SESSION 1 - Being The Lord's Anointed

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we thank you Lord and everyone said amen all right you may be seated right welcome to our here today you are from where universities Polytechnic and where else MCC how many are here from the universities ways of enhancing okay polytechnics can I see time T seek and I see all right well that's about it who am ii have finished school League of the National okay any other international people here Wow okay how many are not Ghanaians okay very good why why are you either come come [Music] why are you here what do you want [Applause] because the anointing okay what is that type of microphone who whose microphone is that those don't bring it back it makes too much noise okay you are here to catch on anything okay thank you and why you are you here education company very very early in my life Oh [Music] so you come to be blessed why are you here we empower [Applause] why are you here I'm gonna just lend more buttons to learn about the ministry okay and why are you here to do ministry okay good all right keep it very good so well this is have come for people who want to do the ministry [Applause] it is not a camp for Christian life everyday Christian life [Music] it has nothing to do with love is your life everywhere Christian life so if that is your mind it will be better to go now I'm serious and I want to start by reading one scripture which is a little blind in the King James Bible so I read a lot from the American Standard Bible new American Standard Bible which i think is quite a good translation because it brings out many things goodness okay are you there this is a militarized type of [Applause] and so you need to have that mind when you are here the keys if you don't have that mind how to explain so many things all the time planing explaining explaining and I cannot explain and then you also hear it as a false doctrine you understand so I don't want people who don't want to work for God I don't know who you are and why you came as I started asking what you are after as you've come here okay but if you read 2nd Timothy chapter 2 verse 4 from the American Bible it says that no soldier listen cause you don't have that and the American Standard you listen to what I'm reading it says no soldier in active service and tango himself in the affairs of everyday life soon as we please the one who enlisted him as a soldier all right so there's no sugar in active service which and of himself in the affairs of everyday life now everyday life is very different from militarized life everyday life you have wine you have a husband you have children you go home you can close at 5:00 who's that for watch television to move on your life by a house bill the house develop your life that's not the life of a soldier soldier that's not bad a lot of times so done we walked through a river with his boots and his trousers and he will never change it you'll I will remove it to drive it drive on you they sleep with it they don't eat what they want to eat with what they were carrying the kill animals on the way the light fire with sticks they kill people we see blackberry dear friends we go to places knowing that they will never come back they say bye-bye if you buddy see you again they are surprised and what are saying is that that is the life of the soldier but as civilian or an ordinary person in everyday life when you go out if they see with evening see you as few as three or see what for see tomorrow when the soldier is not alive in tomorrow you will not come back the understand and so God is looking for people who have that soldiers mind and there are a lot of scriptures in the Bible which are for everyday life but some people don't realize that you know like in the Bible the Bible teach that Jesus said there are the habit is placed in the laborers are few for the judgment that they are really the Christian life Christian leaders and enjoys of Christianity they are plenty but those who are soldiers for Christ they are not so many and their lives are different you get it so you need to have that knowledge as you are here that I'm not if so I've got it just an ordinary Christian you get it the random and the soldier soldier type all right then there then that is the only time that a whole section of the Bible wound up like you so there is a large section of the Bible that does not apply to civilians or just everyday life it doesn't apply you can't it doesn't make sense I'll give you an example every day life the Bible says honor your father and your mother well when Jesus was talking to his disciples it is working he said if any man come to me not with father and his mother and his brother his sister and his wife and his children yay and his whole life also that is that that is not an ordinary scripture it is if you don't understand you because of the only O'Fallon obey your father Malinois to get your father now let's come to marriage as well love your wife that is that if anyone come to me may notice father mother and his wife you cannot be my disciple certain types of teaching some of you should not be there oh yeah because you can only live with it we are not here to talk about happy marriages they'll give future Irina well sorry I'm not here talk about relationship so you can you can you can do now are you listening and we are here to talk about those who want to be included in a special category which is called the Lord's anointed you want to be the Lord's anointed are you sure so I believe that you are going to have to have a mind now much of the many of the things in the Bible have no meaning unless otherwise utilities me relates to a lot of people a lot of people who go to churches are doing because they are looking for something that's using they want is they want that oh I want to get this I want to get that you know some of the meetings prophetic meetings and other miracle meetings people are looking for things not God look if of things rich is enough I'm looking for God God is Demento messing around with somebody who may realize that it was my money once the based on this absolute different from if I'm with someone with whom I sense the person likes me as a person have a different feeling altogether so God has a whole lot of people in the church very people are just looking for something they can get from God seem a now God is looking for people do not be so many who are going to work for him now when you come to God if you have a particular aim or vision then many things that I who have sense meaning but when you don't have a particular vision or in benefits the Bible have no meaning Bolivia they are meaningless when using because I am to the ministry at a certain point in the ministry there are things that I read today that have so much giving that didn't have that feeling before and now they win a lot because I'm in the ministry even my books that are written to many of us they are they mean something but when you are experiencing someone who is being disloyal I expresses this loyalty and then the book loyalty will mean something to you one pastor he was making fun of my book you know and he held it and it was loyalty loyalty it's not something that you teach that's what he said he said loyalty is something you command it's something that by the will you live and every will you conduct yourself people will be loyal to you you see so that's not what he said