Unreal Engine 5.1Beginner Tutorial - UE5 Starter Course 2023 #unrealengine5 #megascans

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Hello friends welcome back this is Amit from magnet and today we are going to create this awesome reverse scene inside Unreal Engine 5.1 so first take a look what we are going to create today [Music] foreign [Music] so before we start if you are new to this channel I recommend you to check my videos and if you find those videos useful please do subscribe this Channel and turn the notification on and here is the name for these people who has already joined me as a member so if you really want to support me you can also join me as a member so let's get started so I open Unreal Engine 5 and I choose a third person template first you go to the file then go to the new level and we create a empty level here so just select this level and just click on this create and now we going to make some lighting setup so for this we go to the window and then we go to this environment light mixer and first we click on this create Skylight and then the create atmospheric light and the sky atmosphere and the volumetric cloud and this volumetric height fog and then we go little down here and we turn on this volumetric fog here and then we close this one and now we going to create a simple landscape so we go to here that is the select mode button and you go to this landscape button and then we do not going to change anything here just click on this create button here and it will create a nice landscape for us and now we're going to make some little bit of sculpting to make it lever-like structure here okay so now first we going to make a Mannequin here so we have a size reference so for this we go to this add option here and we go to this add feature content or create packed and we turn on this third person and then we click on this add to project and then we going to make a room here and here we find this third person mannequin here so just bring it here okay so in that way we will get a nice reference of size so now we're going to make a river here so for this we select the scalp tool so for this first we go to this brush size and we decrease the size and also decrease this fall off just like this and also increase the strength okay and now we going to place our camera here and then we're going to make a river and which uh something like this kind of shape okay this kind of curvy shape so we press and hold the shift key and just click and we make something like this okay just like this maybe we go a little top so we can see it properly and also we can increase the camera speed here [Music] and now we going to the smooth tool here and we smooth things up like this foreign [Music] from here so again go to the scalp tool and we extend this River here okay so if you want to make a very big river you can also extend this as you want so but maybe we can focus only to this area so our river is enough uh big so we can proceed to further but you can also do this so just go to this smooth button here and smooth things up just like this okay so this is enough for this scene and maybe we go to this our main selection mode here and then we select this mannequin and maybe we put this here so we will have this size reference here okay so now we're going to make a water body a surface here so the inbuilt water body surface is look nice but I'm going to use another one which is from the ruler Australia pack so in order to get this ruler Australia pack which is absolutely free firstly go to the Epic Marketplace so here is this ruler Australia pack and when you go here you just click on this add to project and sometimes people say that some of the project is not compatible with the 5.1 version and the project is not showing here in order to show the all the project you will get this switch that is the show all projects and just turn this on and if your asset is not compatible with 5.1 but it also can show here and you can just select your project maybe in this case this Forest Lake and just hit on this add to project so now we're back to this project and in order to put the reverse surface here first we going to put a plane here so we go to this box and we go to this shape and we click on this plane okay so here is the plane and now we're going to increase the scale so here is the skill switch and we make this to 100 or maybe thousand okay just like this and when you check on this lock key switch you will uniformly increase all the axis here so now we select this and I dip it down here just like this okay so here it is and now we going to our ruler Australia pack so we just go down and you will find this ruler Australia and then we go to this water folder here and you will find this water material so this is the material instance so you just click and drag and drop to here and you will get a nice water body material here and you can see that it really looks nice and you can see that our Skylight is not showing or reflecting to the surface so for this we go to this Skylight option here and when you go to this details panel you will find this real-time capture so we just have to turn this on here and now you can also see the reflection here okay but you can see that the reflection is not so good so in order to make a nice reflection here so you go to this box here and then you go to the visual effects and we enable this post process volume here okay this is the post process volume and when you select this post process volume and go to this details panel and first we type the infinite and you will find this infinite extend Unbound just turn this on here okay and then also we click on here and we type reflection and you will find this Lumen reflection because we are going to use the