Unpacking The Beauty Community Circus... *my thoughts*

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[Music] hi friends hello hi how are you I hope you guys are having an amazing day today I'm not good to talk about all this today's video we're obviously gonna be unpacking everything that has been going on in the beauty community lately the circus if you will I just want to start this whole video off by saying is obviously gonna be talking about Shane Dawson this video his Twitter thing was I had some thoughts but I throw some takes and we're gonna be addressing that in this video too but I want to be like fully transparent because I know there's a lot of discourse happening in the beauty community about content creators talking to commentary and drama channels behind the scenes and I have talked to Shane behind the scenes I have to end with him I want to make it very clear he never like said meaty he never gave me any information I wouldn't say that he really did anything for my career besides the fact that I gained a ton of Twitter followers when he shouted me out so I have talked to him behind the scenes but it's nothing like what Ashley Kyle has been describing in her videos or at Sanders Kennedy described that's not the relationship I've ever had with him we've talked like maybe four or five times but I will say I agree with their point that it does become difficult to criticize people once you've had conversations with them you have to kind of say to yourself I know that I've had a good relationship with you you know whatever that is I wouldn't call us friends but we're definitely like you know we've talked but it gets to a point where it's like I can't lie and say I thought that Twitter apology was anything good I can't because it was bad I really actually took many many issues with it but I'm gonna talk about but I do want to preface it with that just to like full disclosure full transparency I don't want anyone to think there's anything shady happening like that's the T so just to kind of summarize what's happened basically the past few months that I think has led to this sort of discourse around Geoffrey star where people are starting to not necessarily turn on him but there's definitely people who are like I used to really support him and now I can he's definitely used to be this like untouchable figure and I think now a lot of things have happened but let it to be that's not really the case anymore I think first is the Dobby vanity situation freakshow art she did a ton of research on this and I would highly recommend checking out her content on this cuz she definitely covered it really well but that basically happened and what came along with that was I think where a lot of the problems started Jeffery started an interview with two people to kind of talk about the dotty vanity situation he talked to Chris Hansen which that interview I watched the whole thing you know that interview was kind of weird it was just weird having the person who was being interviewed to be the leader of the interview it was very obvious that you know Chris Hansen wasn't really challenging a lot of things it felt like Jeffrey star was definitely controlling the narrative behind that interview but what really got a lot of people angry you could say was when Jeffrey started on me mom's basement podcast so the mom's basement podcast is Kim Starr's podcast I have a lot of thoughts on keemstar don't like the guy that's my thoughts but basically Jeffrey star went on and faced banks was on and there was this other guy I don't remember his name he was the only one calling Jeffery out though so props to him but in the last 15 minutes or so of the mom's basement podcast Jeffery star started talking about the James Charles situation because if you don't know anything about the Davi vanity situation basically a lot of people think that Jeffrey star had information that Davi vanity was underage children and that Jeffrey star didn't say anything or go to the police about it and some parallels were drawn because Jeffrey star has stated up until this point that he still does think that James Charles has done you know has done some stuff he still claims that he has evidence that James Charles has done things that are inappropriate so they drew some parallels to like hey this James Charles situation you claim you have all this evidence that you won't go forward with it doesn't that kind of sound like the Davi vanity situation and Jeffrey was saying no that's completely different but in this interview Jeffrey basically said that he still to this day on his phone has a voice note that is a personal account from someone basically saying that James Charles did something to them and he was very elusive about it was like I will play it for phase and then he can tell you so he's he's playing this for other people in the YouTube community which first of all so much stuff because he then went on to say that the reason he didn't expose it was because the person who was saying it did not want to come forward so there was no way to 100% verify that it was true but that he personally believed it was really really annoying and really frustrating Luke Alexander did a good video at the time kind of listening to the podcast and breaking it down I'm gonna like a lot of videos down below because this is a very this little web at this point I think there's a lot