unpacking every taylor swift conspiracy theory

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hi before we get started with this video really quickly I just want to say if you're in Toronto I am hosting a catching fire watchalong in April we're going to have like call and response games friendship bracelets signature cocktails it's just a really fun time basically we're going to watch Catching Fire see finic odere on the big screen baby entering our Hunger Games Renaissance yet again it's going to be a lot of fun it's like Rocky [ __ ] meets fan girl pictures all of the information for that will be in the description below I hope to see you there okay let's get into the [Music] [Applause] [Music] video I'm going to wait till my neighbors leave cuz they're going to hear me screaming and call the landlord like what are you doing go I need to talk about Taylor Swift conspiracy theories I don't care hi oh my God it's been so long oh like a like a phoenix I Rise you can't [ __ ] stop me you can't kill me you'll have to kill me with your dead hands wait that's wrong you're going to have to kill me dead with your bareing hands if you want me to stop spreading driil on the internet but until that day I'm going to keep bringing slop to your troughs my little pigs and today we are talking about uh Taylor Swift conspiracy theories I went in the Swifty Reddit so you know God help me just one of the darkest corners of the internet and I comp filed a list of conspiracy theories about Taylor Swift and I'm going to present them to you in in a presentation today I know you missed my blue backdrop and I know you missed my presentations you little freaks you little freak pervert weird o freaks so that's what we're doing today I present to you every Taylor Swift conspiracy theory you're welcome um a couple of things before we get started today Mental Health is a real thing and I have it so be nice the swifties here's the thing I think up until a couple years ago I really identified as a Swifty and then like the spectrum of being a Taylor Swift fan seemingly increased tfold so I feel as though I can't claim that title uh cuz I don't know her blood type you know what I mean I do not have an x-ray of her skeleton as the backdrop to my Google pixel so am I really a Swifty like the swifties really ride or die for Miss Taylor Swift and I love that for them I honestly think hobbies are amazing I truly think if this is your hobby that's fing awesome like no hate to you you know what I mean but that being said I'm afraid that I'm going to offend some swifties and that's not a group of people I want to offend like I would literally rather offend like I don't know a militia than the swifties so don't be mean to me if I make if I I offend you I really that is not the intent with this video this is just supposed to be Funtime fun entertainment Funtime YouTube Funtime right so if I offend you I truly that's not my intention outside of her private jet use you know I've got nothing against Taylor Swift she's my favorite climate criminal just don't dox me swifties please second point I love women I think sometimes when I make YouTube videos about women who are in pop culture there's a tendency for people to say like why are you watering down this woman artist's work to her personal life things like that um and I'm don't want to do that I love women I support women and I think we should have the right to vote so Checkmate [ __ ] but basically like especially with someone like Taylor Swift I think the art speaks for itself the body of work is insane right like we cannot argue that Taylor Swift is not writing songs that are first of all period we cannot argue that t is not writing songs you can't argue that and also they're great songs absolute Bop after Bop after Bop after Bop can you tell that I'm I'm afraid of the swifties gutting me in the street I'm going to get tarred and feathered like it's medieval times for offending them with Taylor Swift specifically like I think if an artist period regardless of gender is very private with their personal life then like let's leave it I think if an artist is actively profiting off of of their personal life and by that I mean using it to remain relevant and sell their art then I think it's kind of Open Season you know what I mean I'm only talking about things that have been talked about by publicists and she's profited off of okay so like I think it's okay my brain is farted I've got nothing left so basically this is not an attempt to undermine her work as a woman I'm just talking about her personal life cuz she's like literally the most famous person on planet Earth and when you talk about other famous people's lives it's a lot sadder like if I was like Michael Jackson conspiracy theory it would just be crimes but like with Taylor Swift I can be like LOL is Harry Styles a member of the Illumina like it's more fun right and finally just be nice to me I I am literally teetering on the edge of a mental collapse okay you don't want I you don't want blood on your hands you know what I mean