Lumen lighting so we go to this Lumen reflection here so we check this method and we also go to this Lumen reflection quality just take this box you can increase or decrease the quality here so maybe we put 20 here just like this and also we go to turn this on that is the high quality translucent reflection just click on here and in order to enable this just click on here and now you can see that this nice quality reflection here okay but this features is only available in 5.1 so make sure that you use the 5.1 version of Unreal Engine okay so now we going to put some landscape material here so for this we're going to use some Mega scan assets so go to this content folder and then it go down and right click here and you will find this add quick cell content if you install the quicksell bridge for annual engine just click on here and then you need to sign in here after the sign in first you go to the surfaces button here and let's find a nice texture for our landscape so we go to the soil material and maybe we select something from here so maybe this one look nice okay so in order to download this just click on here and after download we just click on this add button here and it will add air okay so now we in order to access go to this Mega scan folder and then we go to the surfaces and we get this material here so just click here and then we go to this landscape and we clear this search bar and then we go down and here is the landscape material just click on this Arrow switch here and you will get this nice material here and you can see that there are so many repetition here so you select this or go to this landscape material and then we go to The Styling option here enable this and we decrease this number to maybe 0.2 by 0.2 and now you will see that this look nice okay and also uh do one thing that we go to this specular here just select this and it decrease the value okay just like this and we also go this metallic option here just enable this and we also decrease the material map intensity so just decrease it just like this okay and then we hit the save button here and we close this okay so you can see that uh this looks something very nice so far so now we going to put some other 3D assets to our scene so for this I am using some Mega scan assets so go to this Mega scan folder go to this 3D assets and in order to see all the assets here we just select this filter that is the static mesh filter here and if you don't know that how you add these filters you can go here that is this three lines here and you can select any filter from here so maybe blueprints or materials or static mesh just tick this on and those filters are enabled here okay and I'm also give all the assets Link in the description down below so you also get all the assets from the quicksell mega scan and if you don't know that how you can download the crystal Mega scan assets you can also check my previous videos on that so maybe we're going to use this one so we just click and drag and drop here so you can see that uh this is too big so we're going to also decrease the scale so we press R to bring the scale Gizmo here and we go to this middle box here and until we find all the boxes go criola just click and drag it to make the size decrease here okay and now we going to place this here just like this okay so now you can see that these things are going to make much better result here and now we going to duplicate it and also we place it here [Music] okay so now you can see that uh we make these things and you can see that these things are really repeated so what we can fix it later on uh when we put the vegetations it will fix but you can also use uh different assets to make thing little nicer here okay so here it is so now we're going to put some vegetations so for the vegetation I am also use a free vegetation content pack from the mega scan so here is this Mega skin tree European black elders and we just click on here that is the add to project and here is our project here and just add it to here so in order to put the trees we go to this foliage section here and then we going to select our tree so we going to use these black Elders so after selecting this black Elder folder in order to show the all the trees here we select the static mesh filter here and then we going to use a tree from here so maybe we're going to use this one this is click and drag and drop here okay just like this and then we select this tree and go over here so maybe we can and in case or decrease the brush size and also the density and also we go down here and let's see there is the density count so we're going to decrease this to maybe 20 and then also go down and also uncheck this align to normal here just like this okay and then also we go over here that is the scale we're going to decrease the scale to maybe the minimum to be 0.2 and the maximum to be 0.5 okay and then we going to paint the trees here so just put the trees like this so as you can see all the trees are nanite enabled so if you right click here go to the net and you will see that the net is enabled so in order to put so many trees we have to check the nanite option here and this nanite foliage only available in 5.1 so make sure that you use the 5.1 version of unreal in order to use the nanite in foliage so just make some painting here just fill the gaps and you can see I am also screen recording this but it still run nicely and maybe we can put some of the tree at the background so fill the gaps here okay just like this and now we go down to our main perspective here so just like this and you can see that it looks something like this okay so maybe we can put other trees over here okay just like this and if you accidentally put some trees on the river you can also delete