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hello everyone my name is Josh and my name is Jay and we want to encourage you to subscribe to this YouTube channel so that you can watch Ed defying enlightening we've said this the last time we have said this the last time some of you still have not subscribed calm down J I will not I will not calm down how hard is it how hard is it it's just a button it's over here where here what who shifted the subscription button hold on you see be careful J you see you see how easy it is you see how easy it is it it doesn't [Music] B [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] believe [Music] no [Music] please don't let don't let my God g g g j g j g [Music] j g g j j Dan [Music] Dan [Music] [Music] oh wow we are here we are here we are here you are welcome good to see you good to see you we're very happy oh how are you we very happy to have you in our house it's good to see you oh you're welcome good to see you you really surprised us we had no idea you were coming but we talked on the phone yesterday and you didn't mention anything I wanted to surprise you see I intentionally called you to find out about your shedu I wanted to be sure You' be around before we came hey so are you doing my dear I hope this my brother here has not been disturbing oh no not at all my friend you are doing well the Lord is good another miracle on the way it's God it's God it's God actually it's not my fault she's the one that will not allow me to rest any is's the work of God and we give him all the glory we give him all the glory you're welcome thank you you're welcome welcome look at you all the fresh is Another Story Another [Music] Story me what's going on what's the matter praying or is he bad to pray but there are tears in your eyes you're crying why why there I hope this has nothing to do with what you saw with the colard days what is wrong with me dear I'm tired we got married the same time well she is carrying her third pregnancy what is wrong with me oh [Music] god listen God has told us several times he has even sent people to tell us to wait for the appointed time and when will the appointed time come when I'm already in my minut pause wait is this how we're going to sit here and do nothing we are doing something we are and what is that yeah we are waiting we are [Music] waiting thank you sir my husband mentioned that you wanted to see me yes it told me that you haveed feeling unhappy and worried about the matter again sister B I thought we settled this matter during our last discussion but sir I don't think we should remain in active like this many things are possible in this age of ours that was what I was trying to explain to my husband but he thinks I have no faith really like what sister B A friend of mine and her husband came to visit us and she discussed some things with me but seriously time is going and you know ages no you don't need to remind me of that now what else can we do listen Mama B Sarah's time has passed the era of struggling to conceive is over the world has moved beyond that children are no longer something you exhaust yourself trying to have God has freed us from all that the Bible confirms it when it talks about knowledge increasing in the end time so what do I need to do look let me surprise you do you know in today's world you can choose where you want to get pregnant and even determine the gender of your baby the power is in your hands you decide what you want to do and I'm asking what you suggest I do now we are not folding HS we have sought much cancel there's a doctor in Abuja you need to see and you know as a Christian I cannot suggest just anyone why are you talking like this are we not friends because I don't know how your husband is going to react to you you don't worry about that remember we two waited for almost 2 years before a sister in our church introduced me to this doctor and then children started rolling in we planned to have three children and this will be the third God willing this is unbelievable I will have my husband discuss with brother suji and we will be in Abuja once you've made your decision these are the things she discussed with me they also share their private experiences with us but my husband was just quoting scriptures which them embarrassed they left without saying a [Music] word I think I understand now so what do you want to do now to hear your opinion sir my opinion but sister B do you believe God still gives children but sir I am not getting younger besides there is no sin in trying other methods too must we keep tempting God when he can use any other means it's like someone who is sick yet refuses to take medications but you and your husband have gone to many Physicians who have checked and counseled you so I don't believe you are sick and besides and besides who created time time is it not God who promised Sarah Elizabeth and even Anna May my case never be like this because I don't think I have that Grace but God can supply the grace if you rest on him the Bible says knowledge shall increase in the last days God has given our physicians knowledge to cope with a changing World which also has some effects on some biblical principles