um I'm fine it's just that I just got over covid-19 # goodg gives his toughest battles to his strongest Warriors and I feel good but I do feel like I am on the precipice of either having an amazing week or going off the grid you know so before you leave a comment today I want you to think do I want blood on my hands that's really it hi I thought we'd just take a quick break from today's video and talk about this week's sponsor book of the month if you've been around here a while you know I love book of the month they're a book subscription service every single month their editorial team pours through hundreds of new titles and basically supplies you with a curated list of books to choose from they also have just launched curated audio books if you're more of an audiobook girly so you can literally choose download and listen to an audiobook all in their app and now members can choose between a new hardback each month or an audio book my book of the month picks for this month are Anita Deonte laughs last by soio Gonzalez this is a contemporary fiction about a first generation Ivy league student who uncovers the work of a female artist decades after her suspicious death it just seemed so interesting I also got Happily Never After by Lynn painter this is a romance between two people whose jobs are to be objectors at weddings like they literally get hired by people to go to weddings and object and stopped the wedding it just seemed like the romcom loveliness that my heart needed also with book of the month you are going to get the best deal for a new hardback fiction books are super expensive we know this but with book of the month not only are you getting free shipping and like loyalty rewards programs that allow you to save money the longer you're with book of the month you're also just getting an amazing price for a new hardback fiction so if you want to get reading let book of the month help you out with that go to book of the month.com and pick a book and if you use the code chirp you get your first book for only $9 99 thank you so much to book of the month for sponsoring let's get back into it all right let's begin the first conspiracy theory is of course gayor um in my deep dive into the life of Taylor Swift YouTube video I talked about Gaylor a bit it's impossible to talk about Taylor Swift and not talk about it if you've been living under a rock or don't know what gayor is first of all like congratulations I'm sure you know so many more practical skills than I if I could remove every piece of brain rot internet lore from my hippocampus I feel like I would be a homesteader like if I replaced knowledge of super holck and Taylor Swift ships from my brain and I took that out and I replaced it with sewing knitting gardening hard skills that can actually help me live off the grid when climate collapse is upon us I think it would be more valuable what value does this have gayer is the conspiracy theory internet coroner I don't even know you know basically is representative of a group of people or the belief that Taylor Swift is either secretly a lesbian secretly by secretly queer in some way or another generally speaking it refers to her relationship with Cari Claus it could also refer to her relationship with uh Diana Agron AKA Quinn fa from Glee Glee generally speaking the gayer conspiracy theory yes is that she is in some way either queer by a lesbian in and closeted for for some reason and is um sprinkling hints throughout her music and other mediums to hint to her fans that she is queer so I mean for example a lot of the people believe that um Wonderland from 1989 is about Diana Agron um a lot of people believe that songs like Betty or other songs in her discography are like written to women I had a friend the other day say to me full stop when she listens to Suburban Legends she's like this is a song about a woman this basically came from the fact that Taylor Swift has Incredibly Close relationships with women over time then they end in Flames basically and we don't know why and that's a queer thing to do like as a queer woman I really feel like I can speak to that of like there's nothing more akin to being a queer woman than having incredibly intense relationships with people of your own gender uh that end in a more traumatic way than any other relationship in your life you know some people are like oh my God I saw my ex I don't care if I see my exes I care if I see an ex- best friend out in the world that's trauma so this picture I've put on the presentation is of this like road trip that Carly Claus and Taylor Swift took together um I've said this before I'll say it again I don't know if I believe this I have a hard time swallowing that in this day and age when people kind of accuse Harry Styles of queer baiting that if she was by she wouldn't come out I don't know but when I look at this photo I'm like these are two queer women like that is Emily Dickinson and her lover the turtlenecks and the foliage like it there's I have questions people also of course reference kissgate this is this very