a deep dive into the marauders fandom

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this video is breaking me like it's so complicated and there's no information like there's information in the fandom but there's no like Marauders for beginners no you just got to know it's like buying drugs you have to just know someone [Applause] [Music] hi oh my God welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is Carly and today we are doing a long awaited video if you don't know me well it's kind of impossible to communicate to you how much I overpromise and under deliver on this channel I am not a perfectionist in any area of my life but I am kind of a shitty perfectionist with this Channel and that'll often times be like I should do a video on that that's a good idea and then either I'm like it's not a good idea nobody wants to watch that this research isn't good or I'll film it and be like the video is not good and that's what this video has been I feel like I have promised this video for over 6 months and we're biting the bullet today or should I say the cruciatus curse please don't click off the video today we are talking about the Marauders fandom this is a rabid subset of the Harry Potter fandom they've really had a Resurgence in recent years on Tik Tok but they've been around forever like let me just say firsthand I was boots on the ground dday when I was in high school Marauders alive and well this is not a new occurrence it's just that they've become rabid and public on Tik Tok whereas before we had to hide in the crevices and caves of Tumblr So this video is going to be a deep dive into the Marauders fandom it's going to be talking and giving a general overview as to what they are what the lore is what are some of the fandom head cannons disagreements how the fandom has kind of splintered and also just some of the truly most unhinged aspects of this fandom I want to say two things before we start people love to go in my comment section and say that I give too many disclaimers on my videos and to that I say I will continue to do disclaimers until everybody who watches the video gets reading comprehension and isn't mean to me because I disclaim and people still are mean so I need to say these things so that people understand that I'm not a villainous witch trying to ruin lives so the first thing I want to say is enjoy what you enjoy love what you love this is not going to be dunking on the Phantom there are going to be a couple of specific individual maybe like not like individual people but aspects of the Phantom that are funny to me and make me laugh or are exceptionally rabid or are just it's funny fandoms are funny especially something like this it's like a fandom entirely made from fan lore like that's objectively kind of hilarious and we have to we have to agree on that but that's not to say that I think that I'm better than this or that it's not fun to be a fan it's fun to be a fan of things and if you want to be a fan of things as long as you're not hurting people and doxing people people go for it there's nothing more amazing than getting to be just like an overe excited freak on the internet I'm there second disclaimer JK Rowling you better hope you don't see me on the street girl just Turf bad person every time I talk about JK rolling one person comes out of the crevice and it's like actually and to that I say touch grass oh read a book just kind of look at the Horizon and watch a sunset because a billionaire Turf doesn't need your protected if you listen to my podcast girl historians you will know me and my friend groups long standing beef with JK Rowling she was in Toronto where I live a lot when the cursed child was opening here and I want you to just imagine several instances in which my queer friend group um terrorized her that's all I'm going to say on that let's get started hi I thought we'd just take a quick break from today's video and talk about today's sponsor Babel Babble is one of the world's top language learning apps it uses intuitive lessons to help you learn a 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the major protagonist of the series Harry Potter James Potter is the father of Harry Potter Sirus is the Godfather Lupin is his third year defense against the dark arts teacher so these the events that generally concern the Marauders fandom oftentimes take place before like the major timeline and the Marauders era is about their time at Hogwarts okay so let me break down what the Canon timeline in the books of the Marauders is because the thing that I think is the honestly just the best thing about this Phantom and the thing that I find so intriguing about it is that it's essentially an entirely fan-made and fan constructed fandom um and we're going to get into that a little bit more later because I do really feel like this is a reaction to the issues of representation in Harry Potter specifically like queer representation and the fact that JK Rowling has lost the entire plot and dedicated her life to crusading the sanctity of the public washroom I hope she chokes before we go into the Beast that the Marauders fandom is I need to go over the canonic timeline of like in the books what we know because it's kind of amazing how little so many of these characters and moments are actually mentioned in the actual text like the Harry Potter books and movies it's kind of wild like the characters in The Marauders phanom yes the main ones are Harry's dad and his friends but also like the Marauders phandom has taken like characters that were mentioned in a single line throw away just in like chapter 60 of the Half Blood Prince or whatever and given them an intense backstory okay so before we get into the wild choice that is we have to get into what is Canon I will have visual representation for you so don't sweat it so second year 1972 when they're around 12 to 13 the Marauders find out that Remis Lupin is a werewolf they're all doormates they're all Gryffindor serious Black's parents aren't super happy that they're in Gryffindor Remis is a werewolf but can't tell anyone because it's incredibly stigmatized against they find out that he's a werewolf and they don't turn their backs on him beautiful friendship moment we love positive male friendship representation in media no notes there skipping ahead to fifth year early fall 1975 okay Sirius Black tells Snape who is heavily included in the cannon of the Marauders to go to the shrieking Shack while Remis is transforming into a wearwolf wolf Remis almost kills him but James pulls Snape away at the last minute after this Snape is forbidden by Dumbledore from revealing reis's secret this is known in the fandom as the prank is it a prank or is it sending somebody that you don't like to their death I don't know the undercurrent of the belief as to why Sirius would tell Snape to go and see a murderous beast in the middle of the night is that Snape was getting sirius's brother who we're going to get to in a second he was getting him into death theater so he was making him a wizard Nazi so the prank is heavily focused on in