Unreal Engine 5.4 Motion Design ~ Bloom (Full Tutorial)

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hi everyone Hussein here thanks for popping in a couple of weeks ago epic games launched Unreal Engine 5.4 and with that we finally got the much awaited motion design feature while was looking for some tutorials to start learning it I came across the amazing tutorial by Antonio one unfortunately for me it was in Portuguese I think and I made this and I put up on my YouTube channel since then it has had around 7,000 views and I even got some requests for a tutorial so I decided to make one but before we jump into the full tutorial all credits go to Antonio I'll leave a link to his channel below please give him all the love and support let's go this is the epic games launcher I will now click on Android engine 5.4.1 click on the launch button okay when we get the unreal project browser I'm going to select film video and Live Events template and then I'm going click on blank and for the start the content we not going to check it I'm going to click on rate racing though because we're going to use Lumen for this I'm going to call the is Unreal Engine Bloom okay and let's click on create so what I'm going to do is first I'm going to enable the motion design plugin so go up to settings plugins and I'm going to look for something called motion design I'm going to enable that and press yes and now I'm going to restart unre engine all right we back can close this now before you proceed I'm going to just go up to edit up here I'm going to say project settings I'm going to scroll down until I see rendering I just want to make sure that we have Lumen enabled so we got Dynamic Global elimation method is Lumen reflection method is Lumen we are going to enable Hardware retrace when available change surface cache to heat lighting for reflection that's the battery lighting mode I'm going to select detail tracing that's okay scroll down a bit more viral Shadows map method is enabled support Hardware retracing is enabled for the distance field voxal density I'm going to make it to four don't need lot static lighting when we are doing Lumen and that's it uh let's uh continue from [Music] here it is always good to be organized I'm going to click on my content folder over here I'm going to do a right click I'm going to say new folder call this folder Bloom to set color and I'm going to just make this nice bright color the next thing I like to do is also have this Bloom folder available in the favorites section over here so I can find it quickly do a right click and say add to favorites this is uh the same stuff that I've been showing you in my work faster in un whe engine video series which I just recently created so I've got my Bloom folder over there so we're going to create a new level for this so I'm going to go to file going to say new level and I'm going to choose empty level click on Create and now we have a blank empty level and let's quickly save this file save C Level s and I'm going to put it in my Bloom folder I'm just going to call this Bloom then we're going to go up to the selection mode since we enable the plug-in we should have now a Mode called motion design I'm going to click on that so now we actually go into the motion design interface we I'm going to close it we don't need that for now again I'm going to drag this panel motion design into on this side so now we have a bigger space to do our stuff next thing we're going to do is we're going to click on create defaults in this popup I'm going to remove a couple of things we do not need the directional light nor do we need the Skylight just going to use default scene rout and post process volume and click on spawn on the right hand side you will see that you have a motion design window and now we have outliner Windows well I'm going to put the motion design on the left hand side because I'll be using it more compared to the outliner so in our default scene we have the two two items or the two actors which is your camera and the post process volume I like to rename this just call this cam one for now and I'm going to just call this ppv I'm used to renaming it such right so we have our camera and our post process volume in our motion design panel so we got a camera I'm going to just eject from the camera for now and I'm going to switch from my uh camera to the default view viewport for now this is our normal view part we see n engine at the moment everything is blank so what I'm going to do is I'm going to start putting in some lights so I'm going to go to window environment light mixer so create Skylight create atmospheric light create Sky atmosphere create polymetric light and create highog next thing we're going to bring in a plane that's going to be our floor or in this case our ground let's save first just in case so I'm going to click on save all very important to save often I'm going to go to place actors I'm going to go to this 3D cube over here I'm going to say give me a plane I'm going to drag and drop right and I will reset its position 00 by clicking on this ellipses and then click on reset to default now if I press my f key I'm going to go close to the plane over here disable the icons over here we can just press the G key G for game mode I'm going to click on the plane down to scale click on this pad lock over here so all of them change at one go and let's make it 20 control shift s to save so we have a plane of the size of 20 2020 the next thing I'm going to go to the motion design window here I'm going to click on actors and I'm going to choose cloner actor and then we'll just click once in the viewport then you have your cloner actor we are going to select the actor reset location to 00 also the rotation and now we have a clone in our [Music] scene all right before we go any further let's tidy up the motion design panel over here so I'm going to do is