UE5.2Android Mobile SDK NDK JDK Setup & Export Guide Android Mobile Export Tec Dev Studio #ue5 Setup

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this video I am going to show you how you can basically export your game for Android and how you can basically set up the SDK ndk grdk for the new Unreal Engine 5.2 version so you may be trying lots of YouTuber videos so I recommend the first if you already did some stuff kind of like set up a SDK from any other YouTuber or any ndk for many other YouTuber just delete them all because I'm going to show you a step just do however I show delete everything delete your team data then retire how I'm doing and also you maybe want this one that builds successful you also want maybe like this a APK for your game that your game has generated and you can try that in your mobile okay and I don't know why the birds come in right now in my window and it's singing the song okay bro hey bird I'm making video can you come later okay let's get start the first thing the first thing you need three software the first software is Android Studio 4.0 the second software is NVIDIA code work one are U7 version and windows 64-bit or even you can install the 32 bit then the jdk 82301 so this three software is much recommended and you must need to export in your for game for Android okay and the last software it's neat that is a visual studio okay like yeah you need the visual studio too so and because you are using Unreal Engine version 5 so you must need that visual 2020 if you are using lower than this one like 4.27.2 or 4.20 0.0 so at that case you need install the videos to 2019 and the visual sale 2017. in the all of these cases you need to go to modification section and at your simply scroll down and just scroll down your workloads and at the game development with C plus plus choose this one make sure you have the Android unreal installer and Android IDE supports for an Android engine now you'll be set a pro in your case it's not installed so why we need to install because I also downloaded the more than 40 to 70 gigabyte files that desktop development C plus plus that not DOT net desktop development and Universal platform development so it's also also have this component that's why in my case I didn't install but I recommend if you because you don't want I guess you don't want to install this more than 70 gigabytes files so that's why I recommend to install the Unreal Engine installer and Android IDE supports once you have these all the full software so let me show you some basic step what you need to do for the Nvidia code work it's basically provide you seven uh the four important files that is Android SDK ndk jdk and APK and for the oldest Android uh the unreal version such as like 4.20 zero four point even that is lower than uh 4.2 uh Four Points uh two zero okay less than yeah something like that and the jdk is needed to run and The Griddle files and the jdk or the Java development tool in your computer so the first thing you need to install that is the jdk so simply just install this is only you need to press next and next because I only installed so I'm not going to show you this step but you know just install that okay and you find there's tons of YouTube tutorials available so just press next next and next and once you do that in your basically fast sector and just go to C drive slash program files here you find at the Java folder there is basically you find your jdk bin okay and instead of that bin you need to just go to this bin folder just copy this path location and once you do this you need to basically search that environment system editable or search that edit or etit edit environment variables you find this sector just you can go to Advanced okay and then or edit environment variables so at here you need to just create a folder if there's a no Java form available if there's this folder is not available [Music] [Music] because I am using the jdk from the Nvidia pack so in my case the path is automatically set up there so as you can see in your system variables it also should be have that just press the new one and add a Java home that C drive just paste the location once you have this jdk setup the second step is you need to install basically the Nvidia code work one R7 simply just run this thing and it will be show you something like this and do not worry I'll give you the all these three software in the original link below so just simply go there and download and just simply click on next and next make sure that you need to press here that yes enable you use collection and then it will be basically because you I already have these things so in my case it may be going to be extract and basically rewrite some files so in your case if you don't have it will be basically drag everything it will basically compile everything it will show you the all the this downloads this type and you just go to full select here that full and simply click on next and download all of the necessary component that you have or you don't have you need to install once you do this thing you while you find the files if you go to your uh let me show you why you find finding your why are you find basically your files go to C drive slash Nvidia pack here you find basically your Android SDK windows and APK and and the gridel jdk and the all necessary kind of like ndk level 2. okay once you have this thing the last thing you need to install that Android Studio 4.0 so you know that I need to install the animation Android store it's basically very easy simple install and once you install just go to configuration and go to SDK manager and SDK manager you need to download couple of things that in your SDK platform install the Android API 32 okay you don't need to uninstall anything else then go to SDK tools add here select here show package details at here you need to install these two thing then in your Android SDK Builders you need to install that 30.0.3 and 29.0.2 and the 26.0.1 and scroll down and here you need to download these two ndk level that is ndk 25.29519635 and 25.8933793 these two lasters and Decay level and even in the C maker or build tool you don't need to install anything so don't worry about that simple click on ok now once you do this thing what you need to do is simply create and watch my how to set up a project for a mobile once you watch that and set up your projects then you need to open your Unreal Engine then go to your basically project settings and go to SDK sector here you need to just pick up the path like C drive and media pack slash Android is uh that how I choose here like if I show you this one as you can see the Nvidia pack slash Android SDK and the ndk and here you need to choose this one your 8937931 version choose this folder simply and that's all okay we already see that I need to do the SDK ndk all this thing you need to install now you need to go to your basically to your project settings just go to Project settings go to Android SDK at here make sure you set up everything properly how I show and once you've done everything you need to go to Android make sure that you set the com dot packaging data how I should and make sure that it should be in a small letter not in a capital letter and then and the application build name you can put whatever you want and the targeted SDK should be 32 and the minimum should be a 26 and you can set the installation to Auto and package game data instead of APK like this okay and once you have everything yeah you are basically able to rock and roll now you can go to your third person maps and then basically Android export and click on package and you're basically able to package your game within seconds make sure if you're doing the first time it can be compile Shader and it can be taken 30 to 40 minutes but depends on your PC configuration like your RAM and processor it will basically take the all the it's basically use everything so yeah you need to just wait for that and once is everything done I are basically able to export your game so yeah at this time basically just wait and just give some time make sure also you do not disable or disconnect your computer with our internet connected connection because it will be basically download lots of files from the detail and jdk development sites so make sure you connected your PC with network and as you can see the builds has been successfully so in this way you can also able to export successfully your package game for Unreal Engine 5.2 see you see you next tutorial video and yeah stay happy see you next visual video
Channel: Tec Dev Studio
Views: 9,535
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal mobile android setup, mobile games, unreal engine 5 android mobile game export, unreal engine sdk ndk jdk setup, unreal engine 5 android mobile game development, how to setup sdk ndk jdk in ue, easy setup sdk ndk jdk for mue5, complete proof sdk ndk jdk setup for ue5, unreal engine android setup, ue4 android sdk setup, unreal android setup, unreal engine 4 android setup, android setup unreal 4, ue5 sdk ndk setup, unreal android sdk setup, android setup for unreal
Id: kUO0jnqFCKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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