but then one day he had an experience in his child and she found out how disloyal is one of his passes was that several of his passes the one of them and the one and so on so now he began to appreciate what I have written nobody can believe him because he was now trying to control his church so one day I met him somewhere and he said to me that the guy who said what loyalty loyalty is not something we teach until you come and he said to me I always travel with five copies of your book [Applause] that if you need a Salesman doctor I will be the is no more interested in commanding no option then he showed me he said to me I am now rather than you [Applause] and he said one day he was preaching in this church and then he saw one of the pastor's wife to see the front and she was sitting there quietly and coolly like that and he said to the get up you cannot city from with such a face [Applause] [Applause] on the phone Sumi I am me I know people who don't eat a mint or people who don't like to use our time for him [Applause] I listen to this circle has now experienced 17 and then he no understand what he despite what if it is equally relate with he was now relating with it so there are so many people relate with them in a capital with me you can't even understand so many things even with my pastor there are things I cannot share with some other sometimes I come I wanna share something and I see the pieces and then I think life is good to priests just to a camera without an Englishman vision and you just appreciate what you see when you see the faces or this is a speaker of something else and you are also talking about something else another person is not interested in are you there so ladies and gentleman is very very important for you to have a mind about something that you want to do and you see you must have a mind to be a person who is involved in what is exciting about God the boring come to church every Sunday receive your miracle receive your husband receive your wife give a new job get a promotion get more money that is not the Christianity of the Bible that is like a semi becomes boring and then it would become a kind of way to just get things more thing that puzzles have become facilitators of wealth among service and process now assessing their trends by the amount of money that they have are you listening alright so there is a gentleman it's very very important that you have a man in the play that I want you to have is that I'm gonna wait for God and do the work for God full time I'm doing the additionally I'm going to do anything that I have to do you see if you had a wake up in your house if you are especially those of you are women or even then also you're going to have a house help and that house helps save I can do anything this house I can clean the path the house the toilet the septic tank all the way I can clean it but only I have one condition between the hours of midnight and 5:00 a.m. I do not I cannot operate and I do not want any kind of disturbance or whatever but from five one minute five 5:01 billets up to one minute twelve o'clock in this time you copy and everything you want me to do I can be but all that this only five hours after all ad has 24 hours analysis I'm available for 19 now what is wrong is I keep the fire for my own vision file I understand is reasonable it's reasonable but we do like such a person to Webster it is a condition that person is coming up with shows are the present some way yeah and some of you are somewhere in the sense that you have come with a condition elevation the West full-time it's almost like your fever come [Applause] - honey we talked about missionary younger son then you're sick mr. lucky [Applause] this problem come to you and because of the block god can have up to 90 these five are my fire type Joshua come here this five-hour I decided to be sticks when you rather give yourself to God you'll find out that now God as we give you 12 hours model oh so then I look at my line I thought that I will be very poor that was what I thought yeah but to do it and my understanding of what our riches is it'll different normal plate was allowed be very focused remain was that I would not ever have in a house to see my vision was it the Lord would bless me and I'm able to get Dan summers this flat if I can get one as my achievement in this life to say in the three-bedroom flat for the rest of my life God has been good move o powerful not was my faith believe that Adam booth I set my view that I'll never travel abroad again easy because today I'm excited facility countries to preach but if you look at the life whether you are not invited plane watch I was I was very much I was as alone as you are so I would ask hours nobody as you are and single body but with a certain sense of being moody the ministry I really know anybody the other son and so that is the point at which I gave my life to the ministry and to God the other son with a mind that at love everything and I will not have anything and I was protective stopper and to struggle with my life you get it but you see God has other plans and when you say you give up your Isaac now God gives you meal of Isaac back to you and you see that the Isaac Caudill you said you are going to lose he does not even take it so but he doesn't hold on that's why Jesus said that those who hold onto the alive shall lose it oh those who keep you alive educated this is paradoxical it's wonderful and today there are people who are supposed to be better off than I am because they followed the secular profession or whatever but who in reality I am far better off than they are and who even work for me and we work for me the understand so I just come here let the first feeling of your heart be in the reality that Lord whatever you want I cannot hold back five hours of my life from you I cannot now anything and everything that you want is for you the days of holding back and say lord I give you everything except this you should be ready to do anything for God I will not marry I will not have money I'll never travel anywhere I will not prosper I will have nothing I'll never build a house and so what if you don't do the house so why did you not do the house it's nothing the understand yeah give yourself to Jesus because it's just a matter of time some of you thirty five you'll be dead oh sure I would like to you know some of you you get in your twenties and we will die but you don't know no it's just a matter of time and you see God is saying to you give everything give everything when you keep everything you die that is when your life begins you have to come forth nobody knows the time that he will die off him with there was a church once and somebody died they said they were going to bury him Reddy said you wanted to have the service in the church and they said to the guy once you have died your brother has died before the age of 73 she didn't have faith because a man of faith you have to be 70 God has given us at least a little yet so you cannot be buried in the church only the house you see though that type of idea is an old idea because then Jesus Christ should not have had any decency neither John the Baptist and all the and Stevens and all these guys do you see the days we don't know that our that gotu kola nobody knows that our and so we are like chickens that are in a farm you never know when you say there's a possibility you don't know what is Christmas you don't