Unreal Engine 5.1 - Nanite Foliage + Performance Tips

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 25 2022 🗫︎ replies
what's up everybody [Music] today we're going to be going over Unreal Engine 5.1 nanite foliage I was going to release a video on this earlier but then the actual release came out um and I didn't want to do it in the beta I figured this would be more beneficial um along with that I've you know I've been really busy also self plug I will be releasing these assets the trees that you see here and I'm going to add a bit more to my actual store at ethanolson.com and if you like this community and like tutorials like this and want to help support me please follow And subscribe it's much appreciated really thank you but with that out of the way I'm gonna go over how to quickly set up and configure a whole bunch of assets at once to save you time and uh some performance tips to help give you back some FPS if you're noticing that it's tanking a little bit overall Nani foliage is really performant I have several hundred thousand instances of grass and then these uh these trees that I put together for this test some of them are up to about 2 million polygons so they're really dense and you can see that it's overall looking really good let's go ahead and show you how to quickly enable nanite Foliage for all of your assets at once so if you were to open up the folder like let's say grass for example you would select all of the grass assets right click then you're going to go to asset actions and then down here to bulk edit via property Matrix now this is really cool for a lot of different things it allows you to edit multiple different parameters on like textures or models so once you have them all selected just make sure you hit enabled for nanite and then preserve area that's going to help you really keep the form and keep it from breaking down and then you can tweak additional settings with how far you allow it to break down or not right now I just have mine on the default and it seems to be doing just fine the same technique could be used for textured memory also if you had a whole bunch of like say mega scan materials in your scene you could go to your folder and then go to filter click textures and then select all of your textures right click then asset actions I'll get it by a property Matrix and then if you were to go to compression maximum texture size you can set your resolution to whatever you want this allows you to like basically pull in textures as the default AK and Ani if you really wanted to which I wouldn't but you could and then set your resolution here some things to keep in mind when you have a whole bunch of really small leaves and branches even with preserve area on in the nanite foliage you can start to get a little bit of artifact and like it seems a little bit noisy but there are some console commands to kind of pull that back but really I would just suggest designing your trees or bushes or whatever it may be with slightly larger leaves in branches you know and you can still do that and keep it realistic like I have a really high contrast sky and really small leaves and it's still honestly it's very believable like if we go into the play level here and run around from the you know the player's perspective in all reality it's not that noticeable like this would be you know completely fine to deliver with right though I wouldn't stress it too much but just keep it in mind so now you may notice there is no shadow on the grass right now so the reason I'm doing that is to get you know get a little bit more FPS back into the scene and I'm letting the Shadows from the larger structures carry on to the field like it still sells the idea and there's a whole bunch of these areas where like it wouldn't be relevant to have shadows for the grass anyways but I'll go ahead and show you what it looks like on and off so right now it's off for performance but I'm going to select all the grass in the scene and we're going to go down to Dynamic Shadows and you can see that it popped back on now Let's uh let's show our stats show FPS so still getting about 50 FPS right now and that's because I also did a little bit more performance with the coding of the graphs so your Min and Max are where your grass is going to call out the lower this Max number is the earlier it's going to call out my graphs you can see that the line there is where the grass is stopping but I felt that 15 000 would still perform it and with the density and the way the landscape was flowing it it preserved it well enough to where it wouldn't break the composition too much keep in mind when you're developing for a game for example it's still going to be very beneficial to probably include some imposters and or lods like using nanite up to like a certain percentage and then you know maybe having used to call out a little bit earlier and then going to an imposter and then calling out completely um not a bad idea same thing with trees let's zoom out here really quick it's obviously not a complete landscape but if you are interested in learning more about that process let me know and I can put together a more in-depth maybe master class on how to do this I was using Gaia mainly but we can do it with guy and Houdini for some pretty sweet looks you can see that well the grass is calling out so that's where that 15 000 unit is but there's a little bit of artifacting on the trees but from the player level and then down here it's really not as noticeable so if you were doing like large cinematic shots and you were showing a vast amount of the landscape in the trees I would just make sure that the leaves are a bit more dense a little bit larger possibly and you could even have it to where nanite's not enabled and you're just forcing LOD 0 from that distance if it's going to be a cinematic thing anyways but overall I've had a really good experience using this it seems really performant it's a lot of fun to like crank up the scene density with all you know all of your different foliage and really build it art direct quickly without thinking about the repercussions as much you know but like I said earlier you still want to keep those fundamentals and design principles in mind especially when you know the game development pipeline but overall like I see this being absolutely insane if not already right now in overall you can tell that the scene looks beautiful and I haven't I haven't done a whole lot to it other than really plop these trees in and then use the default grass from Mega scans um but with the the tree kit that I'm gonna put on my Marketplace it's gonna have these different trees I'm gonna throw in a few different materials I do have that fantasy bark material you guys may or may not have seen on my art station or uh LinkedIn or Twitter so you can check it out there but I'll include that so you can push some high fantasy Landscapes it's going to include some clip and Boulder materials too older assets and then I may do you know maybe a few more like high fantasy sculpts for it as well but let me know what you guys are interested in um and also what else you want to learn about Unreal Engine 5.1 there's a whole bunch of cool features that kind of drop this was the one that I was really looking forward to um but enough of the tangents yeah uh just make sure to comment let me know what you guys want to learn and see next and I'll try to keep it more consistent just been really busy lately so thanks for sticking around and I'll catch you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Kingdom Crafter
Views: 27,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5.1, unreal engine 5.1 tutorial, unreal engine 5 nanite forest, ue5 nanite foliage, unreal engine, unreal engine 5 tutorial, ue5.1 nanite trees, unreal engine 5 nanite foliage, game dev, games, 3d design, ue5, tutorials, tutorial, game design, unreal engine 5 nanite landscape, unreal engine 5.1 preview, ue5 beginner game, ue5 beginners course, ue5 beginners guide, ue5 beginners, ue5 beginner tut
Id: wzK3ydvgAo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 59sec (419 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 23 2022
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