but God's word never changes it is settled in heaven but sir have you never seen a woman as old as Sarah getting pregnant in this age of us pastor we need to be very realistic the recent world has changed some of God's principles no no I don't agree with you God does not change his word or principles God sustained a woman to have strength to be pregnant at 90 and a husband at 100 like Sarah and Abraham though people lived longer in their days he also chose some women to carry special children into the world as vessel to fulfill his special agenda children like Isaac Samuel something and even our Lord Jesus [Music] Christ are you saying God has chosen me to be one of them well well it depends but nothing goes without sacrifice just as how other children of God wait for different things in life not only for children God can also agree with a couple to release special children for specific assignments as he did to some in the Bible days but it is not easy to wait sir yes yes my sister but same God who enabled honor and others will release his special Grace sister BMI the market is open into this world you can choose to have any child you desire but there are still Covenant children ordained by heaven for special assignments let me pray with you let's pray father in the name of Jesus Christ amen I want to commit this you ah God you want to see Miracle yes you said it you said you will [Music] bring [Music] [Music] a who this one why you carry this Pi come here you talk as they look this boy [Music] so the kind guy see before you see see this guy ready as they look you don't ready to work with the ERS you don't clean a hand well sh with the ERS as they look they looky you show [Music] themy so we welcome our special guest be so be me can you tell me why you are deep in [Music] thought I don't know why I'm facing this situation I don't even know what else to do I have been Faithfully serving God alongside my husband since we were both single shouldn't God reward us with a child of our own H how many children do you actually desire to have I will be content with a boy and a girl two children will be sufficient for me me no you won't have two children why because you are made to carry Nations I can't even imagine handling many children let alone Nations time is passing and I'm not growing any younger who created time and season it is God of Abraham and children are his Heritage you see the devil fears the potential of the seed I am bringing into the world and that fears the animosity and the manipulation he is bringing against all the women The Chosen women that are to carry those seeds but nevertheless my purpose will stand and my way will prevail so stay Resolute and keep your faith for blessed is she who believes for there shall be performance of those things that are said to her by the Lord so wake up I don't understand there wake up who wake up dear wake up dear dear wake up yeah yes I had a dream and it was so strong okay all right let's go into the room and we'll discuss it all right let's go okay [Music] okay [Music] I think we've heard enough from the Lord what else do we want God to say moreover we have gone to various places for checks several locasion and the results have been the same dear I know it is not easy I can't feel it so understand your situation when your friend came here with her family no you don't because if you did you wouldn't talk to them like that when you were trying to help us okay I'm sorry I I had to respond that way to to help us to help our faith there we can't do what they suggested to us imagine your dreams now and and what the pastor told you everything is related besides God has been faithful to us let's begin to see other things he has done as as as confirmation that well on the right path I have come too far with this God to start [Music] doubting I strongly believe that the miracle is very close see Zechariah doubted and he received a severe consequence he was relieved of his Priestly duties because he couldn't talk for several months God eventually fulfilled his promise but not without consequence he was just a spectator my dear I want to receive the miracle With Honor father your word says in Isaiah in Isaiah 40: 28 to I am weak and tired not known meat of the head of the there I see this as a Divine assignment for us God chose us and wants to glorify himself in our lives through this situation is Grace for every Divine assignment so we shall pray for it if you are humble and sincere in following his way he will surely bestow his grace Upon Us Grace for the moment let's pray let's pray Lord as we wait on you renew our strength in Jesus name our our hope is in [Music] you Mama we are so happy to have you in Abuja thank you very much my friend SII he's fine he's still at the convention ground with other pastors they are very busy but he seems his witness but um we didn't hear anything from you again what is the situation now you said you will get back to us be me if your husband is busy once you do something about your life and future time is going Mama B the work of God will always be there no my friend his work must be done in his time do you know everything changed about me the day I died died what