even ability Ghana they don't know that it's been three Monday and Sunday everything today every day if you go to the north they don't know the difference between Sunday Monday Tuesday that's nothing like that that's a date yes are you asleep so ladies and gentlemen decide now otherwise you are a complete heart you are a twisted heart before God give yourself and give yourself to go now and fully and totally I don't know that anything of your miserable life Oh your life is not even much it's not even a needle river even as a long life or a short life or a middle lives life you can never tell you see me when I had the accident that I had on the way to family I was very surprised because I hadn't read that some of you have sitting by my side was a prophet they didn't or some horizons that I was driving behind me was my mother doesn't know yeah and who else but this is in the casual yeah Jason Jonathan's current three people are all of them positive and everybody very unified it was somebody's birthday love the innocent somebody that you like you see and we were driving I said I'm going to do the work of God and it's a web I remember one day I saw one pasta that I was going to terminus at a me I don't have an orgy for such pleasure and inside you you have a loyalty for sacrifice that I don't have I don't have anointing for such adventurous places so here was I feeling very good oh you that I'm going to do the work of God is like a dangerous place and lo and behold I say who died but our customer caught it like that and when I came out of the car loss we all shocked the Prophet was in the car he had no revelation [Applause] he never saw that he was about to die and so when he got out of the car he said if I'd like to do it I would have been very surprised yeah if you insist because the data you would die you don't know I mean if you I profit others don't do everything they know one or two things so they just know a little more spectacular thing but that's it after that I realized our core special from that time to absolute today I don't have that mind that our 70 years old habit agent Samson is here I'm a servo be surprised and so every year I live I'm surprised I'm still alive I don't see my usefulness is he you may think you are useful not is it see Christ when he was alive it looked as though his teachings were the most important thing after he died the apostles and the prophets and the teachers who came after emphasized on his death and his resurrection not on his life and his teachings Wow so some people even questioned the doctrine of Christ time for our sins rising from the dead I said in his black saying that when Jesus himself was alive was not what he talked a lot about he Fisher has so many other things but not about his death Jahna sir so how can love making a big doctrine out of the event of his death you understand the question does the accident this is but the reality is that as far as the spiritual work was concerned the main work is not the only work but the main in terms of almost 100% of his way was what he accomplished on just that Friday Good Friday the afternoon process well so the work of God will not be a very long thing that you see that's also a mystery the understand so it's mysterious what we are doing so what I'm saying is that if I live longer I always thank God well according to how the reason for me to still be around I'm going to do my best amen and you must also know that the same applies to you do you get it yeah that it caused great that's why you are still hanging around you get it other than that there's no use of you be here and that way that will be here forever who live to be 70 will be able to with this with us that always will be are all illusions they're all delusions sometimes we become I become sad when I see how people have suffered in this life only to be told when they think they are about to start living that they are about to that I remember one brother and sister they lady suffered went to school in Ghana finished school like how you finish school went abroad faster therefore as long as I knew that the way school forgive they were suffering waking suffering working never able to do much then they started to work and they were trying to play that loans and loans and model and just as the words coming to about maybe five or ten maybe about fifteen five and ten years to where the Finnish pain then they were diagnosed with some disease we giving about three to three years to live if you do this you live one year usually two years into this industry a letter they get not only finished with a loser but we are just getting to about feisty taneous Mira it was when I asked myself where this happened what is the reason for their suffering why did I go to school in Ghana whether go to university why do I go to order the with you now in the winter America wherever they were I can't go to school again and for so long I wanted to do it and what are they for what are the bases what is life about in fact that is why I am mainly people in this world are depressed and sad because parties go to appoint you to get to ask yourself questions I ate what is that that is when you are young it is difficult to see the futility but there are few young people who are wise like Oh Swee'Pea [Applause] there is two people who I hear things like oh people when you are young and you can see in that higher way you become like a fairy at first person in this life you understand it for instance like on us missing with a disease where you have to die you're thinking would change planets will change everything will change or you will talk in a different way you will have like the design will you speak in a different way you do things differently because your mind will be that you are about to go and I'm saying to you that you can be a youngters if you look at my life or even if I look at my life I realized that it is from be from the tund Allah was to be younger and a very a very unpleasant if I was designer people would say I was very young girl agile as a very young girl you know as if I look at me when I was younger 25 years old my brain was working upwards on God and eternity and I want to say to you that if you call yourself my son or my daughter or my child in the ministry lift up your mind this is you become somebody's child by build like the passive in education even that opposed out my earthly problems with earthly aspirations darkness and which I am sure at the Judgment Day but I always confess my sis disease so I'm trying to wipe away all the pain and for the Buddhist anything happens who you're insane I don't want to hear certain things on the death what do you think so what I'm saying is that if you are externally SOTA then lift up your eyes listen look name lift up your spirit to see beyond and fill in that way and different if you understand and choose higher things and let God fill your life and lead you to something greater than you have ever imagined hallelujah and then fully you'll be a wise person truly spiritual truly you be worthy of higher Laurel and victories and blessing for the Lord hallelu are you will be great so children is a blessing amen so I want to share with you about being a lot unrated are you ready for us can we do the best son well [Music] [Music] now instead some well you see the and see the Lord blessing to people specimens up to 10 [Music] that's one it has then some wealth to the flask