I'm going to go to Mo design and I'm going to look for actors and I'm going to go and grab the null actor double click on the null actor and then we have n over here we're going to rename this atmospherics select exponential height FL volumetric Cloud Sky atmosphere directional light and Skylight and drag and drop onto atmospheric the next thing we're going to do is select your cloner and we're going to change the layout by changing the count X to three count y to three and count Z to one so we have something like that okay we'll bring down to the ground level or in this case the plane level so we need to bring the flowers in so we're going to go and grab them from bridge you can go to window and you can go look for quixel bridge or you can click on this plus sign and select quixel Bridge so select bridge and look for 3D plants and I'm looking for the specific one is called sea trift plants so just type in SE trift d h r i f t here we go this is the one that we're going to use right so I'm going to select that go and grab the highest quality possible and once it's downloaded we can click on the plus sign to have it available in our content browser which is here to zoom out and zoom in out of the content browser you can use hold on the control key and use the scroll wheel the next we're going to download is actually the the surface or the texture for the ground so let's jump back to Bridge and for this one I'm going to go and grab some surfaces I'm going to click click on surfaces this will be a probably a good one to use so I'm going to click on ground and then I'm going to choose desert Western ground and since we're not going to see much of this ground because it's be covered with leaves and whatnot so we can just probably go for the high quality version click on download click on the plus sign and the last but not least we are going to go and grab some leaves for the ground itself so for that one I'm looking for something called in English IV select that going to go for the high quality version click on add to add to our content browser so now we have the English IV we have the SE and then we have the surface which is the desert Western [Music] ground with all the assets available now in our content browser over here we're going to jump into the 3D plans go into the SE tri folder I'm going to select this one here this one there maybe this one and this one click and drag onto the cloner and now we have all of them in our scene so since we are not going to be using the default Cube we can just can delete it it's going to give you some warning but that's fine just press yes so now we have all the 12 flowers here with the Clon is selected scroll down and we're going to change some parameters over here for the count X Y and Z we're going to change count X to 100 and then we're going to change the count y to 100 we leave count that alone and for spacing we're going to bring down to two two and two so now they're a lot closer to each other you can see that it's very dense flowers let's bring down the the flowers down to the ground a bit and just bring it down slowly until we have it onto the ground we going to go down to the render sections we're going to change the mesh render mode to random now you can see the flowers are in a random mode and we change the seat here to something like like 37 for example and then we go down further we can see rotation minimum and rotation Max so click on rotation M and we just change it to maybe something like 270 you just play with these numbers if you want to doesn't have to be 270 can be 180 in that kind of form so I'm going to go up up here I'm going change probably the spacing is too close so I'm going to try five and five Yep looks much better so next we're going to do is we're going to put a texture into this look for something called constraint and change it from none to texture okay everything will disappear in the scene but not to worry okay I'm going to go to Blue I'm going to do a right click I'm going to create a new folder I'm going to call this texture open up the texture folder click on the import button and on my desktop I have anro engine logo which I'm going to pick up and I click on open and I'm just drag and drop into here so now you will see that you have an un engine Lo logo with the flower and let's bring them bring it down a bit to the ground if for some reason you're able to drag and drop a logo into here just make sure that the all the flowers that you have here they are in what we call a movable mode all right let's bring in the surface so I'm going to jump back to my mag scans I'm going to go to surfaces over there just drag and drop onto the plane and then we have something like that double click on the Mi desert here open up the matal instance open up the global under tiling of set let's open that up let's change it to five and five we're going to close that so we have a better looking ground so let's click on save all just in case and I'm going to go and grab the English IV I'm going to jump now to the foliage mode and in folage mode I'm going to just delete this out so I'm going to pick up this one over here maybe this one over here I'm holding on my control key by the way when I'm selecting U maybe this one over here and perhaps this one here I'm going to click and direct into the Fage type area over here and then make sure that everything has the blue check okay select all of them and then I'm going to scroll down a bit I'm going to change the scale X to maybe some some of them will be at 02 and some of them will be at 1.2 so that's various in sizes instead of painting you can also do something called The Fill so I'm going to click on fill and see what happens not bad we've got this nice plants okay the idea is to have some plants and then we can see through the ground as well is kind of nice okay I'm going to undo that and I'm want to dry one more time