a lot of Fanfictions and the lore of the Marauders some people are like well probably canonically they are all just like who cares especially some place like Hogwarts that's like kids just get like absolutely thrown from the astronomy Tower every day like kids almost die every single year your defense against the dark artist teacher almost always gets blown to bits probably people didn't like really care about this but there's another subset that uses this exclusively for angst fanfiction where this tears the Friendship group apart for a year and Sirius is so torn up about being a bad impulsive friend and Remis is mad at Sirius because he almost made him kill someone okay fifth year early fall 1975 James Sirius and Peter begin the process to become an a magi an a magi an a magi one of those now this is basically when you can transform into an animal and the idea here is if they can transform into an animal they can spend the full moons with Remis and he won't be alone and therefore violently thrashing his body against the sides of the shrieking Shack this is an incredibly complicated spell in the cannon There's Something To Me Maybe This is just me like talking about Harry Potter feels transphobic do you know does this I like feel like I'm I'm like I want to be like but I I love the lgbtq community I love him even though I'm talking about anim mag GUI okay this is an incredibly complicated spell so it's going to take him a bit but by the winter of 1976 still in fifth year the Marauders join Remis in the shack as their in a MAG and they spend the rest of the Transformations with him um until spoiler alert some of these characters pass away I know this might come as a shock to you seeing as this is based on the lore pre the books about orphan Harry Potter but some of these characters are going to die now Remis obviously is a werewolf transforms into a wolf shocker didn't see that one coming that's why he's like scarred up and you get it serious black transforms into a big black dog James transforms into a stag a male deer which is also probably why Harry's petronis is a deer and Peter pedigree transforms into a rat he's that's going to come back later okay in fifth year again summer 1976 um we get snap's worst memory now in the Order of the Phoenix when Voldemort starts to penetrate a 16-year-old's mind you're going to prison Harry has to have basically like mind reading lessons with Snape where he learns to close off his his memory and Snape is a bully and a double agent but still a Nazi and I wish nothing but the worst for him Snape gets a lot of slander in the Marauders Community but I do I like Alan Rickman Snape happy you died sorry so Snape is like bullying a child ask you to when you're a misunderstood nice guy and he leaves the room at some point during these lessons and Harry finds snapes memories uh by the pensive and goes back into his memories and there's a whole chapter about snapes worst memory now this is after their exams in fifth year because Snape was at school the same time as the Marauders him and Lily Harry's dad were childhood best friends he's halfblood she's muggleborn they're from workingclass backgrounds and they were friends okay that's important James who's very into Lily starts to bully Snape alongside Sirius they levitate him o above a crowd in like the quad or like an outside space and they turn him upside down so his robes uh like fall and you can see his underwear okay Lily defends Snape and is like put him down and Snape says I don't need protection from a mud blood wizard slur just says wizard wizard slur and she stops talking to him after this even though he apologizes she doesn't want to talk to him fair enough I tried to defend you and you called me a slur sometimes you need to protect your peace and we support Lily for that then in the summer before 6th year 1976 Sirius runs away from home okay he just says in the cannon that he'd had enough so this could refer to um the mentions of like emotional or physical abuse that are implied in the text or just the fact that his family is blood purist fascist Nazis could be any of them um this is important in the Canon because sirius's younger brother regulus heavily comes into a lot of the ships and Fanfictions later and they focus on this because Sirius leaves their bad home situation and regulus stays behind okay in sixth year winter of 1976 Sirius inherits gold when his uncle Alfred dies okay so he's able to then get his own place and live on his own then between six year and Beyond the Marauders finished the Marauders map which we see in prisoner of as gaban this is just a map that basically tells the whereabouts of every single person it's like a snap map honestly it just tells the different whereabouts of every single person in the castle they can use this for Mischief okay addition Ally all of the Marauders join the Order of the Phoenix because the first Wizarding war against Voldemort has begun Sirius and James Lily all on missions Snape is a double agent Remis is with the werewolf packs and Peter is actually a rat that's that jakk rolling foreshadowing very very chill it's kind of so it's so nuanced you probably wouldn't even pick up on it because he can turn into a rat when he's a rat right he is actually working for the Death Eaters in Voldemort and feeding them information okay we don't know exactly when that happens in this timeline but it does happen eventually James and Lily get married Sirius is the best man and then in Fall 1979 Lily gets pregnant with Harry so we know that sometime in the Canon James and Lily who are married at this point and he and he comes in her because she's pregnant right June 1980 the prophecy gets reported to Voldemort okay now the prophecy is why Voldemort kills Harry because it's basically like I'll read the whole thing to you but to make it simple giving you the Spark Notes it's like a baby is going to be born in July who will kill Voldemort and Voldemort's like that's up that's not cool where's my nose so this is the prophecy the one with the power to Vanquish the dark lord approaches born to those who have th defied him born as the seventh month dies and the Dark Lord will Mark him as his equal but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not this is like when you need to hit a word count like babe I'm sorry bullet points I'm begging you and either must must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives the one with the power to Vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies bars first of all so basically this means either Harry or Neville long bottom who are both being born at the very end of July to parents in the Order of the Phoenix could possibly be a baby who destroys Voldemort and Voldemort's like that's up and I guess he takes time to decide which baby to kill when it's like babe if you're killing one baby what's another B it's already evil know what I mean like I just don't really feel like vort would be like but which baby he'd be like kill every baby in July I don't care I'm a evil blood thirsty blood purist fascist July 30th Neville is