happened Jesus Christus yes I mean I was dead to myself the very day I had an encounter with God and I fully submitted to him oh okay you scared me well I'm talking about de to your desire and ambition you know me you know how passionate and desperate I was to have a child of my own having an encounter with God changed me he changed me and opened me up to Greater assignments so you both have decided to be the Abraham and Sarah of our time okay so how are you coping now his grace has been our support honestly I must confess that we have experienced many Great Moments he has been there all the way no boring moment at all he also occupies us with his [Music] work Mama [Music] B tell your husband that I said there is time for everything everything you're doing now can be done every other time the work of God is always there but this time this time cannot be regained you're not getting any younger on the contrary now is the best time to Ser him you forgot what Jesus said I will do the work of my father now because the night cometh when no man can walk there is no better time to do his will than now B me are you truly happy with your situation because I know your husband must be the one be behind your current [Laughter] attitude I can never be too happy in fact happiness is not even the right word it is joy and fulfillment I fulfilled and he is always faithful besides God has blessed me with many children that are looking up to me [Music] that's okay it's okay well we we'll try to attend the program on Saturday yeah thank you I will call you tomorrow let me be on my way children Mama B is about to leave can you come and say your goodbyes bye Mama thank you let me find something for you and your brother who is sleeping okay um have this and share with thank you bye all right I'll be on my way thank you very much yes [Music] done there I'm sorry I will be coming home late this afterno afternoon why Mom SS for me I received a message this morning asking me to visit her briefly is there a problem is she okay she didn't mention any issues but I'll call you later how is my daughter-in-law be me my beautiful daughter I believe she will never be bured in Jesus name amen hm I just thank God for giving me such a wonderful daughter-in-law she's just a blessing to me thank you Mom she's very much okay let me quickly bring your food before we talk Cecilia please bring the food mom please let's go straight to what you sent for me are you saying you are not eating no even be the me know that I must eat whenever I come home let me pack the food home so that we can both eat it I mean be me and I oh in fact that would be fine and better thank you Mom oh just go and pack it and make sure you forbid me too because he's going with it thank you my dear thank you thank God now back to the main reason why I called you but Mom why don't you just get the car to the mechanic you know those people can be very funny and I'm certain this is not a big issue so I figured why don't I just get it fixed for free instead Mommy okay h h so you know I've never Disturbed you or raise the issue since both of you explained to me so many steps you've taken and how you've been confirmed Perfect by the doctors yes Mom and we sincerely appreciate your understanding but last week while I was praying I suddenly remember the incident between you and your stepmother long ago Mama D and how they said she vowed that you will never have your own child though I wasn't there when it happened your father's sister told me everything and that was why she didn't attend your wedding she traveled though she gave one flimsy excuse then H could it mean that she's behind all the situation you are facing well if he's behind it then God must have allowed her he means he pays God how could such a terrible thing pay God s look I've not come here to joke with you I've endured enough without disturbing both of you but mom into a child of God and that is why I should not talk that is the main reason why have been keeping quiet but being a Christian does not mean I should not speak my mind most especially when the Holy Spirit reminds me of the incident between you and that woman mom please go and start the C okay assuming she's behind it what do you suggest we do now because we are not even sure and we have always been at peace with her H she has deceived you with her pretense once you know your enemy your problem is half solved we not know where to direct our prayers this is the time to rise up and confront the enemy they must all fall and die by fire in Jesus name mom we've already gone through all of this and made several efforts and Jesus has given us his peace the only enemy we have is the devil whom Jesus has defeated once we're already in a covenant with God and he has assured us that our appointed time will come that's what we are waiting for amen but there are so many ways by which people are dealing with this situation of baress to put those evil people to shame evil must not be condomed mom go and stand [Music] a blind man was brought to Jesus and his disciples asked why the man was born blind or perhaps his parents had committed any sin Jesus said none of them had sinned rather it was that God's glory