so instead of going for 1,000 let's go for 1,500 and let's try and using the fill here that's better right we can actually bring the flowers up a bit go back to selection mode select the cloner and then we'll bring the flowers up a bit all right so that you you can see that now we have the flowers together with the leaves press crl L to move the light around until you get something that you like the light's coming from the left or something and we'll tweak it as we go along there we go we have a logo there and our plants and our ground [Music] texture our flowers and our plants look a little dull so what we're going to do is we're going to brighten up the color a bit so we can grab them by going to the 3D PL so I'm going to go into Seft and I'm going to open up this material called C it's a code number there in 8k and we are going to adjust some parameters here I'm going to go into translucency and I'm going to enable these two check marks over here and let's try playing with this numbers over here so I'm going to probably put that four and let's put nine so they're getting a bit more brighter now you can see here bit more vibrant you can play with more let's try five and five let's go to roughness 22 looks good we have change the roughness to 0.2 translucent to 10 and transy desaturation to 10 and let's do the same thing for the leaves okay so I'm going to close this and jump out to 3D plants go to the English IV click on Mi English IV and then we'll do the same thing here so what we have done is we have changed we changed the color variation roughness and then we change the transluc strength to 5.5 right so now we have a much vibrant flowers and also the leaves are a bit nicer [Music] looking okay we have adjusted the vibrancy of the leaves and the flowers what we're going to do next is we're going to bring in that effector the best way to begin an effector is by selecting your cloner and go down to the details panel and click on spawn linked effector and the effector will be linked to this cloner over here so click that and now we have a effector in our scene and now you can see the uh the effect of the effector in our scene okay if I bring back the overlay icons if I click on here go back to the game view you'll see that there fector here if I move it it's what's what's happening so the first thing we're going to do is we are going to select the effector now we're going to change offset to zero Z and zero next thing we're going to change is the type instead of sphere we're going to change to plane and the easing in and out or the easing property here we're going to change we this is something that you can experiment with I'm going to choose in elastic for now and then you can see this y frames or the effector in our scene we're going to rotate that around so choose your rotate tool rotate that that way because we going to try and see whether we can make the effector work from screen right to screen left I'll go back to the move mode and we're going to bring it somewhere like that we're going to change the plane spacing to 70 and then change the rotation for the X we're going to set to 10 y to 10 Z is going to be 90 move right in so what we're going to do is we're going to take the offset down Min - 50 that's what we want yeah so I've changed the offset to minus 50 and now if we scrub the factor you can see the the plants popping up a bit of rotation there as well and when you go to slow motion mode you can see that the flowers are actually popping up so we're going to now we're going to animate the effector so I'm going to open up my sequencer and I'm going to select the effector and drag it into the sequencer here let's make this a bit wider so we can see the plus sign over here and we're going to look for Trans form and we're going to drop a key frame here let's push this right to the back so we don't see anything yet and drop a key frame by clicking on this key frame icon over here and then we're going to make this into a let's make into a 5sec composition let's set the frames per seconds to 30 frames per second and 30 * 5 is going to be 150 so let's drag this outline here to 150 so let's bring the play hit to right to the end so if we have this issue where the play hit is going up bounds what we can do is we can go and click on this uh gear icon activate keep play hit in playback range while scrubbing so this will not allow the playit to go out of the range here so I'm going to push it right to the end now drag with the x value until we are done with this animation and then I'm going to drop key frame there so now we have an animation that is actually going to work right to left here we go so before we're done with this part let's organize our motion design panel here for a second I'm going to do is I'm going to create a new n object so we're going to go on motion design we're going to go and grab actors again the null actor double click on it it appears here so I'm going to just rename this two call it Defector I'm going to drag Defector onto it and then I'm going to drag cloner into it so we have all that into one folder over here so a good reason why I created a special folder for the Clon and defectors because if I select my Defector now I can actually move this as one unit just in case if you want to move and you want to adjust the placement of the logo you can actually move it as one unit let's jump to the next [Music] part all right next we're going to talk about creating the cameras if you look back at the video that I made there are about three cameras in this scene camera number one the flowers blooming and then this is the second camera which we can see the flowers in slow motion with the leaves in the background out of focus and then we have a third camera which is at the end of the whole animation being completed so let's work on creating this cameras since we already have a camera in our scene under