Most Detailed Breakdown - MJOLNIR MARK-IV

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[Music] welcome to installation zero zero and this the most detailed video series in these videos I analyze technology from the Halo universe to a level of detail not found anywhere else in the galaxy in this most detail breakdown we will analyze we only mark four armor the first major breakthrough empowered exoskeleton technology the predecessor to the mark five armor of which we have already analyzed if you want to see that we will link it in the description and here in the video the mark four entered service on November 27 25 25 and was the most significant breakthrough empowered exoskeleton systems ever seen these advancements set the mark for apart from its spiritual predecessors in that it was the first armor system deemed streamlined enough to actually resemble a suit of armor rather than a larger mechanized unit that had significant operational limitations to wide-scale application this enabled the platform to outperform all other examples of powered exoskeleton armor systems that are thus far being created project Muller was and still is developed in tandem with a Spartan program the mark 4 5 6 7 and most of their constituent variants were conceived and developed by dr. Catherine Halsey and the Special Warfare Center in Siong now in the nation of Korea with some variants being developed by separate military and corporate entities which will identify as and when we analyze them these out sourced armor components and platforms were specially designed for more specific Spartan operations and thus deserve their own analysis it is worth noting here that work began on the mark 4 in 25:11 meaning it was in a state of continued research and development for nearly 14 years before entered service in 2525 up to this point there were various versions of the suit in development as a testbed for multiple different breakthrough technologies in 2531 the earlier suits were given or replaced by a generational upgrade to more effectively combat the threat of the Covenant only in 2535 was the mark 4 actually given the generational title of mark 4 by this time he only had become the most expensive item ever produced by the UNSC and was intended to be a continuous pioneering effort to shatter technological barriers each suit costed approximately as much as a UNSC destroyer a vessel measuring 500 metres in length and near 2 million metric tons as such the overseeing Yanis development demanded a simplified generational system to be implemented that categorized and prioritized development more neatly into fiscal year budgets this gave birth to the Marc system and thus the naming of the mark for with this in mind the particular variant we'll be looking at will be the true mark for 2535 final production model as all previous versions are considered as various levels of prototypes as with our other Mjolnir analysis videos we will work from the outermost components in words analyzing every layer and component as we go as with the entire Mjolnir range its most recognizable feature is the muscular olive-drab armor plating the large muscular plating of the mark 4 covers the chests arms hips legs calf's feet in hands and is made of a highly resistant titanium alloy the mark 4 implemented a very limited crystalline heat resistive coating on the outer surface of the armor plates to help with dissipation of heat from directed-energy weapons used by the Covenant due to the optical and thermal mechanical properties of this material the plasma from covenant weapons is distributed over a much larger surface area leading to the heat being dispersed much faster and thus minimizing on the localized heating of the plates but this still has its limitations and was prone to failure under sustained or particularly large energy projectiles the system wasn't improved sufficiently until the mark 5 was entered into service the primary titanium the UNSC uses his mind from planet reach it is known that this particular permutation of titanium is titanium 50 a stable isotope of titanium with 22 protons and 28 neutrons totaling 50 subatomic particles this is then alloyed with 4% aluminium 2.5% vanadium and 1.5% iron which reduces the amount of vanadium needed as a beta stabilizer this is known as great 38 which has good cold workability in higher atomic density leading to superior ductility which enables the plating to locally deform when struck by high-velocity projectiles rather than cracking completely the entire alloy is then molecularly strengthened to attain a condition known as single crystal super alloy in most alloys the micro crystalline structure tends to be arranged as islands of ordered atomic matrices all meshed together into a disordered face matrix this results in a grain boundary between the different orientations of ordered metal crystals within the alloy and these boundaries result in areas of weakness in the material that high heat and stress can exploit and result in critical degradation of the plate structural integrity a single crystal super alloy has all of the atomic structures the material in an ordered phase and orientation equating to a single crystal throughout the entire material this means there are no grain boundaries and no weaknesses to be exploited the plating is completely impenetrable to small arms fire and can take several glancing blows from armor-piercing rounds without failing due to the plating being multi-layered with several layers of armor plates sandwich together