Unreal Engine Clothing Pack: Chaos Cloth Tutorial

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Hi there! I'm Leticia from Cloud  Closet Studio. In this quick tutorial,   I'll guide you through using our clothing  packs tailored for Metahumans on Unreal Engine,  taking advantage of the exciting  new 5.3 Chaos Clothing feature! First things first, let's  switch on two important plugins:  the Chaos Cloth Asset and  Chaos Cloth Asset Editor.  Once we've restarted the  project, we're good to go. I've included some Metahumans in this pack  to help us out, but we'll explore them later.  Here, we've got these cute folders – common stuff,  textures, materials, and physics for every mesh,   you can edit them this way. And I’ll  show you where we insert them later. And here's our Clothing  Configurations folder, our golden pot!  Let's open one up and take a look at how this  works. This is the standard appearance of our   nodes. I've added some extra maps to this mesh  to show how we can experiment with settings. Come over to this corner here, and we'll add a  body and an animation to preview how our setups   are working right now. Let's use the animation  I've brought, and voilà! Pretty cute, right? Here we have the meshes: a Render  and a Simulation mesh. They merge to   transfer the weight of the Metahuman  body through these nodes. This is   where you can add and modify weight  maps according to your preferences. The Max Distance Map is crucial; it  essentially sets the limit for how   much your clothing will simulate, specifying  which parts and to what extent. This 2D map   painting is a blessing as it helps precisely  determine where we want our clothing to move. Both of these are Backstop maps, aimed at aiding  our shirt with its radius. And here's a pressure   map I've added to the sleeve; because it's a  knit shirt, I wanted it to have that fluffy,   cozy look—kind of like the stuff  our grandma used to make for us.  This allows us to adjust its puffiness according  to our preference. When tinkering with these   settings, I recommend simultaneously adjusting  the physics parameters as changing a weight might   require adjusting the physics accordingly.  This is the physics I showed you earlier. Here are some fundamental configurations  set up the way I've adjusted them. These   settings generally work well  with most types of clothing,   but feel free to experiment and customize  them to your liking. Here's where we link   the right physics to our mesh and  our terminal to make it all work. Now that we've covered all of that,   let's explore how we actually integrate  all these elements into our Metahumans Here's our girl, and what we need to  do is add a Chaos Clothing Component,   ensuring it's within our Metahuman body. Then, within our cloth asset here, we  can include the cloth setup we prefer.  Feel free to add as many components as necessary  to organize your clothing, and that's it! It's as simple as that! So that was it. Thank you all for watching! I hope this  was helpful. If you need anything else,   feel free to email us. I'll  leave the contact information   in the description below. Thanks again, and bye for now!
Channel: Cloud Closet Studio
Views: 2,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 7sec (187 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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