might manifest so sometimes God allows things that appear evil to us so that his glory might be made manifest you are right SOI it's all in the Bible although it is not easy but God will give us the grace amen and you will not be put to shame [Music] women should beion carriers in their homes you know to defend the home and a lot of prayers for your mama you sir I'm I'm very sorry I tried to explain to her that you have guests mama why are you doing this now why [Music] [Music] you you can go okay sir thank you mad I wait till you finish with there you understand English I'm a b l sir and um I'm not so old I'm just below 60 so what's actually going on what happened um my name is um Sam areu we are missionaries from the eern part of the country with my my husband but then I lost him on Mission field the our converts tried to help but there still they could do because um they saw my plight I have two grown up children who just get got ad admission to the college but they could not proceed due to lack of phones and um because of their father's demise um really very sorry for your flight man but what do you want us to do since you're not a member of this church and uh we are committed to our Members First no problem sir we are ready to be members and we have we are one in Christ well I I'm very happy to hear that but uh the truth is that we can only attend to your case after you have spent 3 months in this church I'm so sorry this uh there's little we can do for now I I seriously need your help sir please especially for this children they at home they could not go to school where they're just at home I we need to help them they could not continue schooling and they about to lose the admission please help us please sir I I I'm really sorry I would have honestly helped but uh there's nothing I can do against the established principles of this church I'm really very sorry I would like you to register your name and address with the secretary to to contact him in case uh anything happens um God bless you um abig girl abig girl yes sir um please you um give a one of the gifts that we usually give to me comers when they come okay sir all right so um God bless you man my regards to your children and it is my prayer that the Lord will take care of okay it too thank you so um as we were saying um it's important that uh [Music] uh okay okay [Music] me [Music] so mama how did it go are you able to F the pastor for help when are we likely to resume the admission you will soon go mom again but we are so sure God LED you to the church has it changed his mind again what is wrong with you why are you there God don't forget everything has been by faith you better be careful your reaction to this isue nothing must Shake our faith and trust in God oh God please don't let us miss this admission hasn't God done enough hasn't he done enough but he was there doing nothing when D died despite all the prayers will he keep watching while we meet this again James James come back here come back here hey Jesus you you this children better be careful not to give the devil any chance at all because whatever we are going through now cannot Define us whatever we go through now cannot Define us because his thoughts are always good he said to me he will send helpers I thought it would be through the pastor of that church but I may be wrong I'm only woman H but Mom you shouldn't have said it when you were not sure yet M you said it as though you actually heard from God whereas it was your own thoughts so what's going to happen now listen I may be wrong but I know I have the Holy Spirit in me we trust God by faith and his word cannot fear you see meanwhile you must apologize for this brief moment of of death in God James you have to believe God that he has his own reason for taking away your dad I've told you this several times let us ask God for forgiveness of sin and let us thank God for your admission yes because I know it will supply our needs James they car you go my guy see if you don't determine for your mind say you go join the gang they help you see any amount you me say you want they give you your be say once you join like this money if you join like this now lifetime you join once lifetime enjoyment on the marks I tell you we don't want to lose this admission please just help us we definitely pay back you talk which pay back for I say you don't they pay back they don't give you money now for see if you don't join now money if you can't they obey the boss now money you can't they please the boss they make the boy another money are you sure what this guy talk what be 5 500,000 K say my boss they always use and do give away for Girls Go come do the girl come fine beautiful young ah but I'm not a girl now so wait till you talk the money now for you and your sister you talk to your sister just reason out with your if she don't agree just make she meet the boss she don't meet the boss just one night say one night say one night one night forever money you don't finish no she won't be able to do that now you you know we are serious Christians and our parents are mission stick to missionary stick to missionary and forget about forget about admission what they talk your papa