How to Easily Texture and Render Clothes in Blender

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in the last video we made this jacket mostly using Cloud simulation brushes if you haven't seen it it's on the top right corner now we're going to use blender kit to texture it fully blender if you want to use Quick cell or substance add-on I don't care it's literally the same procedure before we start if you want to download the 3D files and real-time videos check out my gumroad and patreon page it also helps me make more videos like this link in the description let's go first go to edit preference and in the add-ons type in blend then turn on blender kit press n to bring up the right menu then switch to blender kit tab we want to texture the model so let's switch to material move your mouse here and drag out a new window and switch to shading so we got the material here in the import settings turn off auto map because we already unwrapped the jacket you can change the resolution of the textures here in the search bar type in Fabric and find something that fits your clothing if you can't see the materials click on this eye icon I chose this dark fabric material and drag and drop it on the jacket hold Z and go to material preview now you see we got the material on the jacket as you can see blender kit imported all the notes and textures but it's way too big so in the mapping increase the scale number on XYZ so we get the smaller details I'm gonna give different material to each part of the jacket so we need to use Alpha maps in the shading tab shift a and add an image texture click on new increase the resolution and name it maybe something like color Alpha make sure you have no triangular add-on enabled Ctrl shift and click on the image texture go to texture paint tab I'm going to give the color a separate material let's select the jacket press tab to go to edit mode select the faces in this area press tab to exit the edit mode click on this icon so we can only paint on these faces pick up a white brush and start painting the color now we can assign a new material to this white area I turn off face mask and try to smooth out these edges in the left window go to image save as and save it in the textures folder back to blender kit let's find a new material for the color this time I wanted something shinier so I searched fabric again and chose this one then drag and drop it on the jacket make sure you try out few different materials to see which one works best again it's way too big so I increase the scale on the mapping now select all the notes except the output press Ctrl C to copy then let's switch back to the previous material and Ctrl V to paste it before you click anywhere else move them to another location drag the material output to the right so it doesn't get confusing I only needed the principal Shader so I delete these two then shift a and add a mix Shader and connect the image out for texture that we made to the factor now what this mix Shader does is that it separates the jacket from the collar first Shader would be the jacket and the second one is the color so let's connect the first material to the first Shader and the second material to the second Shader bring back the output connect the displacement to the displacement then make Shader to the surface of the output navigate both material at the same time and it looks pretty nice you can also select the alpha image texture and change it whenever you like now we need a new Alpha mesh texture for the bottom so shift a and add an image texture just like before click on new and name it something else increase the resolution then press ok go to text SharePoint tab click on image and save as a new Alpha texture back to layout Ctrl Tab and go to texture paint mode Ctrl shift click on the image texture hold C and go to solid mode to see the mesh better and now we can paint this bottom area after we took care of it let's go back to the blender kit I wanted something like Woolen fabric which is not shiny at all so I found this carpet material that works pretty good here so I drag and drop it on the jacket after it was downloaded just like before I select all of them Contour C to copy switch back to our main material then Ctrl V to paste it here move this one to a different location then remove the material output shift a and add a mix Shader and connect the principal Shader of this new material to the next Shader then connect the previous mix Shader to this one then obviously connect the new image Alpha that we made to the factor now when we connect the new mix Shader to the material output we got three different materials in our jacket the carpet material is kind of dark and I don't like it this way what we can do here is to find the carpet material in the shading tab press shift a and add a bright contrast note and drop it between the image texture and the principles later now we can change the brightness and contrast to get it closer to what we want now I'm gonna add a new material to this area and just like before New Image texture for the alpha name it something else so we can paint this part is behind the sleeves and it's kind of hard to reach it so press tab to go to edit mode select the sleeves and press Edge to hide them do that for the other side too press a to select all then tab again to exit the edit mode make sure you enable the paint mask on the top then start paint the area as you want when the bolt size is done go ahead and save it with a new name now that we understand how the mixing works back to shading tab click on the last mix Shader shift it to duplicate and drop it on this line connect the new Alpha to the factor you can go ahead and download the new material for this part too I wanted the same material as the color we don't need to download it again we just have to find its principle Shader and connect it to the Shader too now we got the same material here you might ask why didn't you just paint on the color Alpha well at first I didn't know if I was going to use the same material or a new one that's why I made a separate image texture for it at this point the shading page is way too crowded and messy it's really hard to find the materials to organize it better press shift a and search frame hover your mask to the edges and grab it to make it longer that came out weird Size Doesn't Matter though right you just have to press n to bring up the right menu and in the Note Tab under properties make sure shrink is enabled now select all the materials in this section drag and drop it in the frame now the frame should shrink down to the size of the material now in the node tab enable color and change it to a different color so it would be easier to spot it in this case I'm changing it to the color of the cloth I did the same thing for the other two materials now I can easily tell which material is which by now you should know how to add a new materials to the jacket so I'm not going to make the video longer than it should be I painted a new image texture for this part and gave it the same material as the main material of the jacket which is dark blue but I wanted to make it a bit darker only in this part so I added a mix RGB which is now called mix color dropped it before the base color then connect it to new Alpha image texture that they made to the factor change that from the mix to Overlay now we can make it brighter or darker using the color too painted out the bottom of the sleeves and gave it the carpet material as the bottom of the jacket now that the base texture is done we can move on to the details like adding the logos and stuff we can project the logos to the jacket using a stencil but I recommend adding