of oil and poured it on his head and kissed him and said has not the Lord anointed you a ruler over his inheritance let me read it from the King James Bible I think the King James is nicer [Music] have you have you founded [Music] then some Wells took a vial of oil and parties upon his head and kissed him and said is it not because the Lord has anointed thee to be captain over his inheritance amen so Saul was anointed by the Lord Amen are you there alright now tend to First Samuel Chapter 15 [Music] that's one does then some well also set of the soul the Lord sent between only to be king over his people and over Israel now therefore hacking down unto the voice of the words of the Lord amen now 21st summer chapter 16 as one and the Lord sent at the summer how long without mourn for saw seen I have rejected him from reigning over Israel shall dine hold with oil and go I will send thee to Jesse the Bethlehem I for I have provided me a king all right now in verse 13 he says then some wealth took the Horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his presence and the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forward so summer was up and went to Rama amen now anyone who is anointed by the Lord is marked out for something special hallelujah and so that is the meaning of being the Lord anointed all right are you there okay so in the Old Testament the Lord anointed was almost synonymous with being the king okay are you that it was virtually synonymous with being the king and it was syllables would be the leader of God's people how many want to be a leader of those people that makes you an anointed person so you need to be unloaded in order to be a king or a leader of God's people you need to become lb and anointed person hallelujah how many want to be anointed all right now the very fact that you are here is a time who has closed all the windows open then please open the windows behind you yeah the very other rain coming in or something it's not the document F is coming you can close it but other than that so God is blessing you right by choosing you now God chooses people to anoint now how do you know that God has chosen you that that is one of the things about these fellows and it is a choice by the Lord and the first great revelation that you need to get about build a lot anointed is the fact that is the fact that God sovereignly chooses people and annoys them amen and how do you know God choose chose you that's a big question you don't think God chose you because you feel very ordinary it is it you feel that you are here and you're just a student just happens to come around and you have fluid in the system and you now feel like doing more for God I don't feel specially chosen family have that experience you don't have that feeling of this special and being chosen but and so I also have the same experience as you you get what I'm saying all right but I want just to try to help you to see that actually God has chosen you amen I live on Matthew chapter 10 all right okay verse 1 it says now Jesus summons his twelve disciples all right let's read it together for making this Bible Oh Hey hallelujah read the sign yeah amen all right now and then in Matthew chapter 11 Jesus said I praise You Father Lord of Heaven it that you have hidden these things from the wine all right they have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants yes Father for this was well pleasing in your sight verse 27 all things have been handed over to me by my father and no one knows the son except the father nor does anyone know the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the son wills to reveal to him amen now Jesus was saying here that know everything that we experience because all things were handed over to me by the father so everything that he experiences he experiences because the father delivered those things to him now that twelve people that we choose if you read carefully to the Bible you find out that he was walking by the beach he said follow me he saw the twelve is someone then he sent them out he sent up 120 and so on but Jesus had faith in God and believe strongly that whatever he was doing and whatever happened was something that was given and designed by God now we we with our faith teachings believed that only what we call good things are given by God you know what I'm saying and that is that is what is giving the foundation for divorce today that's because if you marry somebody and then there is something that you don't like about the peasants or about the marriage then you decide god it's not the one who gave me this wife either you put a scripture and say what god are doing together left over to that another dog is not Tori these people together I joined them together of partisans who joined them together or I joined myself to the patient so since God is not joined to ensue John and John and Jill Jill and Jack and Jill together then Jack and Jill can separate as I go - yeah because our minds have been a little affected negatively or into error by the faith teaching that God does what is called good in at least an hour athlete definitions are not God definition this is what we have to learn we understand and so when Jesus came and try to get disciples he not only infants and not intelligent people preach because he said unhappily luckily for the intelligence so if you have hidden it was a selflessness through our intelligence our honest Allah Jesus himself knew that these days and doughnuts and pizza they were intelligence university that we have hidden the Gospels from intelligent people and given into these and intelligent people who will and only work is fishing and now he stopped me sad that besides only the best but rather is very peaceful because he knows that all things are delivered to be by for instance if I look in our church if you like you can watch on TV and you see the different churches you see that life house is full of young ish people have you lose desire to be by my father these are daunting advantage it is what God of giving and so God has given us advance or something bad you know what I'm saying as if you get married to somebody who worries you or gives you so many problems you have to remember this visa it is also part of God's plan for your life that that thing is delivered to you by God otherwise where is what God has joined together let no man put asunder also we have no you think God appreciated any wedding I am not seeing or officiating a wedding since I started leather I think God in taking somebody from Lego haul and feel the presence of God to introduce them I want you to marry this guy before the strict up is one as trying to gather some that because that means up that's your where it will baby when you want to sleep with the peasant is all became very dull and you are forced to marry the pattern Ellison you have to see what other we see two very good or bad you must see the hand of God in its weapon and bring you together you must be such things because little things is for you when Cooper died God has no wedding party against God and you get a beloved record are you when you have believed God is waiting that is a little face really of little faith but not space is when you seek God for this equity and you know that if it is poverty I have faith that God brought it and that's why I was able to say I have been instructed to suffer hunger and also to before I know how to be abased and I