of information you need so then the cremated pallet happened and he got some hate for that man there's an instagramer named Cameron Lester who did a live video where he basically talked about his experience working with Jeffery star kind of being Geoffrey Starr's friend he basically felt that Jeffrey star was using him as kind of a token black person for his campaigns and for his PR List and he never felt like the sort of relationship with him was genuine he said Jeffrey questioned him about James Charles before the whole buy sister thing happened and told him that he wasn't gonna owe him forever and was kind of alluding that there were things about James Charles that cam didn't know and one of the other things that was kind of big about this was cam said that he was at a hotel room with Jeffrey star and I think it was rich luxe and Shane Dawson called Jeffrey star and this was like a month before this as spy sister thing she and Dawson called Jeffrey star and was cursing out about James Charles and was like talking [ __ ] about him and cam said he thought that was really weird because Shane was talking in a way that he didn't recognize he was he was speaking about James in a way that he didn't understand and cam expressed how he felt a lot of regret and remorse for not telling James about that situation especially given everything that went down so then on top of that we got confirmation from Ashley Kyle and Sanders Kennedy who are two drama channels there was confirmation from both of them in videos that Jeffrey star had been giving them information and kind of giving them a heads up on things especially in Ashley Kyle's video she had screenshots that showed that he gave her a insider knowledge her like a heads up on everything that was about to happen with the top team drama so people knew ahead of time another drama channels have come out and said yes we knew ahead of time because of Jeffrey start so this led a lot of people to kind of start questioning how big of a hand jeffrey and intern shane lead-in the sister get in that happened last year kind of made everybody start question anything I guess I'd always assumed that Jeffrey knew things that was always my interpretation of it because Jeffrey was so ready to back chop t he was ready to back everything she said like I always knew that Jeffrey knew stuff I will say I definitely never thought that Shane knew I know James made the insinuation that Shane knew and that Shane was a part of it but I always thought that was kind of a reach I thought he was just mad that he was hanging out with taki I don't know I and I think this is where I'm like being really naive but in Shane's docu-series in his trailer there's videos of him watching the by sister video and like crying because it's so intense and there's so much in like he's he's acting like this is the first he's heard of this and he's so shook so I think naively I was like oh no Shane didn't know but it's pretty obvious that he did he's even admitted that he did in his apology which we're about to get to now it's been putting a lot of heat on Shane and Geoffrey and also there's now a lot of rumors that Tati who has not posted a video and I believe like six weeks is going to come and post a video exposing everything and then she's retiring that's what everyone's saying I don't know if that's true I've been waiting for like three days if she's gonna post anything she hasn't yet I wouldn't blame her if she didn't she could literally just retire right now and be perfectly happy with her life so so all of this sort of speculation about Shane and Geoffrey's role in everything all of that has been sort of building over the past few weeks it's been really building people are really curious like how big of a role did you actually play in this why did you all participate in this when we've now kind of public opinion about the James Charles situation has really shifted into James was completely wrong so then the other night on Twitter Shane Dawson put out a very lengthy statement I'm gonna go through it he has since deleted all these things but he has also said that he stands by what he said so I do think it's pertinent to talk about it is titled welcome to the circus my final thoughts on the beauty world this is what I knew this week oh this is gonna be nutty a few questions that I've been getting lately did I know that she was thinking about making a video yes he never mentions tot his name in this and I have to wonder if that's purposeful because Geoffrey star in them I know I'm already like overanalyzing but Geoffrey star in the mom's basement podcast it say that he wasn't friends him and Shane he made it very clear that it was him and Shane he lumped Shane into this which is an important point for later he made it very clear that they're not friends to talk to anymore I have to wonder if Tati has gotten lawyers involved at a certain point and has said that they need to like stop talking about this I have to wonder cuz why would you not say her name why would you not just say tachi he doesn't it's weird anyway I know that she was making she was thinking about making a video yes did I tell her to make a video no did I have any involvement in the video no did i orchestrate it no do I need that kind of drama to make a good series know that point I will say I think that's a little bit of a point of contention because if you didn't