born July 31st Harry is born and both families go into hiding respectively there's it's not an intense hiding they just are going into a light hiding CU they're going to go into a heavy hiding later okay in July 1981 it's photo time now there's an iconic photo that basically provides the majority of the lore for many of the Marauders because it's Moody being like look at this photo of the Order of the Phoenix hary that's Marlene McKinnon Fabian puit right there there's there's there's Dorcas like she just he just like says names that are now have their in the fandom lore okay so that photo is taken July 1981 afterwards marleene McKinnon is killed she's going to come in later the reason I haven't talked about her is because although she has a choke hold on the fandom she's not in the actual cannon that much august 19 81 Voldemort decides that the baby is Harry that he's going to kill he he he thinks on it and he goes probably should kill Harry the baby also around this time Voldemort kills Dorcas who's another member of the Order of the Phoenix who be who comes into the Fannon later and we know that Voldemort kills dorcus cuz mad mood he's like that's Dorcas Voldemort killed killed her himself so what's the story there we'll literally never know early October 1981 Snape tells Dumbledore that Voldemort wants to kill Harry cuz he's playing a double okay and he's really upset about it because he's holding a candle for Lily who he has a crush on and that makes everything he does to Harry okay I think Snape had a really rough go of it but your full reason you can't this simply can't be how you you you can't present yourself this way as an adult man okay I don't care if the child looks like your childhood bully you got to Rally you have to you potions to teach okay Dumbledore knows that Voldemort is going to kill Harry so mid October 1981 the Potters go into intense hiding where no one knows what they are but they use the fidelus you tell me charm and this charm basically means that a secret cannot be tortured out of the person that holds it so it can only be released if the person who holds the secret tells it and they use this so basically like the keeper will know our location but nobody else will so that like I don't know somebody knows where we are with our baby and they can't be like tortured to tell so if it gets out we know it's because they told it of Their Own valtion okay so everyone assumes that this keeper will be serious because he lived with James when he ran away from home they're like brothers he was James's best man but at the last minute they switch the keepers but nobody knows this but them and Peter pedigree rat is the keeper obviously Peter immediately betrays them to Voldemort on Halloween 1981 Voldemort kills Lily and James he tries to kill Harry but he can't because Lily has done some dark magic Bloodshed and if she dies for her son her motherly love dark magic will protect him Voldemort gives her the chance to step aside and let him kill her baby and she says no we also see in one of snap's memories that he goes to the house afterwards steps over James Potter's full dead body holds Lily Potter's dead body and and weeps I can't with nice guys I can't this like I'm a nice guy you know what a real nice guy does don't call your friend a slur I haven't forgot name because this happens Sirius gets wind and realizes that Peter pedigree is a rat and actually working for Voldemort chases after Peter tries to explode him Peter turns into a rra but loses fingers everyone thinks that Sirius killed Peter but like exploded him Sirius kind of goes into a state a mental state on account of his best friend dying and gets sent to asban for the murder of James and Lily Potter okay in the winter of 1981 after Voldemort gets absolutely destroyed by Harry the baby Voldemort's missing and the Death Eaters don't know where he went so they kidnap Frank and Alice long bottom Neville's parents and torture them using the cruciatus curse until they go they basically enter like a catatonic state from mental illness now that's the basically the end of the cannon okay of what we know now where are the mentions of this stuff in the text Remis and later Sirius share stories of James and Lily and their time at Hogwarts with Harry this obviously ends with like the like you know what I mean like then there's like the stuff that happens in the book where like Sirius breaks out of aaban cuz he transforms into a dog and then he's in the shrieking Shack and then Harry and Hermione and Ron like find him and then Remis is there but like Remis has worked out that Peter's alive all this stuff okay that's in like the you should just watch the movies so Remis and Sirius share stories of James and Lily Moody describes a picture in order of the Phoenix and snap's memories in order of the Phoenix and the Deathly Hollows are the cannon okay I'm going to read a couple of these I'm not going to read all of it because it's not important but he's describing the photo that's Marlene McKennon she was killed two weeks after this was taken they got her whole family that's Frank and Alice long bottom poor Devils better dead than what happened to them that's emilene Vance you've met her and that there's Lupin obviously Benji Fenwick he copped it too and we only ever found bits of him that's Edgar bones brother of Amelia bones they got him and his family too he was a great wizard cardock Dearborn vanished six month after this we never never found his body Hagrid of course Gideon puit it took five Death Eaters to kill him and his brother Fabian they fought like Heroes that stumbled over his brother AB forth that's Dorcas Meadows Voldemort killed her personally Sirius when he still had short hair that's it so that's the C that's what the Marauders is based off of alongside um Mary McDonald is also a big member and she is referenced in snap's memories of Lily Lily's like can you believe that Bary Crouch and and and Evan Rosier and mulber uh did a hate crime on Mary and Snape's like I thought it was funny and then another time Snape is like waiting outside Gryffindor for Lily to come out and Lily's like Mary told me you were out there so she's in the cannon too okay that's what we know about them which is basically just all to say that the Canon doesn't exist the Canon is the fan in which is what the fans have made up but that means that if I were to make a video about every single head Cannon and different head Cannon for the Marauders we would literally be here until I die okay so this is going to be as in depth as I can but while scratching the surface if you want me to go more in depth on different areas and aspects you could comment what you want below and maybe I'll do that so outside of these mentions in the text the pairings personality types you know interests all these things of the Marauders are often times made up in the fandom sometimes these cannons are even disregarded entire I mean there's not like a lot of Canon to go by they're like Dorcas was killed by Baltimore everything else you can make up okay because all these characters