to create each plate the coloration of the plates can be customized but the standard issue comes in an olive drab green with some of the plates around the joints being matte black to blend with a titanium alloy composite bodysuit the plating of the armor is designed to be structurally limited in its motion this means that plates near joints are designed to hit each other to prevent the risk of hyperextension which could result in serious injury of the wearer some of the plates had very small and powerful magnetic weapon and ammo holsters as well as an array of sensors for additional situational awareness and systems input including but not limited to absolute pressure sensors temperature sensors air quality sensors motion detector featuring a quantum mirror for ultrafine tracking resolution ultra clear audio microphone array and auxilary loudspeaker systems for close proximity conversation air intake and exhaust ports electronic compass altimeter accelerometer and a built in torch the component part of the armor plating are assembled from up to a dozen smaller constituent armor components all locked together into a larger component piece the main armor plating is fastened to the underlying substrate retrac via custom tooled tab approved bolts that can only be removed by specialist tools the substructure track is a mechanically weight-bearing titanium support structure that is specially hinged and joins to ensure uninhibited movement and it's within the titanium nano composite bodysuit this is why the green armor plating looks to be floating on top of the underarmor suits when in truth they are simply bolted to the substructure track meaning the wearer does not feel that and keeps the plating in the desired location the main armor plating on the body is broken down as follows the boots consist of 15 millimeter thick soles which are secured by a foot covering hinge locking bolts and are the foundation of the substrate to track connecting directly to it and thus channeling weight into the floor the boot also contains strong electromagnets allowing a Spartan to connect to the hull of a ship in zero-g and a type of boot read called gecko grip which is a biomimetic Lee designed traction system allowing sure footing on even the most slick of surfaces the leg armor consists of two major plating sections covering the lower and upper leg with a third piece of protecting the knees the lower leg contains reinforced piezoelectric bladders which secure the ankles and lower legs to prevent impact injury from high elevation jumps and again joins to the track leading up the legs waist plating contains ammunition utility pouches and is bolted to the lower abdomen plate which in turn commits to the track for the upper torso bending the forearm armor is the same with locking pieces to prevent over rotation and the lower portion is attached to the handguard the range of motion is adequate for firearm use in hand-to-hand combat however the guard prevents hyperextension of the wrist the elbow armor was hinged to fit flush when the wearer's arms were straight making hyperextension impossible without force adequate to destroy the plating the pauldrons are mounted a downwards diagonal angle at the upper edge of the shoulder independently of the armor below them this allows the lower arm piece to slide and rotate beneath them and when the arms are raised the angled pauldrons move with them these are all independently connected to the substructure tracks of the arms connecting in turn to the torso tracking the titanium chest and back plating provides maximum ballistics protection are more angular and are joined via a hinge system on both the central brace and the shoulder connectors allowing them to rise and fall with the users motions backpack unit of the mark for contained a technological innovation that none of its spiritual predecessors had the benefit of utilizing previous prototype versions of the mark 4 contained a compact fission reactor of the fast breeder variety who is very small and produced almost unlimited power with no need to be tethered to generators as was the case with the mark force predecessors however due to the delicacy and radioactive nature of the fission reactor its use was limited until it was replaced with a micro fusion plant in the final production model of 2535 the mini nuclear fusion reactor was an innovation unseen in previous Milner versions atoms of deuterium isotopes of hydrogen are fused together under extremely high pressures via very powerful electromagnetic fields the result is a helium-3 nucleus and the release of huge amounts of energy in the form of highly charged particles these are converted into usable electricity via a process called electrostatic direct energy conversion the fusion reaction occurs within a small reactor chamber within a highly charged plasma medium a selective leakage port on the reactor chamber opens and by means of magnetics and electrostatics the ions and electrons in the plasma medium selectively leaked from the reactor chamber and are directed into an expansion chamber here the plasma medium containing the hardly charged particles is guided and expanded in volume by a fan shaped electromagnetic field that reduces the power density and converts the rotational entry of the reactor chamber to directional energy suitable for energy conversion the electrons are separated from the plasma stream and collected on a 22 stage electron collector grid of varying potentials based on the variance in high and low energy