Sign & Symptoms of Magic | Jinn Possession | Eye Evil

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Salaam alaikum WA Rahmatullah smilla al hamdu lunar or solar - assalamu a lot of soul alert well early he was happy he woman wala this is your brother about abraham his name welcome to my better half calm in this episode insha'Allah we're going to look at some signs and symptoms of magic signs and symptoms of jinn possession and also of the evil eye we're also going to discuss in this episode that we's hanging of amulets and also the hanging of black strings which we see regularly around us are all of these things from the sunnah if they are then how do we use them if they're not then what's the proof and evidence that we you know we should not use them and how do we actually make rakia and we're going to discuss how to make it appear in a full episode of itself the evening Lolita by Lakota Ana now what I want to mention is Djinn possession to begin with let's look at why do Jin possess people it's important to note that jinn possession is a reality there are those who deny it however it has been agreed upon by the consensus of the scholars and it's something that can be sensed as well so jinn possess people for three main reasons number one out of love number one out of love so jinn they fall in love with people and this is extremely important for our sisters especially so for example you're leaving the house and you're not wearing the correct hedger you're not properly covered or you are wearing a lot of makeup and you have beautified yourself and you're leaving the home then don't forget that there are other creations besides men there are men who are going to look at you but at the same time a jinn may fall in love with you and this is something very very common I had a case where a jinn had possessed a sister she was waiting at the bus stop and the jinn fell love with her she was walking through a park and the gin followed her she was waiting at the bus stop and the gin fell in love with her and he actually possessed her and when they fall in love they're very very difficult to remove because their love is like almost a blind type of love it's like I would rather die then leave this individual and it's very romanticized and you know in this way they will say look I'm not going to leave I'd rather die than leave her they fall in love very very easily for some reason okay so a gin may possess an individual out of love likewise the second reason why a gin may possess is out of revenge due to revenge okay so I'm sitting here I throw something across the room and I can't see but there's a gin there and it harms the gin or it may kill one of the jinns children and as a result of that possesses the gin possesses this individual so for example there was a 15 year old boy and we found him in the street trying to strangle himself to death with his own hands he had his own hands around his neck and he was trying to strangle himself to death so we carried him into the Masjid into the back of the muster then we began to make rope here we began to make the Rope here and the boy he was completely unconscious then immediately he sort of his eyes shot open and he sat up and the jinn began to speak and he began to say I'm going to kill him I'm going to kill him why why are you going to kill him and the answer was because he was running through the park and it was nighttime and he was running through the park and he stepped on one of the children of the jinn he stepped on on the gym Jin's children and clearly he hadn't said bismillah or he hadn't invoked a protection of Allah therefore he stepped on one of the the jinns children and I think he harmed it or he must have killed it and the jinn was now seeking to take revenge it was now wanting to kill this individual and of course if it had done so then it would have been said this boy strangled himself it was soo but of course it wasn't really suicide because he was compiled and being forced so this gin it was a Muslim gin so we reminded it to fear Allah reminded it that we can't see them they can see us but we can't see them so it was a mistake so you can't do this type of oppression and eventually ham Dalila the jinn left the third reason why jinn will possess an individual is due to see how due to magic being sent by the magician so the magician he performs his magic and he does acts of worship to the jinn and then the jinn will say right you have lowered yourself and you've humiliated yourself and you've worshiped us now what do you need from us and he will say I need you to go on harm such and such an individual I need you to go and possess such and such an individual so then he goes and he sends the jinn and the jinn will now go and try and possess the individual they will try and possess that individual in order to achieve their objective so if they possess the wife then she will become possessed and the husband will be thinking you know my wife's character has changed so much we never used to argue now we argue over the smallest of things now she curses my mother she curses my sister she curses my family all of these different things immediately her character will begin to change and this is due to a Djinn possession now let's have a look at some signs of Djinn possessions some signs and symptoms of Djinn possession it's important to note that you may have or you may exhibit one or more of these signs but that doesn't mean that you are possessed okay that doesn't mean that you are possessed for example there was a situation where there was a brother who he said you know when I read the Quran from memory I'm okay but when I read the Quran from the must have from the actual book I get a really bad headache I get a really really bad headache so the brother began to think perhaps I unpossessed it turned out he had poor vision and he needed glasses so when he was looking at the must-haves he would get these problems okay so let's not rush to diagnose ourselves let's not rush to say I'm possessed let's not have these constant nagging from the shell team that all you're possessed you're in the magic you've got evil I know have who sinner then have high high thoughts and good thoughts about allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala so the first sign or one of the science is there may be a sudden change in the personality or character of that individual