that are mentioned literally once or twice are now given deep lore which we're going to get into okay what we're going to do now is go through the main characters and I will talk about the aspects in general that are Canon and then the aspects that the fandom ascribes to them that are not necessarily in the Canon but are widely accepted alongside their ships and their fan casts okay we'll start with Sirius Black he is Posh and he's the heir to the Noble House of black parents Orion and wber brother regulus black who's going to come in later and he's kind of like Posh and arrogant and all these things get sorted into Gryffindor which is uncommon for like a pure blood house whatever he's incredibly smart independent Brash and is James Potter's best friend now he is head cannoned often as ADHD or having some kind of like ADHD autistic traits he is headcannon as queer or sometimes trans often times he can be head Cannon as Japanese and is often times dealing with past abuse which is not really been outlined in the text that much but in the Marauders fandom it is basically understood that regulus and Sirius experienced abuse when they lived at home whether it be physical or emotional he is often shipped with Remis and his fan cast is Ben Barnes okay now Remis is quiet he doesn't stand up to others when bullying he's got like a Mar complex from being a werewolf and things people shouldn't get close to him all these things and it is stated that he is not as smart as Sirius and James and often has to get them to explain the work to him because he's missed so much work because every single time there's a full moon he has to go to a Shack in the middle of the woods and turn into a werewolf okay now there are two head cannons for Remis that we're going to get into later where basically there is a head cannon that existed before this massive Marauders Resurgence on Tik Tok and the popularity of the fanfiction All the Young Dudes dud and then there's a head cannon that exists after that okay so these this kind of like prior All the Young Dudes early Remis head Cannon is very fluffy bookish he's like an anxious nerd queer or by and he loves chocolate it's like he's in like big cozy sweaters sweater piew he loves chocolate and tea and books or whatever okay now afterwards he's a lot more badass he smokes he loves David Bowie he's dyslexic loves to kasanova of Gryffindor power also by or queer okay and he's often shipped with Sirius I talk about these two first because in the Marauders fandom rain or shine Wolf star which is their ship together is basically considered law that's Canon to them okay and that's important to note because that's where some of these later pairings come from because they're like well we have to put that with with somebody and we can't put them with Reis or or serious that would be that would be crazy okay then we have James Potter Harry's dad he's the quiddit captain head boy he's Arrogant with messy hair but he's a great friend I've written here just boy Vibes you know what I mean he's giv he's it's it's very boy to me and not in a derogatory way it's just like he's like a jock who has messy hair and is in love with Lily you know what I mean like he's just very much boy I hope you understand now he has often head Cannon as like golden retriever Vibes hmbo jock with a heart of gold very goofy good friend very wise sometimes he is the token straight if he's shipped with Lily and oftentimes people because there's such a representation problem in Harry Potter especially when it comes to race he is head cannoned as deszy he's also very Posh and Rich that's in the cannon and he is shipped with either Lily or regulus and this is kind of a very like pre- or post early Marauders or late Marauders cuz when I was in high school it was it was Jilly it was Lily and James that was the ship and now julus julus sometimes you just say a word for like the second time out loud on your channel and you have to deal with that that is a newer ship julus is like a newer ship I would say post-pandemic which we're obviously going to have to get into later which is a a a gay or like a queer ship then we have Peter Peter obviously in the cannon absolutely betrays his friends but like he was their friend you know what I mean like in some of Snape's memories we see that Peter is definitely kind of like a status hanger on goes with the flow just wants friends but like so is is Lupin it's just that we know because for because of foresight or hindsight we know because of hindsight that he's a rat so we're like that guy sucks but like he was their friend and that's why the Betrayal is so wild like James and Lily changed him to be their keeper right so like obviously they trusted him wrongly but that's it but he was definitely friends with them also he's in Canon fat which is often disregarded in fan art which is wild because again there's so little representation in Harry Potter they're like look at he's buff he's buff no body VAR no body diversity and variety here no so he's generally headcannon as either not around just written out of fix gone sniveling kind of loser who loves James hate him baby just absolute loser trash Gemini energy to faced everyone hates him okay and what I've mentioned before a lot of times he head Cannon is like buff or whatever so we're taking that body diversity away from them he is shipped with Dorcas sometimes but more often than not he is shipped with an early grave they want him dead and gone then we're getting into regulus now regulus in the Canon um is so rarely mentioned it's insane in the halfblood prince I believe it is revealed that regulus attempted to destroy one of Voldemort's horror cruxes even though he was a deatheater because he had grown disillusioned with how gory and horrible the wizard racist fascists were it is also canonic that in his bedroom he is like a bunch of clippings of Voldemort put everywhere like their j14 One Direction posters on his wall so there is a Beautiful Redemption Arc there of like actively trying to do something to stop Voldemort but he still very much was a Death Eater and this is going to get into a theme that we'll talk about in this video of the baby gfic of Death Eaters of these people are full criminal murderer wizard fascist racists blood purists and they're like but he's really cute what if he's like baby boy but what if he's baby boy so in the head cannons often times his like Death Eater is attributed to staying in the house when Sirius leaves him he continues to kind of be abused and falls for his family's dogma and joins the deatheaters even though he's sweet boy and shouldn't it's very it's like Draco it's very much that kind of energy of like he could he his soul could be saved but his circumstances are bad he's kind of like a standin for the posher elements of serus but a little bit brooder but he does have a heart of gold Behind These very like high walls of like nastiness okay he is shipped with James full stop or with no one or he's not in the Fanfictions they are shipped together basically kind of as a standin for Sirius and James because