die where Miss where miss you find ad Mission now how missionary help you how why I I I think say you wise I think say you be a person get you don't get anything for you foolish nothing day or no sense I know carry you go meet boss with this kind mindset your your your your mindset your reasoning even you know okay wait now wait now why are you angry now why you now let's talk about it how can we go go about it if you don't ready call my number oh wait [Music] now so what did he say did he promise to help yes he has agreed to give us the money until we're able to pay back even said it is possible that the boss gives us the money for free free are you sure is that possible of course but on one condition and only you have the key how do you mean just follow me to see the boss the boss likes young and beautiful girls I already told him that it's not possible but what do you think James what is happening are you seriously asking such a question to trade my body what has come over you what we God say about me because of an admission okay okay okay okay so why were you expecting the outcome why were you asking about the outcome why sit there and be expecting Christ to pay the bills if you're not ready to move I know how to go about it I just don't want to be a fool this time if Jesus failed to do something I will get it done anyhow I just don't want to miss the admission I rather lose this admission than send my soul to the devil you better be careful where you walk with James remember what Dad told us on the sick bed that no matter what happened we must never fail this Jesus can you compare your soul to any of the edly riches keep quiet shut up do you want to preach to me you want me to listen to what mama is saying to wait for God till we miss this again no that will not happen not again I will get the money any you follow me if you're ready I can't do this I can't let's wait go can still do something mama has just going out to see some people concerning [Music] this [Music] you have been given the form Mrs um Samson good Mrs Samson you want to borrow 500,000 NAA yes sir if I may ask will you be able to repay this amount at along with interest in the next one year because this Capital this amount with interest will be 750,000 NAA that is huge um I will advise why don't you reduce this amount to something a little bit more manageable eh so that the repayment over the next year will not be too stressful on you my candid advice I need the money or gently sir um Madam I understand your urgency but I want to make it clear to you that the monthly payment must not fail the monthly payment must not fail yes Madam it must not fail um by the way apart from being a missionary do you engage in other business or is that the only thing you do yes sir but what when do you ask H he Madam I will advise that you go home go and think over this again go and have a reink then um when you come back tomorrow we will act accordingly based on your decision I thought we have already concluded Madam I am doing this in your own interest please go home and have a reink I'll be waiting for [Music] you okay sir thank you I know you hear me H because you are not sleepy come out right here we need to talk we need to talk oh H he Jamesy hey Jamesy what is wrong with you H why are you suggesting something terrible like this to to your sister and what did she say I said to her H HH she and even if I suggested it did I force her speak out now did I force you James why are you doing this this is the work of the devil hey where is your Fai mama please don't even go there don't go there nothing happened to my facei nothing concerns my faith I don't want to be a fool this time that's all hey James James you're not helping me HH don't rubbish the work we have done for God don't join these people you may have the money but to endanger your soul please my soul don't join this people don't move to that side let's stay in God is the husband of of widows is your father he surely rise for us please I only suggested to Lydia I didn't forer James hey have you forgotten what the Bible says in Psalm 1:1 it said blessed is a man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly nor stand in the way of Sinners or sit in the seat of discomfort but you already walking in the way of sinners s Mama I'm sorry to disappoint you this time I don't want to lose this admission and if working with Sinners is going to solve the problem then I'm ready to take the risk alone J in fact I have already left Le out of it James H don't endanger your soul Satan has no free gift H I've been praying and I know he will answer in his own time he's the husband of widows and he is your father he will rise up for you lah come let us pray let's join hands and pray again come come come my son please please come let's pray James don't do this don't do this please come come don't give him don't give it devil chance this the work of the devil let's Rebo this stor this stor Jesus can stop it okay wait for me let me go I'm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] coming good afternoon ma good after you you are Mrs Sam yes I'm Mrs Sams what can I do for you can we go inside and discuss ma'am I don't know [Music] you