Set up SDK NDK JDK Visual Studio For Unreal Engine 5.0.3 Complete Step by step full export Android

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in this video we are going to learn about how you can basically set up the SDK Indica jdk for Unreal Engine 5.0.3 and also we'll learn that which type of component we need instead of our Android export completely the first requirement is you need to go to apply and then you need to download the Unreal Engine Android component just go to library then go to display this button then go to option and scroll down and make sure you download this targeted platform dot Android okay so if you also want to export for hours so you can select this if you want some other platform you can choose that but for now we are only showing the Android one so at here for Android we need to just make sure that you take that then click on apply once you're done the second requirement is you need to download Virtual Studio 2019 version that is community version you can use and make sure lots of users are questioned me that a bro can we use 20 2022 also no brother you can't use because there's an issue in 202 because the opinion 2 still in build kind of like Early Access of Unreal Engine okay so it's still have lots of issues and for Unreal Engine Android export there's a lot of thing and terminal we need twitching is still not available in 2022 version Community version so we need to use the visuals 2002 2019 okay and make sure at here you need to just download some modify components so once you download like Basics you can go to modify section and I'm just showing you that what I download I didn't download lots of stuff I downloaded just only want two components one is unreal new game a game development with C plus plus because Unreal Engine is a C plus plus engine but it's it's also have you know looping codes so just click on that and right here you need to download the windows SDK 11 uh if you're using uh window 11 that's why uh in my case I'm using window 11 and then if you have Windows 10 you can choose that too but I recommend to you choose both one and then actually you find that under an installer make sure you click that the second is Android IDE support for Unreal Engine make sure that you click these two then you don't need to download any others component just click on simply that download and install once you download and install then the third Okay the third requirement is you need to download the Android Studio 4.0 also you can download the 3.5.3 so let me show you where you find that so you need to just search that Android Studio old version make sure the last Revolution is maybe more than now five point something I don't use Android 0 too much so I don't know which one is Awesome version but uh you need to use the 4.0 4.0 or you can use some more old version that is 3.5.3 so once you come like this you need to just go this website this is official from Android Studio then just scroll down and once you scroll down you find at here that May 28 2010 you find this that Android Studio 4.0 so you can download the windows dollar 64 rupee or you can even download the zip file also if you want once you download you need to Simply install that in your CDX audio or in your C drive not any other disks like lots of you what you do that will try to set up some like you have more space like just look I have lots of in my CD in my C drive this is a uh NVM one terabyte okay for us and I have more like this is SD this is also this is uh this is also SD this is also SD this is hsd so I have lots of storage so if you also have multiple stories like me so you can choose like this like this like this you can choose but there's a issue come when you try to compile that there's an issue that there will be unreal and you tell you that SDK missing or blah blah blah ndk missing so for fixing that issue make sure you download that in by default location that is C drive okay then into once you install you need to just click on config so on config just go to SDK manager on SDK manager you need to download now some stuff as you can see my default location is SDK on C drive user slash user app data slash local then Android then SDK at here I downloaded the Android component Android 10. R okay then I downloaded Android 5.0 that is lollipop version and Android 4.44 KitKat version this is the most lowest and this is the largest uh I don't recommend to install now the Android API 33 or some previewer okay because they have issue so for now don't download that component just download this thing even it's work even Android 12 also so don't need to worry then once you do like this then you need to go to SDK tools SDK tools and then you need to open this that show package details and here you would just download this to these two thing that is 29.0.2 that is Android SDK Builder tool then you download the 28.0.3 just stick okay nothing else is just click on tick then scroll down and then you need to download the ndk side by side that is 21.1.6352 four things too once you're done click on this then you need to download this all command line so just click on that you need all of the command line then you need the C maker and see me can you download download this is 404 and then others is by default it will not only comes then click on apply okay and download once you download your third requirement is also done now you need to do the fourth number it's a requirement that is you need to download the jdk the jdks are from RSL no this is Packet company and they provide pen system and you need to download there are also some old days uh jdk I don't know why I'm really engine always prefer the oldest stuff not a losses stuff however uh you need to download this the Java SC runtime environments 8u311 you can download even three one one also you can download three zero one like if you scroll some more let me show you uh there's a three yeah you can also download this one to like 8u301 I prefer you to download this one because this one has oldest and you know until it's up all this stuff very goodly that's why you need to download this one I return to install this one and actually what you need to do just click on download Windows 64 Minister also make sure it's Havelock it's mean that you need to create a account in Aura cell once you create the account then login with your account then you need you can download that or otherwise you can't download the jdk once you install uh the software just installed by default you can also feature tutorials don't need to do lots of stuff and then once you do everything then you need to go to your environment variable so just search here that em environment and variables and at here you need to just do setup like me like how I did that first is Java home so the first Java home you need to give the jdk PIN code you can go to edit then you can go to C drive program slash JavaScript jdk 1.3 Point bin and now you have questions provide from this path location in my computer so let me show you so just open your PC not your file explorer whatever it is then go to C drive then go to program lots of also have some issue that for there they don't find the app data okay that is hidden file data so you can go to view sorry you can go to this more option this should be option or uh let me go to properties I don't understand the windows 11 stuff like right there easy stuff like so yep yeah I mean you can go to show and if you're using a Windows 10 there's a maybe icon at here then you press that and there you find then files active tick box just place on that and if you're using window 11 like me go press just view then show and then you can add this that just click that hidden file enable so then your