UNREAL Zimbabwe Street Food!! ONLY Meat Eaters Allowed!!

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[Music] i see people running around with meat taking orders are those like servers [Music] last time on our zimbabwe food journey i got a crash course in countryside cooking [Music] how you doing now i'm in the big city the capital harare on the hunt for this country's wildest street food [Music] today i'm on a mission to soak in local flavors and the unique way of life you won't experience anywhere else this place is crazy all right i told you sunny it was gonna be amazing from street side dishes and protein combinations you've never seen before what's wrong with the realization to a meat lover's dream a drive-in barbecue on an absolutely massive scale how do you even get out of here without getting into a car accident you have to try today's food fun well that all starts here [Music] sendoga shopping center its founding goes back to 1977 with francis zindoga with his butchery and bottle store now it looks like this one of the capital's major food hubs with tons to choose from come drink eat drink more and hopefully take a cab home yesterday ferrari local grazia introduced me to her family outside the city and right now she's introducing me to cheapo my name is sunny and this is gracia cheapo is the manager of big band bride a meaty street stall influenced by south african barbecue right now you're preparing a dish this is called gongo is a favorite in zimbabwe but this is not a one-person plate of food we usually save in a tray and everyone digs in from the same plate it's a platter of protein meant to be shared with friends or family it's more like something that brings us closer together communal food reminds me of korean barbecue a little bit the foundation of the recipe is an incomprehensible mix of meat ox kidney and beef are added to a wok with water and salt on the side chicken gizzards that are cleaned chopped and added in is this going to be a stew or what will this be basically we don't want it to be as chewy the main reason behind it is that we get to fry all these and then add our vegetables and then our chilies then chicken neck feet and thigh add more water and allow it to cook down a bit it seems like a lot of street food here is meat yeah mainly the meat because this area it specializes in gochugochi or brai which is just basically barbecue and meat our parade of protein continues heart pork belly spicy pork sausage then a bit of cooking oil and diced onions and tomatoes finally the green well cheapo can tell you what it's called you call them rape are you saying the word rape [Music] how do you say it um it's a rape city that's how they call it r-a-p-e yeah there's no way around that hit with a bit of spice and dig in with six of your closest friends [Music] all right we have our meal right here this looks even better than i thought it would oh we're eating with our hands aren't we yeah definitely no one brought forks it's forks in here right these are the forks i think we should start with pork belly just covered with rape all right let's try it out the r word is definitely like a spinach or something where there's still some texture to it while you're eating it it's not just dissolved away i see there are hearts it tastes really good it almost tastes buttery salty and then some nice spice coming from the chilies i think this is the ox kidney over here mm-hmm this tastes like liver they both have that minerality right because it's filtering uh you know all your stuff and turning it into pea are you saying pee when i'm eating it city oh um not pin sausage well seasoned it's got a kick of spiciness in it as well i think i've got a gheeze in here oh super chewy delicious i love that it's such a random hodgepodge of different ingredients but when they cook it all together it works perfectly okay saad's up this just doesn't have a lot of flavor so you have to kind of add flavor to it by putting in the meat and the veggies so you do that little spoon thing again way ahead of you oh i see you're learning singing what is that are you smiggle cheers it tastes like chicken heart with a base of mashed potatoes that have no salt or butter inside now chicken feet everyone around the world has a different way of eating it let me see your way okay you try to strip it away but sometimes the toes will rip off okay no they didn't oh you know what's gnarly about this this is my first time eating chicken feet with the toenails they're still on there let me try it it hasn't been cooked that long so the meat's still kind of hard so you have to really work to get it off but once you do it's nice and chewy like some kind of calamari sunny i wanted to ask you more about harare did you grow up here yeah i did born and raised in harare why do you think zimbabwe isn't more known globally we have a lot of beautiful places in subarus apart from victoria falls that everybody else knows we have inyanga montopazi hills where you actually get like scenic views that are so beautiful but i feel like there hasn't been enough of coverage on what our country has to offer another problem that we might be having is people of our generation we don't speak a lot of positive about our country if we learn to embrace our culture more definitely people will end up knowing about zimbabwe and falling in love with it and people wanting to come and see what zimbabwe has to offer i got to say i've just been here for a day and a half but i'm loving it so far great so with that being said this is a great start we have a lot more street food to eat let's go well ashley how you doing this is your place it's fantastic just 30 steps away tucked inside a small alley miss ashley is preparing another zimbabwean staple one i've never seen before right here in the first pot this is rice but it's not any kind of rice it's a brown rice and it's turned brown because it's been mixed with peanut butter something i've never had before but i love peanut butter next the beef bones so these are big thick chunks of cow femur the bones are boiled in a