they used to be somebody who was very gentle there used to be somebody who was flexible they used to be somebody who was caring and loving then suddenly there's a sudden switch in their character or a sudden switch in their personality now they are very harsh they are very rough and tough the woman from being a woman who was perhaps able to be patient and bear patiently now all she wants to do is argue all she wants to do is curse all she wants to do is blame etc etc all of these things all of these things they may be due to Djinn possession the individual may have fits so you may find that they just have random blackouts often in the toilet or after leaving the toilet because the toilet is a place of Filth and this is where the shell teen reside so often in the toilet they will have a blackout or they will walk out of the toilet and they will just black out likewise likewise there's going to be or there may be a hatred to the Quran or a hatred of the Adhan as we have mentioned in previous episodes that when the shade the azan is called the Shaitaan fleas as a messenger alehissalaam told us so if you call the other north the Adhan is on the television then they may become very upset or angry or they may just storm out of the room for no apparent reason or they may say get this rubbish off or something like this because they may be possessed likewise with the Quran if they are possessed then they are going to have on in more than so most cases and it's more than likely they are going to have a hatred of the Koran a dislike of the Koran so if you if you're reading the Koran they don't want to be in the same room or they tell you to stop the recitation of the Quran okay because the Quran is a Schieffer the Quran is a healing the Quran is a mercy and Allah says it only increases those wrongdoers in loss it only increases the wrongdoers in loss they may also begin to speak other languages so perhaps the person is never spoken although in his life or he's never spoken Arabic in his life suddenly he becomes fluid inaudible or he becomes fluent in a different language which he has never ever spoken or it might not even be you know fluency but he just begins to talk it out of the blue and you're thinking how is that possible how did you get to that situation where you're able to talk this language overnight you are beginning to speak a different language there may be a sudden increase in strength a sudden increase in strength or a change in their physical appearance so for example there may be a woman who is only 5 foot 2 5 4 3 and she's a small woman yet it takes 4 or 5 people just to hold her down it takes a lot of people just to hold her down or there may be a drop in the personal hygiene of the person or they may have a love of being isolated and secluded in dirty filthy places ok a drop a drop in hygiene because the shell team they like filthy places if your body is a place of purity then they don't want to be in your body and we I've had cases where people they don't take showers for 2 3 4 weeks on end they just don't wash they hate you know they hated the shower they're scared of the shower all of a sudden from being somebody who's very clean suddenly they have a dislike of personal hygiene and their personal hygiene is very very poor or they love to be sat in the toilet or they love to just go on you know randomly to three o'clock in the morning they just go and sit under a tree or they just go to the graveyard or they just wake up and sit in the toilet for hours and hours and hours on end likewise there may be a hatred towards al Islam so if the jinn which is possessing them is non-muslim because just as we have Muslims and we have non-muslims if the gene which is possessing this individual is a non-muslim jinn then it will have a hatred towards Allah a hatred towards the Quran a hatred towards Islam in general now these signs and these symptoms as I've mentioned they're fairly general they're fairly general signs and symptoms so it may be for example that one day a person is upset and the Quran is on or whatever it may be and they just storm out the room not because of the Quran but because they're upset because they are feeling emotional for whatever reason so they leave the room so do we say now this person is possessed of course not we investigate further what's wrong with you how are things etc and we then take it forward from there we take our symptoms to somebody who is qualified you know you may want to email into this a program Express at my better half calm and perhaps somebody can get back to you insha'Allah all of these things are just signs and symptoms they are not surefire ways of knowing that you are possessed for sure now let's look at magic magic dear brothers and sisters magic is a contract between the magician and one or more of the devil's the shayateen where the magician it has acts of worship for the child theme in return for the shell theme doing acts of obedience for him so the magician he worships them prostrates to them he glorifies them he you know humiliates himself in front of them in order that they will then begin to work for him so with magic what we have to under stand is that it displays many of the same characteristics as Jin possess possession because when that magician he does these acts of worship to these to these jinn those Djinn are then going to go and possess the individual they're going to go and then try and harm this individual try and carry out the reason and the mission with which they were sent so it's going to have a lot of the same characteristics signs of magic magic usually it will affect one particular aspect for example your marriage okay so somebody has done magic on you to try and break up your marriage and ruin your marriage so now it's not necessarily going to affect your work life it may not accept you know affect your health however it will affect your marriage or somebody it wants you to lose your job or to lose your health maybe your health will start to deteriorate but your marriage will be okay so with magic it depends on their the aims and the objectives of the individual who got the magic done so if he gets magic done to affect your marriage and this was what will be affected sometimes however a person will just say I don't ever want to see person X I don't ever want to see him happy I want to see his life ruined in that situation then