Unreal Engine 5 + Quixel MegaScans Tutorial

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[Music] all right welcome to another tutorial video on Unreal Engine today I'll be covering how to use the quicko mega scan Library using the bridge plugin this allows you to access epic games owned quicko Mega scans library a library of content in which you can download very high resolution assets and scan from Real World things such as rocks and trees and other things like that and this will make your landscape scenes amazing so today I'll be showing you how to do that exactly so in your viewport you might have something that you've imported in or created directly in here or maybe downloaded from the Unreal Engine store or whatever or brought in from Rhino or SketchUp whatever it might be and in this case I have this random Hightech looking thing and I'm going to use the quick soulle Mega scan Bridge so I have a tab called Bridge up here you may not so you may want to come up here to quickly add to a project and you can just click quickel Bridge that's just going to open up this tab yours might kind of be floating like this and I just kind of put it up here in the browser boom boom okay and you might just see something that looks like this this is the homepage you have surfaces okay these are things that you apply to an object as a texture right um it's not a 3D asset down here you might see 3D models right you have some barbecue shish kebab type of stuff you have some bricks you have some grass and then you have some themes anyway I'm going to jump in here into the Japanese tropical jungle I'm not going to explain well maybe I should explain how to look through this there's 3D assets okay if we go here see 3D assets um so these are 3D objects okay and then if you come here you got 3D plants okay these are all types of plants and I'll show you how to how to utilize these in the video and then surfaces again these are just like what you might imagine in vray as texture materials and then decals decals are super cool you can apply these as graphic on top of objects and I'll show you how to do that as well I'll go back to home and so they have some categories right Arctic Iceland probably all iy in my case I am looking for Japanese tropical jungle okay so if you see latest collections you can kind of click on it and you'll see there all types of things Okay so so I'm going to Japanese tropical jungle I already pre-downloaded some things but just explain right here if I go to this Mossy Forest Boulder you'll see to the right you will have the information about this if I come scroll down you'll notice that I have an option here to download different qualities now I'll say that I'm downloading this one object is nanite nanite is the highest resolution in terms of this type of asset and it's going to give you something super high res but it's going to take up a lot of space in storage I would recommend starting off probably staying in in the medium to high quality range they they won't be as high resolution but they're going to save a ton on storage so if you don't want your files to be like 50 gigabytes probably stay low for now okay once you select your size you just click download I've already had mine downloaded and you need to be signed in need to have an epic account and if you have Unreal Engine you have an epic account you just need to sign in here so once you have it downloaded you get this check mark and then you can click here to export nanite or I'm just going to add it right here so I'm going to click add and then give it a second you'll notice that something popped up right here at the Bott bottom of my content browser what that's showing me is that it's downloading you'll see at the bottom right hand corner it is also importing the file might take a while to load up so right now it just shows as a as a brick it's not actually showing the object if I drag it over uh you'll notice that it doesn't actually even have a texture right now it's still importing that in you can see it's still preparing the shaders give it a little bit for it to fully load in there and now that there's nothing down here it seems like it fully loaded up what you have down here is you have uh the texture channels okay that is built into this texture material and this object object has texure material on it in our details this details explains what's going on with the specific object selected so you'll notice the material has this Mi Mossy Forest Boulder that is this thing right here so if I was to switch it obviously this would change but this is mapped to this object so I wouldn't necessarily change that let me go ahead and slow down my camera so I can move around properly so I can zoom in and I can see okay this has quite a bit of detail I think uh it looks quite nice I could change my lighting holding contr L moving my mouse okay that's fine now where the heck are these things saved so you notice that this is similar to your Windows Explorer you'll see the subfolders within another folder so if I go back one folder to 3D assets one folder out is Mega scans okay and then inside Mega scans is 3D assets remember there is 3D assets surfaces decals whatnot it's organizing in that category this is automatically made once you import it in if I go back one to The Meta folder which is content you'll notice that we have our level that I've explained in the previous video and then Mega scans is what was created when use bridge and you import something from the meas scans Library so once you import any object you're going to get this now after you add the one object so if I come back up here and I want to bring in this Forest Rock add it now it won't automatically jump into that folder like it did previously it only happens the first time so you need to go into the mega scans 3D assets and now you have this Forest Rocky ground okay so just have to keep track of what you're downloading if you drag it in what we're going to do is just bring in a few more assets as I was placing the objects in the assets I noticed I really didn't like the collection so I end up changing it to the Zurich shrub BLS they just have a lot of rocks and I I you know just rocks look nice in Unreal Engine so I'm just I'm just using rocks okay so you come in here I've kind of check marked a few