look how to abound rich it is unobstructed I have received instructions from God attend others before at first I must be hungry at times and not be rich all our God's will depending on what God wants particularly I lost only when I'm full that is the error you see you have made a formula for goldfish packet before and then it's why not everybody ship with full time because it's important for everybody to be full time some people it goes well for you not to be full time as a will of God you can never put God in a jacket so when I was telling you about being full time what I was telling you about is that you must let us say to God this I will not do is that I will not do because as soon as we the other one who is getting into arrow you're the one who is getting into error you must be open are you may be very well it is to develop you decide who should be a missionary or who should be full-time at all maybe if you ever try that you make a big mistake of your life but what you must never delete it from your options so that it's not an option when you press option then it goes to settle it except that one for this is absolute and doesn't come up options what delete recent sense for what this and remus why is that [Applause] I should not be the option must be better algorithm who knows better than me that not everybody is called or supposed to be a full-time pastor or full-time minister of the gospel additionally we cannot all be the same thing we cannot buttons must be and it must stop we ask regret you will let the genesis of this now also I told you I told you not to come [Applause] when I start to see some of these things you may even say that I'm catching you let me let me let me tell you he will not do well in this life as long as you you you you give you give God the first option we will do well and we will all be there and your property and your luck will become like a mountain now don't say that I'm kissing you and I just want to tell you something you may think that we are serving God full time we'll be hungry by you be supplying you be hungry and those who are serving God [Music] try not to be poor because those of us who I put [Applause] crisis Crisis crisis substance inside the advice [Applause] [Music] because with you when you are right next to the one I went to I went to McDonald in somewhere and we ordered hamburger said whatever price exception so everybody ordered general with a particular brother in the car so everybody so this was a half a hamburger happy including damage also that you have this services so then the other the what drink will you have this was a half cook butter Fanta I have a milkshake Delia asked ibadah Kajol avocado ice water [Applause] Universal heart eyes water why why you have an iPod and they are noticed every time we are eating something he does eat this he doesn't eat this he doesn't know he's looking a face had something wait so this was the last and the double ice water when we said that I said to her brother I was fightin that little indicator mother make sure you don't die before I die because if you die before me with your water even though our facilities [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] and that is all some of you are you are trying to protect your skin composite not from happy [Applause] make sure you [Applause] you don't want to be a missionary because we want to ensure [Applause] Ping's people sometimes when we are in the other things I don't like to give up example I really like you [Applause] oh but try to get all mopey [Applause] you better try to be late like to get money all the things you are looking for because if you don't get them and we visit you we will lock in our who loveth and when we are with you [Applause] [Applause] the things we are going to do one day rather was going somewhere we're doing a producer and I told him I said when you find what you are looking for [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Applause] that's right sometimes required [Applause] [Applause] one day I saw a certain balance sister who has been following certain things for years so I asked her are you rich or poor and and he said ah Mookie you have $1,000 after 15 years of hard labor oh yes we can we can get it as a Halloween get it you know what will summers how much money are you doing and it may seem that thousand I said I like this or I go going in town I am sorry sir you go to the police and run sees a lot I wrong Oh [Music] some of you your skin is pressure you want your servant to speak with British actor mixture was hard as well become [Applause] this [Applause] sorry [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] let's lower your car that will become a walk [Applause] yeah [Applause] all right one guy insulted Southwest study computer time when I came back they doesn't believe in God again to make sure Tomiko come one day to test you either first believe in God at La Corriveau do you think make sure you see so understand that God is not time to take something from you trying to release you you cannot come to God with conditions don't touch here it's like when people get married some people because of the bad things they've done in their life they have little little red flags at the place here don't touch here yeah we don't do this either because the last room will be repaired a from the badness of all that you have done say into marriage as how can you have rules are agree in regulation okay oh you are anyway how did you just into all that what I was trying to say is that you must believe that things are given to you by God the fact that you are here this is if you are on campus you can belong to CCF you can belong to UCF belong to a license you can belong to Catholic Christians LC you can see Spencer absolute Evangelic a Presbyterian be religious work practice gachi come to what is cancer genomic today's others sta they are housed the edges here and death who so much Elsa a somatic book our example look there are thousand option k1 how will you come to begin you think that these things are by accident totally that you are there you see a brother you fall in love within you your society for another you even go you even sleep with her by mistake and then you end up marrying the patient then later you sit down and you say no God is not the one who joined this - I I know this person by mistake it was through fornication it was this it was that the gaga for businesses let me tell you bibles me one who came to church you pray and you had a wedding or ceremony you know don't come up with this theory and say God has not joined us we were going through a mistake of the whole narrative a mistake oh that is how God can rooted a lot on eating fornication but you have to believe that God joined you that's why when Jesus had people who are not intelligent we said that I thank you did you read it I praise you all mobile heaven that you are giving these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to Ethan so when you have infants in your church have to be sad and all the world and they szeliga has no joy you don't have to say this oil / patches oh please not whatever Oh have to be grateful email anyone to say lord I thank you for what you have children what you have done so now as you are here you have to see that God has chosen you and God has told you and what you hear to hear what you are hearing because every state is unique every Church has a divine