electrons this forms the negative terminal of the power source of the direct energy converter next the ions are decelerated by retarding electric fields kinetic energy is thereby converted to potential energy and finally the decelerated ions are collected on a high voltage electrode that form the positive terminal of the power source of the direct energy converter this method of converting raw nuclear fusion energy to usable electricity can be considered a particle accelerator in Reverse the high-energy particles in the chamber are decelerated to low enough speeds to be effectively and above all efficiently manipulated and converted this highly compact and linear system plays well to the tight size requirements of the mark 4 and indeed various Mueller generations to come the entire fusion reactor occupies a volume of 48 inches cubed or a package size only 12 inches by 2 inches by 2 inches half the size of the standard fusion packs carried by Marines yet able to produce continuous power for 15 years of usage before maintenance and replacement are needed the reactors are encased in a specially hardened casing so as to be as protected as possible from breech or damaged each unit is completely sealed electromagnetically shielded and radiation proof as a fail-safe there is a system that can be implemented to self destruct the suit to keep the technological advancements that contains from enemy hands a serial code is Impa and the system overcharges the fusion pack the result is the incineration of anything within 10 metres followed by detonation that completely destroys the suit its occupant and anything nearby guaranteeing that nothing is left for the enemy to use or Salvage integrated directly into the fusion reactor as a power supply control unit responsible for distribution of power to the suits functions based on where it is needed and when these two together cut the umbilical so to speak of Mjolnir and gave it unequaled potential as a weapon of war next we come to the matte black titanium nano composite bodysuit this component is made of a nano scale titanium alloy composite the outer surface is treated with a carbon reinforced carbon heat resistive coating as the suit is particularly good at dissipating heat from directed-energy weapons it is highly flexible but very strong adding additional protection for ballistic and energy-based weapons the gloves feature sensors that detect the weapon being held and displays the relevant information about the weapon to the suit situational awareness systems it's a simplistic system as most UNSC issue weapons and indeed civilian issue weapons have electronic components to display an ammunition capacity so the suit simply detects this information directly from the weapons internal electronics for covenant weaponry the suit effectively detects the physical profile weight among other things and compares them to a database of known weaponry and once a match is found the suit displays the information for unknown weapon systems the suit usually doesn't display any information at all the titanium in this layer of the suit acts highly efficiently as a Faraday cage making the inner layers of the suit completely impenetrable by electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic pulses the bodysuit also has numerous structural hard points located across its surface that all link to an internal substructure tracking these are designs to be the main connection interface between the heavy outer plating in the most soft flexible bodysuit the plates are bolted onto these for a custom tool tamper proof bolts and some by tongue-and-groove connections these structural hard points redirect the weight of the armor plates through an internal titanium substructure meaning the wearer doesn't feel the weight of the suit a wise decision given the total weight of the suit is a thousand pounds or half a metric ton the titanium nano composite bodysuit is the last visible outer layer of Meola mark four as all the following components are protected under the soft armor of this suit and the hard armor plates at the innermost surface of this suits the precious seal this component is a resistive composite that is entirely airtight and waterproof it is treated with a coating of nano particulate synthetic copolymer specifically designed to be super hydrophobic vacuum proof and radiation proof to alpha and beta waves and resistant to gamma waves this component allows a pressurized and breathable atmosphere to be maintained at all times down to a zero ambient pressure and up to an extreme ambient pressure the pressure seal is very powerful and from incidents involving over pressurizing of a hydrostatic gel layer and low orbital insertions we can calculate the seals have an estimated breach length of around 12,000 psi of internal pressure the su also houses a large quantity of internal computation systems including the mark 4 bios which is the firmware written to initially boot up the suit systems identifying testing and initializing them as needed and updates the bios allow new hardware to be supported this is the last outwardly visible layer of mark force who will now go over the internal components as and when we come across them the next system we find is the reactive metal liquid crystal layer this layer is composed of a polymerized lithium niobium a material originally used to diffuse the static literacy buildup in the ship's hull during faster-than-light slipspace travel it is a piezoelectric material meaning that when it's mechanically