Roze: WELL if it's overpriced that means it has... like you get what you paid for(?) Rozzy: uhhmm Roze: so in a way i guess... Rozzy: I MEAN it's "OVERpriced"... that means quite the opposite Roze... Roze: yeah... yeah I'm stupid... Rozzy: We're ready we have never been this ready for a mission in a- Roze: Yes, I'm actually a lil' bit thirst- Rozzy: NO! DON'T DRINK THE- {i'm thirsty-!} actually yeah, I'm gonna drink some too [Idiots :P] Roze: What if we find a tank to destroy the flamethrower boss? Rozzy: A tank? Roze: yeah Rozzy: I like your thinking... but tanks are *hella rare but actually... we're playing on a new save.. first of all, where IS the boss even? Roze: Novabirsk Rozzy: like- OOHHH..oh yeah of course Roze: like Norbert was helping out on scavenging mission to Novobirsk Rozzy: Rozzy, READ THE FUCKING MISSION- BEFORE YOU ASK STUPID QUESTIONS! *BLOOP* Rozzy: let's see, I think we're here... Novobirsk...yeah It's right here... Roze: So question is... how do we find it when we're in Novabirsk I don't think it's just standing out in the middle of nowhere.. [It does...] {Cause that will-} Rozzy: You never know... Roze: Just look for fire Rozzy: Yeah! Just... just look for a gigantic fire breathing zombie Roze.. that's- Roze: Yup! yes... Rozzy: Should be enough of a clue I think... wait- are there no zombies... HAVE WE TURN OFF ZOMBIES!! Roze: We have turn off zombies.... Rozzy: Oh my god... Roze: We are so... *grunts* [#Profesional] Rozzy: Maybe turn on zombies before doing freaking a zombie quest Roze: HOW did we not realize dude? Rozzy: Because we're idiots, and idiots don't realize stuff - Rozzy 2016 Roze: wait what? No- I accidently removed my shirt or top... [yup thats normal...people always forget :T] Rozzy: *giggles* what? Roze: It's going great :[ don't ask... Roze: AHH SHIT! THE ACID ZOMBIE IS LIKE SHOOTING IN THE ROOF FROM INSIDE(?)! This is so weird dude- THIS IS SO WEIRD! I'm dying.. Rozzy: What's going on up here? Roze: I'm dead almost... Rozzy: Oh man... [ACCURATE responds to a friend dying] Roze: The acid zombie is inside the building! Rozzy: It's right here I killed him... Roze:OH LOOK! 2rgames: A medkit! Rozzy: AND YOU TAKE THE MEDKIT!!! AFTER I JUST JUMPED DOWN FROM THE ROOF TO SAVE YOUR LIFE!! AND I'M DYING OVER HERE!! (Roze mumbling) Roze: there you go take it... Rozzy: Thank you :3 Roze: OH SHIT! Rozzy: Know YOU need it... Roze: Alright now I need to take it! yeah thank you.... really? ಠ_ಠ Roze: I think I spotted it Rozzy: Oh shit I'm coming Is that it? Roze: Thats it! Rozzy: that's it Roze: do you see it? Rozzy: yeah I see it- that's gotta be it right? I thought it was gonna be a lil' bit bigger to be honest... I'm glad we didn't bring a tank for this this shouldn't be too hard... Right! Are you ready? -ready to take it down? Roze: Uhmm Roze: I'm ready dude *Guns shooting* Rozzy: Oh shit.... *Damsels in distresses moaning* Rozzy: He's actually fire breathing *More guns shooting* Roze: It's like a dragon but it's a zombie Rozzy: That wasn't too hard... Roze: Okay I guess we're going back to the Liberator Rozzy: Yup! let's get another boss quest... Rozzy: I wonder if all of them are gonna be zombies [Dude it's unturned... it's all about zombies ಠ_ಠ] it would be interesting to see some kind of Roze: Yeah Rozzy: freaking DRAGON! or something could you imagine? LESS EPIC VOICE: During Peter's escape from YEKATIVIURG he barely avoided a giant zombie that pounced from the air SLAMMING INTO THE GROUND CAUSING "minature earthquakes" He