blurry photo of Carly Claus and Taylor Swift at a 1975 concert and you look at the photo it does look like they're making out but I do also think like if every single girl that made out with another girl at a 1975 concert was queer the ENT ire population would be queer we can't hold people to that marker if every single time you kissed your friend on the lips people were like you're a lesbian the numbers don't add up do you know what I mean people also reference in the you need to calm down video Taylor Swift is wearing this horrific wig like free her from this wig why does she look like Johnny Bravo the wig is the um the byy flag colors I'd love for Taylor Swift to be by I think if she is by and in the closet that's sad it's the same thing when people are like Sean Mendes is a gay man and he's closeted I'm like that's actually very sad that sucks if that's true I hope she's not but that's a massive Taylor Swift conspiracy theory is she queer or not the New York Times posted like a really crazy outof pocket like opinion piece on it and not to be one of those people that's like is this news but is that news babe like there's a war going on the second Taylor Swift conspiracy theory I want to talk about today is that Harry Styles committed vehicular manslaughter a lot of the songs in 198 89 are about One Direction veteran Harry Styles this was pre bedazzled jumpsuit ERA this was in like what 2014 I want to say they dated and when they were dating one of their first kind of like dates was they went skiing together and they got in a snowmobile accident that caused Harry Styles to get stitches awesome first date go to the hospital ma yourself you know what I mean like dinner and a movie absolutely horrible first date cutting yourself open on a snowmobile now we're talking now that's a first date there there's danger there's a little spice to that you know so people believe that the snowmobile accident is actually a fabricated story intended to cover up the fact that while they were dating Harry Styles committed vehicular manslaughter if you don't know what that is he hit somebody with a scar and killed them they died might not have been intentional murder in the third degree baby they died this this is because a lot of the songs in 1989 refer to poor driving in one way or another so the first reference is from style the lyric midnight you come and pick me up no headlights long drive could end in burning flames or Paradise I guess the burning flames refer to the corpse that was on fire that Harry Styles hit with his car he can't keep his wild eyes on the road he was looking at Taylor Swift when he hit a man with his car from out of the woods remember when you hit the brakes too soon 20 stitches in the hospital room what is that referring to of course the fact that Harry Styles hit a man with his car flashing lights and we took a wrong turn from all he had to do was stay all I know is that you drove us off the road I met Harry Styles is a murderer truther I wish this is I hope this is true so deeply I really just think it it would give it would give him the edge That I Want from him if he came out and did a notesap apology on X saying sorry guys I hit a man with my car in 2014 like what is the statute of limitations on that like it's 10 years you know what I mean he got away with it congratulations anyways moving on the third conspiracy theory is that Taylor Swift is a pentagon asset when I made this graphic of Taylor Swift in front of the Pentagon I was in a coffee shop and there was two women next to me having a french lesson um and they kept looking over as I was making this in Cana and they and the teacher kept getting mad at them for getting distracted and I was like hey may say they say this is my job you know this was a Fox News conspiracy theory basically stating that Taylor Swift is an asset to the Pentagon and that they used her to combat misinformation which I guess is bad if you're from Fox News and misinformation is good it doesn't really make any sense the long and short of it is that um she and Travis Kelce are Pawns of the democratic party and um they rigged the Super Bowl so that the Chiefs won which is the football team he plays for yes and that's so that they could become incredibly popular so that uh Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce the combined popularity of the swifties and football fans and famously football fans will just vote for whoever the quarterback that's the best says to the combined power of their endorsements of Biden will swing the election the Pentagon said this is not true um it's also just like not really how people vote I just think that Republicans are kind of salty that you don't have any good celebrities like every one of the celebrities that you have is so crazy like they're insane they'll be like I'm a Republican and also lizard people around the world you're jealous you know you really thought that Taylor Swift might be a trump supporter which was also a conspiracy theory from a while ago you thought that she might be a trump supporter and