deformed it creates an electric charge a reaction which also works in Reverse when electrical charge is applied it mechanically reforms in shape the material is amorphous meaning it doesn't appear to have a crystalline structure and thus floats like a liquid however upon electro activation a crystalline structure is induced giving it the properties of a solid is poured into a micro capillary system for a pursuit where high accuracy and strength micro electric fields can induce crystallization geometry process and cause the defamation along the desired axis so when the user sends the neurological signal for voluntary movement to their skeletal muscles the suit interprets the signal and sends the relevant electrical signal to the capillary system surrounding the desired muscle groups the material mechanically deforms and creates movement if frantically scales and amplifies user strength given the user around double their unarmored strength and increases reaction time by a factor of five it is noteworthy to mention that the system cannot be scaled back or limited in any way so any Spartans with their Augmented physiology are able to harness the power of this system the next day we come across is the hydrostatic gel layer the hydrostatic gel is a Hydra gelatin or a water-based gel it is blue in color and serves the purpose of regulating temperature as well as conforming to the wearer's body for a better fit with Mjolnir it can also be pressurized to protect the wearer from high g-forces large impacts and zero ambient pressure the gel automatically adjusts its pressure based on what the sensor rays tell the suit but can also be manually overridden and over pressurized to protect the wearer although it runs a risk of inducing a nitrogen embolism in the event that the suit takes on excessive heat for example sustained or high-energy plasma fire Mjolnir has an exhaust port built into the suit that releases the gel preventing the occupant from being burned or boiled alive sustained damage to the suit can cause the gel to become viscous rendering it either partially or completely ineffective the hydrostatic gel air also features an armored lock system where the gels density is altered to completely seize up the entire system into a rigid posture doing so prevents muscle and joint injury from high impact rendering the suit and the wearer completely stationary the inner skin suit is a skin tight compression layer covering all of the body including feet toes hands fingers and head up to the face line it is a moisture wicking layer designed to draw sweat away from the body and is also filled with temperature sensors that link to the hydrostatic gel layer for temperature regulation it also features wireless direct bone conduction earphones to allow communications gear inside the helmets are linked directly to the earphones the suit also features water recycling systems for urine purification enabling the user to function for longer periods of time in environments with low water supply embedded into this layer of various automatic bio foam injector ports bio foam is an elastic protein wound filler foam it is an expandable sterile spray with a local anaesthesia clotting agent and antibacterial antifungal and antiviral properties if the wearer becomes injured the bio foam can be injected from the ports visible on the outer surface of the armor these will channel the foam to the site of the injury and fill the wound with bio foam seating the wound stemming the bleeding and giving some pain relief the buy foam doesn't heal the user as such and these serous injuries will still require medical attention made of the same titanium as the outer plating the helmet contains a full heads-up display built into the gold reflective polarized visor the visor in question is made of an extremely resilient specially tempered composite cell multi laminated sapphire glass this makes the glass extremely hard very resistant to scratches and shattering this is then treated with a polarization on the outer surface which renders the virus its characteristic gold mirrored finish and a coherent light molecular display on the inner surface enabling the heads-up display functionality the heads-up display is capable of displaying mission-critical and situational awareness data a visual display from the motion sensors is visible with yellow blips showing his friendly units white as neutral units and red as foes the system inside also detects the weapon being held and displays a targeting reticle matched to the angle and trajectory of the barrel of weapon and thus the rounds to be fired it gives a visual image of the weapon being held in its current ammunition capacity all being fed from the weapon in question or calculated by the system itself the visor comes with a built-in zoom function effectively magnifying the light coming through the visor and re displaying in a zoomed aspect ratio the also features a smart scope system able to link wirelessly with weapons with scopes and display the scope view in a full face display particularly good for long-range shooting accuracy the system auto detects any holstered weapons or grenades and could display white points objectives and place markers above friendliness heads target units and a visual compass is also visible by default many additional pieces of information can be displayed a doc based on the needs of the time the Spartan can also access a systems menu where various diagnostic tools features and rosters can be accessed the helmet has an ultra clear