this so before we delete let's decrease the brush size here just like this and press and hold the shift key and just click and it will delete the unnecessary trees here okay so just like this and now we going to put other ground vegetations so maybe we select something from here so maybe we can use this one so just click and drag and drop here and we disable this one and just select this one and if you see that your scene is so laggy you can do one thing that go to the settings go to this engine scalability and change this to high and when you select this High scalability you will see that the reflection of the water is dissolved but don't worry uh we can turn it back on and now we going to increase the density for this ground foliage here and also we go here or maybe we can go to delete option here and check this to unlit mode and now we're going to put this ground vegetation but you can see that these are so dense so maybe we can disable this and we go down here and decrease the density from here to maybe 20 as well so let's paint here okay so this look nice and maybe we can do one thing that we can decrease the scale of this so let's disable this one and then we go to the scale and decrease the scale to maybe 0.5 to 0.8 okay and then we start painting but before we start the pen to decrease the brush size as well so now we paint okay just like this okay and also this side here as well and as you can see the wind settings look very weird here so for the wind fix we go to this mesh and double click here and then also we go to this material and double click here as well and then we go to the search bar and type wind here and you will see that advanced wind option so we turn this on okay and you can see that and this will look nice so we save this from here and just close this okay and now you can see that the weird wind uh is fixed here so now we going to put some other uh foliage here so we go to this folio section again and we maybe we increase the density here and we put this foliage here okay so you can put so many foliage if you want uh but for this uh tutorial what I use less foliage because you can see that it really heavy my system because I also screen recording this but you can get the idea that how you can do this okay so maybe we disable here and decrease the or maybe increase the density and put the vegetations here and maybe if you accidentally put some vegetations over the river you can just disable this by press and hold the shift key and just paint just like this okay so maybe we can put also there as well so just like this okay so now if we go over here and also put some okay so this looks something like this and if we go to this our main mode here and go to this lead mode here and also we go to the scalability and select this epic settings and you can see wow this look amazing okay and maybe we can also change our sun position so we press and hold the Ctrl l and drag the mouse and you can see that this look amazing with a nice lighting setup here okay just like this so so now maybe we can put our camera from this point of view so we go to this box and go to the cinematics and put this in a camera actor here and then we go over this outliner and right click over this camera and select the snap object to view okay just like this and then again go to this perspective and select this cine camera actor okay just like this and then we select this camera and go to this details panel and go down and maybe go to this film back and we select the 16 is to 9 DSLR so we get a nice field of view here okay just like this and maybe we can do one thing that we go to this our River plane and we put this plane little higher here just like this so it will look nice wow so you can see that it really makes a nice result towards scene and as you can see that our this mesh repetition is also gone by the help of these vegetations so you select this mesh here as well and we duplicate it here [Music] and maybe we rotate this just like this okay so now you can see that it really makes a nice result here so now we're going to put some manual trees to make a nice variant here so we go to here or maybe we select some of the trees from here so maybe this one or maybe this one so we just put it over here and we increase the scale just like this so make a little bit of variant here and also we can duplicate it over here put it here and maybe we rotate this to this angle and maybe we decrease the scale a little bit down okay so now you can see that it also makes some of the variation here and also do the same thing to this side as well so we just duplicate so in order to duplicate you just press and hold the ALT key and drag your any axis to duplicate the tree here so just like this and also again duplicate over here we select this tree and duplicate it to here okay so now you can see that it makes a little bit of variation so again we duplicate it one more time and maybe put it over here and again we rotate this to a certain angle and also we decrease the scale just like this okay so now you can see the difference here or now we going to put other stuff from here so in my actual video we have uh the distance Mountain here and which is look very nice so before we place the mountains maybe we can change some settings to the cloud so we go down here that is the volumetric cloud here and we go there this uh layer bottom altitude we can change the settings here to make other version of cloud here so maybe we can put a less cloudy scene here and also we go up go to this exponential height fog and we decrease the density just like this okay and then we press and hold the Ctrl L and change the light position [Music] to make a nice light position here now we're going to put some assets on this foreground