unraveling the constructed chaos of content houses

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hey guys welcome back to my channel i hope you guys are all doing really well in terms of today's video i really wanted to talk about something that in my opinion has definitely been quite the phenomenon in the past few months and that would be the rise of content houses i'm sure that everyone watching this video has definitely watched a video about a content house in the past few months or at the very least has seen a video about it like in passing maybe it was even my video on the high post back in january good times now the idea of a content house is definitely not a new thing i feel like if you've been on the internet for a while you've at least seen one iteration of a content house but i feel like most people would agree with me when i say that i feel like in the past few months we've seen the rise of content houses in a way that we've never seen before it just feels like there's this massive random spike in all of these houses coming out of nowhere and popping up all over la and getting on the news for very interesting reasons with that in mind i thought it actually might be fun to look at content houses as a whole like even beyond like the current situation that we're in right now so kind of look at the past look at where it kind of all came from look at the current situation of course and figure out why this trend kind of started out of nowhere and why the houses are crashing and burning as quickly as they're popping up and then finally look at the future and what i personally think is in store for the very slim amount of new generation houses that are popping up because i honestly think most of them that are existing now are not going to exist in the next few years so i guess you could kind of look at this video as like an unraveling of sorts when it comes to the constructed chaos of these houses because i honestly think that the chaos that keeps coming out of these houses is not really by accident anymore and more by design of course before we start today's video we have to do this week's sweaty shout out and this week it goes to aisha who sent this photo me getting ready to leave my bed at 1 16 am to eat a single slice of provolone out of the fridge with my hands tana attend meme thank you so much for sending if you'd like to get a sweaty shout out for yourself all i have to do is subscribe to my channel follow me on instagram and then dm me your favorite me of the week so before we start looking at the new shiny modern content houses that have like the big mansions and all these perks and it just seems all too good to be true i thought that it might be worthwhile to go back in the past before the term content house was even created and kind of look at the houses that in my opinion really inspired what is now the modern content house before we start today's video though i did want to give a quick shout out to today's sponsor which is raycon if you guys are new to my channel you probably know that i'm a pretty big fan of raycon but if you haven't heard of raycon before they're wireless earbud company that offers wireless earbuds they don't just sound great but fit great too because they've got a variety of different fit options the best part though is that recon earbuds started about half the price as any other premium wireless earbuds on the market yet they sound just as amazing as other top audio brands you know plus celebrities like snoop dogg mike tyson and brandy are all obsessed with raycons too raycons are great for working from home or listening to music or podcasts for hours personally i really like to listen to rain sounds or something before i go to bed to kind of calm myself down before i go to sleep and the nice thing about the raikons is that because there's no wires i have to worry about waking up the next morning like tangled in wires and then because there's no stems i can also sleep on my side without having the stem just kind of jabbing into my ear and since the compact carrying case can actually charge the earbuds four times on a single charge i also don't have to worry about them dying on me quickly rake on earbuds give you six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass and a more compact design for a comfortable noise isolating fit raycons also make a great holiday gift because it's something that they can use every day whether it's for work or play or at home or on the go and it also comes in new fun colors plus recon is a 45 day free return policy so that you can make sure that they are the wireless earbuds for you now's the time to get the best prices of the year on raycons but hurry cause this offer is available for a limited time only click the link in the description box or go to buyrecon.comcaseyanzo to get 20 off of your recon purchase one of the earliest versions of a content house in my opinion even if it was more by coincidence than anything else was actually the vine apartments if you didn't frequent vinyl that much basically how the vine apartments started was back when vine really took off as a platform and a lot of craters around 2014 had gone big enough that they started considering moving to la a lot of them decided to move to the same apartment complex which was located at 1600 vine street get it because they're viners naturally with a bunch of craters living under technically the same roof and always collaborating with each other it meant that their backdrops started to become the exact same because they were all filming in this apartment complex and obviously this is a great idea because you had all of these massive craters just constantly cross-promoting each other to each other's platforms the content was interesting people like jake and logan paul amanda cerny lele pons king bach basically every person on vine that nobody could understand how they got that famous on the platform because they weren't that funny all lived in this apartment complex and as you can imagine as more people probably found out that they were living in the same apartment complex it became just kind of like a snowball effect where vine creators who were looking to move to la obviously considered 1600 vine screen i know that some