microphone array and speaker array built into the helmet to allow the user to hear outside of the suit shield systems as well as communicate both out loud and over radio communications the helmet also makes the physical connection between the Spartan neural interface and the suit enabling the full speed and power of the suit to be harnessed although even when the helmet is removed the user can still move and function but a greatly reduced speed and efficiency while we're on the subject the Spartan neural interface is an upgrade of the neural interface all UNSC personnel are given at at least one it is implanted by a complex surgical procedure and once implanted the interface directly accesses the IFF Friend or Foe tags that standard and directly links the brain to me honest systems allowing thought to be translated into motion seamlessly since the suit circuits interface directly to the brain they increase the reaction time this user by effectively bypassing the body in Spartans post augmentation estimated nerve conduction velocity increases to around 240 to 360 years per second meaning thought to motion happens in approximately 7 milliseconds a 300% increase in reaction time jnanis systems take the impulse created by the brain from within the brain convert it to a digital signal and send it to the suit's movement systems since digital signals travel through the suit circuits of 280 million meters per second for what happens to motion so fast is nearly impossible to chart since the system's translate thoughts emotion faster than the host to nerve conduction velocity the wearer has to take a long time to get used to the effect as the user voluntarily sends the signal to move the suit but the suit moves the user before the user signals have taken effect this reaction is so fast that only Spartans with our altered neural physics enhance physiology are able to handle such an increase the link between the neural interface and the suit really comes into its own way in regards to the helmet as all of the functions of the helmets internal systems are accessible and usable by the neural interface the user simply thinks about what they want to do in the system recognize it and adjusts accordingly no need for secondary interface to control the helmet systems just think of it and the system does it for example if the user squints the suit interpret this as needing to zoom and displays a zoomed aspect ratio when the user thinks of a member on their team the HSU automatically opens a private communications line to them but how it also contains air filtration systems the air intake is on the left side of the helmets mouth guard the air is pulled in and filtered through a high efficiency particular restaurant or half a class 20 filter a high efficiency gas absorption or Haggar filter and an ultra low penetration air filter or OPA altogether capable of filtering 100% of particulates toxins pathogens and molecules from the air the air is pumped into the helmet just left at the mouth and the exhaled air is sucked out the exhaust vent just right of the mouth passing through yet more filters to the external exhaust vent on the way of the mouth guard in the event the soot enters a vacuum or underwater the vents automatically seal and a rebreather unit activates for up to 45 minutes of breathable air the helmet also houses a torch mission camera as well as connection hardpoints for various additional systems to directly connect to the helmet the helmet also makes the final connection in the pressure seal and it's fully supported by the suit so the user doesn't feel the way of the helmet and the helmet gives the finishing touch that suits large muscular and dominating appearance the mark 4 made innovations breakthroughs that were utterly unheard of in any previous attempts of powered exoskeleton systems and have been the foundation to all further developments achieved ever since it played a pivotal role in the early days of the human covenant war and has even been adapted to the new gen 2 platform meaning is likely we will still see Spartan force in a modern and upgraded version of this impressive legacy Armour set [Music] thanks for sticking with me if you have any suggestions on anything within the Hale universe that you'd like to see given the most detailed treatment stick him in the comments down below and I'll get to them as soon as I can as I'm sure you understand the level of detail that I insist on getting down to here is of an intensity that it can take a while to fully flesh out the more complicated constructs that being said something I really enjoyed and I hope you have too if you want to see more stuff like this click the subscribe button and hit the like button as it really helps push for the collective knowledge of the hailer universe if you've made it to the end of this video you're evidently pretty fanatical about the Haley universe in which case click the little bell icon that way next time I put a video out you'll be notified the second 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Channel: Installation00
Views: 135,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Master Chief, Super Soldier, Xbox, installation00, Armor, Components, installation 00, Halo, Mark-4, Spartan, MK4, Powered Exoskeleton, Mark-IV, Detailed, Most, 117, Smith Interfaces, Mk-IV, UNSC, Breakdown, Halo Wars, MK-4, MJOLNIR, Gaming, Powered Assault Armor
Id: bnwJMVYZr_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 22 2018
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