of these big boulders I wouldn't use these some of the large to medium to small I've kind of used some of these Sandstone rocky surfaces Sandy rockstone that's a pretty good one anyway I just kind of downloaded a few where you see I check marked and I downloaded this Sandy gravel we'll see if we can use that if I wanted to add a texture on this object if I go to Mega scans I downloaded the Sandy gravel I'm just going to go ahead and place this on the landscape material I should just note that I selected this object this landscape select it right here you'll see there's a boundary selection and then in the detail you'll notice that over here where is it landscape material there's nothing on it if I just drag this circle sphere onto it you'll see that it changes now it's very repetitive that doesn't matter that's like for the distance it's just giving me color all of this is going to be replaced with my assets okay from the mega scan so I've downloaded a few of these objects and I just place it in you'll notice that they come in at different sizes okay so you can see they're different colors different sizes doesn't matter that's not what I'm concerned about here all that could be adjusted all I'm concerned about is collectively adding these objects to make a scene so I can go ahead and ALT move these things now as I said before you'll notice that all these things are just added in that line if I want all these in an object uh folder if I just select all these objects actually I don't want these things selected un select that I think I selected all the assets okay and then I just come here and click create new folder now it's all under a new folder over here and I'm going to call this rocks or something just call it rocks so now this is all under rocks if I turn it off all the Rocks get turned off all right and now I'm going to set this as make current folder so every time I duplicate this thing it gets duplicated you'll see that it's getting duplicated under this folder so again if I go ahead and I turn off the Rocks folder everything turns off go ahead and start scaling these things I'm just clicking alt to duplicate it and then now I'm going to go click R and I'm just going to change the scale maybe I can go ahead click e rotate this so it doesn't feel super repetitive I mean it is going to be repetitive if you're using the same object over and over and over again again I'm just being quick here just to kind of show you how you start filling this in this works well if you're just creating a scene right just like this where you're just going to fill in everything that you see in your frame so set up your camera and then fill it out now if you are going to have an animation just be sure to cover it but you can see like if I start moving around I'm going to see all these other things I'm not taking care of and I'm going to use these big rocks here to start blocking out everything that I haven't modeled okay and so I'm just going to really try to create a controlled seam in a future video I do want to cover how to do this procedurally it's much much quicker right now I just want to show you the basics the manual way of doing it like fully controlled by your hand if you want to call this artistic whatever okay so I'm going to go ahead and focus on some of these bigger rocks so this one right here I'm just going to move it to to let's say something like that put it in the ground okay I'm going to duplicate it by clicking alt rotate I'm going to make it slightly bigger push it back I'm going to use this one I'm going to push it in the front like this and so right now I'm just basically covering the backside so I'm not seeing any of those Hills in the background we have this thing I might make it slightly larger push it in the back grab this guy let's rotate rotate okay move now I know the colors are totally off but that's fine that happens I guess in fictional worlds but again this is just demonstrating how to use these assets and not to artistically make this perfect that is not my goal here okay just showing you how to use these assets great a scene okay actually I'm going to make this go into yeah perfect we're going to make this pathway going to this hole kind of that's good enough okay and then so that transition is kind of weird so we might need to rotate this push it back just so there's like it's it's not actually attached to it okay so it's something something maybe like that and then we'll grab this big guy move him in the back kind of like this all right Perfect all right so we can still see some of these things in the background these what I'm calling the mountains all all I'm going to need to do is I'm just going to grab some of these things okay just cuz they seem a little bit off I'm just going to change the material so they kind of have that there we go look this is me being quick I'm just changing the color so it doesn't look off but I mean it kind of matches this color over here and now I'm just going to start sprinkling some of these things over fast forward I've added all the assets I wanted them from the quicksell asset manager and I've surrounded this metal futuristic object bu a bunch of rocks it's really stupid to be honest but it is what it is the purpose is to show you you know how you compile a scene purely by using 3D assets from the quicko mega scans Library using bridge and uh what I'm going to do here now is just add one more object if I go to Bridge and I just go ahead and search electric box um there is this electric box you you can go ahead and just add it I've already added it so I'm going to go back to my file Mega scans 3D assets electric box I'm just going to drag this forward just so I have some I don't know human scaled object move this over uh the purpose of showing you this is that it doesn't need to be Landscapes it could just be you know there all types of things you can add but just to show you that there are a bunch of other objects you know I just go ahead and type Street for example Street there's all types of things that you can add into your scene so I just wanted to show you that um go back to electric box thing down yep add I don't even know what it's called Uh I think it's this thing yeah move this it's really tiny so just go ahead and scale it up if you'd like there we go this thing's