people might argue that this wasn't a content house because it doesn't really fit the literal definition that we know now like technically they were under the same roof but not the same way that people in team 10 were the way that i see it is i feel like because the vine apartments were so early on obviously they're not going to be the same polished version that we see today as a content house and i definitely think it was an early inspiration because even a member of the vine apartments went on to make their own content house i feel like the early days of david's vlogs are kind of similar in the sense of 1600 vine street where it wasn't a content house in the literal sense and it wasn't necessarily intentional but it is unintentionally in my opinion a content house now i think that david's vlogs in the earlier days kind of belong in the non-intentional content house group is because not every single member of david's logs at the time lived in the same house but i feel like a sizable amount of regulars did and because of that a lot of skits and a lot of pranks were really based in that house and it became a content house so again like 1600 vine street while it doesn't necessarily meet the criteria of a content house today i still feel like it kind of belongs in that like unintentional early content house group now the first intentional content house that i ever came across and i'm sure a lot of other people this house was the gateway into content houses was the team 10 house and i say intentional because team 10 made it known from the jump that they were a content house like they let everybody know that all of the members were hand-picked they were in the house to make content with each other specifically and they were all under contract to do so it kind of looked like a bit of a content factory where like people just tormented each other in the name of content the final early content house that i wanted to mention before we get into the new stage of content houses that we're seeing popping up today is actually technically the first intentional content house like even before team 10. the house that i'm talking about is actually the phase house and i'll admit i had no idea that this house existed let alone that it was made before team 10 and i think i said in my team 10 video that team 10 was the first content house and a lot of you guys actually let me know that face house definitely was the first apparently they were released within the same year but faze house was just a little bit earlier by a few months the reason that phase house was never on my radar is because they're like a gamer house and i'm not terribly well-versed in the gaming world so basically everyone who lives in that house is part of the phase clan and they all live together and game together in a 30 million dollar mansion casual clearly the idea of a content house has grown a lot in the past few years in terms of concept and price and of course with that it's also changed in the way that they operate as well for example from what i could find online about the vine apartments it looks like the collaborations were just kind of like an eye scratcher becky scratch mine situation there was no like exchange of money or anything like that with more modern versions of these houses like team 10 and faze house it's no longer just a coincidence that you're in an environment with a bunch of creators that want to collab instead you have to kind of sign on give away a percentage of your earnings you're under contract you live in the house with everybody else and you follow their rules i do want to mention here really quickly that i feel like when a content house is done right it can actually be a great idea but i feel like it's just something that's very easy to do wrong which is probably the best way that i can segue into talking about the new generation of content houses it's just a really random spike in my opinion like of course a lot of people move to la when they get big on the internet but in terms of building a content house i feel like we haven't seen this many content houses built in the span of like a year ever which i definitely think is interesting because in the time between team 10 kind of falling off and the point in which the hype house was created of course a lot of creators went viral between that time but none of them felt compelled to create content houses as quickly as all of these people suddenly have in the past year like what exactly happened in the past year that suddenly when someone goes viral they immediately feel like they have to either build a content house or join one like where did this 180 come from obviously it's impossible for me to sit here and give you guys an 100 definitive answer as to why these content houses are coming out of nowhere and so quickly because at the end of the day i can't crawl into the minds of the people that made these houses and i also can't do that for the people who join them but what i can do is give you my best guess something to keep in mind is that the content house boom is directly connected to tick-tock creators that have been moving by the masses to la and joining whatever content house was created that week i'm mentioning that because i honestly think that something that really kick-started this trend was actually the creation of the hype house for any of you guys who might need a bit of a refresher on the hype house it was basically a content house that was full of tick-tockers and it was the brainchild of a few of those tick-tockers and a fired team 10 member how exactly do you get fired from team 10 because [ __ ] like this is encouraged so what the hell did you do off topic i know but i'm just extremely perplexed on how we manage that but basically if you're looking for somebody to blame for this whole trend starting these are your guys another thing to keep in mind is that when the hypo started they had massive tick-tockers like charlie dimelio and addison ray who at the time were considered like the peak of tick-tock fame and i think that situation really kick-started a why aren't we doing this should we be doing this mentality amongst a lot of tick-tockers that at the time weren't a part of the house but had the numbers to create their