Unreal Engine 5.4: Motion Design tutorial | Create a Product Commercials in UE5.4

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[Music] hey what's up guys RIT here from World of VFX welcome back to our Channel and this is another unreal injured 5.4 the motion design tutorial and thank you so much for giving us so much love on our last video so yes I hope you really enjoyed the intro and let's recreate so first of all I'm just going to file new level and I'm just making an empty level like this and now let's click this motion design option and after that you can find this completely different setup so over there you can find this contain browser remote control simply close this and drag and drop the content browser to this sequencer right after this sequencer okay so now if you notice this already have a default camera so if you go to this default viewport you can see your viewport right here okay so the camera is basically the motion design default camera now you need to import your models first so go to contain browser here you can make a new folder and name it like a tutorial and press enter and here over there I'm just making a new folder and name it mesh 01 and then I'm just going to import my model and here I have my Apple watch Ultra model just double click and this is in GV mode so just simply type combine and you can just turn on these two options and just press import once you click you can simply see your all materials with the model like static mesh will import together simply turn on your static mesh so that you can see your Apple watch now double click on your Apple watch and press F on your keyboard so that you can see how your Apple ores exactly look like now these are all materials so you can isolate and customize by your own choice so just leave it like this only so now we need a background over here so I have already so let's import it and import it on our this scene so this background can just simply drag and drop over here and you can find it will comes like this only now it don't have any light over here so go to lit and make it to unlit so that you can see your model now let's default the positions to make all 00 Z so now we have something like this only now if you double click you can already see I have already pre-assigned one material you can use anything by your home now simply close this now go to your tutorial pack and over there you can find your Apple watch simply drag and drop and again make your positions default by pressing 0 0 0 and now simply increase your scale side so that you can see your watch so just making it like 10 and you can see your watch right after here so this is your Apple watch and it's looking really nice but without any light it's looking completely flat so let's create some light for this scene so first of all I'm just going here you can find this place actus panel and make sure you need to check this to selection mode why because once you go to this sequencer if you import anything like meshes it will create a key frame so we don't want that so that's why I'm just going to uh like selection mode and now over there you can find these shapes and now over there I'm just drag and drop a plane over here and again 0 0 0 to make a default position now drag in to here and just increase the scale to somewhere around 20 or like 10 okay and now rotate this to somewhere around - 0 and just making like this only so now this will emit a light for your sink so now let's create some materials which can emit the light so go to contain browser just disable the static mes go back to your tutorial right click make a new folder and name it to mat or material enter and then right click click over here materials and name it to base 01 and then just double click so just simply click this and I'm just making it to some kind of this color and now by pressing three and click you can find this option this is called a constant and then by pressing one and click you can find this option and by pressing M and click you can find this multiply option okay so now just simply connect this with this and then connect with this one to this and this one to this emission color now this can emit the emission by pressing this values so now make this value to one and over there you can find this option called default lit just make it to unlit and now you can find this completely black simply click this constant and in just change the color whatever you want to use so just make it to purple or green or red whatever so here I'm just leaving it red and then just press okay so now you can see this is a color which can emit the red colors so now we can use this one for our other purpose so just right click and make this to convert to parameters and just name it to color and after that simply right click convert to parameters and then name it to value and that's it you are good to go so now basically this will be useful for your other materials now press apply and now I'm just making it a save now let's close this now this is our base material so right click I'm just make another material create material instance and then just double click and you can find these two values simply turn this on and click and then change the color to completely different color to your color palette so let's make it to somewh around blue and then just press okay save it and close it and once again right click create material instance and double click and I need one more materials so here I just decrease this saturation value press okay and save it and close it and that's it so now simply drag and drop this to here and now you can't see anything so just go here and click this lit option and now you can see this red color is emit the red light over here now simply select this press alt and duplicate it now you need to rotate this in z-axis so let's make it to 180° and here you can find another red material which can emit the red color so here I'm just drag and drop this blue color to this now look at this it's looking really amazing now once again alt and duplicate and now you need to rotate it in y AIS to around 90 and then just we need to scale it up in x-axis now simply move it to the top and for this one I'm using this white material simply drag and drop now you can see you can emit or you can create your own custom light box now simply select this watch and I'm just