hasn't been able to get it out of his mind and he would really appreciate knowing that it had been dealt with. Roze: This sounds EPIC! Rozzy: It does Roze: probably will be epic too Roze: WAIT! Is it there? I think I see it... YUP! It's by the red house next to the police station Rozzy: Yeah this, this is it RIGHT here I see it I kinda wanna see what he does I don't want to kill him immediately... I wanna see what the effect is Roze: Shall we take a look? Rozzy: I guess... I'm shooting *PEW* Roze: Alright dude Rozzy: Lets see what he does [U GON DIE BOY] Roze: He doesn't look too scary honestly [Fat Zombie: It's the face isn't it?] not as scary as the flame either... Rozzy: He looks like a regular Hulk™ zombie... lets see *BOOM* Rozzy: OH SHEET!!! Roze: OK WAT THE HECK IS THAT- Rozzy: WHOAH WHERE DID HE GO?! Roze: He's a- where is he? He's inside of the police station Rozzy: OH MY GOD!! Roze: OH HE'S BREAKING EVERYTHING IN THERE!! [RIP stuff] Rozzy: REALLY!? ROZE: He's breaking stuff in there Holy shit... Roze: Let him come in here in the police station and let him break the police- [RIP police] LOOK come here your gonna see next level raging in action! Rozzy: Holy crap that's badass dude! Roze: You see? OH SHIT this is so scary c-can you break that? Rozzy: OOHHO Roze: you see? Rozzy: yeah! Roze: Did you see? Rozzy: Oh man this one is sick dude! Roze: yeah! Rozzy: I like it (ΦωΦ) Roze: I wonder how much damage it does- ~Distressed orgasming sound~ Rozzy: Don't die man! D:< Roze: OH MY GOD!! Rozzy: he's even breaking the fences and everything!! [RIP EVERYTHING] *PEW**PEW**PEW* Roze: he's breaking everything dude *PEW**PEW**PEW* he ALMOST- he did like half my health in one hit Rozzy: WHAT?! Roze: half of my health plus I started bleeding OKAY-!! Rozzy: Oh man! Be careful dude... Roze: If you- okay I think if you're in the middle of him his- you know his... look Imma- [yup he's going to die] Rozzy: WHY ARE DOING IT!? D:< YOU STUPID SHIT! Roze: I just wanted to see if you're standing in the absolute, you know ground zero- Rozzy: YEAH I GOT IT ROZE I DON'T WANNA TRY IT!!!! I'M GOOD [Are you sure about that?] Roze: I mean you could try it if you want :3 Rozzy: I'm good... Roze: Dude he's about to kill me... *2rgames basically saying they're going to kill this thing* Rozzy: There we go, there we go Roze: We have see enough of him alright? we got that zombie down know time for the.... lightning strike boss! A MILD EPIC VOICE: While flying south over Jhavesk Ensign Cliff's squad helicopter took several electric shocks from a giant sparking zombie if your brave enough he's sure it'd be appreciated to kill it before it can cause more trouble. Rozzy: This went alot faster then I expected... Roze: Yeah me too, I thought we will be doing questing for like the whole day or something Rozzy: Yeah... Roze: just for one boss but... nope You know one boss that would be really cool? down in the... you know uhhmm... Rozzy: in the tunnels? Roze: Yeah! subway™ tunnels Rozzy: Yeah! Roze: At St. Petersburg that would be sick Rozzy: IMAGINE some kind of GHOST!!! [ooohhh spoopy] Roze: OH MY GOD!!! [Nelson just listen to them ;3] Roze: Ok thats definetly him, thats definetly him.. Rozzy: Does he have like particles? Roze: uhhh I don't think he has actually... okay he has particles... Rozzy: oh I see Roze: when I- it didn't render from here, do you see it doesn't render? Rozzy: Maybe he just has some mythical electrical shirt... you never know Roze: Yeah it's true you know