big pot for at least two hours or until people start asking for them toss in some salt and tomatoes and boil it a bit more is this rape yes it's also a peanut butter yes oh that's great ashley yes thank you so much i'm dying to try this i love peanut butter i like it it's not a super strong peanut taste it lacks the sweetness that our peanut butter has because uh in the us we like to put sugar in peanut butter no everything it's interesting because the rice has been cooked so much that it's become kind of a mesh with just a hint of peanut flavor on top of that and it seems like it'd go well with these two [Music] i really like that vegetable so it's hot steaming juicy and then i would say between cabbage and spinach but now with a hint of peanut flavor in there too is that something local to this country they're one of the dishes that you get at traditional functions like traditional weddings even if grandmother comes from the village you're probably gonna get some peanut butter vegetables this is cowboy it's all just like this meat you're supposed to kind of gnaw off um wow yeah this does take some effort okay so here's a nice piece of protein you got some there too yeah let's go fight [Music] it's a bit chewy but still juicy and it tastes like a beef roast or just kind of like stewed beef but that is in the middle of cooking that's just a pure piece of fat it's a bit rich but actually it's very flavorful ashley you're crushing it how do you say delicious in the local languages the way you're saying it is i taste good i taste delicious this also pretty good [Music] whenever lunchtime hits this place becomes a hive of activity vendors prepare for the midday rush with stacks of grilled and fried chicken ready to send out at a moment's notice as people gather and crowds form a couple of entertainers come to capitalize on the moment the crowd's welcoming response is a sign they've seen this type of show before and they're looking forward to more so right behind me is zimbabwean entertainment the best you're gonna get they come here they have a whole list of tricks and things that they do and they work for tips if new york has buskers singing for cash then harare has these guys stand up slapstick [Applause] and some impressive yet slightly revolting strange human tricks oh my god that's a condom [Music] if that didn't make you lose your appetite well let me tell you about our next food [Music] my man how you i'm good how are we doing i'm with the pit master he's manhandling this meat right here this whole place is famous for its chicken we've got chicken that's cooked we got chicken in little pieces this chicken stall pre-marinates their meat with madras curry powder and mixed chicken spices oh it's so hard how do you do it you're not crying or anything i've been crying the whole day but for personal reasons not related to the smoke lightly grill cut it into smaller pieces and toss it in hot oil so it's just like a shallow fry there's not even a lot of oil the only issue now is he's gotta stop the fire he's gonna get this fire going the rest of the chicken is going in the oil and we're gonna eat some fried chicken soon i can't wait can you wait she said yes she said yes this place is wild yes it is so what is the name of this place this is another area from the place that we just come from and here they do more of barbecue on a larger scale so you've got more options to choose from and definitely it's mainly chicken over here fried chicken it's not usually grilled and then fried but here it is yes it is this is what we call fried chicken here in sabah shall we try it out yes i got skin here that's good oily fatty skin here's some of the drumstick but it's super heavy i like it though it's simple it's straightforward it's just salt really but it's interesting to see a little different style and as always it's served with the sadzak do people feel like a meal is incomplete without satsang certainly i think so when they do charge you for this meal usually they don't charge for the satay what they're challenging you for is for the meats and salad is sort of like complimentary so if you were to say i don't want the salsa you're still going to pay the same amount so you'd rather just you know half the subject anyway we have one more location we're gonna go somewhere that even blows this place out of the water yes what's it called it is one of the most talked about places in zimbabwe and i'm so excited to take you there this place is crazy all right i told you sunny it was going to be amazing mariki is by far one of harares and this country's most popular open-air entertainment joints yes i had yama choma when i was in kenya but i've never seen anything like this the crowds the cars it's like a tailgate party that never goes to the game a rock concert where the main star is the meat that's delivered to your car in all 300 people work to make this operation move from butchers to runners and pit masters they even have an ice cream guy oh he's turning around no no no i mean [Music] oh dang it i got testicles in my hands what you got my man all right i'll just one how much is it one dollar [Music] wait that's fine we have two cones now yeah more about that in a second i see people running around with meat taking orders are those like servers yes every person that owns a stole essentially has somebody that runs around to deliver the food so you can just pretty much just go order but your food will come to your car this is zimbabwe's version of a drive-in eatery where the hood of your car becomes your dining table heck you could never leave your front seat if you didn't want to when a runner takes your order they'll head to the butcher then to whichever pit master they work for once the meat is ready it's yours pair that with a crate of beers and try not to sideswipe too many cars on your way out if you're not ready to eat big you could always start with an appetizer this testicles yes or what they call them here gearboxes a gearbox yeah what does that mean i don't know the testicles or as gracia likes to call them gearboxes