think you needed the drama to make it like a really interesting series and a good series I don't know why you would have made it the focal point of your trailer I'm not gonna say he can't make entertaining videos without drama because I do think some of his videos are very entertaining like the Queen Mary series think that's all great but if you didn't need the drama or didn't want the drama as a part of the series you shouldn't have put it in the trailer have I ever tried to ruin a career or make someone look bad in my 15 years on YouTube no do I have a track record of getting into drama with people or having fights with other youtubers no am i innocent and don't have huge anxiety provoking regrets about how it could have helped everyone handle it about how I could have helped everyone handle it better no I've had a pit in my stomach since it all happened now on to my final thoughts on the beauty world and my experience in it the conspiracy palette was one of the best experiences of my life the series with Jeffrey changed my life and changed me as a person it helped me be more confident and stand up for myself which I've always been bad at so to honor this series and what I learned from it I'm gonna say this so this is like that's like nice great for me it is it's hard to say that you gained a lot of confidence everything a big part of the series was gaining confidence by also gaining money this is where it really starts the beauty gurus who are always involved in scandals are all the same they're all attention-seeking game-playing egocentric narcissistic vengeful two-faced ticking time bombs ready to explode and I'm over it I agree with him on that one but here's the problem is he kind of backtracks later but like this statement I don't disagree with you I agree with you that a lot of the people at the top are very egocentric they're very dramatic they do a lot of things that are very shady a lot of them aren't good people like I believe that yes they're talented creative smart and loved makeup but they also joined a side of the internet internet that is obsessed with looks money power Fame screenshots and sub tweets releasing private tax voice memos emails and other receipts as a way to paint yourself in a particular light or somebody else in a bad light is weird to me and I will never engage in that so my only point to that is he's saying they they're a part of this side of the internet that is obsessed with looks money power Fame screenshots there is the beauty community is not the 1% of the top creators who are like this like that is not the beauty community and I think that's the overarching real issue with this whole thing is the people that you are associated in the beauty community are absolutely obsessed with those things but 99% of the rest of us that are just like chilling in our houses talking about powders with shimmers in it like we are not obsessed with that I don't know a single beauty guru who's not like James Charles Jeffrey star a couple others that are up there obviously I know beauty gurus that I've like a million Robbie to Christie she was said a million subscribers I know for a fact cuz I've talked to her and also I just know for a fact she is not obsessed with money and fame and greed like there's a whole culture of certain youtubers that are like that that is not the beauty community that is not this side of the internet we don't claim that to be what we are about he then goes on to say that is a game that they know how to play well and I would rather eat my own hands off than play it yes Jeffrey is in that list of dramatic gurus and he would admit that and he will always be family to me and I will love him despite those characteristics so in let's circle back first part they are all attention-seeking game playing egocentric narcissistic vengeful two-faced ticking time bombs ready to explode Jeffrey is like that but he is family to me I will tell you something I have said a lot of things about my sisters in moments of anger I have never said that I'm very like that's the only thing it's like you're saying all these thing you're saying how much you hate it you're saying how much you hate the culture you're saying how much you how people act like this you're saying all of those things you're saying they're not good people but then you're like but Jeffrey he's family he is very aware of the fact that I don't agree with many of the ways he approaches situations and I have been very honest with him about needing to make some changes I'm actually very glad he threw that sentence in there obviously there's no way to know if that's true or not because he would obviously be handling that privately he's not publicly saying those things but I'm glad he threw that in there because I think the problem a lot of people have with Shane associating with all these problematic people despite I mean obviously the initial problem is like why are you associating with them in the first place but a lot of people have been like you need to be calling them out for this like you can't just be letting them do these things you can't just be saying it's okay that they're doing these things so I'm glad he at least said he knows that I don't approve of it he knows that implies that he at least behind the scenes is saying he doesn't approve of it we don't know if that's true but that at least is like at least you're holding