a bit too big honestly so I go ahead and scale this down so all I did here is just change it from default to cinematic viewport just to make it look slightly different it's a little bit better what you want to go ahead and do later is add a cinematic camera actor you don't want to do what I'm doing here this is just for like preview mode and I'm just going to change the lighting slightly select this object I don't know why and I'm just going to change the lighting just to show you the quality you can get relatively quickly just by creating a scene with these Bridge assets so yeah there you have it that's it pretty simple um just to zoom out just to show you what I created it's not organized whatsoever I mean if if you were to actually like play a game here you'd have to limit the area that you're in just to kind of keep you in the zone again there's a range from here to here that a modeling for and that's that okay all right what I realized is I forgot to show you how to add the plans from the mega scans Library so if I come in here downloaded these guys if I come back to one 3D plants you'll notice that I have some of these plants right here and how you use that is you have to come up here from selection mode go to foliage and you'll notice that these things have been added in if you don't have them added in just go ahead and grab them and just drag them in doing that or you could just go ahead and add foliage right here and you'll show you your selection that you've downloaded okay anyway I'm just going to grab all these and just going to click select you have a brush size okay you have a paint density and then if you come down below as long as you have things selected you will see that there there's settings over here that you can change shrink the brush size so it's not obnoxious see what that looks like okay so that's really large okay so maybe not the greatest and right now it's just adding the Shader so that's why it kind of looked weird so that looks about right but it seems really really big okay so I'm going undo that and usually what I do is I like to put it next to me so if I'm like setting up a camera I'll have some like bushes or grass or whatever to the side this is kind of big I'm going to go ahead and change the max scale okay so scale X I'm going to randomly just change this down to like4 what that does did it shrink it I have no idea we'll go ahead and increase this up to one and see if that makes a difference uh it sure does I think let's be obnoxious about it and's see what that does yep that definitely is the thing that changes the size of it so I'm going to go ahead and keep this kind of small let's keep it like this you can go ahead and add these things as you like just want to show you how you'd remove it uh you just come up here to erase as simply as I added with my brush I can remove with my brush so simple enough there now if you want to add decals you know you simply come come up to decals and I'm just going to click something obnoxious as heck oh I like this guy this squiggly dude yeah graffiti tag just go ahead and download this and we'll go ahead and add okay we'll add the squiggly guy and all I'm going to do is I'm just going to grab the squiggly guy and I'm just going to move it over here now you can see this is kind of strange it does not look like my squiggly dude um and this might be hard to do with something like a rock surface because it really probably makes more sense with a flat surface but what I'm going do I'm place it in there and you'll notice that there is a graffiti tag right here right on the outliner and I'm just going to click r to make it smaller just so I can comprehend the perimeter of this thing and so what you need to do is you need to kind of find the right rotation so I'm going to rotate this thing okay oh there we go we got it so you just got to find the right rotation and and because it's on a rock it's very very very difficult to control go ahead and remove this guy over here you'll see that because it's a flat surface it's projecting it flat uh meaning it's projecting it on a horizontal surface if I try to put it on the vertical it's not going to work what you need to do in this case is you need to rotate it 90° and then I'm going to move this back and you'll notice that the character actually is not doing Justice to this decal thing here you know what I'll do you a favor copy this I'm just going to rotate this 90° and then I'll grab this object again you'll see that he's flat okay and then I'm going to need to rotate so rotate this guy up like 90° move him back and you'll notice that he is right here okay so that's how that works on a flat surface okay so yeah it's kind of a rotation game here so if I come back here download I don't know some graffiti do this again a bit better so I think I need to grab this thing push it here again you'll see that it's not working here it works fine because it's a horizontal surface I'll just plop it here for a second rotate this about 90ish de going to rotate this 90° around here and now just move it and that's how it shows up on my Surface my vertical surface again trying to do it on the Rock is very difficult uh as I've shown you anyway that's how you decals if you were interested I know this is very obnoxious but you know just wanted to show you that future videos I'll show you how to do this a little bit more procedurally to create at least the ground scene because it's kind of annoying to add these and copy paste it manually there's a much much quicker way of doing that but yeah that's pretty much it hopefully you learned a thing or two if you have questions please leave it in the comments sections below see you on the next video thanks for watching
Channel: Some Design Tutorials
Views: 3,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: megascans, quixel, bridge, megascans tutorial, unreal engine megascan, ue5 megascans, ue5 megascan, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, unreal engine 5 tutorial, unreal engine beginner guide, une5, une, une tutorial, unreal engine tutorials, unreal engine realistic, unreal engine architecture
Id: H3lxZNNVFm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 19sec (919 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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