so for the foreground first we're going to put some asset over this surface so I am going to use these assets and you can just go to here that is add to project so the folder name Ms for institute so go over here and if you select the static mesh filter you will see all the assets over here and maybe in your case all these assets are not nanite enabled so if you go here I enable the net for all the assets so in order to enable the nanite you just select all the assets and right click and then go to the nanite and enable Nanette for selected okay so in that way you can put more object into your scene without less lagging okay so to import here firstly go to our foliage section here and then first we select uh some of these following leaves so just select this one and this one and then go over here and we just drag it here okay and then we deselect the other two here only select this one and first we put or maybe first we decrease our brush size here just like this and if we put and you can see that uh it look nice some of the following leaves here and there or maybe we can also increase the density and then we first to delete this and then we put here and there okay just like this okay so just put the following lips where we focus just like this [Music] okay and then we're going to put some gases here as well so I select this grass and put it over here and then we make little room here and here is the grass so we deselect these two and only focus on the grass so first we see that how much it gains so the density is very less so we going to increase the density from here so we just go down and there is the density count so we set it to maybe 400 and now first we go to our settings and set it to high and then we put the grass here [Music] okay just like this and if we go down and you can see that this grasses look nice okay and then we're going to put some rocks as well so we select all these rocks here and then we put those rocks over here as well just like this and we deselect this grass for this time and only select the Rocks here and select all these rocks and then we go here and decrease the brush size little bit and we put the Rocks over here in there okay just like this so it all depends on you that uh where you want your assets so just experiment to make a nice look here okay just like this and maybe you will think that our scene looks uh very less populated it's because that I can't put so many object in here because I am also screen recording but you can put many object as you want uh because maybe in your case it is less laggy to work okay just like this so now we're going to put other trees over here and there so first we select this boost like plants and maybe we select all these and deselect this and then only select this bush here and then we going to put here and there as well so first maybe we go to unlip mode and then I put some of the bushes here or maybe I can decrease the scale of this bush so just go here and maybe we decrease it to maybe 0.2 by 0.5 and increase the density to maybe 40. and now I'm going to put here and there just like this just fill the gaps here okay so maybe here maybe increase the brush size just like this okay and now we're going to put some of the Rocks over here as well so we go to our main mode select this rock and we put it over here rotate this and it down a little bit here okay and now we going to put some other trees over here and there so you select the same tree here or you can use other trees but for the sake of this tutorial I'm putting the same trees here and there just like this and also duplicate one more time rotate this and we decrease the scale just like this and also put it here rotate this okay just like this okay so now if we go to our lead mode here and you can see that it look really amazing and maybe we can go to our epic mode and now you can see that wow maybe it look uh not so nice because when you render it you will look very nice and also we go to our camera here is your camera and select this manual focus maybe we focus here so now you can see it look amazing uh now maybe we can go back to our eye mode here so we can work nicely okay so now maybe we're going to put some other assets over here and there so we have this dump so we can put it here Maybe and also we can put it little down just like this and also we can do one thing that we can rotate this so maybe you can rotate this just like this okay so now finally we going to put some background Mountain so for this I am also going to use a free content from the APK Marketplace so here it is so this is the pack called the landscape background so you can just add it to your project here so you will get this folder named the photorealistic background and when you put this you just deselect this filter here and you go to the meshes and you will go to this modular winter and then you can select the static mesh and you will get some of the modular mountains here so you can use it so you can use any one so maybe we can use this one and put it here and you can see that this is very big mountain so maybe first we go to unlit mode and select this mountain and then we put it till back here or maybe we go up and put it over here and you can see that it is very big mountain so feel free to put it really far away just like this okay and if we go down here and you can easily see the mountain over there and it really looks amazing just like this and maybe we can duplicate it and maybe rotate this okay so now if we go to our lead mode and you can see the distance mountain and it really creates a nice result to your scene okay so now we're going to put some other assets from the mega scan so let's see what we have here so we go to this Mega scan folder and you can see I have