Unreal Engine 5.1 SDK - NDK - JDK Set-up Full Guide 2022 With Proof UE5.1 Android Mobile SDK NDK JDK

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hey guys welcome back into planning and in this video we're going to learn how we need to set up SDK and DK jdk for new Unreal Engine 5.1 so recently new 5.1 has been released so now we are going to set up the SDK for our 5.1 the first thing you need to install the 5.1 and once you install you need to make sure you need to go to Epic uh your epic game or whatever you call Epic software whatever it is then go to your engine then go to operation auction and scroll down and make sure that you have this the Android component On Target platform make sure you have Android component with for play my game you can check my Bluetooth account and you can follow me in my Facebook page also you can visit our website for get more information and if you're personal project or if you have some work you can gmail me at my gmail address also like share and subscribe and support me if you want my paid codes you can check in udemy Link in description doubt that you can't export your game for Android okay once you've done the second step is you need to download the visual studio installer okay and make sure that you have 2019 version and if you're using 2010 Union 2 already but you still need 2019 because some of cases Unreal Engine need the two 2019 compiler okay then once you install 2019 then you need to go to modifier and now you need to download some component make sure first in individual components you need to download msvc b14 Ms Bill 2090 AMR build tool make sure that use uh you know install or download this to compare and second is AML Supply okay and make sure there are all 2019 version once you download then you need to press the C plus plus uh Dexter Builder pin with C plus plus and here uh you find uh if you couldn't find your Unreal Engine so what you need to do just general players just you find one more that game developing with C plus plus you can choose that and go to individual components and because I already have lots of component and it's showing me to install again as you can see it's saying to predict that but you need to in your case you need to install the uh unreal installer and Android IDE support just stick on this two thing and then click on modify because I already have then that's why I'm not I don't need to do and once you have that then this your second step uh is turn now the thirdest step is you need to download the Android Studio 4.0 make sure in Market there's a lot of version available but you need to download the 4.0 and once you download that and install you need to go to config and go to SDK manager at best ticket manager you need to download the Android 10. that is API level 30 then the Android API level 5.0 that is the lollipop version or if you put an API that is 21 and for KitKat version that is AP 11 19. once you're done you need to go to SDK tools and make sure you enable this the true package details and at here you need to download 30.03 and 29.03 that is a big tool version and then 28.0.3 Bill tool version and just scroll down and you find the ndk section and the Indica section into download 25.1.87357599 whatever it is just install that because this is the last version you must see that is the if you put in the version that is 25 version and also the 21.4.7075529 and 21.6352462 okay and once you download these two three things you need to go to sdkl command line and just you need to leave this SDK command line tool 8.0 and the SDK command line 7.0 okay uh what you need to install that from 7 to 1.0 Instagram all of them that is built to a command line and in the same maker section you need to download 3.10.24988404 version and once you press all of them click on apply and download okay now you need to keep note your C drive user slash user app data local slash Android SDK location okay make sure uh any if you install it by default location it will be always go this location that C drive user slash user app data local Android and SDK okay then once you do the Olf all of them you need to download the jdk or Java development Tool uh some of cases uh lots of you say me that bro I I didn't find my Java environment or it's saying that it's not uh available in my environment so for check you need to run the CMD and you can write that Java that version I I guess doesn't need to give a minus uh because maybe uh I guess maybe I need to give a minus version yeah and as you can see it's saying that yeah Java version install in my you know environment so in your case if it's doing that not find recognizing or it should be saying that something like error so what you need to do you need to go to your environment variable or you can search it here that's just search environment additive system variable and go to environment variable and add here you by default found the Java home in if if in your case there is no available Java home like this you need to just simply place a new file and just give your name that Java home make sure that everything is keptical and then you can just don't need to paste anything at here but if you want you can put your C drive program slash Java jdk 1.30 bin folder okay bin folder location you can or you can check from here and then press on OK and you find the system variable at the system variable we also find the Java dot home and at here in your case it's still not coming so you can press on new and add it in your case if