I think a lot of people love this idea of like really nice guy helping somebody who's a victim of abuse like people just want a hero like we want we want nice guy you know what I mean we're like I'm broken what if himbo jock save me that ship is basically taking off because of that Dynamic but they can't ship ser and James because Sirius is shipped with Remis do you know what I mean and they're like that's actually the Bible we can't up wolar cuz if we f up wolvar we'll open up a black hole and we'll all get sucked into it so we've got to ship we've got to create a backstory so intense for a character that's mentioned five times in the books okay the other person who shipped with James is his canonic wife Lily now she in the actual Harry Potter books it's kind of alluded to the fact or this is the belief that I have that she is a personality very close to Harry she's very witty and sarcastic and a good friend and smart and doesn't really care what people think she's a potion's queen she comes from a workingclass background and is muggle born she's a probably Northern not a follower becomes head girl and isn't interested in James when he's arrogant in the books but once he shows actual growth that's when she becomes interested in them I would say that she's head cannoned in most of the fix as being girl she's girl the girl is here she's the girl is here what do you want her to be no personality girl is here she's like very nice sometimes head can end as plus- siiz but those are I feel like more on the fringes she is shipped with James but also can be shipped with Mary because if and again this is what I'm saying where it's like the trickle down effect of the ships of Wolf star mean that these other ships have to be shifted around where it's like well if Remis and Sirius are together then James and regulus have to be together and if James can't be with Lily then Lily's got to be with Mary so all these characters have to be created because of the trickle down effect of Wolf star getting into those anciliary characters Mary McDonald she's mentioned once or twice in snap's memories as I mentioned she was a victim of a muggleborn hate crime but not much else is actually known in the Canon she is head cannoned as like kind badass friends with Lily and she's often times head cannoned as black she can be straight or lesbian it varies thick to thick you can be more than just straight in a lesbian wild point to just drop in the middle of this video but more often than not either a straight woman or with like Lily okay now it is also head cannoned that she obliviated herself after the war and lived as a muggle basically she cast a spell on herself to forget everything that happened in the Wizarding World and is now a muggle absolutely love that if I could obliviate myself I do it every day until I got it right you know then we have Marlene McKinnon which I mentioned before her only mention in the text is that she got killed two weeks after that photo was taken that Moody was talking about okay but she's head Cannon is this like lesbian punk blonde badass friends with Lily you know the word is it Valkyries the right word there's like a the word the term Valkyries is used to describe like the Dorcas marleene Lily friend group cuz they're all badass women who are strong and independent she can also be shipped with Mary they can all be shipped with anyone but more often than not dorlene is one of the major ships from the Marauders fandom based on two characters mentioned in oneing sentence okay then we have Dorcas who is mentioned that in that order of the Phoenix photo and she was killed by Voldemort that's her head Cannon and she's kind of more of like a hippy Chill Vibes girl different quirky she's on her own path again she is often head cannoned as black and that's really it Remis is fan casted as Andrew Garfield oftentimes Sirius Ben Barnes regulus as Timothy sham there's a bunch for James the original one from like 2012 was Aaron Taylor Johnson but as this Marauders Resurgence has happened and more people have beg to head Canon him as Desi or as a person of color he has been head canid as Ricky devalk or Dev Patel we love Dev Patel on this channel we've got nothing but love for hotman on this channel and we think they deserve rights Peter is often times Fan cast as danne Dean or Lewis Capaldi Lily is Karen Gillan marleene is Sophie Thatcher or Florence Pew Mary is Alexandra ship or Sophia Bryant Dorcas is Zoe Kravitz and there's other ones for minor ones but I wanted to include this fan cast because I was scrolling on Instagram and I saw a clip from that Bob Dylan movie that Timothy shalam is in and I love the stills from that movie because no movie has less really figured out what the vibe of Bob Dylan is like it's I can't explain it the costuming is great I do think Timothy shalamay is a good actor but I see those Stills and I'm like you don't have it I don't know what's wrong with this it's like uncanny valley where I look at those photos of Timothy shalam as B Dylan and I'm like something is wrong here I do not know what L Fanning is playing Bob Dylan's early girlfriend during the Greenwich Village days we don't need to get into like the Bob Dylan lore on this channel we could and Timothy shalam is obviously playing Bob Dylan now Timothy shalam is often times Fan cast as regulus black that's another reason why the julus fan fiction and ship is probably so popular is just because the girlies love Timothy shalam and the second you Fan cast somebody as Timothy shalam in the fandom the girlies are going to show up for him you know what I mean the choke cold he has on the fan edit girls unparalleled but I was scrolling through the comments and I saw a bunch of comments being like Oh my God Reggie and Pandora Reggie and Pandora and I was like what the is this and then I realized that L Fanning is fancast as Pandora who we don't even know what her last name is but she's Luna love Goods mop so she eventually becomes Pandora love good but she is Fan cast as Luna's mom who's a Slytherin who is friends with like regulus in the lore like in the like dude I was doing research on this video and I didn't get this is what I'm saying I'm scratching the surface I was like who is Pandora cuz I've been doing research and where who is she we don't know her last name and she's got a f she's elf Fanning good God okay and then we also have the baby girl Death Eaters B Crouch Jr which you might know from that iconic scene in Harry Potter where that man in the cage goes by Crouch Junior yeah you know those you just have those lines from movies and like that the line delivery just sticks in your head Bary Crouch dot dot dot Jr never will leave my vocabulary watch the clip that's what happens in the clip okayy Crouch Junior Evan Rosier and I'm gonna say mulber but I you tell me how you pronounce this mul they're all Death Eaters who are friends with Reggie and probably blood purists they canonically did a muggleborn hate crime on Mary McDonald's but they are head Cannon as queer bad boys what if let me ask you this question the fascist