own there's also just the general appeal of content houses to begin with it's pretty universally known at this point that from the earliest stages of internet fame on platforms like youtube that collaborating with other creators is a great way to grow your channel and that's the same with every other platform as well cross-collaboration is super effective so a content house essentially carries this guarantee of success almost because by living with a bunch of creators you have the constant opportunity of collaborating with each other and in turn with building the popularity of the house people start to get invested in not only you and your content but also the friendships and maybe relationships you have with other members so at the surface content houses seem like the perfect storm like you have physical collaboration constantly and you're growing the brand of the content house and all of the members at the same time as well and on top of that a lot of people who don't live in la seem to think that la is like this utopia where if they move there whatever social channel they're working on will just completely blow up so that becomes an appeal in itself that content houses are pitching that they can live in la for either a reduced cost or no cost i mentioned both options there because as i was going through all the houses i realized it really depends on the type of house and the type of creator when it comes to their rent situation also we can't deny that just the idea of a content house being pitched to a growing creator sounds fun as [ __ ] like seriously if somebody came up to you and was like hi um we'd like you to join our house it's low to no cost it's a super nice place your only job is to create the content that you love making anyway and you get to socialize with a bunch of other creators that are all like on the same page as you and around your age and you get to collaborate with them like who would say no to that beyond all the pros considering there's been such a gap in terms of mainstream content houses since team 10 faze clan and other gaming houses i honestly think the high pals reminded a new generation of people of the potential that content houses have and that mixed with the fomo kind of kick-started the trend and it's also worth remembering that the team 10 fiasco and the general conversation about content houses had reached its peak like three years ago which if you look at the age range of a lot of the current members of these new content houses back then they were like between 13 and 17 so they clearly couldn't have made a content house back then now in terms of how these new content houses work it's like the rent situation where it honestly depends on which house you're talking about but as i was going through a lot of these houses i noticed a lot of them had some like common trends so i'm going to mention those so you can get a bit of a general idea some people live in the houses some don't ceos and managers of the houses seem to take a percentage of the members sponsorship or promotional deals sometimes the rent is paid by members other times it's paid by investors we'll talk about that more in a bit and finally collaboration and content focused around the members as a group is highly encouraged i think now is probably a good time to start introducing this a new generation of content houses that i keep talking about let me start by saying that there are so many of these houses like i know a lot of people make jokes about how many new content houses there are and i was expecting a lot but there are way more than i expected like i had to pit these guys against each other just to whittle down a short enough list of groups that i could mention beyond just telling you their name because if i tried to go into detail about every single one of these houses we'd be here for days so we have the hype house the hype house russia the sway house the clubhouse it's like greek life but worse out of all those lovely content houses i decided we'd go with three that we go into a bit more detail and those houses are the hype house the clubhouse beverly hills and the sway house what the [ __ ] does that mean so i thought that we should start with the hype house because it's actually the only content house from any of these that i've talked about before so this kind of serves as more of an update more than anything else as you guys know the high post definitely held a lot of promise because they had three of the biggest tick tock stars at that time as a part of their group which was charlie and dixie dimelio and addison ray and they're all gone now all of them charlie and dixie dimelio publicly disassociated themselves from the hype house a few months ago and apparently addison rey while she hasn't publicly done that she's like completely stayed away from them and wants nothing to do with them so they're all gone they do still have 19 million followers on their high post tick tock account but it seems like the main members now have switched from the girls to little huddy alex warren and the guy who got fired from team 10. in terms of their actual content on the highpast tiktok account it looks like very bare minimum content that's just sandwiched between a lot of bang energy ads sometimes you don't even bother to put other content in between the ads so it'll just be back to back to back bang energy ads over and over again like 15 in the span of two months like is he holding you at gunpoint from what i can tell it looks like the hype house tiktok account is basically just used for ads promo for their group merch and individual member merch and very bare minimum content their youtube channel is in an even worse situation considering it's been dead for seven months regardless of my opinion on their content like outside of the high post account i feel like this is a pretty big letdown for like the people who actually signed up for this stuff like clearly the hype house and all their creators have an audience and i feel like when they announced the content house there was a lot of potential that they had to create an experience that their audience would actually like they're clearly not delivering the level of content that people expected on their flagship account for this