people accountable but as for being in the beauty world I can't take the drama anymore and it's not how I am wired so I'm out it's draining exhausting depressing and sometimes amazing but for me the amazing is outweighed by the bad I can't have a pit in my stomach every day waiting for the next scandal or the next expose video it's going to give me health issues and I'm done caring about it anymore I was rooting for Shane on this one I and I feel like a fool for saying this stuff now I feel like an idiot because I remember when there was I don't remember who said it but somebody was like Shane like you came out with this palette we haven't seen a single makeup look from you and that's when he announced Shane Lawson that's when he was like this is where I'm gonna be uploading my makeup content I'm gonna be doing makeup tutorials money doing makeup videos this is where I'm gonna do that and we've all been waiting everybody's been waiting for a makeup tutorial from you my guy you cannot be like I'm out I'm out now you weren't ever really in it like I'm sorry you weren't yes you made a palette and you were a part of that side of it but at this point that would be like Selena Gomez or Lady Gaga being like I'm out I'm no longer a part of the beauty community because they made makeup that's like Ashley Tisdale being like I'm done after she made makeup like it doesn't work like that you're you weren't ever fully in the beauty community in the first place you never made Beauty content you never did you out of palette but so did keemstar so that doesn't say a lot anymore I will say I understand his point of the fact that the beauty community because of the people that he chose to hang out with within the beauty community there is definitely that culture of waiting for the next exposed video when is the next thing going to happen amongst that group of people like sure I can I can understand that because he's hanging out with those types of people but that's not the beauty community as we know it I've never been involved in drama with another youtuber ever and the second I decide to do a Beauty serious boom I'm in the hurricane so did I plan drama gedan are you serious No do people in the YouTube world come to me like a grandpa and tell me their problems and ask me for advice yes is it easy for me to get wrapped up in something potentially toxic if I think someone I love is hurting or upset yes it's an issue and I need to work and I need to work on and have been working on Shane I really like I you cannot be like the second I entered the beauty community and did a documentary in the beauty community it was a hurricane when you picked to do your documentary on the most toxic and scandalous person in the beauty community whether you love Jeffrey star or hate him you cannot deny that he has played a role in 90% of the major dramas that have happened in the beauty community you don't get to do a series with the person who was involved in all of the drama constantly and then turn around and say well I'm so shook that the beauty community is toxic it's because of who you did the series with if you had done this series with like so many other youtubers it would not have turned into that but it's because you did a series with arguably the most problematic person on this on in the beauty space of course it turned out that of course it was a hurricane of drama look at who your collabing with you just said so yourself who he is you can't blame that on the beauty community you can't blame that on the people who are part of it he says when she told me how upset she was in person I have the same reflection the world did when they saw her video I felt awful for her and she seemed broken so I tried to be there for her I'd be someone she could talk to about it so was I shocked that she decided to make a video no was i shocked that Takhti read his stuff self yes I wasn't acting I didn't know it was going to be that intense looking back I still believe her on a lot of what she said and I believe she felt it was what she needed to do at the time does she regret it probably does it mean we should see James as some poor innocent sweet angel no don't get it twisted him and Jeffrey have always been at the top of the dramatic guru list and I mean that with love I I'm gonna I have to touch on this part where he says I agreed with most of what she said this is the problem with all of this there is either actual evidence that James Charles did something to someone there is either actual evidence that exists that James Charles did that and all of these people genuinely believe it and they genuinely think that's the truth but that person doesn't want to come forward because that's what they're saying and so they're just not talking about it really they're beating around the bush with it or that doesn't exist and it's all a lie and it's all conspiracy to tear down James either way it's either way there either is evidence and instead of taking that evidence to like the police or just how about respecting the person who doesn't want to come forward because they've made it blatantly clear apparently if this exists I'm not saying it does cuz I have literally no proof that it does if it did exist and that person doesn't want to come forward why are you alluding to things on a podcast why are you bringing up that recording at all because that's null and void they don't