added some of the assets here so you can get so many uh wild flowers here as well as some World plants here so you can put those in your scene it will creates a nice result to your scene so maybe select this one and then we go to the foliage section again and we can put this flower over here and then we select all of this and maybe we select and then deselect and then only select this one and just make a tick mark here and then we decrease the scale size of the brush and put this flower here and there or maybe this is too much so maybe I delete this and then I'm go down and decrease the skill size to maybe 0.5 to 0.5 or maybe 0.2 and then I put this flowers over here and there okay so now you can see that these flowers blends with the grasses here okay just like this okay so this look amazing and now we going to put other assets so let's see what we have here so we have this broken Branch here so we just put it over here and maybe we can increase the scale of this branch so increase this okay and maybe we can see that our uh this foreground is so much less populated so we can also put some other grass material to this so let's see what we have here so there are some wildly grasses here as well so we're going to put these grasses so we go to our foliage section again and put the wild grasses over here and then we increase the density to maybe 400 and we also go here that is the filters so we uncheck the static mesh so we only check this landscape and now if we going to put the grasses here and you can see that or maybe we can increase the density little bit more so you go here and set it to 500 and also we increase the maximum size to maybe 1.5 and then we going to delete this first layer and then we again put this grass here and here [Music] okay and now you can see that it really makes a very dense grass field here and you can see that now it's going to look amazing okay so and now let's see what else we have here so go down or maybe go here so we have this woodent bench model here that I use in my actual video so we put this over here and maybe we rotate this this angle and also we going to duplicate a tree so this tree here and we also put this tree to the close to this bench here let's like this and maybe we rotate this into this direction okay so now you can see this look really amazing and now we're going to place our sun over here [Music] and now you can see that little bit of nice light correction you will get a nice scene here okay so now you can see wow this really creates a nice touch to our scene so now we're going to put some post process effects so we go to select our camera here then we go to this details panel and then we go down and you will see this lens option here and under the lens you will get this Bloom option expand this and check this method and we change the standard to convolution okay and then we also go down here and then we go to this lens flare option and we turn this on here and maybe we decrease the intensity little bit down okay everything look nice here so again go to the scalability and check this to Epic and now you can see that it really makes a nice result to our scene okay and now maybe we can create a sequence so we go to here and make a add level sequence here and maybe we name this as save it and then first we bring our camera here so we select our camera and just drag and drop here like this and now we're going to change our focal length so maybe we can make a wide angle shot here or at the same time we also Focus the distance here so just like this and now you can see that and now you can see that in this area it is really look very uh less populated so we're going to put some assets here as well so again go to this foliage and select this grass here and we put the same grass over here just like this and also we select the rocks so maybe we select these rocks here and then we put some rocks over here and there as well okay and also do the same thing that the this bush here and we disable the Rocks here and we decrease the density and now we put some of the small plants over here in there okay just like this so now if we put our camera here and then we go to our main mode and you can see that it really makes a nice result towards him or maybe you can see that this look not so nice but believe me that when you render it out it really makes a nice result to your scene okay okay so this is what we get so far now we're going to put some localized fog here and there so for this we're going to create a material so just come over this content folder and here is our main folder pathway so just right click here and create a material here and we name this as local fog and then we double click here so here is the material first we select this material parameters and go over here that is the blending mode we change this to translucent okay and also we're going to need a noise map so for this go to this content drawer and if you have this engine content let's see if I collapse this one here is the engine folder and if you don't see this engine folder here don't worry you just go to this settings switch here and turn on this show engine content okay and you will find this engine folder here then we go to this content and we type noise and you will get a bunch of noise Maps here but we're going to use this one that is the tiling noise five just bring it over here okay just like this and now we're going to use a node so just right click here and type radial radial gradient exponential okay and first we hook this radial gradient exponential to the base color here just like this and you can see here is the base color okay and then we also going to need a another node called the depth fade so just right click here and type depth and you will find this depth