special area of the ministry based on the Holy Church if the whole world was bit of a bully lighthouse churches it will be a very fat useless change yeah we are not a Polish we are listen a very small fraction of what God is doing and so you must know all right that for you to be in this little segment is cost trying not to believe that the hair if that is cute you have to believe in your days another district if I don't need to be beautiful I got a cargo that we believe is glittery good are you there so when you have that reason you will never take your city here as some kind of campaign or some kind of something that happened nothing is just happening so there's nothing like that happened god I've selected you just chosen you to come here to hear what you hear amen to see what you see tell me three back-to-back mama [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] alright shutteth chapter 9 verse 15 now and now a day before so coming all right now let's let us read the three that would be easier it says now the donkey's of Kish so father was with a Kish now the donkey's of K so far away lost so kiss said to his own son okay so take now with you one of the seven and arise and go sketch for the donkey and he passed through the hill country of offend all right what was happening he was looking for what donkeys and it passed to the land of salad they were not there till a lot of abandonment but they not find them now let me keep the land of zoo soft 37 who was with him come let us return or my father would cease to be concerned about the donkeys and will become anxious for us their fix he said to her now there is the Word of God the decision is man is healthy in honor now he said to him the seventh is the one bringing the idea this man has had on all these features a little - let's do the FAFSA can tell us about our journey on which data source all 57 behold if we go what shall we bring them for the bread is drawn from our sack and there is no present to bring to the man of God what we have and the seven as the soul again and said behold I haven't her hand a fork of a shekel of silver I will give it to the man of God and he would tell us our way all right best 10 Psalm 37 well said let's go then they went to the city where the man of God now I do went up the slope to the city the third year will be going about the draw water and they said there is a theater as well in the answer devil said he is he's ahead of you hurry up have coming to the city today for the people have a second place and a high place today as soon as you enter a city you will find it before he goes to the high place to eat for the people will not eat until it comes because he must bless the sacrifice afterwards those who I invited will eat now therefore go up or you will find in my phone so they went up the city and as a Kansas City whole summer was coming out toward them to go to the - listener asked they were coming into the city somewhere was also coming out of it how to do the sacrifice they were like no good of fish it's a wedding and the difficult work and in front and they are asking women of the waist where can we find now how has it happened it was a servant who got the idea because sources no tells me what my father will now stop being content about donkeys you now be worried about us it is nothing more natural in appearance and in the series of blue of events than this and yet I want you to see the very next phase of what God said to some well that day before now as before for coming the Lord had revealed this to several things about this control I will send you again [Applause] and you shall anoint him to be clear although my people Israel and he will deliver my people from the hand of the Philistines but I regarded my people and once I myself saw the Lord said Behold the man who might put you this one shall rule over my people now yeah you see the events on earth and you see how God what God sees but God has allowed this detail to be written so that you can believe when the time when when God tells you that he chose you to be here he told you to listen to this he called you to be part of a loop we called you to be a lot of the lighthouse checkers he called you to be a visionary process even if you value a copy with your cello happy with your Salah do and if you are from abroad the idea though there's a sovereign right here included are you praise will emigrate [Applause] unlike the women said because we just have to share that ready around this country if you perfectly you visit an ocular do it happen initiative out and then he missed you Raisa the way remember is all started by the donkeys [Applause] and they are solitary you and me we love thee you see an angel [Applause] - cutting discussions like something unfortunate happens I don't need a lot and I tell it to find a dog it is not also working the last is mr. summers well afternoon I will send somebody I'll send em to you tomorrow dr. untended I'm Stanley suppose you a donkey target Leo I am Samuel is equal to your seventh big idea I am standard is equal to their living to give you advice on how to gather and selling people - stahma heartily sucking all these velocities and sanity suppose the dog is gonna be found everywhere - you are mere the perfect out I am suggesting to you so all along the evening if you are sitting here some of you an idea God said I'm sending [Applause] succulent incentive is a process calculi to increase the data comes out send some people from where that ascended to you follow a little oh god sends me God sends you they look like just chattering ordinary relationship problems of life that because not Jesus different things to do when he saw that we were he went and when he shows up late I said I saw one of you is a devil he thought about the very truth about reason that he believed that God is the one who chose our intelligence non-white people no I didn't pursue a teacher as he thought you'd ask attitude I'll charge you I myself collect edgy they want assistance however stock at another place he says oh god I thank you that you have chosen and it whether the do one can come to they said the father draw here I believe that every one of us selected select God roughly God was what brings you got to deceive God draws you because you are when you start to think in that way you stop taking everything around you for granted and you start to see the my goodness there is some supernatural in this thing wow wow wow how many can see God now hospitals are talking that way love is that we both am the only thing I do know essentially Jenny sometimes some life some luck and some 73 just turning 50 [Applause] sometimes it is a luck problem some difficulties of vinyasa returning to God healthy this is the thing that confuses us we always kadala it goes over the way we called Apostle Paul then our the lighter voice this familiar I was just working and I father sent me I suspect I to this fine then I was going with my sever brought an idea when I listened to my servants idea then we came here here here here then he said then not because a lot of our city so for me since I began to see these things I have stopped taking human beings that are in my life for granted I suggest us if shootings of God choices decision and of the law we decided with chosen is choose selected you come you come you come in and it is in heaven that will look back and see all this advice is that is important we to