the default scene here you can see we have a camera one let unlock first and then click and direct camera one into the sequence since we are locked onto the camera move the camera close to where the logo is all right I find that this angle is good for the first scene if I unlock my camera or eject my camera you can see it's actually pointing down that way so that's our first scene I'm going to take the out marker here and press my right bracket key and that's our animation looking at the reference again you can see that there a slight movement of the camera from screen left to screen right let's animate this as well so I'm going to take it to the end and I'm going to give it a bit of Animation so now if I can see you can see that that's actually a movement of the camera the only thing I need to do now is I need to make the key frames as a linear key frames instead of having it um the Easy E key frame or in this case it's called the cubic Auto Select both key frames and I can do a right click I can say linear click my space bar you can see this simple animation going on now we're going to work on the second animation let's eject from cam one let's find a camera location which is going to be good to see the second animation in this case is going to be close view of the bloom I like this angle over here so let's screw up and you can see that we have a nice Bloom effect happening so I'm going to do is I'm going to go to the Viewpoint icon and I'm going to say create camera here and we're going to create the C camera actor I rame the camera cam to and drag it drop it into the default scene drag the camera two now into the scene and I'm going to to quickly go to frame zero and I'm going to create a key frame for that then we have that animation happening for this camera I'm going to change the focal length maybe a bit closer focal length is about let's try 20 for now and then I want to change the manual focus distance to focus on the zooming on the flowers very nice the default current aperture is 2.8 I'm going to bring down to 1.8 cuz we want some of the flowers to be out of focus and even the background to be out of focus if I play with my focal length now let's go for 24 mm so that's our second scene where we have flowers blooming if I play it now the animation perfect so now we have scene number one which is that scene number two we have that going on and then we will work on the the third animation for the third animation we're going to have top down view so I've repositioned my view from the top down View and I'm going to create another camera over here so I'm going to click on this vort icon again I'm going to say create camera here and I'm going to use again cine camera actor and it's going to pop up in our motion design panel I'm going to rename that quickly cam 3 and for the sake of organization I'm going to drop it into default scene and I'm going to drop drag and drop camera into this level sequence I'm going to click on Save just in case and now we have the view I'm going to just maybe zoom in a bit closer all right and I'm going to drop a key frame there and I'm going to drag the key frame to the beginning so with the camera does not move right if you look back at the reference there's actually a slight movement of the camera the last part it's just zooming out little let's make an animation so I'm going to just bring the play hit to the beginning I'm going to maybe use a transform here location this is going to be our Z location camera moving in and out drop another key frame here the transform and we have that nice animation going on so like to reverse the animation over here so what I can do is I can actually can drag and just swap it around the fastest way of swapping [Music] animation the way I worked on this project is by rendering the scenes separately so here is scene number one so what I did was if you look at the reference again I created some Shadow catches because every scene is has a different look so I worked on individually and combined them in the result so I'm going to do is I'm going to show you how I created the shadow catcher so I'll go back to content browser I'm going to go back to bloom the folder I'm going to right click and to say material I'm going to call this mcore Shadow catcher going to open that up what I'm going to do is I'm going to change the mode from op to mask change it to unlit so it will not be affected by light create a texture note T and left click hook it up to opacity mask for the texture I'm going to look for something called noise tore noise 01 apply and save and now if I were to eject from my camera here create a new plane go down to place actors go to 3D drag the plane into the scene enlarge it five and five for now take the Mater material and drag onto it something that I forgot to do is let's go back to the material and select the node here I'm going to convert this to a two-sided so let's jump back to the sequence go back to cam one right off the bat it looks very nice we have this nice Shadows let me just rename this to Shadow catcher what you can do if you do not get the result like what I get okay you can play with the rotation you can even play with the size of the lane so I like this let's Now set up for render [Music] so we're going to go ahead and run the scene number one to run the scene number one I'm going to use the movie render queue if you do not have movie render queue you can go to the settings go to plugins and make typing movie and you should have movie render que enabled so in movie render queue click on unsaved config here and I'm going to keep it simple use jpex sequence that's fine default render that's fine settings we're going to click on anti- aing make this to one so I'm going to go to tempal sample count in put is 12 I'm going to override anti Laing click on settings again I'm going to put in game override so we have jpeg sequence we