offer will be activated so then go to program files then here you find the Java and here you find the jdk 3.1.01 then double click and open then go to bins folder and just copy this location and then you need to paste that at here also you need to do the same process for your path location okay here you find some hf2 so just paste that there too then also you need to do the system variables also you find Java home so just set up at here too and also in a path okay so just add and or if you if you don't find your path or Java home so just click on a new just just make it manually okay and if you want to check that I that is properly set up or not you can write some CMD so just search CMD and then write Java then give a space then give a minus then word as shown maybe maybe I'm not sure oh sorry maybe I like something wrong [Music] version you need to write not ti1 you need to write i1 okay you need to just do the T I don't know why so why you use the T portion well however so here as you can see it's saying that yeah 1.8.0302 is showing that 302 because I don't know white show three zero two but it sure okay and here is all your four requirement is done now the five number requirement you need to just run some SDK and you can jdk yeah you need to run some so what you need to do just go to your engine or are you saved during it in my case I save my engine in my DDX because it's also of SSD uh these have lots of business that's why I always separate my engine I keep my update in some other sticks as you can see it's have the Epic data but it's don't have the Epic uh the Asif pack data in my epic aspect that I just transferred that in another folder that is valued cache so you know I just do some organized however at here three by um just open your Unreal Engine um folder then go to engine then until you find basically the extra just open that then you find the Android just double click and open and here you find the Android system better than updated link just run them nothing else you just do enter enter enter and once you do that here our problem will be gone now your engine is ready to rock and roll then make sure you give a restart because you do lots of changes you do system variables you do you know blah blah lots of jobs so now you need to give a restart so once you give a restart then you can create a project let's create a simple project the third person then let's create it for mobile and let's give it the accessibility and I don't install the contents I'm just a movie let's give it that mobile what I get mobile game okay I'm just giving it a mobile game then simply click on create now once you create that project you need to do also some stuff or introduce some change on your engine also so let me show you which type of changing you need to do the first thing what you need to do just go to Eddie then go to Project settings and once you go to Project settings then you need to go to scroll down at here you find the window just choose that and first thing you need to change that default RS to change it to default and once you do that and then go to compeller version and choose that to 2019 and once you do that then go to Android SDK at here you find like this the first thing you need to choose here SDK location okay so for pick up the SDK location you need to just double a big just click on this then go to C drive then you find the user you need to find the user then user then here you find the app data that is the inner file make sure that you enable the hidden file access and double click then go to local and here you find the Android just double click on pin and here this is your SDK folder just pick okay then same for the ndk 2 because that is inside of the SDK so you can do the same stuff like user user app data local Android SDK and here you find the Indica folder just choose that and for the jdk sum of cases maybe your PC support teacher that is Java jar bin so like just go to C drive then program files planning to go to Java and at here you can choose some of uh for users the jdk work so you can choose the jdk folder and if you're saying still seeing that not working so you can choose the jar file so you can choose that one too and select it will be work then make sure you choose that last is API version is 21 and guys that's all you don't need to do anything more simply click on restart and your project is now ready to rock in low role and your project will be exported some of cases it will be maybe show you some issue kind of like blah blah stuff okay like let me show you what kind of wish you can we show like here maybe some of cases first time it will be sure that Android iconic will not come the second time will become even third time it will also not come but fourth time once you give restart and we set up everything properly you find something like that then you can export so you can just simply click on package project then you can choose any where you want just simply click a slick folder and it will be start products go to your game okay so if you're seeing that oh okay fine everything is working so just give yourself that congratulations yep you did it like you fix all the stuff now you can export your game for Android without any issue I already show you all these steps what you need to do properly I show you that everything which stuff which component and at why are you find all this stuff I already show you also I try to give you the Android Studio link I'm GDP link so you can check in my description link below so I guess this will help you to just you know just click and download nothing else into do maybe you need to go visit their website okay that's all so as you can see now I start exporting and it will be can take some time because for if you do first time it will be maybe take 10 to 20 minutes to first time set up because at your Unreal Engine download lots of SDK and components and at here if you see something text like this like this uh telling that downloading permission Library generating Etc it's mean that your APK is 99 done so it's now just generating the APK so just to wait and you'll see that a successful package you know that successfully package a message just wait and it will just take some time okay little bit I already did a one-time Expo that's why it will be not shown for me too much time and also it will be depend on your PC also like which type of company you have like if you have a GPU like RTX version so it will not take too much time like I have seen so as you can see it's successfully built so it's saying that yep everything is great done now if I open uh let me show you actually so I am using two monitors that's right so actually just go to music's folder and here you can see here's my mobile APK and make sure if I go to properties this is the APK file and this is my obb file okay so actually like this so at like this you can properly do the export so thank you so much for watching guys love you all bye bye see you next tutorial video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tec Dev Studio
Views: 11,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UE4, Tec Learning, Tec, Learning, Unreal Engine Tec Learning, Tec Learning Videos, UE5, unreal engine 5.0.3 android, complete proof sdk ndk jdk setup for ue5, unreal engine best video, set up sdk ndk jdk, unreal engine tec learning, easy setup sdk ndk jdk for mue5, ue5 sdk ndk jdk setup, how to setup sdk ndk jdk in ue, unreal engine sdk ndk jdk setup, unreal engine 4, new way sdk jdk ndk setup, 4.27.2 unreal engine, ue5 sdk ndk setup, ue5 sdk ndk jdk, best free animation software
Id: xjDo_PH2eTw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2022
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