you may be suffering from one or more different things maybe bad health and a bad marriage maybe you have a good marriage but you have a problems with your health problems with your work so again these are just you know guidelines where we can try and ascertain perhaps there's a problem and I should seek more knowledge and start seeking some more advice or there is no problem whatsoever likewise with dreams dreams are a very clear indication that a person may be suffering with magic or with possession which was the result of magic so if you're constantly dreaming of dogs if you're constantly dreaming of snakes if you're constantly dreaming of spiders you're constantly dreaming about blood if you're constantly seeing yourself in a grave or around blood and you're seeing these types of things in your dreams then it may be that you have serious issues with regards to magic with regards to Djinn possession so in that situation I would advise you to make rakia or to secret okay likewise as we've mentioned previously a dislike of Islam a dislike of the Quran why because the jinn is there remember that magic it almost always in in the vast majority of cases 99.9% it comes with jinn you're going to find these type of blocks okay so I you know somebody has done mad magic on me to prevent me from getting married I'm going to find like a block on marriage whenever I consider somebody for marriage everything is going fine then suddenly out of the blue I have a change of heart and now when I think about getting married I feel sick and I feel anxious and maybe I begin to vomit etc this is more than likely somebody doesn't want you to get married somebody's put a block on you getting married or block on your mind or block on your health or block on your wealth all of these different things all of these different things there may be signs and symptoms of Djinn possession likewise suffering from illnesses that doctors simply cannot explain suffering from illnesses that doctors cannot explain or suffering with illness after illness after illness this may be a sign of magic so for example I had a case where the I was told by the jinn during the Rukia I've given her cancer I've given this a individual I've given them cancer so then a few days later this individual came back and said I found a lump on my chest I found the lump on my body okay and I've had this examined by the doctors and they say that it looks like a cancerous lump I said look by Allah I'm telling you this is not a cancerous lump do not go and get chemotherapy etc rather treat this with the book of Allah treat this with the Sunnah of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasalam hamdulillah within a couple of weeks they lump it had disappeared and there was no need to go for chemotherapy etc etc now I'm not saying if you find a lump then that means you're possessed but what we are saying is that sometimes these illnesses they have a direct link with jinn possession and with magic you may find mood swings so that the individual and this is also a sign of jinn possession which we didn't mention the individual they may have extreme mood swings go from being extremely happy to being extremely sad in an instant the blinking of an eye they go from laughing to crying in an instant or you may find and this is very very important you may find dowas so you may find that we's in your house something that you didn't put there you may find blood on your doorstep or you may find blood in your home you may find a animal eggs or chickens eggs which have been smashed on your doorstep you may find salt on your doorstep you may find a dead bird in your garden or you may find a dead chicken which has no head which has been beheaded you may find all of these different things and in reality you know if you find like a dead animal and there is magic involved then this is the animal that they would have sacrificed to the Djinn sacrifice to the Shaitaan seeking to come close to him and then they thrown that into your house and then obviously the problems are going to begin likewise with regards specifically with regards to marriage okay so there might be a sudden dislike of this spouse there might be a sudden dislike of your husband or of your wife as physical hatred towards them you know I've had lots of people they say when I see my wife I physically want to kill her when I fit when I see my husband I physically want to kill him I had one situation where a brother came and he said when I look at my wife I see an animal's head on my wife's shoulders so of course if you're looking at your wife and you see an animal looking back at you then of course this is going to freak you out you're not going to want to be in this person's company you're going to want to run far away and of course eventually this is going to lead to separation likewise you have with regards to marriage the situation of not being able to get married this is very very common people do magic on others so that they have a block on them on their marriage because you were you know you were set up to marry your uncle's son or your uncle's daughter or somebody else's sudden or somebody else's daughter in the end you didn't get married Tim you got married to somebody else and what happened they put magic on or you were due to get married to somebody else so they put magic on you when you refused to marry their their child or refused to marry their daughter and now they put magic on you you can't get married you're finding it difficult to get married and all of this is from magic and like I've mentioned brothers and sisters this is a massive topic and we can spend hours and hours and hours discussing it but in reality what I'm doing I'm just giving you some of the main signs some of the main symptoms so perhaps something has been going on with you for a while now and you don't know what you didn't know so this will cause you to go and to research a little bit further to go and call a Rakhi who is upon the Quran and the Sunnah and then you can start your journey from there be in the now it's a bollock over time
Channel: mybetterhalf
Views: 1,019,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jinn (Character Species), Evil Eye (Event), Evil (Quotation Subject), Ruqya, Muslim family, Muslim Marriage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2015
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