whole content house so it kind of begs the question why does this still exist the correct answer is because it clearly still makes them money there's also the whole fiasco that you guys probably heard about where the guy who got fired from team 10 ended up being really shady shocker apparently money was being held from different members and some of the founders were trying to push out another founder which is the stupidest thing i've ever heard especially when the founder they were trying to push out was one of the ones who actually put money down on the place that they were living in exposed videos were made apology videos were also made daisy keach who was the founder who was like pushed out by other founders ended up leaving to a different content house zim's alabama the next house that i'm going to be talking about is one that some of you guys have been requesting me to make a video on since all the way back when i made my hype house video and it's the sway house and i have to be honest i really wish you guys hadn't told me about this house it seems like their whole emma was being shirtless men for their predominantly young female audience and that's about it like there's nothing there and like when i say nothing i mean nothing if you helped me at gunpoint and the only way that i could survive was being able to tell these people apart from each other i would die actually i lied because i do recognize this guy because he was in the grey's anatomy bootleg that we did a video on a few months ago it is nice to see his acting has not gotten any better i mean they don't post terribly often on their like official sway house tick tock account but at least they're delivering on what their audience signed up for assuming this is what they signed up for the final house we're going to be looking at is a little bit different than the two that we just talked about and it's because like structurally it's actually quite different and that house is the clubhouse beverly hills basically the main difference is where you have the sway house and the hype house just being one house the whole idea of the clubhouse beverly hills was that that house would be the hq i guess of like the content house and then they'd have different branches for different types of creators so you'd have a gamer house branch a beauty influencer branch and so on and so forth and compared to the other houses it feels like they're one of the only ones that really kind of went into it with like a plan beyond just stuffing people in one house what's especially interesting about this house though is that the person who started it was actually that ex-high post member we talked about a little bit earlier in the video who got pushed out of that house which was daisy keach after she left the high power she went on to the clubhouse and she somehow got a real estate developer to invest three million dollars into the clubhouse what's even more interesting though is that daisy kitch actually left the house and there isn't really much information on why so it's kind of interesting that you'd have this massive investment in the house it seems like it has a ton of potential but one of the main people that made it ends up leaving like what's going on the members that are still in the house though according to their instagram page at least are jessica michelle katrina stewart the durham sisters lindsay brewer tila dunn of all people which i thought was pretty weird but even weirder is that tessa brooks is in this group too the competition shook their main tech talk page is the most active out of the other two that i mentioned if you were to compare all three but in terms of content it is just your typical kind of dancing tiktok content so there really isn't much to say about it beyond i can't believe somebody invested three million dollars into this like i'm not hating on the girls here if anything they're geniuses for convincing somebody to do that but i just don't understand how somebody looks at this content and goes yeah three million bucks in terms of their youtube channel it looks like they were trying to do like a bootleg awesomeness tv show which starred tila dunn and it was called one shot at love and was basically just gonna follow her trying to find a boyfriend which was definitely an interesting choice considering she's literally done that exact same concept with awesomenesstv they dropped the trailer for the series two months ago but they haven't actually dropped a single episode since so i'm gonna assume it was axe for whatever reason but it did make me think about the potential that some of these youtube channels could have for a lot of these content houses especially during the pandemic from what i could be able to find and i might be wrong here so if i am i'm more than willing to eat my words but it doesn't seem like a single content house has even considered doing like a reality show kind of format on youtube where it's kind of like big brother so everyone's like stuck in the house and following covid guidelines maybe i don't know i just feel like that would be a good idea because they already have a house full of all these influencers so why wouldn't you just turn it into a big brother style kind of like challenge show where you have like a big prize and every week you upload episodes or whatever and you could have like a confessional thing like the whole shebang i know there are examples of this on youtube already like i think there's the reality house and then i think elijah daniels is either in the process or that like show was already started but i feel like i haven't seen anything from actual content houses and they already have the prerequisite of having a house full of influencers like why wouldn't they do that especially when a lot of influencers are using content as an excuse for not following covet guidelines so that's content that actually could be really entertaining that follows guidelines speaking of content house members that are just not following covet guidelines and are just acting chaotic in general i actually have a personal theory or like two theories technically on why they're acting like this my first theory is that a lot of people have gotten super famous in a really short amount of time