have def rendering we have anti lacing 1 and 12 we override an Laing game overrides and then I'm going to click on output and I'm going to click on this three ellipses send it to my desktop I'm going to create a folder I'm going to call this Bloom renders and inside that I'm going to create another folder called cam 1 and I'm going to select that as a folder fer keep it to HD click on accept and let's save this because we're going to use this a couple of times we click on unsave config let's save as preset in the bloom jpeg aa1 game override click on Save and that's it we click on accept hit the render local button and I'll be back once the render is finished okay render is completed so we've got this we're going to put this aside for now uh let's look at camera number two [Music] for camera 2 I've made some changes with the fector so if I click on effector here what I've done is I've changed the plane spacing to 150 and I've changed the rotation to 180 on the Z so we have a better looking blooming happening now now we're going to enable camera 2 and then we're going to zoom in a bit because we don't need 5 Seconds of animation on here so I'm going to just drag my playit here until I see a bit of the flowers coming in so I'm going to use my control key and zoom in and I'm going to start somewhere around here maybe start at frame 75 click on my left bracket key that's the inpoint and then I'm going to screw up until the whole screen is filled with the flowers tap on the right bracket key to to the out point this is where we're going to slow things down click on the plus sign let's select Time dation Track that's a Time dation Track I'm going to make four key frames so click the first key frame over here maybe using the shift key I can move move the timeline around scrop down a bit more until here can see the flowers start to sprout click on again and then maybe a few frames down one more time and the for the fourth time will be somewhere around here okay so all of them are now on the value of 1.0 so what we're going to do is we're going to start the first key frame with 1.0 and then the next key frame I want to bring down to 01 the same thing with the next key frame 01 and then the last key frame will be uh 1.0 Okay so we've created four key frames and if we do a play you can see that it's slowing down and if it doesn't happen for you just check the key frames again sometime it doesn't work I'm going to bring the two frame closer together so you can actually disable the uh snapping feature here I'm going to drag it to the left that's right okay so the other things I want to do is also I want to make sure that we we change the focus on the flowers here and I'm going to play with the focus distance so maybe at the beginning we want to focus on the leaves at the back there so I'm going to just change my focus distance to focus on the leaves okay drop a key frame here and then I'm going to go now when the flowers comes into this the frame focus on the flowers now so let's drop a key frame here to bracket that thing as well and now we want to focus on the flowers somewhere around here maybe the the foreground flowers first and then somewhere around here we change the focus to maybe the background flowers and then we'll go back out here maintain the focus to the foreground flowers again and we'll once we we done we will just go back to focusing on everything that looks nice toally up to you how you want to set the focus that's nice and we're going to render this cam 2 now okay so let's set up for render click on the movie render queue we're going to use the same configuration as earlier Okay click on the down pointing arrow click on the jpack AA12 go this is the one that we made earlier just click on it we have to change a few things though uh jpex just fine at the ls 112 because there's a camera movement and there's a lot of motion blur I'm going to change this to five and five uh overr right anding is fine game overr rights output click on the three ellipses we already have a cam to there select that so instead of using frame number there's something called frame frame uncore number RL RL stands for relative so we have to have that instead please take note sequence uncore name. frame uncore number RL you have to change that if you're using time dation very important Okay click on accept and but before we hit the r local button I'm going to just close that for a second make sure that we have our camera cut set to camera 2 the moment is set to camera one select that right click and say cam 2 and now we have that as the main camera let's click on Save jump back to movie render queue we have everything set up and now we going to click on render local so we're done with running camera number two now let's configure and run camera number [Music] three all right for camera number three it's the top down look in this case we are zoomed in into the timeline we have to zoom it out control and scroll wheel out and let's reset this back to the beginning and the end of the comp so instead of doing that I want to have a bit of slanting going towards the upper left corner so from here we can change the rotation and then we can change it to maybe minus 60 animations done correctly I like that but we don't need a time anymore so we can actually click on to disable it here okay we won't be needing that okay with our camera setup has been done what we're going to do is now we're going to play a bit with the lighting and the shadow catcher after a bit of tweaking I've set up the camera to look like that I've changed the directional light a bit and of course play with the shadow catcher save this go to the movie render queue and let's just double check our configuration jpack def rendering ENT Laing 1 to 12 game overrides and output we're going to click on the three dots again and this time around we're going to set for camera 3 select the folder