it's coming just simply click on edit and paste on your Java location and once you do that you can give a restart if you want otherwise you can also run CMD and try that artists are installed or not and once you have your phone uh you know sector or phone number step is done now the five numbers uh setup is you need to go to Unreal Engine and simply create a mobile project once you're done you need to go to SD as Eddy then project settings and once you go to Project setting you need to go to Android SDK section and you need to just pick up your file so what you need to do just set SDK the from location you slash user app data SDK and in ndk section make sure there's a lot of indicate version you have now so you need to put your uh if you go like let me show you see right user slash user then app data if you in your case update it didn't come so you can enable the show hide files or hidden files so you will see this folder [Music] and then you go to Android and SDK and here you find the ndk and ads here you need to choose your last cell that is if you know case that is uh the eight nine so you can choose that if your case that is seven zero so you can choose that and in your case this is 5.25 so you can choose that in my case the last version is 25.1.1 so just choose that and then for the Java home you can select your C drive program says java.jar 1.8.0 and make sure uh which Step I'm showing some of you maybe it didn't find or maybe some of your case it didn't work like if I go C drive than my program files and Java and they also find two folder one is jdk and one is chart some of uh some of cases may be for you the uh the jdk will be work so you just pick the jdk file and if it's not working then choose the jar file okay it totally depends on you and your computer and your computer variable and computer system okay okay so just choose any of them okay like depends on your situation so just speak randomly one and just try and if it's not working try again with some other one okay and once you have all of this thing you need to go to Android and then add here press that config and you can check that package gameplay okay I'm just skipping this part because this is not important but we all know how many percent of our package folders and you see and now maybe in your case you'll see something like this a error that is saying that the SDK are p25 install blah blah Blaster so you can skip this part and simply click on package project and it will show you like this error so simply ignore that and press continue and just select any folder where you want to export simply click on select folder and you will start exporting your game now some of cases if it will be not it will not should be sure any of error message but if we still showing you can change your windows type like uh in the windows section you find it by default they give you DirectX 12 so if you want you can change the RS I move to default or event access 11 so as you can see the tasking is Task as we start running it's now downloading all the permission okay maybe in your case if you do first time it can be take 10 to 20 minutes because there's a lot of your compile so in here if you zoom first time at that case okay or otherwise it will be just take a five minutes to export a whole game so as you can see it's now downloading in natural files and lips files and as you can see my successfully my package has been successful without any issue and even I can run that in my Android device okay if I show you so here's our mobile APK and also if you want to visible your this uh icon that Android icon this is not important but if you want so you can go to edit into project settings and at here you need to go to Windows sector and change that DirectX 12 to default and it will be asked you to restart your engines so single place on restart and it can be compile Shader so just my case it will be not compiling wow I'm so lucky now it's comparing okay so now if you go to platform as you can see your Android icon has been enabled okay it is basically glitch of Unreal Engine That by default they set up the title as well so you know there is lots of lots of tons of issue so because it's heavy issues it's also have Glitch and bugs so that's why it's showing so you can even export from this selected two so I hope you understand that I need to set up the sdkndk jdk server for your new one really 5.1 thank you so much for watching this love you always in next video for play my game you can check my Google Play Store account and you can follow me in my Facebook page also you can visit our website for get more information and if your personal project or if you have some work you can gmail me at my gmail address also like share and subscribe and support me if you want my paid codes you can check in udemy Link in description
Channel: Tec Dev Studio
Views: 24,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UE4, Tec Learning, Tec, Learning, Unreal Engine Tec Learning, Tec Learning Videos, UE5, complete proof sdk ndk jdk setup for ue5, unreal engine best video, set up sdk ndk jdk, unreal engine tec learning, easy setup sdk ndk jdk for mue5, ue5 sdk ndk jdk setup, how to setup sdk ndk jdk in ue, unreal engine sdk ndk jdk setup, new way sdk jdk ndk setup, ue5 sdk ndk setup, ue5 sdk ndk jdk, best free animation software, sdk ndk setup 5.1, sdk ndk jdk for 5.1, ue5.1 sdk ndk jdk
Id: 7payS86oJ0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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