they're sliced into smaller bite-sized pieces seasoned with salt and spices then placed on a gas price stand until they cook through [Music] it's got a texture almost like chicken heart it's dense but soft and the seasoning on there is delicious it's salt but there's something else on there too is it usually men eating these yeah there's just this thing that goes around that if you're a woman and you do happen to eat them you might not conceive but i don't believe it you might not conceive am i supposed to love things that won't give me children this much because i do and then you just chase that with some ice cream i'm in heaven amazing good start i'm going to head over to the meat section there's this long corridor of nothing but grills with smoke billowing out i want to see how they're grilling all this food [Music] all right i really want to show you the scale of this place because it's wild there are hundreds of people here hundreds of cars and along here dozens of people cooking meat the scale is ridiculous and the amount of meat coming through here too so when people order they can order from here if they want to but most people are ordering from their car because they can stay at their car and they can drink at their car because that's what you want to do right here they have so much going on in here huge troughs wood burning grapes on top and then tons of different types of meat on our menu today local zimbabwe and beef steak and a beef blend sausage is that steak yeah and then what's this beef sausage oh after ordering from a runner our meat is grilled with a touch of salt and delivered to someone's tailgate where they said we could film if we brought the car owner some booze deal hello step one wash your hands because we're eating with our hands all right i like that everything comes to you here it does we've got our food here i think we should do steak first so here they provided us with a knife oh my gosh hot off the grill we're out here the weather is beautiful there's music there's smoke everyone's having a blast let's try it out mmm best thing we've had today absolutely this is really good juicy salty pretty tender oh and you know what the best part you can really taste the charcoal it's so smoky and delicious so how they have this yam they grab a piece of meat they get a tomato cucumber and a little piece of onion sure i'll do it but i'm not gonna do cucumber it's fresh it's got some acid i just need to wash it down with this [Music] how do we um i'm gonna show you a trick don't be surprised sunny oh done oh that's pretty harmless how many teeth do you have open up cheers yeah that's good sam beezy zimbabwe's own beer and i love that no matter where you go in the world you can find some kind of lager that tastes basically like bud light now i want to ask you this they've just cooked our meat well the default is well done well done for everyone and i've noticed that all over africa why is that so i think people have just been used to eating well cooked meat just to be safe because i know even sushi here is that even a thing it is you've got a couple of places that offer it but there's so many people that are big on oh i'm not gonna eat that it's raw fish that's disgusting i'll die that is a mentality that is just like within zimbabwe as well here the sausage let me cut it up a little bit more little bite-sized pieces [Music] it's super juicy really fatty very salty but it's got some nice seasonings in there too and just really beefy that's great i can see why people love this it seems like the ultimate party spot you drive in you hang up by your car because people will deliver the beers you get meat and you just hang out i can't think of anywhere else i'd rather be right now cheers cheers honey [Music] best ever food review show is a small team of independent creators and everything we do here works because of you guys click the link in our description to join our patreon and receive exclusive benefits a piece i love the chili i'm gonna try don't usually have chili but wish me luck all right that was just a little bit you should be fine okay that's not hard just adds a little bit of spice provides a little bit of kick oh too much panic you can be okay yeah i'm good communal food reminds me of korean barbecue a little bit have you ever had korean barbecue no no have you ever heard of korea ever heard of k-pop oh i guess probably not velocity then you with your meat the vegetables you're cooking all the tomatoes and the onions and but do you do the cooking yes you're providing to me and i cook it you can cook on your own but usually our customers prefer that we do it for them i will yeah let's go with that option right are you do you know how to cook i do but i think we should settle for yeah i've got nothing to prove today you seem like you know what you're doing and that's the end of the video i hope you guys enjoyed it i know i sure did how about you i did i had so much fun trying out street food was sunny it was amazing street food oh sorry i cut you off street food here in harare it is wild there's a lot of meat be prepared to have meat sweats but i'm used to it so actually for me it's kind of normal big thank you to you for joining me [Music] good you got the job you can follow gracia right here on instagram check it out that's her handle type that in on your internet give her a follow and gentlemen polite dms only thank you or else i'll come after you and physically beat you up that's it for this one guys thank you so much for watching i'll see you next time uh peace oh i'll let you have that one that's yours that's your piece it's all yours i'm out
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,281,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, africa continent, african country, Zimbabwe, traveling to africa, Bizarre African Food, UNREAL Zimbabwe Street Food, street food, GANGO, BEEF BONES & PEANUT BUTTER RICE, PIG TESTICLES, GOTCHIE GOTCHIE
Id: Je_tEM5hQWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 16 2022
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