wizard Nazis were by that makes it okay right so that's basically that okay so we've talked about ships like Wolf star backbone of the Marauders fandom julus versus Jil to me is really like Old Testament versus New Testament in the Marauders fandom cuz when I was really in the Marauders fandom lowkey middle school high school James was shipped with Lily it was very like unpro and sweet and we love it but now post pandemic everybody's like we love fanfiction we're two boys get together and I again like I find it really hard to rage against any kind of queer ship because JK rolling and queer representation is absolutely whack I'll literally never forgive her for being like you think nobody's gay in Harry Potter ever heard of a little twink named Dumbledore he was gay the whole time he just didn't say it I'll never forgive like that is absolutely insane obviously about as insane as that time she she said that the plumbing at Hogwarts is basically there's a spell that transforms that like that like transports it somewhere else that like they're just pooping into the void she need take Twitter away from her something that I found out that was interesting cuz I was like I'm going to Google julus and figure out what's going on what's Happening Here how did this happen cuz these characters literally never interacted in the cannon it never happens this is my Pandora being like new character just dropped that I've never heard of in the video I'm researching like what are you talking about that shook me to my core this video is breaking me like it's so complicated and there's no information like there's information in the fandom but there's no like Marauders for beginners no you just got to know it's like buying drugs you have to just know someone like that's why and I would like talk to people who I know who are in the Marauders fandom and they'd be like here's a fan edit of two death theaters who are who but they're drawn as rats now and the rats are having sex and I have to be like I need nine points of context to understand this and I don't have any of them so julus started off as a joke ship during one of these kind of like makeup fun ships aons there's a lot of like themed ship fan casting fanfiction writing kind of like theme weeks where it's like pick an unpopular or make a weird pairing and they made julus during this week it just took off a couple of Fanfictions that were written about julus became hyper poopular in the fandom and because the Fanfictions were so popular and so good it just that became Canon that's what the Canon became my two theories as to why it's so popular is because the girls love Timothy shalamay and they will show up for their mad regardless of whether or not it makes sense to them logically and also I think that there was a thirst in the fandom to kind of fill the whole of a serious and James shipping they wanted kind of like again we all want the quiddit captain to save us and the regulus James paing gives us that if we're going to talk about the Marauders we have to talk about all the Young Dudes All the Young Dudes is like a 500,000 word fanfiction that is told from Remis lupin's perspective and follows him from first year at Hogwarts all the way through to his death have I read this it's none of your business you don't need to know everything about me I don't need to know everything about you we can make this work but if I did read this I'd be able to tell you that this has now basically cemented the majority of the new Marauders head cannons and the Fanon for all these different characters like it basically entirely changed the characterization of Remis Lupin from this like fluffy nerd to this more kind of like hardcore smokes loves Bowie rock rock on you know what I mean now because it follows the entire span of their school time up until reis's death it takes place during the 70s and it is incredibly well researched in terms of 70s references I will say so this also introduced this idea into the Phantom I don't know if it introduced it but I think it certainly popularized it of having the Marauders be incredibly into 70s muggle culture loving David Bowie T-Rex really wanting to like be in a band and dress how people in the UK dressed you know the more Punk aspects of that in the 1970s things of that nature if you go on Spotify there are playlists that are like every single song mentioned in all the young dudes and they are bangers it's wild that some people are getting introduced to the band T-Rex through Harry Potter fan fiction but I'm not mad about it like it's so chaotic it actually makes sense like it doesn't make sense but because of doesn't make sense it actually makes sense you know so I'm going to talk about some of the main parts that we just need to unpack with all the Young Dudes I can't break down the whole fck it it if you want to read it it's on our cup of our own do it it's a fun time you know it's a fun time okay but the two things we need to talk about are Taylor Swift and Grant okay Taylor Swift I talked about this in my Taylor Swift conspiracy theory video there is a conspiracy theory that Taylor Swift wrote All the Young Dudes because the author of all the Young Dudes Miss King Bean has never revealed themselves this Vic is incredibly popular there's been like articles written about it about the mysterious identity of Miss King Bean but she's never been revealed however people love Taylor Swift so of course she also has a Chokehold on the Marauders fandom as a whole and people think that she wrote it because in a lot of her songs there are kind of Illusions to things that people think are so Marauders you know be cardigan hand under my sweatshirt baby kiss it better that's that's Wolf star I don't make the rules like that's kind of how it happens there is one song that people really use to prove this and that's daylight where it's like um maybe I ran with the wolves and forgot to settle down maybe you've stormed out of every single room in this town put down our cloaks and our daggers now kind of thing where it's like oh cloaks and daggers like Harry Potter it's funny you say that Taylor or should I say Miss King be bean I don't know if I believe this I would love it if it was true I I surely some celebrities have written fanfiction they just haven't admitted it right that has to be true anyways um I would just also love to know her identity period because she's written literature that has changed the scope of an entire fandom it's like created this hardcore smoker bad boy Remis idea that I think is very fun to play with I do think it's like a more fun characterization than just soft just soft sweater paw sorry just being on Tumblr in like 2012 like I simply can't this is why I had a hard time watching Heart Stopper because I see sweater Paws and I it activates my figh or flight okay now grant grant is a whole ass character that was invented in all the young dudes that is in the Marauders Cannon Miss King Bean took a lot of creative Liberties and basically it's not very Canon compliant the structure of like reis's backstory in all the Young Dudes