Rozzy: Maybe he just did a case opening... unbox that shit [this is where they DONE FACKED UP!] Roze: I'm pretty sure we could just stand here Rozzy: Let's sneak up on him! 2rgames: *giggling* Roze: I'm standing up... nothing Rozzy: What's up guys! 2rgames here just doing some boss battles -chilling Roze: *appreciating hum* what's up? Rozzy: OH SHIT! OH MY GOD! Rozzy: KILL HIM!!! HOLY SHIT!!! Roze: OK HE IS CRAZY HE IS- HE IS- LIKE HE IS NOT MISSING [Fat Zombie 2.0: HADUKEN!!!] Roze: I'm telling you! HE AIN'T MISSING!! HE AIN'T MISSING A SINGLE SHOT!! Shoot.. shoot this guy instead dude... Rozzy: that looks badass dude Roze: Rozzy, just see how it is like when he shoot.. Rozzy: I know, I saw that! Roze: just get hit and see how it- Rozzy: I DON'T WANT TOO [pussy :T] Rozzy: OH MY GOD!!! Roze: *laughing* he is powerful... Roze: OH NO NO NO Rozzy: Don't die Roze lets just kill him LETS STOP MESSING AROUND AND PUT HIM DOWN!!! Roze: Yeah we should put him down Rozzy: ONCE AND FOR ALL! Rozzy: there we go he's dead (ΦωΦ) Roze: Nice dude I like their abilities or whatever Rozzy: Yeah! Yeah it's really fun Man wish it was a little longer actually this was fun :D Roze: Maybe that you need a specific weapon or something to kill them Rozzy: Yeah! That would be really cool like a... some kind of sword counter of that- Roze: counter sword whatever Rozzy: Yeah, yeah! Like for the fire zombies some kind of [water gun] Roze: or just that water pistol you know *laughing* Roze: I mean that makes sense right? just kidding Rozzy: your mission is to go to ToysRus™ and buy a water gun Roze: Ehhmmm Rozzy: and shoot him in the face Roze: NOT SPONSERED BY THE WAY Alright that was... is that all the quest that was new? Rozzy: Thats all the bosses yeah know we just need too return these too Roze: Yes Rozzy: and then it's completed Roze: and we're gonna be rich with experience dude Rozzy: Indeed Roze: -and reputation I killed that boss zombie Rozzy: WOW thats amazing I feel much safer already I killed that boss zombie Rozzy: Impressive you'll be quite the source gossip among the troops oh alright thank you :3 Roze: thats interesting... there are still quest we haven't done Rozzy: Yeah there is Roze: Questing on streams is actually fun what I'm trying to say is go follow our livestream goddamnit Rozzy: Yeah we would definately more quest on our livestream but if he adds more like boss battles and stuff like that we'll probably make a video on it Roze: Yeah exactly Rozzy: So make sure to leave a like and let us know at the comments if you wanna see more [YE DO THAT! (/^▽^)/] Roze: oh I didn't see the sleeping guy Rozzy: Oh yeah! this is a... this is a from Fallout 4 Roze: Really? Rozzy: Yeah I saw someone tweet Roze: Like an easter egg? Rozzy: Yeah, yeah, yeah exactly you see if you talk to him another settlement needs our help (Another settlement has seen worth that they need our help) (I'll mark it on your map) *internal screaming* [hope you enjoy the subtiles V(=^・ω・^=)v]
Channel: 2rgames
Views: 252,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2rgames, unturned, unturned 2rgames, unturned boss quest, unturned boss battle, 2R, 2rgames youtube, 2rgames unturned, unturned zombie boss, unturned update 2rgames, unturned quests, GOOD MAP, unturned gameplay, funny moments, unturned questing
Id: H7D6bNzXwJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 31sec (631 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 22 2016
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