fade node here and you will see there is two parameters that is the opacity and the fade distance so in order to operate this we also need a scalar parameter so in order to bring the scalar parameter just press and hold the S key and just click here and you will get this scalar parameter and this first scalar parameter we name opacity op for opacity and we hook this to opacity node here and then also we need another scalar parameter so press and hold the S key and just click here and this is for the distance so I type this stands for this for distance and we also bring it to this distance node here okay but it initial if you select this one you will go here that is the default value there is the zero so maybe we type one for now as well as the distance we type one for now here okay and now we going to hook this up with this opacity node here but we also have these noise map and this radial gradient exponential so first we bring those two node together by using a multiply node so we press aim and hold the m key and just click here to bring this multiply node here and then we connect this radial gradient exponential to node a and this depth fed node to B node okay and now we going to put this into this opacity node but we also have this noise map so we also connect this noise map together so we need another multiply node so press and hold the m key and just click here and then we go to this RGB node and hook this up to multiply node a and this multiplied node two multiply node B here okay and then we just connect it to this opacity node okay so now you can see that uh this look nice but we want some movement here so in order to move this texture we need a node called the panel so we press p and hold the P key and just click here and you will get this Banner node here and then we connect this panel node to this texture node and then we also use a scalar parameter to maintain the speed value so in default that you can see there is no speed so the texture still looks static but if we press and hold the S key and just click and we name this as speed and then we connect this to this speed node here okay and now if we select this parameter and go to this default value and if we type 1 and you can see this is moving but the movement is too fast so we decrease the value to maybe 0.004 okay and everything look nice so now we're going to apply this and save it okay and now we cross this and here is our fog material but we're not going to use this one so just right click and we create a material instance here and then in order to apply this material to this place we're going to use this card so we go to this box and then go to the shape and select This Plane here here is the plane and now we're going to rotate this plane so so just rotate This Plane into this angle and then also going to increase the scale to maybe 50. okay just like this so put it this plane here and then we're going to apply this material here so we select this instance and just click on this Arrow switch here and you can see that this looks something like this and you can see that really it creates a nice result but we not stopping here because we have some parameters here so we double click on this instance here and here is the three parameters that we put so we just enable those parameters and first we increase this distance so maybe we increase this and you will get some distance fading here just like this okay and also we may be increase the opacity to maybe two and then we place it over here just like this maybe we can decrease the opacity to maybe one okay so now we save this and you can see that it creates a nice volumetric fog here and there and also we going to duplicate This Plane and maybe we place it here so it gets a nice localized fog here and we can also decrease the scale from here so maybe 20. and now you can get a nice result here and maybe we rotate this to this angle and put it little down and also we go to this material instance again and increase the depth feed just like this okay so this is how you can create a nice volumetric fog here and you can see that it really creates a nice result so in my actual video you can see some of the following leaves here so I'm using the same pack for this falling leaves that is the ruler Australia so when you go to this ruler Australia pack you will find this effect folder so just double click and you will get this folder that is called the falling leaves just double click and we go over here and then we put this following live system over here so maybe put this here and you will get these nice falling leaves from the trees okay and also we put another one here and some of the here and maybe we duplicate this tree over here and put this here maybe and also we rotate this okay just like this so you will get a nice Falling Leaves effect here so now we going to put some bars here so as we see there is also a bar inside this ruler Australia pack so maybe we use this one so just put it over here and it will create a nice simple bars in our scene so you can use this also okay so we almost cover everything here so now we're going to create a nice camera movement in sequencer so as I created a sequence in earlier so we just double click on this sequence and here is the sequence and if we make a room here and we make a room here and you can see that this look nice and also we go to this camera and then we go to this camera transform and maybe we create a keyframe here and in your case if the keyframe interpolation is Cube you can just right click here and set it to linear here and make a default keyframe here so just go here and set this linear to make a default keyframe to linear and then we go to the very end here just like this and make sure that you turn on this Auto