but since you say you looking for me you can call me thank you ma'am thank you Ma are this your children yes ma yes ma but they can excuse go inside no ma it's fine it's fine we're happy to see you all thank you thank you man thank [Music] you you see I came thaty to your church to see your pastor because God led me to that church even I told my children but I did not notice you though I saw Pastor talking to some women I think there were two when I bash into the into his office because I was so desperate yes Ma you are right we were two that were seated there in front of the pastor myself and one other woman Pastor said I should leave my number with the secretary but are you the one who who called yesterday you call my number yes mam we called to confirm the number you left with the secretary ah God so Pastor sent you to me no mama God sent us to you go Yes [Music] Man you still can't sleep no I kept on seeing the image in my spirit the woman was so disappointed there can we help her I think God wants us to help her she's a widow with two grownup children you know and and the church couldn't really help you know due to other the commitments I don't really blame the pastor you know I think that is why God made me to witness the sin everything cannot be done by the church since we are the church and not just the building yeah yeah I I agree with you on that agree with you exactly you know but how do we find our whereabouts how do we reach out that is simple okay we can go through the pastor for the information I had the pastor telling the secretary to collect her name and address uh okay I don't think we need to disturb the pastor about this you know he has a lot on his mind already so I suggest we just go through the secretary Mama we are here to finance the schooling of your two children until they complete College hey [Music] Jesus Jesus Jesus mama mama this gift is for you m yes and we also leave our phone number with you so you can call to discuss any necessary expenses you know towards the admission we also need your account details Ma and the total cost or of the school fees for this [Music] session Lord Jesus I went out yesterday to borrow 500,000 naira for the two of them but you Jesus you stop it it is 500,000 whatever what needs in your heart it's okay I was trying [Music] to Mama we'll send 1 milliona to you [Music] now hey and you know you can't call to discuss more it's possible that you don't remember everything now but when you call we'll be able to know the situation of things man hey good good God bless you children amen what are your names Jans I'm leader sir God keep [Music] you may God take care of you love the god of your father and mother and serve him Faithfully fear Him wherever you are especially now that you're going to college always remember that he cares for you and he will not forsake you whatever happens stay in him he's always faithful the Lord bless you and the Lord keep you can we pray before we leave [Music] [Music] [Music] hey hey I am my boy [Music] I am [Music] a my ah [Music] hey hey [Music] heyy I am [Music] hey Jesus I am sorry Jesus I am sorry Jesus Jesus Jesus M sorry sry I am sorry he said God sent them to H Jesus am my I am my God I am my [Music] God [Music] I am a I am a I am [Music] my [Music] I I'm very sorry Mama I'm very [Music] sorry Jesus H I almost lost my soul because of [Music] money I have been angry at Jesus since that [Music] died I never knew Jesus still loves me or has my interest at heart can he still forgive me can he still trust me I have disappointed him Mama I am sorry I am sorry please help me beg Jesus help me beg Jesus I've not been a good brother I have not been a good son Jesus Jesus I'm sorry thank you Jesus yes my boy God is able to give you a new beginning he's here now and he will have mercy ah have mercy Lord please forgive [Music] us ah forgive your son Lord Jesus and all of us [Music] we are very sorry very sorry and we are grateful Lord Jesus for being faithful thank you Jesus even when we are unfaithful to you thank you Lord thank you Lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus in Jesus name amen amen no James stop crying and listen this is a great test for hor o and I'm grateful for his Mercy I'm happy and I'm grateful to God not only about the money but about God restoring James back to himself he deliver his soul from the hand of of the enemy hey the god of missionary rose up for us he rose up for us my greatest joy James liia my greatest joy is that you will know and serve this God you will know and serve this God Jesus thank you hey have mercy on me Lord God we are than have mercy on me Lord James rise up on your feet he has forgiven you and be strong our God has proven himself yes there is nothing he cannot do yes yes he is able to meet our needs yes and that man said something something you must not forget he said you must serve the god of your father that is the greatest gift you have not because of anything but because he created you like your father he created you to serve him and you must serve him you will serve him in the name of Jesus am you will serve my God Amen you will walk with God and you will live for him so arise be ready