want to talk about it they don't want to come forward about it they don't have the confidence to come forward about it that's their choice they don't have to do that stop alluding to it and using what could potentially be someone's assault story as t as a drama as a little bit of likes and a little bit of spice to everything in your life spice things up keep this sort of mystery around did James Charles do it or did me if it happened either show the receipts or respect the person and shut up about it I'm so sick of these massive gurus just pitter-pattering around what's true and what's not true and if they're lying about it if this is all a lie and they're still insinuating this stuff a year later despite it being a why and they're running they're literally ruining James Charles's name that's also equally both of those are either way how you're handling the situation isn't okay it's not okay I feel like by him insinuating it that he agreed with point stalked he made in his video he's doing what Jeffrey did on the mom's basement podcast and he's further feeding that narrative like well there's something out there you guys don't know about it but like you could potentially be supporting someone who's like a predator but we're never gonna tell you either don't talk about it or do you can't do this in between stuff this light onto Jim that's not fair to him did I warn James about the video no why for reasons that I will never discuss again like just feeding and get like I'm I don't mean to get so frustrated but like these are people's lives this is this is James's life this could potentially be a person who doesn't want to come forward potentially if that's even real this could be their life stop using it is this like mysterious pawn to drum up hyper out things him and Jeffrey do this it's so frustrating to me we've spoken privately on it and that's that do I think James is the devil no do I think he was a young Eagle centric power-hungry guru who needed to be served a slice of humble pie the size of the Empire State Building yes has he grown as a person since then it really seems like it and that's amazing I'm truly happy if he's realized how his ego was affecting others which he did address in his no more lies video I do think James has grown just as like a side note I'm again I feel like there's some weird mystery around him because of all this stuff but if you just take that as what it is where it's like we have no proof of anything I do think he's grown I think he's become a better person over the past year I think he's shown a level of growth and maturity if he still screw up sometimes yeah I mean it's 21 like I don't know I'm gonna come back to the he needs a slice of humble pie the size of the Empire State Building because he addresses it again in a separate statement so this is gonna be like an hour-long video I heard you annoyed it was oh do I think Tati is a villain no I think talk to you was sick of being treated like by so many in the beauty world that finally snapped and damn did she snap all the way off holy she really said it and beat her face to the gods and popped on that ring light and went full Game of Thrones on say what you want about her that video but that will be in the history books what she deleted that video she literally deleted that video and that video has since been proven that there were false claims made in it there how can you I don't underst I don't know if he meant it this way you know I'm gonna say I feel like he meant it this way I feel like he meant it in a way to glorify that video a little bit and I don't think that's right when that video had a lot of misinformation in it that was later proven to be misinformation hey sorry back to my rant do I think Jeffry orchestrated this whole situation No Takia is a strong woman who made a choice do I think Jeffrey was also upset by some of the issues with James and some things he heard behind the scenes yes was Jeffrey excited to see a competitor fall probably he's Jeffrey star what do you expect I expect him to not try to tear down and ruin the life of event in year olds because he's competitive that's what I expect I guess that's the expectation don't relish in a person being publicly demolished like why who relishes in that who who okay whatever and getting off on a tangent here but like Jesus I guess I missed the part where he got baptized and devoted his life to Christ I guess I missed the part where being a decent human being is apparently too much to ask of people anymore Jeffrey take it too far big time by tweeting what he did yes and it's one of the biggest regrets of his life if he regrets it so much why did he just reiterate everything he said in those tweets a couple of months ago on the mom's basement podcast why if that is one of the biggest regrets of your life why are you rehashing it and basically confirming that what you said was true almost a year later why it doesn't add up it doesn't add up this all happened over a year ago and I'm really sick of hearing about it and having people constantly use it as a way to keep my name and other names tagged together in drama videos the person who is pulling you into this the person who has constantly been using you as a shield for the past year that person that's jeffree star jeffree star brings you into it it's never Jeffrey any more have you guys I've noticed this when he talks about