start thinking quickly hey know by chance some of you have beloved another have dropped you what you believe that you cannot marry someone who God has no children and when you get married and since back and the pieces you do you don't like remember also some of you you drink that text so you got leg on a biblical legal you got checked some ability get stack you got your back so we didn't just a bath we brought tell exactly guru if you have to be you don't even do the physics well [Applause] Oh [Applause] you know [Applause] you you you have advocated a scheme instead of our biggest 12 instead of seven other I will attend to Dahlia tasting - cucumber now you are wondering in fact my Mulligan Australian of exam and first always just my Juliet to look after the dough instead of keeping my eyes on the dog the donkey's of navona I have to study [Applause] if only I was thinking this is my local senses my presence [Applause] yes you see some years ago I went to England after all level and my uncle desired to let me go to medical school in England and so he wanted me to go to sixth form in England but I said no I do not want it anything I I had been born again recently and I had fellowship and friends and I said no I can not only and my uncle said Research's it so he put me his car and drove me to the different churches in the area I was a visitor church then we drove all that this is a check that we drove on that this is I said what are you saying he was so calm please and so determined that I should go to school in England and he was going to pay for everything I my father didn't mind Dallas took me to the school that he wanted me to go to talk to the headmaster in a white school for white people it took me I did the stood at the advanced approach and the reason why you don't want to go this we don't know the kind of school and how break an outline so he took me to the school talk to the headmaster and the citizen saw that my nephew is coming to spend the whole day in the school to get oriented to see [Applause] listen listen we will not be up [Applause] after I search in the sometimes when I look back when I look back now I realize Allah P was like I was stubborn determines person I said no the reason is that I had a scripture in my mind that do not forsake the assembling that was the only mine it was a death in my mind so that makes me extremely resolute and becoming the I say that and I had everything that the hardest picture of a screw pots with charcoal that the fire is on all the coals are hot so if you take one out and put it to the side it will get food and to go that is a tough issue the scripture is the scripture and this picture that is the window of the day don't reflect assembling together and then the chaco remove and it becomes cold as a business what will happen to me when I'm removed from my fellowship which I have now come to see in automotive school so I was now into stubbornness when my uncle I went humbly to the school the amenities man will try to introduce me apart of the school it originally to nightclub a pub he said I had a boring life I am not living a normal life as a young specialist going up to his sister that I go to a pub to get another drink so he took me there it's religious son took me take me there one night if you are going I have to go I went there Sunday the dress were brought us over he does a trick I would say so the truth I'd like it i sat there with these white people all of them white 50 white recording is not in London from lung white community i sat there quietly I'd done the piece under when it's Assessors go back I'm not a normal person when they took me to the school after green room within one hour said there's nothing here that I need there's nothing sneakers is good to me absolutely what time will my uncle come for me I look at the Sun and I said excuse me and I walk out of the school and I went and I stopped to myself II dunno if there's any Christian bookshop in and showed me a suitable and I wiglet resemble can I spend my time there when it was time to be picked up i reversed West us and our said very humbly with you and I was collected by the truth of this when I when I asked do you want I said no I won't go back to Ghana I want to go back to Ghana I want to go back to Ghana I will coolly Ghana I will walk you to school in England can you make anything now when you look back you meet are you a stubborn it would have been whatever by now - oh Jesus I think even your foolishness hopefully I was ritual a lot of richer wisdom by was a second hardly because you can imagine for my uncle to take me through all be and I also really like my favorite uncle we gently I went up to see he was so happy he was not well I went to see Manny is really a pivot uncle of man he has time for me to try to help me my life my boring life this life is like everything Oh but today you said that if you come it clear for me but when I went up there and I spit from attacked each other a say that he so transformed by justices that death came to see me and was so touched you know the pattern of trying to make is that all the different things that seem to bring you to a place even stupidity God who allow you to be stupid because very unintelligent where Susan some of you clever like God gave it to you that's all I see people who do well in school and they feel that they are too beautiful okay it's like that you luxurious and king delicious and too delicate and to nights too clever you do too well in school I don't want to go into school I think school now I don't want that stock like food God is the one doing it all I came here I met my wife here I met reverse a key here I met faster Eddie in my school school at schemata I met all the people that are working with me at different stages some of them were hidden from me to a particular kind and they were revealed I see it all our thoughts choice because all of this that's why here you know some of you some of you are really attracted to me your heart is with me it's not a natural thing something for that please God please God please God because it is a supernatural thing be honest ago there are four people females it just yesterday I was to pick up my daughter from school and our sitting like Anna was Rosetta there was I brought somebody so I was trying to move the cutoff so after investing was going I said it is versus to him to know that I had a feeling of an irritated person and the person could see the bezel knew where to the lighthouse cool so I stopped my car and I said to the person please come and pass then you should have seen her over below by the better but insane all sorts of things and then driving by there are people who hate me there are people who are really irritated by me there are people who listen to my preacher they say is this preaching there are people who are not interested if he saw you you like it [Applause] the point of trying to the formula scientist makes to you is that it's not everybody smooth here who who who is brought who is interested even drawn by God so don't take these things for granted they are the Lord do it and it's wonderful desire is supernatural bizarre supernatural is whether I young man and marry a young woman just like if you have a busy parent will acknowledge that but a young boy varium you'll find out that the younger is more interested in sex than a dollar please please please please God no she'll be pleased that the young