keyframe here and we just animate our camera over here okay just like this and now if we go here you can see a nice camera movement here okay and also in my actual video I put a deer over here or here maybe so I also show you that how you can put the deer and also animate the deer over time so for this I am also use a free content pack from epic game so we go to this epigram Marketplace and here is this pack that is called the animal variety pack just add it to your project and then we go to this content drawer and search for this animal variety pack so here is this pack and here you get some of these nice animal animation here so we're going to use this one and go to this meshes and maybe we're going to use this one so maybe we put this one here just like this and also we have to add this into our sequence so when you select this deer go to this track button here go to this actor to sequence and add this tier okay just like this and now we're going to put the animation here so we go to the very beginning here and then we go to the animation and we just click this one that is this ideal look around okay and maybe we change the timeline here and you can see that when you play this sequence you can get this nice kind of Animation over here okay and lastly we going to see that how you can globally control the wind of all the foliage here so for this we go to this content drawer and we search for this BP and you can get this BP folio ejector ev5 and this is comes with this black Elder pack you can get this blueprint to control all the air settings or in settings so just click and drag and drop to our project here and you can see that it shows all the direction of the of the wind so when you select this or select this blueprint from here and now we can go to this wind speed option here and if you increase this and you can get a very speed wind here or you can get also here that is if you increase this session and health you can increase or decrease the season you can change the seasons from here or you can also increase the season brightness and you can see that this foliage if you go very close here you can see that the color is changing according to the season and also you can decrease the color of the lips from here as well also increase the health or decrease the health so you can get uh dead lips as well as the nice lips from here if you change this parameter here okay so this is how you can change all the settings for the trees and these ground vegetations here so this is very useful blueprint which is comes with this black Elder so you can use and change any settings from here to get a nice razor to your scene so basically this and maybe we can bring this sector to down so we not interfere with our viewport here so finally we going to render this scene so how you can render this so in order to render this in high quality you need a plugin to enable so firstly go to this edit option and go to this plugin and type movie and you will find this movie render queue and this movie rendered additional render passes just enable this and your prompt to restart your engine so just close it from here and when you restart your engine go to this Windows go to this cinematics and then we go to this movie render queue okay just like this and then we have to add this sequence to render so go to this render and you select your sequence in this case our sequence is this sequence and then you go to the settings just go here that is the unzipped config and I don't want to render my sequence to jpeg sequence so I delete this one from now and then you go to the setting first we add this ntlacing and with temporal sample count settings to maybe 32 and override these settings here and also change the method to multi sampling here and also I type this render Oma frames here and then again go to the settings and I go to this camera and change this to frame close and then again go to the settings and I use this high resolution and also we turn on this override subsurface scattering and the sample count to 64 look nice and then again go to this settings and I choose this exr sequence okay because I like this exr sequence because it render in 16 bit then I go to this output and from here you can choose the output folder here and then also go to this use custom frame rate and you can change the frame rate from here so maybe 23.976 I don't know why because I like this and then we hit the accept button and now you finally have one click away that is the render local just click and you will get a nice extra sequence of your animation so this is it and I'm very happy that I make this tutorial and I go through all the process that I use to make my own scene so I hope that you really enjoy this tutorial and if you enjoy this tutorial you can watch my other videos and if you like those videos please do subscribe this Channel and turn the notification on so this is for today and we will see in my next video so till then take care and bye bye [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Magnet VFX
Views: 28,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5.1, UE5.1, Game development, Game engine, Real-time rendering, 3D modeling, Level design, Computer graphics, Game design, Cinematic production, Animation, Blueprint programming, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 sequencer, unreal engine tutorial, unreal engine cinematics, unreal engine 5 cinematics, game developer, tutorial, ue5 sequencer, lumen, nanite, unreal engine 5 beginner, unreal engine 5 tutorial film, unreal engine 5 tutorial landscape, magnetvfx
Id: OQ9wngH1hew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 0sec (3600 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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