things like this it's never Jeffery it's Jeffrey and me and Shane me and Shane are no longer friends with Tati me and Shane heard some things Geoffrey is the one pulling you into all of this I don't know if you know that behind the scene but to say that drama channels are plumping you two together it's because Geoffrey lumps you two together that's not something that's being pulled out of thin air the person that you're calling family they're the ones doing that to you there are the ones mixing you into all of this don't get it twisted drama will never end with a lot of these people it's their game their survival their drug they love it this specific drama went too far obviously and hopefully something like that never happens again putting drama in the trailer was something I regret more than anything in the world and I'm mad that I chose T over my morals I'm really sorry to talk to you and James if me putting their drama in this series it all felt like I was reopening loved ones although I did speak to both of them privately about the trailer I should have not even done it at all drama might be fun to watch but it's not fun to get wrapped up in and it's my fault for letting that happen and I'm sick of being trapped in the middle of it do I think this will be the last drama involving these people ha ha ha no no I don't do I want to be involved again no again just to give credit where it's due I'm glad he brought up the trailer I'm glad he said that it was a mistake he has said that before I'm glad he's reiterating it because I do think that was a mistake remember to not expect these gurus to maintain some high moral code and we shouldn't have some they must be perfect or they're cancelled mentality the reason you watch these people is because they are so extra they are dramatic and if you keep canceling them and wanting them to go away then who will you talk about you guys know how I feel I feel like just so strongly believe that if you have been gifted a platform you have been so lucky in life through a mix of like luck and hard work and all these things if you've been given a platform of 20 million people I do think it's okay to say hey well maybe don't bash your fans maybe don't call your fans despicable human beings maybe don't send people voice notes threatening them just dissing them for recently being in a breakup maybe don't have an affiliation with a lipstick brand that you wanted to create that was centered around maybe don't say the n-word maybe don't make racist jokes I don't that freezing I guess it's like don't hold them to this high moral code it's the standard it's just a standard but so many people are able to maintain so many people on YouTube are able to not do these things to not have these problems because they're not bad people he's literally like hey if you don't let these people continue to just be people if you want them to go away who are you gonna look up to how about the hundreds of beauty gurus that aren't problematic that have over like two million subscribers then we could just talk about them and how much how pretty we think they are like you don't go to a circus to watch the hay on the ground you go to watch the over-the-top performers who just want to be liked and want to do whatever they can to get your attention if you don't want to feed into it than don't but before all the drama-free gurus pop off at me and say well I'm not involved in drama and I'm perfect girl please your top view of videos are probably top makeup fails an anti hulless with vomit emojis all over the screen and that's okay I love those videos but let's not pretend that the beauty world isn't negativity first make up second maybe to you maybe because of the people you hang around with like maybe to you I actually don't disagree with this I hear I do I don't disagree with the statement that a lot of top viewed videos are like makeup fails or negative videos about makeup I made a point actually pretty recently in one of my videos that'll basically was that that you know negativity definitely does better on YouTube but I don't think the reason for that is because we're negativity first makeup second nobody got into this whole space because they wanted to be negative nobody it was like hey I'm gonna start a makeup channel and I'm just I'm doing it because I love it just like that's not how it happens you do it because you love makeup you do it because of the obviously that comparison is really frustrating because it's like yes some people probably do a lot better with their more negative product reviews but they're talking about a product you're talking about makeup you're not destroying the career of the people around you you're literally just saying you don't like a lipstick even though you're technically being negative you're still also technically being makeup first you're warning consumers about makeup that you don't think is good it's just how it is and I'm sick of people pretending to be so above it all again he was in the community you never made a [ __ ] video it's frustrating it is i I've I've genuinely and this is where I again like I feel like I've been a really naive I genuinely liked shame and it's so frustrating to have somebody like it's like the kool-aid man taking down the walls of the beauty community infiltrating basically the beauty community and then when he hung out with the top 1% of people who are