man is more interested in sex that a young woman but the young man has more of a desire as you grow older they don't desire goes down and the woman's availability goes up surprising so you find living then going to work and coming to lie down like dead dogs but it's difficult to believe when you are younger because you can't imagine a life without the desires that you have but they exist a life without those desires if it was not telling you you'll be there like a pillar of salt now any desire without religion if it is only the desert you begin to realize that desire is also something right that is giveth all right you are married you will know hey if you wanna babies are you see what you desire as ugly I'll go buy it again so she did acacia I said young if you didn't have a desire pleasing you by God what you desire now you see that ugly and you see it as it ended smelling actually unattractive like because of your strong desire that's why you are pushing certain since it was a customized what are the guys in heels [Applause] what is he talkin about the cellular I find very amazing the way of the man with a ladle is beyond your comprehension and it is something that God has played and that's why nicandjessica the wine gives us our faith when John Wesley was 90 years old that he was elevated to that beautiful young girl came to pass when she was helping seduce of this you will say what is the use of the beauty of all these people to be as [Applause] so these are interesting Sooni some coddle you ladies in New York that's how you don't trust yourself you know you know that you are not nice but somebody likes you even in a decently your character your nastiness if other ladies who do it and you know you know yourself that's why many women are insecure but they don't answer that they are known as they are not 19 [Music] and not some people are talking to everybody [Applause] so when we have brother interested in the gas you all just take yourself ooh it doesn't know Carcosa [Applause] that's what our expressions of love is blind that you can't see clearly but something is anything that's how you must respond in the ministry you can't speak clearly we can't see money clearly riches this you can see God you are being proved so goal because it is the will of God cause fear is what is pulling you yes without it you can't do it you can't based on a career whatever for it is career I'll be telling you other things I'll be telling you to have a vision for your life other goal it writes it down physical and measurable the struggle go soft hands and long objective timeframe to achieve it what else marriage response yes and positive attitude the fuel go back up plan but if you plan a to and being blunt yes you get it wrong you be talking about oh but now I'm not talking about all those I've put all those in the rubbish box yes I think we're important I count all things restriction is that I count my education my achievements my job are the tallest pieces see that's why I don't want [Applause] one day I was switching so somebody said I'm preaching again and it's wet wait okay you know what I'm driving people away from honest wake silhouette why I guess you know that's why they want you to come here okay so now you see that I've in case your hard work your honor take any money work okay are you that yeah do you believe what brought you here I [Applause] think donkeys working here I would think the laws doing oh guys what do you think I usually believe I all right so now you can see how God chooses us in our life to work for him is that also amazing circumstances somebody whose life circumstance in his calling is also we're quite weird is David we don't even have a story like this for David now you just have him mentioning certain things and by mentioning those things you can see that there was a background David had half lessons Basava or his mother or himself there is the federated terrorist would butcher but I was going to be the reason why we will be invited to the kids house and learned how to be a king I was intimidated that was like I'm just a musical activity Karina sorry dearie Teddy - da da da da federalism now will soon be the basis for the whole of the book of sounds they are also a lot of moisture is Ollie also and many of the prophecies of Christ are in the front but most of us are so shallow that something like sound is out of our reach only read Ephesians of Caribbean sound is too deep for us as I we don't read count are you there yeah yeah he will go to fight with lions in the wilderness was also going to be part of it who T fighting with lion there God's plan is wicked he's about to choose a Bakula and in a lion killer and I tell you a Becky life is more peaceful and a lion killer so the Lopez I have been bitten by a lion before yes I believe eyeliner before as you see me study here I think that I've been I've been bitten by and I tell you the strength of a lion Joe is actually stronger than the strength of a shark Joe the two are the strongest jaw bite you can ever have and the reason why I'm here is because I was bitten by a baby lion [Applause] but the greatest friend just something like that is so amazing that I wouldn't want to be anywhere near a real [Applause] all of these well that was the reason that was another reason why David was bottle so there were three trades he was introduced so I never remembered him producing him he went away to scare ghoulia any kinda the absolute the guy who's that classical that was introduced I can kill this okay that you're good so it was more interested in people when she's killed in the chamber and that's how I got it both so there is a guy and you say that he was I need somebody to play this thing to tell you was also practice time he didn't remember him I see it was this were more than one reason to bring David into the place that University and goes all in his background so you have thought that is just my father doesn't like me that's why he has sent me as your father doesn't like you but that's a very good thing because if you have sent your son's to go and look after sheep and he comes from worthy that he was almost killed by a lion why do you send him back to win the simplest year they can pack a bag has almost any relevant your town would die one day but he was sent to us who we choose that Samuel Salvage when he was sent back and even when someone came and said I happened to annoyed somebody here he brought all his sons - one you know it's like this is a night children I didn't something like child he only did my child it's all my children I mean the seminar to have an experiment of knowledge in order to get gaming out of that forest over cooldown yeah the father doesn't like you it was part of the whole deal amen lit your hand father thank you for your blessing in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Dag Heward-Mills Evangelist
Views: 1,621
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 2006, DAG HEWARD-MILLS, DAG HEWARD MILLS, BISHOP DAG, EVANGELIST DAG, DAG HEWARD, ANOINTING, TEACHING, CAMPS, FIRST LOVE CHURCH, FIRSTLOVE, GHANA, ACCRA, THE LORD'S ANOINTED, evangelists in africa, evangelism in africa, pastors in africa, Christain authors in africa, african christian authors
Id: tIFMqOitxmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 43sec (6643 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2017
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