increase the watch size a little bit so that it can grab the lights which we are already start emitting right from here now you can increase the colors right from here so what you need to do simply double click and increase the values to like two but make sure once you increase the values it will become white so always keep it like that only now simply close this and here you can find your watch now let's add a camera so for that I'm using this cinematic camera and here you can see the camera actor simply drag and drop this camera over here and now I'm just making a sing somewhere around here and select the C camera actor right click and snap object to this View and now you can see this now go to perspective and you can use this C camera actor and now just place your camera now I'm just uh closing this contain browser for a while and now if you go down you need to select your DSLR and over there let's change it to 85 mm so that you can see some kind of a zoom kind of effect and now I'm just moving it a bit back and Y that's it now simply rotate the watch a little bit so that you can see the entire watch clearly and here we go now let's adjust our Focus to adjust a focus in a good way also you can use a tracking method so go to manual and use this tracking option go down you can find this Apple watch over here simply click so now the Apple watch is always in Focus now go down simply decrease your current aperture to 1.8 so that it will create some kind of a good effect now go up and make it to some kind of a crop sensor and look at this it's already started looking amazing all right let's do some animations so first of all select this Apple watch and now you can see it's already in sequencer mode now you can see this transform option on already we have one default key frame over here so now let's increase our frame range to somewhere around 250 and now just simply drag this to your 250 and now this is our basic viewport so now what I'll do just simply select this and rotate our watch to somewhere around here and make sure you need to add a key frame okay now simply select the key frame and move it to somewhere around uh let's see 80 or yeah 80 number frame now I'm just going back over here select this and move this out of my camera view and just make one key frame over here so once you play the watch will come like this only okay but if you notice the animation is very Steve like very you know like robotic and one so just simply select this two and you can find this new graph editor over here simply select this and you can find this exponential one over here on also exponential to M here so simply select this one and now once you play you can see it's like popping up and slow down just see it's looking really amazing okay so now we need to add one rotation also over here so simply go down you can find this rotation panel over here you can find this roll peit and Y for this we are using only the Y value so in just deleting this two simply select and delete and make sure we don't want any scale value as well to Simply select and delete we have only this y value as well over here so now you can see this is in minus 30 so once you go back over here like the previous key frame just change it to somewhere around minus or like 360 so like normal 360 and make one key frame so now once you play it will comes like this only just look at this animation it's looking really amazing so what you can do simply drag this and make it to 250 now what happened it will comes like this and it will play something like this all right so now if you notice the animation is not looking that much believable so what I'll do I'll just select this two and over there you can find this exponential one this is pretty good so now simply select this graph graph editor once you select this graph editor you can find this now simply select one of this right click and this will be make sure turned on which is called W tangent now simply select this and just making it a down so what happened it will slow down the rotation value in a good way you now Simply Save this and once you close and let's play it and if you notice the rotation is started and slow down it's looking really amazing right let's replay once again and let's look at this okay it's looking really nice and now if you want any light or bouncing from below simply go to This Light Panel over there you can find lot of options now here I am just using a point light simply drag and drop into here and this will basically uh emit a different kind of a light effect so now go to default viewboard and you can see it's emitting already too much light so I'm just making it down over here so I'll just want to use this to a bottom light effect like this okay so now go to perspective go to cinematic view port and now if you notice it's already start getting some lights so let's change the light color to somewhere around yellow and just just press okay and now you can play with this and now after that you can render it out Simply click this render button and you can simply change this one so now delete this jpeg make sure antalizing should turn on make it to 302 turn this on and make sure it should be fast approximation now go to settings over there make sure or you need to turn on your jpeg or PNG whatever so I'm just selecting this PNG and after that make sure the camera should turned on and make sure this will be frame close and render all cameras and then just press accept and over there you can find it all and then just press render okay guys that's it for today I hope you really enjoyed this amazing tutorial from World of VFX for more amazing content please do subscribe and I'll see you next week till then keep watching keep rocking world of VFX bye-bye
Channel: World Of VFX
Views: 2,682
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx world, world of vfx, rajat subhra, unreal engine 5.4, unreal engine 5.4 tutorial, unreal engine 5.4 motion design, unreal engine 5.4 animation, unreal engine 5.4 new features, unreal engine 5.4 beginner tutorial, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine tutorial for beginners, unreal engine 5.4 motion graphics, unreal engine 5.4 motion matching tutorial, unreal engine 5, visual effects
Id: UH3PWbYqvwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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