so toxic turning around leaving a gigantic hole in the wall being like alright you guys suck bye like can you it's really I think what bothers me so much about this is like the level of entitlement that you have to have to be like you guys all suck basically but I love you but like guys are all toxic but I love you guys I don't know the level of entitlement and with that said I love watching PD channels of all sizes and we'll continue to watch and support them the dramatic ones the non dramatic ones and the ones who genuinely just love to show their makeup skills sadly those channels get way less views for the reasons I've stated above yeah he's totally he's right about that so go enjoy the gurus enjoy the circus unsubscribe from me if you are mad that I'm no longer engaging in it unsubscribe to gurus who you don't like subscribe to gurus you do like don't take the beauty world as seriously as I did or as many of us did in 2019 it's not worth it and I feel like we all lost a bit of our soul during drama gedan it's very interesting to me that this is he's now saying don't take it all seriously now that we have slowly started to see a decline in Geoffrey Starr's popularity and more and more scandals are coming out about him this whole thing really feels like an attempt to save Geoffrey and also in turn save himself from criticism by bouncing now as for my channels I am done with the beauty world I love what I was able to create with Geoffrey and I'm sure people are going to assume I only did it for money but that's not true I wanted to make a note here I normally and very much like I truly try to see the best in these things he posted this like 12 hours after his most recent restock come on like now you couldn't have decided 12 hours ago that this was what you were gonna post this was really that spur of the moment for you you're gonna sit here and say it wasn't about money but you literally collected millions and millions of dollars from that launch and then millions and millions more from restocked and now you're very conveniently like alright guys bye where was this energy before your restock I am just choosing to no longer be a part of that world I will still watch beauty videos buy and play with makeup and be a part of it in my life offline but as for me being a part of that world on YouTube I don't think it's for me I need to get back to why I started YouTube back in 2005 and that was to make things that bring me joy not drama and to make movies one day makeup will and for now just be a fun hobby I have to help with my anxiety like slime or emotional eating and that all sounds really good to me right now a couple of notes a couple of things I don't think that apology was thought out at all I think he wrote it and then posted it I don't think there was any forethought I don't think there was any afterthought I don't think he thought about it at all before posting it I think he just wrote what he felt and then posted it and I think that was a gigantic mistake this apology wasn't an apology he didn't really apologize for anything it was filled with anger it was filled with just like randomness it was fill it really was very entitled to have a man who was never a part of this community before like last year come in claim he was so obsessed with it claim he was so interested in it never make a single makeup tutorial with his own palate and then leave and couldn't say you guys all suck I'm leaving can't do it sorry I'm gonna go make other content that makes people happy as if the content that the beauty beauty content creators make don't make people again it's just like all so entitled and it's like why did you not just like think about that before you posted it did you really read that and think like yeah this is the move this is how I'm gonna get him this is my move that was really so notice in that when he talked about the top T thing he said how great talk to use video was said James needed to be served a slice of humble pie and all that so that all happened and people were really upset about that under his tweet and frankly it would it was again the constant alluding to having evidence and never showing it it just it's annoying it's people are sick of it so people were like how can you glorify what Tati did and be like oh she went Game of Thrones on us and say that he deserved that like he got publicly dragged because you guys said you had proof and then you never showed that so he posted another thing says this will be my last and only addition to what I posted do I think it was okay for the internet to bully James no of course not not sure why some people took that away from my post I literally said it was too far and should never happen again I think it's because he people took that away because you said he deserved a slice of humble pie the size of the Empire State Building I think that's why anyway I didn't want to get too dark in my post which is why I didn't go into more detail on that we all know collectively that the internet was too mean to James but you didn't honor him I didn't think I needed to reiterate that me saying he needs to be humbled isn't mean it's honest and he said that in his own video should the humbling have happened off camera yes so I feel like if he just said that that would have cleared that up that's my people were confused he said it you know III feel like he's trying to make it seem