the full image to the Shader so it would have more resolution find the jacket material and the shading shift a and add an image texture then add a mix color and drop it before the base color connect the alpha to the factor then color to color 2. Now open up your PNG logo to fix the size we need a new UV map shift a another UV map then connect it to the image texture go to object data properties in the UV Maps click on this plus icon double click on it and name it logo now back to the shading change the UV map to logo also change the image texture from repeat to clip now we only have one logo go to UV editing tab press a to select all move and scale up the UV until the logo is small enough and you placed it where you want it on the jacket if you see a small outline around the logo change the alpha to pre-multiplied also we can add some other things like stains and dirt in substance it would take few clicks to add dirt and other stuff but here we need to mix few shaders you can download load their PNG images but I'm gonna make it all in blender procedurally first let's add a frame shift a and out of Illinois texture and drop it in the frame then shift it again and add a Musgrave texture place it before the overnight texture set the overnight to minkowski then connect the Musgrave texture to the exponent while selecting the mouse graph texture press Ctrl T to bring up the texture coordinates we don't need the mapping so get rid of it then connect the UV to the vector now shift a to add a color RAM and drop it on the right then connect the color to the factor in the material preview hold Ctrl shift and click on Color Run to see it on the jacket increase the scale on the Musgrave texture mess around with these numbers to get it closer to what you want once you are happy with the size and the detail you can change the scale of the warnoid texture as well that changes the scale of these gray areas it is still too sharp so I'm gonna make it a bit blurry add a mix color and drop it before the Musgrave texture change it from mix to linear light then shift a and add a white noise connected to the color too then connect the UV from texture coordinates to the white noise now enter a very small number on the factor you can also drag the color Ram's handles now shift-click on your last mix Shader so we can see our main material then add another mix Shader before the output and connect the color Ram to the factor of the main Shader navigate these dark areas on the jacket shift a and other principle bsdf Shader and connect it to the Shader too it's way too intense what we can do here is to click on this white handle then from the bottom change the color to a darker color I'm still not happy with the scale so I control shift on the water noise texture to see the texture again then change the scale of the Musgrave texture to my liking and again Ctrl shift on the mix Shader to see the final material I'm gonna make a darker dirt texture so I select both textures and the Colora then Contour shift d to duplicate also duplicate this principle Shader then make the base color black duplicate this mix Shader as well and drop it before the output then connect the black principle Shader to the Shader 2 and connect the bottom color ramp to the factor now Ctrl shift again on the textures and change the scale and other stuff to make it different than the first one once you are done Ctrl shift on the last mixed Shader we can now increase the roughness of the dirt because obviously dirt is not reflective play around with the textures especially with the color ramp to change the intensity of the dirt the finished material is already done if you want to use it in blender you're good to go but if you want to move it somewhere else like Unreal Engine you need to bake all of these textures into one material there are a lot of videos covering baking Textures in blender but quickly I'm gonna go over it first in the render properties change the render engine from EV to Cycles because baking is only available on Cycles then under bake change the bake type from combined to diffuse or any other one you want shift a and add an image texture click on new give it a name like diffuse normal or any other map turn off direct and indirect and while the object and the image texture selected click on bake if you run into problems or the textures came out wrong change the bake type to emit then go to shading find the exact material for example connect the base color or diffuse to the image of that principle Shader do do that for all of the different materials and absolutely make sure you don't miss one and in the object data properties active the main UV map then again while the object and damage texture is selected click on bake it might take a few minutes but after it's done while the image texture is selected go to UV editing Tab and you should see this all the diffuse maps from different materials are all in one texture without any issues make sure go to image and save it in the textures folder so you won't lose it back to shading don't forget to disassemble the diffuse from the emission then go ahead and switch the bake type to roughness add another image texture name it roughness then change the color space to non-color select the object and the roughness image texture then click on bake again if this didn't work for you just connect the roughness to the emission from different materials like the last one then change the bake type from roughness to emit then bake don't forget to save your texture in the UV editing tab back to shading disable the roughness from the emission just like the last time then make a new image texture increase the resolution and name this one normal again make it non-color then change the bake type to normal and while the object and the normal image texture is selected click on bake your normal map should look like this and the UV editing tab do the saving and go back if you have metallic or any other Maps do the same things as before I get metallic and I found that the emission way works better at least for me so I connect the metallic to the emission some of them didn't have any metallic map so I manually increase the emission to replicate the metallic made a new image texture named metallic while is on non-color change the bake type to Emit and bake don't forget to save it in the textures folder shift a and add a principle bsdf Shader connect the diffuse to base color roughness to roughness normal to normal and obviously metallic to metallic Ctrl shift click on the principle Shader the connected to the output shift a and add a normal map and drop it between the normals lower the number of the strength then what and render view you should see the material work like a charm and now you can get rid of all the other stuff if you find this video helpful like and sub would be fantastic be sure to check out my gumroad and patreon page to download the 3D files and real-time videos of making the characters see you on the next one peace
Channel: PixelicaCG
Views: 50,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, blender, clothes texturing in blender, cloth texturing, cloth texture, clothes, character, how to texture, how to texture clothes, blender tutorial, blender texturing, blender 3, beginner texturing tutorial, 3d character, how to bake textures, baking taxture, game ready texturing, material, shader, how to create cloth shader, 3d, clothing tutorial, how to make textures, stylized character, 3d texturing, rendering, how to add dirt, dirty cloth, how to add logo to clothing
Id: cTeVLbwkLAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 22 2023
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