canonically Remis was turned into a werewolf after his father L Lupin helped pass anti-wolf policy Fen reer fer greyback turned Remis as a like punishment to his father and like werewolfism is kind I feel like it's kind of an allegory for like child abuse I can't say like the full word because I'll for sure get to Monti if I just say that on this channel but you use your thinking caps you know but he also has a mother hope Lupin and he was basically schooled at home until Dumbledore came and took him to Hogwarts but he had like a good relationship with his family and was like at least middle class is kind of the understanding however Miss King Bean said absolutely not you don't know where your mom is and your dad's dead and you are in a boy's home welcome to the 60s like that's basically what it is so Remis is um coming comes from a working class or low class background and is in a boy's home every single summer when he's not at Hogwarts he goes back to the boy's home where Grant is his roommate and they pal around and eventually they kiss and they become boyfriends when James and die in the Fick and Sirius goes to asab ban because it is a wolf star fanfiction it's in the Marauders it's in the Marauders fing fandom to speak out against Wolf star is to speak out against your mother you kiss your mother with those anti-wolf star lips I feel bad for her but basically when Sirius goes to as gaban Remis and Grant date and re and grant grant is just like a nice guy he's just a nice regular guy he's not a wizard he's he's just a regular guy and all the Young Dudes ends with and if you don't want spoilers skip ahead like a minute this fic ends with reis's son that he has with ton in the cannon meeting Grant and Grant's like I know who that is and also I just felt that Remis is dead that's how that that's how the it's it's absolutely insane all that's to say this is a new character that's been invented that people ship with other people this is a fanfiction character that is now in the cannon of a fandom that's wild the power Miss King Bean has there's also this kind of thing where because everybody is such fans of all the Young Dudes and there's like Crimson Rivers there's a lot of other really really big famous Marauders fan fictions that are quite large like they're the length of large books people print them and get them bound as actual books however the only reason fanfiction is able to exist is because under like free use Clause you're not financially gaining from it so you are able to basically like parody it is the idea it's like you can write about anything you want as long as you're not making money from it however people are now making money off of fanfiction by binding printing making books out of this fanfiction which means fanfiction could possibly in the future get fully banned if that's not enough we've now got to talk about the Slytherin Skittles baby so remember how I said I didn't know who Pandora was and I had to research it I wish I didn't I wish I didn't I wish the video ended I just wish the video I wish the video ended right now but the Slytherin Skittles um is the friend group name for Ean Rosier mulber body Crouch junior junior regulus Pandora and Dorcas sometimes and it's basically all these Slytherin baddies who are all a lot of them are become death theaters who murder people like these people literally tortured the long bottoms until they lost their damn minds but in high school they have a group chat and they're all gay and they're called the Slytherin Skittles because Skittles are like Taste the rainbow are you well are you well could not believe this love it imagine if the Death Eater girls are queer icons m blowing so one of the biggest ships in the Slytherin Skittles verse is Rose killer imagine trying to explain that sentence to a child from the Victorian era you couldn't Rose killer is Evan Rosier and I and Bary Crouch is it B I feel like it's B Junior yeah it's bardy Crouch Jr I don't understand that usually it's a mix of the two names and Rosie are I get but killer just cuz B Crouch Jr is a killer well we'll never know we'll simply Mama we got to move on Mama they're a ship and it's basically because like well first of all people just like love a queer ship and in the Marauders fandom if you found two characters that nobody's really made a bunch of popular fan fiction about yet you get to define the lore and who these characters are you basically get to create a new character in your favorite fandom which is I get it that's fun and basically like the Slytherin Skittles and Rose killer some of it's crackfic which is like it's it's on purpose funny and not supposed to be taken seriously but another part of it is basically in response to this idea of like the rise of dark romance it's like what if these bad boys and not by Bad Boys meaning like they ride a a motorbike and they smoke like no they're doing war crimes what if the bad boys who do war crimes also kissed have you thought about it it's basically that it's like the same reason people thirst after snow in the new Hunger Games movie because you're like he's misunderstood I can fix him it's that okay so that's the Slytherin Skittles that's I can't speak more on that really I also think I'm pretty sure this litheran Skittles it's called that cuz that's like their group chat name we have to move on we have to move on or I'm going to say something I regret so basically I want to talk about why I think the Marauders fandom like exists and why it's an amazing thing and also some of the biggest arguments in the fandom now I think that the reason the Marauders Phantom is taken off so much is because people love the World of Harry Potter but they want JK Rowling to make different choices just and JK Rowling as a whole now this fandom that came from the like rabid Harry Potter fan base I the most popular ships in the Harry Potter fan base are Draco and Harry and Remis and serious if it's not full of queer people it's full of people who love queer fanfiction okay to have somebody speak out against trans people to have somebody provide you with little to no queer representation in these novels and also like they don't age super great I'm not saying you can't read them okay read whatever you want to read but it's like Cho Chang Cho we as a society have not talked about Cho Chang enough as a name that is absolutely wild that should not have been allowed that is so crazy basically these people that have loved the World of Harry Potter grew up and had issues with this author had issues with the text but still wanted to enjoy this thing that they feel a lot of nostalgia towards and that's where I think the Marauders really popped off because you basically get to create your own fandom so a lot of these characters even though it takes place in the 70s are given like social justice knowledge of 2024 they understand gender Theory they have red Judith Butler they have red queer Theory and are well-versed and like is that realistic no no these characters would be saying slurs but if you get to create your own fandom in response to the author