to Revenge the devil and go all out for that Jesus you go all out brother Jesus and God the god of your father will be proud of you I'm proud of you I'm proud of you my daughter keep your faith in Jesus keep your faith in Jesus hey hey keep your faith in Jesus a God will perfect your [Music] life thank you Jesus thank you I'm happy I'm happy I am a I am a I am a [Applause] [Music] Mama how are you I believe your children are now settled in school ah our Angel they have settled like King's Children M thank you very much we Are Not Angels we are just God's children our mother H you restored my children's faith in the Living God you saved my home I am a missionary Dev planned to use the death of my husband to destroy our children and our future but to came at the right time when I had nowhere to turn you came to rescue the situation to God be the glory man amen you and your husband are the Angels God sent into my home my children hm are on fire for God now the miracle sped a fire in them Hallelujah may God be praised and what about you Ma you are now the only one left at home since both of them have left for school no I'm on my way back to the mission field the work is much and many of our combats cannot wait to have me back afterward Daddy went home to be with the Lord you strengthened me to know that I'm not alone thank you our mother amen Mama I'm just a young woman I'm only privileged to be used of God he could have used someone else but he used you he used you because you made yourself available so I'm grateful we thank God Mama maybe we'll come to greet you on the field one day hey hey hey that will be another miracle okay I be waiting get our daddy your husband and the children for us thank you Ma but we are still expecting them they are yet to come you mean he traveled with the children H okay no problem now just don't forget to greet him for us when they come back mama what I'm saying is that we are still waiting for them I mean we don't have any biological child of our own God has not released any yet hey God no wonder no wonder what Ma last night I saw two boys following you and I wondered why God showed the dream of you and your boys hey I don't know you are still waiting for them H Jehovah Lord they have come they have finally come yes congratulation to you our mama hey so start preparing because there are two boys way Jehovah there are two boys start preparing I meet two Nations hey hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah father we praise you two Nations just arrived into your house from God hallelujah hey I'm happy thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus two Nations they just arrived congratulation my mama you mean you saw two boys following me yes because the Lord has risen to have mercy upon Zion for the time to favor her the set time is come Hallelujah Jesus the appointed time has come our mama H shall we appreciate and bless our father together he is faithful thank you Jesus thank you Father for this wonderful gift you have given to your servants we receive them we welcome them in Jes Jesus name amen amen amen may God bless you Mama I will call when I get to our station my regards to your husband our Daddy thank you bye-bye hey thank you H God thank you thank you Jesus Lord I receive my babies I receive them in in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus I receive this [Music] miracle I receive my [Music] babies praise the Lord hallelujah but today is a special dedication day for John and James and of course as you know their parents have waited on the Lord for 14 good years bre is not easy it's only God that can do this praise the Lord praise the Lord this is John okay this is John this is Brother John please stretch forth your hand and begin to pray for John let's pray for John right now this is James Hallelujah bundle of joy pray for James that in the name of the Lord Jesus he will grow in the fear of the Lord am I am a I am a I am a all you are [Applause] that [Music] [Music] I I am a Bo I am a boy I am a I am a I am [Music] a in the season of waiting for answers many people with Alternatives they don't understand how I know that God never fails he never fails even when the pressure is rising the walls and the windows are closing in it still doesn't change my reality God never fails he never fails my eyes have seen the wonders of the father nobody can tell me otherwise surpass his imaginations my eyes have seen the greatness of Jehovah and I will gladly T to see it over and again and again I am I am a I am a war I am [Music] a I am a Bo I am a Bo I am a Bo I am I [Music] am
Channel: Damilola Mike-Bamiloye
Views: 921,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mount zion, damilola mike bamiloye, Mike Bamiloye, Latest Nigerian movie, Nigerian Movie, Pure flix, Christian Movie, Enoch, Movies, Gospel Movies, Jesus Movie, mount zion film, nigerian entertainment, latest movie 2023, MOUNTZIONLATEST, bamiloye, damilola, trending, nigeriangospel, STRANDED, RCCG, THE KINGS PALACE
Id: JAPOtjg_5Us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 57sec (4857 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2024
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