during the pandemic and i think a lot of people are aware that once they get traction on the internet that the internet is a very fickle platform like you can be super relevant one day and then completely irrelevant the next and i think a lot of people's mentality as they're like moving to la and like trying to get the whole influencer experience i think a lot of them are kind of rationalizing just acting like [ __ ] as going well i'm hustling and i don't really care about the situation because i'm hustling and trying to maximize the peak of their career to like the highest ability that they can right now and if networking with people and making the content that they want to make ends up breaking a few rules and restrictions in the area that they're living in it doesn't really seem like they care my second theory is that i feel like a lot of people are taking the pandemic as a way to kind of promote themselves in a bad way because even if people are talking about you badly at least they're talking about you it's definitely a very sad tactic to say the least but it's a tactic and there's people out there that are going to use it and when you mix all these houses popping up super quickly and collapsing on each other just as fast with the members of these houses taking covet as an opportunity to cosplay as jake paul because i guess the next best thing to famous for a morally devoid fame driven influencer is infamy um you get chaos little do they seem to realize that jake paul put us through so much [ __ ] in four years that stuff like this just does not hit the public rage level it used to anymore which when you're doing extreme [ __ ] like this to get attention and you're not getting the rage level that you usually would you just look like twice the clown congratulations honker of course it's not surprising that all of these houses right now were just a kerfuffle of chaos honestly and if you were far removed from the situation i think you'd give them the benefit of the doubt that things aren't working out 100 because of the pandemic and they can't do anything but you can't even really give them that excuse because they've been ignoring the pandemic if anything it's honestly just the fault of all these people jumping on a really long bandwagon and not really considering that for something to be stable and i'm not even talking about successful yet for something just to have basic stability they kind of have to plan things a little bit further ahead than just shoving people in a house and i'm sure some of you guys are wondering like how can you say that there wasn't really a plan like they must have planned something and i do agree they probably planned like a little bit but to assume that they had a thought oh plan to this point if they actually do that makes it even worse judging from the content alone you can just tell that there really has not been any plan in terms of direction or what they're really gonna do with the houses like most people aren't posting on their main accounts or if they are it's just ads and bare minimum content and it all just looks very misdirected unplanned and confused most of these pages have just turned into promotional shell accounts and the individual members are just growing their individual pages it also definitely doesn't help these houses that a lot of people behind them are actually getting exposed as being shady people speaking of shady people by the way i want to talk a bit more about that investor situation because it still boggles my mind in what world would a rational person sink three million dollars into an industry as fickle as internet fame the only way this could make sense to me is if the investor was somebody who did not understand the industry at all didn't get how saturated it was and looked at a forbes headline that said it was super profitable and basically just went okay let's just fill a house full of them and throw money at it like in terms of return unless your house is full of like 20 charlie dimillios and addison reyes how are you getting your initial investment back let alone making profit especially when the money would be pulled from like a percentage of sponsorship or brand deals or like products or something like that if you're not working with like massive influencers i don't understand how this is working out maybe i'm just being naive here and i don't fully understand the scope of all of it but i just don't understand how this adds up and if any of you guys know anything more about it or understand how it adds up i'd honestly love to hear it because i just want to be able to wrap my head around this so at this point you've probably realized that i've come to the personal conclusion that the new generation of content houses are bad and i don't mean just morally bad i mean badly made but that does raise the question on what makes a content house good this is another question where i'm not gonna be able to answer it like a hundred percent definitively because it is at the end of the day really subjective the requirements on what makes a good content house really depend on the creator you're talking to and the content house you're talking about so considering that i'm gonna be showing a few general ideas that i think would make a good content house but i'd also like to hear from you guys if you have any other qualities you could think of as well i'm actually super professional today because i have a like written down on a cue card so some of the qualities i think would make a good content house are that everyone's in the same niche there's a level of protection for not only the members of the house but also the owners of it as well everyone actually likes each other in the house and the owners aren't shady and maybe instead of treating it as like a house where everyone lives it's just actually a workspace and then finally have an actual reason for the content house i think a lot of these are pretty self-explanatory like obviously if everyone likes each other and they do the same content then it's going to make collaboration a lot easier and of course a content house will do better if the owner isn't shady but i do think the workspace thing is more of a personal preference like i feel like living where you work to