you're sad that you don't have any cool celebrities sorry this is a fun one okay this is the conspiracy theory that Taylor Swift is the daughter of a Satanist they think that she is the daughter of Zena L who is a famous Satanist and I think at some point was like the head of the Church of Satan and the only basis of this is that she looks like Taylor Swift and she does so like look at that that's crazy they look a lot alike like she's got more like old timey thin eyebrows but that looks like her like are you kidding me I love this I would love Taylor Swift to have a Satanist era like tortured Poet Society comes out and it's just truly nine tracks and they're all just her going like doing sco Satanist chance I would love that the next conspiracy theory is the karma conspiracy theory this is that there's a lost Taylor Swift album named Karma this was a rock album that she was writing after 1989 but when Kanye West and Kim Kardashian cancelled her on International snake day she started writing reputation instead so karma is a scrapped Rock album this is kind of in reference to like she was dressing Rock and Punky and then kind of sorted dressing more like she switched eras after she was cancelled by Kanye and Kim and there's this album karma that's just basically locked in the vault forever people reference this cuz she talks about Karma all the time and I look and look what you made me do it's like all I think about is karma in the music video for the man she is pissing on a subway station wall and in graffiti all of her albums are written and Karma is also written on the wall so I think it's like an Easter egg for the album Karma I'm not a Karma truther again like she just loves money right like she's such a capitalist that I think she would release it for money maybe I don't know enough about it it's just like when in doubt I really think you can't stand between her and and money honestly probably it got repurposed into like reputation and lover and the songs just got split up and used in different ways I mean I guess she's not mixing songs on garage band but if you went into her garage band Library like there's probably 500 different songs Just In The Vault forever that aren't good enough to be released and if you as a Swifty keep thinking about that you'll simply go crazy gly in a similar vein we also have the woodveil conspiracy theory this is in some of the uh concept art from folklore in the top corner here you can see there's like white lettering that says wood Veil and there's this theory that because Evermore and folklore are sister albums there's a third album in this kind of like trip IC and it was woodfil this has been debunked and because woodfil was just used as like a placeholder name for either folklore or everm but I love this personally I love a I love a secret album I love a trip tick there are people who still are truthers that wood Veil is out there a similar conspiracy theory is that the ever more Long Pond sessions exist and for some reason are just not released there are the folklore Long Pond sessions which are like not only a separate album but also kind of a documentary released on Disney plus Long Pond is the like recording studio where she recorded folklore and they're just kind of live more acoustic recordings of the songs and she also recorded ever more there there is a theory that those recordings exist as well kind of a more acousti Mumford and sonses album and documentary and we'll never know why those aren't released Taylor Swift seems to hate Evermore and I with Evermore so much I think that album is soing good but we just might never get those the next theory is that Taylor Swift is the fanfiction writer Miss King Bean 889 love this I have finished scripting finally my Marauders video if you don't know what the Marauders are they are a subsection of the Harry Potter fandom basically focused on the lore of Harry Potter's dad and Harry Potter's godfather and Harry Potter's third-year defense against the dark arts teacher and also like regulus blacked B Crouch huge fandom it's a great example of like queering a fandom where JK Rowling Famous Turf hates trans people this phandom has like kind of reclaimed Harry Potter in a way where like the majority of the characters are queer and lots of them identify as trans a lot of the characters are head Cannon to be like different races than the predominantly white Cannon things like that a massive fanfic in the Marauders fandom is called All the Young Dudes it's like 500,000 words long it's on Archive of Our Own and it spans Remis lupin's time at Hogwarts from first year till after the Great War which is like after seventh year you know what I mean so this is like a 10year epic it invents characters it basically sets the lore for a large amount of the fandom I've read it all and I stand by that in the middle of the pandemic my brain broke in half fully and I read this fanfiction front to back and I will die on that Hill the author of all the Young Dudes is Miss King Bean 89 her Identity or I guess their identity rather is a