HD is fine accept and just to make sure that we are on the right camera right click make sure we on camera 3 perfect so let's click on the render I'm going to click on render local and I'll see you right after render has done with all the renders completed let's jump into the M resolve to complete this [Music] project here we are in De resolve I'm using the de resolve Studio 19 you can also use a free ver of the VCI resolve if you want to or either that you can also use it'll be after effects or Premier Pro so I'm going to click on untitle Project over here and this is DCI resolve cut page I'm going to jump to the edit page and I'm going to import all three foot so let's go to Media pool so I'm going to go back to cam one select the first frame crl a drag and drop into the media pool if for some reason you're not able to drag and drop the whole image sequence you can go to the media page at the bottom and on the top left corner you can see the triple ellipses click on it and then enable frame display mode sequences you now be able to import image sequences into the wi results so let's jump back to the edit page so I've brought in my first cam I'm going to rename that quickly so you don't get confused I'm going to call it cam 1 and then I'm going to bring in the second clip which is Cam 2 select the first contrl a drag and drop rename cam 2 and last but not least our camber 3 with all our sequences in in the media pool we can now drag and drop them into the timeline cam one and Dr drop into the scene grab cam 2 and cam 3 so let's run through and play this quickly so I'm going to hit on the space bar to play the sequence we're not going to use all the footage we just probably going to trim it out a bit so what we're going to do is we're going to look at where we're going to start off with maybe somewhere like that I'm going to trim that and I'm going to wait for a few seconds and until there I'm going to delete that out so that's trim down down to only a few seconds for the next one we're going to locate where the flowers are coming in as a zoom we'll just trim this part a bit you see the flowers blooming and that should be good enough so I'm going to just take this whole thing out and we have about 8 seconds almost 8 seconds part number one part number two and the last bit since our video looks good we are going to jump into the color correction bit so at the bottom of the screen you see a tab called the color page click on the color page here we are in the color page of the which resolve we are going to add a note here I'm going to press alt s and then we will get another note here so I'm going to enable my effects over here so I can actually approach by either doing it individually or I can actually put an adjustment layer on top of it I'll do adjustment layer a little later but let's go and do the color coration for each and every clip here so the first one all s to bring in another note and I'm going to right click and say note label I'm going to call this color correction CC here on the bottom left we have all the like your normal color correction that we have kind of approach you want to have for color correction is totally up to you probably happy with that so I'm going to copy this calculation that I made from here by pressing control+ C and I'm going to jump into the next clip and I'm going to press alt s again to bring another note right click note label CC now press contrl V to paste the same coloration from the other one so the next one I'm going to use the same thing jump to the clip I'm going to press contrl + V the next bit is I'm I'm going to jump back to the edit page in the effects I'm going to go to effects and go and grab adjustment clip drag and drop and I'm going to drag it right to the end let's jump back to the color tab make sure that the top track is been selected this is for your color correction again alt s to put in the color correction note like to label that color grading CG I'm going to go to the temperature and maybe increase the temperature a bit okay and then let's look at the next one nice and because we have an adjustment layer on top all the three Clips they all being adjusted at the same time I think this is good enough we have added a another adjustment layer on top of it I've put in a vignette in there and then I'll put in inhalation to give that nice Bloom look all right I think we're done contrl s to save let's call this U Loom T tutorial let's save that we're going next is we're going to export this video [Music] out check the video out we'll go to the deliver page at the bottom of the screen I use the h264 master give it a name let's click on browse for location call this _ Bloom and then final we'll choose MP4 codc is h.265 we'll keep it as HD this case we rended as 30 frames per second so let's give it 30 frames per second let's change that to constant bit rate reset is medium high quality all right and I'm going to click on add to render que and here it is and I'm going to say render all just t a few seconds to render and we are done let's jump back to our render and look at it that's the UE Bloom final completed that is it I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I did making it if you did please click the like button as it helps the channel if you're interested in more Unreal Engine content you might as well subscribe to the channel have a good one and I'll see you in the next one bye for now
Views: 10,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hussin khan, efxco, adobe, certified instructor, unity3d, nuke, visual effects, vfx, malaysia, cyberjaya, photoshop, after effects, virtual reality, indesign, premiere pro, hrdf, kuala lumpur, video editing, motion graphics
Id: PockIRyLL94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 24sec (2184 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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