of your old fandom being an absolute just like cretan transphobe why would you not make it this like Escapist queer Utopia where everyone in the friend group is gay which is basically what happens now some of the issues that come in the fanfiction I mean like I think a lot of the issues honestly come from like people trying to overcorrect issues that JK Rowling had in the original series whether it be class race gender sexuality but a lot of fanfiction writers while some are incredibly research-based adults some of them are also 12 right so like the 12-year-olds maybe they're not well-versed enough in like class in the UK and what that means because they're a 12-year-old from Idaho and that has an effect you know what I mean because James and Sirius are canonically like like wealthy they're Posh Posh Posh Posh and Snape and Lily are poor like they are from an industry town it's implied that they are from the north they are working class and a lot of times that gets disregarded or not addressed at all cuz people hate Snape there's a lot of Snape slander and a lot of Peter slander in these Fanfictions well I'm always here for Snape slander I am I do understand the POV of like we literally have in the cannon this friend group bullied this guy for no reason and we can address that because what happens is this Snape slander manifests in this fanfiction as being like Snape actually um antagonized them so when they were bullying it's actually it's retaliatory bullying and they're actually getting back at him so it's fine which like in the cannon no they're bullies and characters are flawed this is like Harry seeing his father as flawed for the first time I think that's great also unpopular opinion like unless you're truly vile in high school people have the capacity to hurt and be hurt constantly you literally see that in the scene where Snape is getting bullied and then calls Lily a slur being in high school is hell so people are nightmares to each other do I think it's good absolutely not but do I think it makes a character irredeemable no everybody does in high school they regret you're not the best version of yourself yet you're learning how to grow and you're in high school so your life is bad but a lot of times in this fanfiction it either completely erases this bullying or actually makes it so that Snape is the problem when in actuality it's not and this is an issue that people in the fandom have they want they want the Canon compliance of James Potter bully himbo he's he's a himbo with a heart of gold but he's also he has the capacity to bully and and isn't that life isn't that beautiful that's what makes him human that's what makes him real right also an issue in the fandom has to do with fan casts and race often times people will whitewash characters that are decid it's decided it's fan in that they are people of color Dorcas and Mary are canonically black in the Marauders fandom not in the books people when writing fanfiction or drawing fan art or doing fan casts will often try to make them white lighten their skin things like that it it is like racist and I understand that so that's another point of contention in the fandom also there is a big issue with representation of women in the fandom because the cornerstones of this kind of Novo Marauders fandom are two gay men ships James and regulus and serus and Remis right so even though there are like fem queer ships they're not really focused on and a lot of times women are pushed off to the side not really written not really dealt with there's just not a lot of women representation in these fan fictions if you are writing Lily off like it's just hard and people misogyny is one hell of a drug okay so basically this can all be boiled down to there are people in the fandom who want to treat it as this form of escapism and that's fun and there are people that are mad that it's not canon compliant in certain ways they don't want the Snape slander they want James Potter to you know be a bully they want Remis to not be this all the young dudes like smoking swearing whatever they want the Marauders to be friends with Peter they don't want the entire friend group to be queer they don't want this entire friend group of people in the 70s to be well-versed in language and terminology when it comes to being queer being trans all that stuff they also have an issue with the fact that all of these characters mentioned in the Order of the Phoenix oftentimes fanfiction writers will write like them all in one year at Hogwarts being like this entire Army was in the same year which is probably not true like some of them were probably adults here's where I stand on this there are real issues especially when it comes to race in fan casts and Fan Art representation of women I understand these and I think that those should be addressed and especially in a fandom that is built so much on escapism like love it let's try and make this place as inclusive and wonderful as possible because JK rolling can choke however the Canon compliance of it all I kind of feel like let have a laugh guys like let's have a laugh lighten up have a laugh like there is barely any Canon it's all based on fan head cannons is the fan base rabid absolutely should we baby girli ay canonic wizard fascist blood purist Nazis I'd say no but also that's the beauty of fiction and a thing that I think is so wonderful about fandoms is it introduces a lot of people to writing to reading to drawing to all these wonderful different things and this is how these people Express and explore all those things so it's nice that you get to explore that side of yourself in a fandom where you literally get to make it all up and the fandom itself is unapologetically queer so that's nice that's basically it the fandom itself has become a massive Beast of its own on Tik Tok it's kind of wild this is just basically an overview of the Marauders like I can't go into like the specifics of it I'm going to call this a deep dive anyway and people are going to go no it's not deep it's an hour I wanted to give you an overview of what's going on on the marauder side of the internet hopefully any of this made sense to you thank you so much for watching if you have made it this far all of my links will be in the description below my podcast all of that fun stuff take care of yourself Mischief Managed so write that down and I'll see you soon bye
Channel: uncarley
Views: 386,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sirius black, james potter, harry potter, harry potter fandom, marauders fandom, marauders fandom explained, what is the marauders, marauders tiktok, remus lupin, regulus black, jegulus, wolfstar, all the young dudes, the marauders, marauders harry potter, jk rowling, unhinged deep dive, sirius black and remus lupin, drarry, harry potter tiktok, marauders explained, unpacking the marauders, taylor swift fanfic, tortured poets department
Id: fekYR0Q1Lx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 21sec (3561 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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