that extent where everyone around you is a colleague and every single moment of your life is potential content just sounds incredibly mentally exhausting and a recipe for disaster like as much as people want to paint that making content 24 7 is this like flawless dream with no issues the average person is not built to be constantly on standby to make videos and content all of the time some of these influencers act like garyvee on steroids like we don't need to rise and grind to that extent like you're running yourself into the ground because of that i really think that a workspace would be a much better idea than like an actual living situation because then you at least have the divide between work and home life so you can go home and not have to worry about every second of your life being potential content and when you actually do want to work and collaborate with other people you can just go to the workspace so instead of a content house just make it like a content that was the dumbest thing i've ever said i guess in all my biggest problem with this new generation of content houses is they're starting to feel like mcns where it's like super big promises and little to no return unless you have a massive platform for anyone who might not know what an mcn is it stands for multi-channel network and if you're anyone who's gotten like the slightest bit of traction online you definitely know who they are because they've definitely been in your inbox pitching like crazy just to give a quick rundown of what an mcn is they'll basically just go into your inbox and pitch you the sun moon and stars and by that i mean they'll promise things like higher engagement higher views they'll insinuate that you'll be able to collaborate with other massive creators in their network and basically just make it seem like if you don't get onto their network you won't be able to grow as quickly without them they also claim that they'll help you get sponsorships and basically just paint themselves as like this one-stop shop for really boosting your platforms and it all just comes at the price of a percentage of the sponsorships they get you and a percentage of your adsense every month the issue with this though is that 99 of the time it is too good to be true if you search up any like smaller creator and an mcn name you'll see tons of videos from creators complaining that they're stuck in multi-year contracts with mcns that will sign them on take their adsense every month and just completely ignore them and of course that's because the network's gonna spend a lot more time on the bigger creators but that leaves a ton of smaller creators just watching adsense money leave their account every month and not getting any of the perks that were promoted to them in the first place so while the whole content house pitch isn't necessarily the exact same they do kind of feel the same in the sense that the content house almost feels like a physical version of a network but what is uncanny between the two is the level of expectation with people going into it and the disappointment once they realize that it isn't at all what they thought it was and it's to the tune of i didn't know what i was signing up for there's actually a vox article that i came across while researching for this video that's on a content house called the girls in the valley and it basically talks about the expectations that the members had going into the house and their experience with other content houses and how it definitely wasn't what they thought it was going to be i'm not going to elaborate any further on it just because i'd rather you guys go read the article because it was super well done so i'm going gonna link it in a pin comment down below so you guys can check it out so i guess my general opinion on content houses really depends on which generation we're talking about but if we're talking about the new generation i really don't think they're gonna last that long i mean i hope that some of them are able to become stable and last more than a few years but considering the amount of content houses that have popped up in the past 10 months i feel like if there's any number that are able to survive it's gonna be a very slim number at the end of the day it just feels like content houses are a great concept with unfortunately very frequently terrible execution and delivery maybe that's because the influencer industry is still very new especially in the context of content houses or maybe it's because since there's so little qualifications to claim you're a manager or ceo of a house it leaves a very large opportunity for shady people to slide in and make content houses that are more like content shacks once you look past the flashy la mansion and realize that members money is missing opportunity promises aren't being kept and their ceo happens to not have any answers i really hope that you guys enjoyed today's video and looking back on the past the present and the future of content houses hopefully it was interesting i'd definitely like to know what your guys's thoughts on this massive content house trend is but hopefully you guys did enjoy the video and if you did feel free to give it a like and subscribe to the channel as it really helps me out if you want to follow me outside of youtube you can follow me on instagram and twitter which are both casionzo we have a lot of fun there with that being said i really hope you guys enjoyed the video again and i will see you guys in the next one do you
Channel: Casey Aonso
Views: 344,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unraveling the constructed chaos of content houses, the return of wattpad's greatest disaster… (after we collided), hype house, sway house, clubhouse beverly hills, content houses, tik tok houses, content house boom, casey aonso, channelId, bryce hall, tik tok party, charli damelio, dixie and noah, content house conspiracy, influencer houses, influencer houses are the worst, definitive ranking, dangelowallace, commentary, reaction, reacting, cringe, thats cringe, Ultimate Balance
Id: RDBpJxhB3Vg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 36sec (1896 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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