Crushing CATNAP In the New MEGA Press! - Teardown Mods

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today we're checking out the crusher press by RTX gaming what is this oh we got a little little handheld remote that is pretty awesome let's just go ahead and Crush these guys oh yeah that is good that is actually really effective at crushing stuff all right let's try a vehicle okay I'm going to start with just a tiny vehicle first let's just drive it up here we've got some Side Access get this thing up in the middle just drive over the crunched up bodies the remote's good because you can walk over and you can actually look at it oh my my God it crushes so much better than any other Crusher I've seen before toes TOA Grill what is a to is it a hot dog it looks like a picture of a hot dog on the top all right here we go let's go ahead and crush this thing yeah see that see how it actually crushed the entire way down that is really good normally crushes they kind of glitch okay we're looking for something a little bit bigger something that might give this Crusher a run for its money oh I wonder if we can fit a human on the inside there maybe we can all right let's get this bus come on bus oh oh doesn't get up the ramp too well there it is drive it in oh this looks like some nice undercover parking okay stand back bus crushing 3 2 1 oh my god did you see that that was so good I think those are parts of the humans or part of Minecraft Steve what about a dump truck this thing should be one of the toughest Vehicles you can get all righty dumper let's let's do it let's go oh my God it just crush it no worries all right here we have a giant human I'm going to do my best to get this guy on the inside here without breaking this guy uh is he going to fit oh oh we've already broken his arm wait maybe I can just drag him in by the head yeah that could work all right drag him up here like this he's ruining my grass all right drag the guy oh he fits nicely it's almost like it was built for him like a coffin there we go all righty champ it is a his legs are all smashed up we busted his legs all righty champ let's get this guy crushed here we go 3 2 1 oh oh that was good I've got a mod installed that deletes like debris and you know small sort of rubble and things like that that keeps the game running nice and smooth can I get this guy to walk up into here so that we can crush him that is the question where's my remote what he just died what did he die of I think he just died of old age just ran into the side of this thing he had a head on collision with this wall and just died is he still hang on is he alive wow he just hit me all right let's get another one all right I've got the remote got to run fast who wo wo where's my remote oh no no he's coming for me let's bring him in this way come on we almost got him come on champ he's trying he's a little bit too tall for it come on buddy get your head under there so I can just crunch it oh no it keeps oh oh it actually killed him what happened there oh his head came off or sort of his neck part all right I'm going to put that there let's just drag the pieces in and crunch no no this guy is made out of sort of an un not unbreakable material but an incredibly tough material all right everybody hold still you're going to feel a little bit of pressure what where did they go that didn't crush them at all it sort of did a disappearing act and turns them invisible all right what about one jelly Cube look at this I've got a jelly Cube oh that thing looks so wibbly and wobbly all right let's put that over there get back in the middle stop jiggling around all right that is good let's go ahead and crush this thing oh it's crushed how'd it go oh oh what we crushed it it's like going all squished oh hang on I just dragged it back out again it was sort of crushed down and then it sprung back up all right hang on let's go again oh it's sort of sticky it's like real jelly okay what about this zombie guy he's a jelly zombie let's try crushing him where is it where's my remote there it is all right come on Jelly zombie oh he's been like sort of crushed underground what about we get this monkey guy see if we can drag him in here will he walk in here he probably won't uh oh no he just hit his his face he's too tall he's trying to back up didn't work oh he's backing up again third time a charm all right let's just bring him down here like this oh God we broke his head already this guy is really breakable all right he does fit in here though okay he is oh he's in the side he's trying to crawl out oh oh that crushed really good all right come on champ crawl down bend your knees bend them don't make me Bend those knees for you all right I'm just going going to see if I can grab him with the physics gun maybe and let's just turn him around put him on his back oh God his tail is getting all smashed up let's just try and jam him inside this machine like this we might be able to get his head in there all right I think his head is all sort of he's got to go in a little bit more come on yeah there we go okay he's inside the crusher can we crush his head at least all right three two one oh oh no it's not working okay let's go like that and try again oh oh that wasn't bad where did it go oh he's head's gone we crushed it all right let's Chuck him back out of there I think he's definitely dead don't have to worry about catap anymore he's been crushed oh you know this one's going to be good a propane truck about to get crushed let's do it oh my God yes as soon as it crushed that tank it just blew up all right gently place this new CR right there there we go and I don't know what happens when you crush a nuke I guess they explode let's give it a shot the nuke is gone well the nuke didn't really work it's a good thing I've got a nuclear plane here let's go oh nice yeah that is a lot of damage look at all those cars and there's the mushroom cloud oh look at the ground it's like a I don't know like a smashed up biscuit or something there it is that's where the new kit right there wa this is kind of awesome look at this this map is called cyber down by TI glism it's a I don't like a cyber Punk