secret and there is a conspiracy Theory online that it is secretly Taylor Swift why I'm so happy you asked people believe that the Taylor Swift discography is representative of Wolf star which is the ship of Remis Lupin who is a wol a werewolf and serious black and serious the name is a star but he's not a star he's a man he's a wizard but their relationship their ship name is Wolf star and people believe that most of the Taylor Swift discography follows the trajectory of their relationship and people specifically point to Daylight from lover as an example of the fact that Taylor Swift is not only a potterhead and a wolf star shipper but miss King Bean so wounded the good and trusted the wicked I can't believe I'm going to have to explain this to you but this is basically because like everybody in the Great War the first one thought that also I guess she has a song called The Great War does she not there was a traitor and they didn't know who it was it was Peter pedigree who turns into scabbers Ron's rat but they were all [ __ ] accusing each other so trusting the so wounding the good and they all trusted Peter who sold them out and got Harry Potter's parents murdered and framed serious black who went to jail as gaban for 12 years so they trusted the wicked okay maybe you ran with the wolves and refused to settle down because REM is lopin is a wolf throughout our cloaks and our daggers because it's morning now cloaks Wizards I sounding crazy I've been sleeping so long in a 20 12E Cas was in asab ban Dark Knight but now I see daylight so they think that that's representative of wolf staring iconic love this and she is the writer of this fanfiction I would love that to be revealed I think that that would be amazing another Taylor Swift conspiracy theory is that she doesn't have a belly button she does cuz she's shown it since and we know that she does have a belly button but she was wearing so much high-waisted [ __ ] during the 1989 era because that was the time the choke hold the American Apparel disco pants had on us as a society uh it simply cannot be overstated so she never showed her belly button so people said she didn't have a belly button I mean it's [ __ ] stupid but people said it so there you go there's another conspiracy theory that Taylor Swift was an active forchan poster how to explain forchan to somebody who doesn't know what it is it's like an anonymous message board and people go on it to be racist a lot of the time not all the time but they go want it to be all right and there was somebody who was posting on 4chan saying that they were one of the top 50 most famous people in the world and that they were an Entertainer and the thing about that is that on the internet people can't lie especially if they're Anonymous you have to tell the truth it's the law and it's just the right thing to do and people on the internet do not lie after that this user also said that they got a cat and they wanted people to name the cat and take Taylor Swift got a cat and named it Meredith and people were telling the 4chan user to name the cat Meredith I don't know how I feel about that I have nothing to say about I just people lie online all the time I just don't buy it and finally we have a very fun conspiracy theory which is that Taylor Swift travels around in this big black box when she doesn't want to get photographed by the paparazzi she folds her little body up into this big black box and has Ries loader into the truck I hope this is true I feel like people definitely do that we all saw that scene in the One Direction movie where they're like in a bakery truck or whatever to hide from the fans I feel like she's in that box I just get the vibes from this photo that she's in the Box you know what I mean so that's all the Taylor Swift conspiracy theories I could think of I'm going to pitch one right now that I feel like we can get started as a collective Taylor Swift has webbed feet okay spread that around just be like oh you heard that Taylor Swift has Webb feet she she has webbed feet because her parents didn't let her spread her toes until she was 16 and by then they had grown together love that that's the fact that we're sharing thank you so much for for watching this YouTube video I hope you liked it all my information and stuff will be in the description below my Instagram and all that and I'll see you soon take care of yourself bye
Channel: uncarley
Views: 180,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taylor swift conspiracy, taylor swift, taylor swift conspiracy theories, eras tour, tortured poets department, karlie kloss, gaylor swift, eras tour taylor swift, eras tour intro, eras tour opening, midnights, speak now taylors version, taylor swift video essay, mikes mic, commentary, 2010s culture, taylor swift midnights, joe jonas, taylor swift john mayer, taylor swift matty healy, taylor swift drama, harry styles, 1989 taylors version, taylor swift history, haylor
Id: p2whcltB4tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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