like everyone's reaching by saying that what he said was pretty rude about James given everything that's happened again I think it's because he just didn't think before he posted this but there was things in that statement that would elude people to think that you didn't feel that way I guess I didn't weren't that right and I'm sorry if my humor regarding Tottie's video seemed like I was making light of the situation humor is how I deal with stuff especially when it involves the insanity of the beauty worlds okay that's it leaving Twitter for a few months it's bad for my brain I feel good in my heart about what I said and that's all I can do sorry it wasn't the tea people wanted but I'm officially done with tea I don't think anybody wanted tea I think I'd like okay and then he deleted everything and he said I deleted everything I'm done for those who wanted me to address it I did I'm sure you can find it reposted somewhere but I don't want this energy in my life or in my timeline I'm too sensitive for that and I'm done so that was that on that I think my final thoughts on this honestly is I feel as though with Shane especially it's like we know who Geoffrey is like I know he's he's so mean to people I've heard some of the most vicious things come out of his mouth and on his Twitter to people who claim to be like his biggest fan I know who Geoffrey is I've always known who Geoffrey is I think with Shane because he has this persona of being very sensitive and like what he just said being very you know how Shane is like that's how he got so big on YouTube no this has been over said but you can't a community that you were never truly a part of and I know that Shane bought a ton of makeup and got like really into doing his makeup and you know watch channels he bought my channel cuz he was watching all these beauty channels so I know that that's true but at the same time to call out an entire community and talk to the community because this was that's what it was addressing our community to call it the community in that way and to compare us and how we act to what Jeffrey star has done what you know James has done all the scandals he's been and what all of these really toxic nikita dragon like what all of these really toxic people at the top to compare the entire community to that and basically act surprised when you only talk to toxic people and then everything around you became toxic it's definitely disheartening and it's annoying honestly today I just saw a bunch of creators small creators did the beauty community tag and they just talked about creators they loved and it's so pure I have met some of the most amazing people in my entire life and none of what he is saying about them add up to like what he is insinuating the community is makes me mad that he's gonna waltz into our community make millions and millions of dollars off of claiming he really genuinely cares about this claiming he really genuinely loves makeup he really is so interested in it make a fortune off of that and then do the restock and then 12 hours after people gave you even more millions of dollars basically say that we all suck in you're out so feels it does and it's like I it's just I'm over it and I think a lot of people are over it it reminds me similarly to like the Gabby Hannah situation of just like there's so much narrative twisting with a lot of people and I think it's interesting that Shane called out a lot of other people for narrative twisting when that's what it felt like this was this feels like narrative twisting you're not being dragged into this for no reason you're being dragged into it because of your friend Jeffery Stark who you refused to disassociate from I don't know I love you guys so much I hope you liked this video please let me know your thoughts down below I'd be very interested I'm sorry this video is like a freaking podcast I love you guys so much I hope you like this video if you did please like and subscribe or just like or just subscribe or do neither honestly just so happy you're here to me thank you so much for being here my emerge my social media and everything I am wearing on my face will be linked down below along with a linked register to vote that's right you can click on that link you can register to vote you give me a part of your democracy super fun thing to do always should do it also down there will be my little social media spotlight corner I post just like petitions things you should be aware of I've had Brianna Taylor down there for a while please go sign that petition if you have not and become informed on her story because it's really important and yeah I love you guys so much and I will see you in the next one bye [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Smokey Glow
Views: 820,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeffree Star, Shane Dawson, Shane Dawson Twitter, Shane Dawson Conspiracy palette, Shane Dawson Apology, Jeffree Star Apology, Tati, James Charles, Shane Dawson Beauty Community, Shane Dawson Twitter Apology, shane dawson Jeffree star, Smokey Glow, Smokey Glow Shane Dawson, Tea Spill, Spill, samantha ravendahl, samantha, samantha ravndahl shane dawson, samantha ravndahl, abby williamson
Id: oqyuclUbtgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 23sec (2303 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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