style map we've got like hover cars and that kind look at this hover car look at this little I can drive it oh my God oh my I can drive this hover car that is incredible yes oh God I'm not doing too well with this hover car oh my God it's a good thing there's another hover car right here let's go oh yeah yes that is awesome oh man it's not just hover cars it's flying cars we can fly around where are these cars actually going to they're going in these tunnels okay oh I come out the other tunnel wow that is really cool what happens if I go in one of these tunnels though all right let's just wait for the traffic all right go go oh no that's bad don't do that oops oops we shouldn't have done that hopefully we didn't clog up that exit hole you know what I mean it's like it's almost like a mouth and a butt that hole eats the cars and that one poops them out all right let's have a walk around here and see what we've got so we got all these little hover cars delicious love those things uh we've got a 7eleven of course oh with automatic doors okay that's pretty cool there's nobody here though there's like no people running this thing we could just steal something all right I'm just going to take this give me this give me give me that cabbage is that cabbage just want some cabbage yeah there it is okay I'll just take the whole fridge I don't even care all right what else we got what other places are over here ow another kind of store or something we got a store room out the back oh we can actually go in the buildings okay they're kind of empty so this kind of feels a little bit like a diarama it looks incredibly pretty there's not a lot to sort of do as such but it looks like a fun environment to play around it I wonder what would happen if I stuck a laser grid like right here there we go just put a laser git there yeah look at this the cars are just getting turned to Ash as they go through if I get a planet Earth and I shoot it into this hole does it come out the other side I don't think it does oh oh no wait I did manage to smash a car though so the ones that of going in down there are definitely coming out through here okay let's see if I can board this thing let me on get me on that train ooh an arcade place yeah nice I can't play these games what is that like one bit Graphics you can almost smell the sweat in this place come on let me on yeah let's go let's go who what happened oh no I'm back on come on let me in this machine oh oh man this is tough to get in there ah I'm on here now let's go can I ride the trim through the tunnel this is Peak tear down right here let's go Oh no I got spawned out of it what about if I drive a car through there all right driving it in the tunnel oh you come out the other side oh that is good I like this what happens if you have a like a crash oh I just changed it to D any time it gives it a whole new vibe that is really awesome looking like all the neon stuff goes away but it looks I don't know almost realistic it's very cool I feel like this would be a great place to have a boss battle because you can escape through the tunnels and then appear on the other side yeah look at the boss over there look at him oh he's going to try and zap me oh bro no Jesus no way that guy is overpowered w oh who oh oh no go back in yeah I'm behind you now fool oh God he is dropping like stuff out of the sky that is now my gun launch it at it man this sky is so hard to beat okay I need to bust out a entirely brand new weapon called the lightning ability jeez okay lightning ability let's go there yes yes oh that's a good one it brings lightning from the sky as well look at that look at those lightning zaps oh and a lightning bomb what is that one oh I like that one oh God yes got him and he just fired it into the sky hey what's up bro yeah what do you think of that oh look at that giant hole I put in him with my lightning he doesn't like that very much oh he's he's not dead he is not dead let's let's go take that take that lightning oh that is great wow I like the lightning gun it's a lot of fun to use or the lightning ability it's not even a gun it's like a metal rectangle okay so we beat the Ender guy ooh ender pearls this is a mod by Bingle uh what's it oh oh crap oh you teleport okay is it a teleporting mod cool that's kind of fun I don't know if they have any other abilities other than teleporting it's still kind of cool okay so we managed to beat the mutant Enderman what about this guy oh I'm scared for him to look at me cuz I know it's instant death oh no oh no oh no quick quick oh jeez he's trying to look at me he is trying so bad and when he does I am dead okay I'm just going to run I'm going to run down this way no no no no no oh my god oh oh get in the tunnel oh he fell over oh I'm behind you oh this is good all right he's looking at me and I'll go down this way now I'm on the other side of him okay okay okay how far can he shoot oh that is far all right I think I need my lightning ability like ASAP ASAP yes exploded your head bro oh man that was so intense we actually got him oh look at this jeez where's his head there it is got him with the lightning real good let's finish him off and then we can just rain lightning down on top of him like that wa oh the lightning bomb isn't bad I like that one all right let's try the lightning bomb on him like while we're right here here we go oh oh oh oh that is a good one not much of him left now oh he's still alive not now he's not what he still got me all right guys if there's any mods you want me to check out let me know in the comments catch you guys next time
Channel: Fynnpire
Views: 55,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fynnpire, teardown, teardown full game, tear down, teardown campaign, teardown gameplay, teardown release date, teardown download, teardown steam, teardown new gameplay, teardown sandbox, teardown update, teardown beta, teardown alpha, teardown demo, Teardown mod, Teardown mods, teardown nexus, teardown new mods, teardown mods gameplay, tear down youtube, catnap, pool of acid
Id: tVuHWa0up7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 22 2024
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