UNLOCKED Full Episode: EP 108 ‘Melody’s Stand’ | Love & Marriage Huntsville | OWN

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[Music] previously on love and marriage huntsville martel showed me these lots and i was like what about the combat group buying the land and building on them i'm not 100 on the comeback group making a comeback if you have the same players you get the same results martel and i are going to move forward hey for the two appraisals on the home what is the point of having a group if you continually say we're gonna just do it ourselves i like to work i'm not just being like at pta all the time no okay i never wanted to be a saleh mom i actually think i'm going to start going forward for commercial development what i'm going to start interviewing different brokers i you just got your license yes just past my exam i'm gonna get to work with this ring i do weigh it with this ring i'd be bored i declare you now husband and wife you may salute your bride [Applause] did you actually step out on mail honestly it was sexual damn it martial you got somebody who can talk to you all the time who's cooking for you who's satisfying you sexually why don't you take your ass on and be with us did you hurt yourself yeah a little bit so who's gonna take care of you i'm gonna take care of me that's why i'm married [Music] marcel did state that one of the things that would be non-negotiable if i was to start working would be whacking around a household he's not going to take mj to the baseball game he's not going to take macy to dan he's not going to cook dinner for the kids and he's not gonna clean up but i feel that home is taken care of so now it's time for me to just tap back into the workforce this is patricia hurston with next level commercial advisors how are you today hello this is latisha scott how are you hi latisha i'm doing fine thanks for asking good i wanted to follow up with you to let you know that because of the flexibility i think your company would be a great fit for me okay perfect we are happy to have you on board thank you so much i'm so excited to join your company i do have um an opportunity i had a buyer that purchased some land and he is looking to build a hotel and he said he was getting some bids towing some of the companies and i was like well why don't you use somebody local do you think shelter industry would be interested in that oh wow yeah and you think that's something we would definitely be interested in and bidding on okay because yeah i'll have them contact you okay great oh my god patricia thank you so much for just thinking of us i feel like this is a good sign from god telling me yes you made the right decisions that sounds perfect okay we never seen anything else great thanks if i could tell my younger self anything it would be a girl you can do it this is going to be amazing tasha you got this girl [Music] oh what's up mother hi son good to see you good to see you so you're doing okay not really okay just um the doctor's office okay what'd they say i'm added surgery say andre yes i'm gonna sit down too when i went to see the doctor the other day he told me that i dear ruptured my achilles tendon i said son you're too old to be out there playing that ball oh look at you now you go god bless you see son lord have mercy i hate you to hurt yourself and i need you to help take care of me too you know oh don't think i won't because i know daughter got to take care of the children everything give them school oh lord my son yeah okay you always at home you know oh i'm not talking about me coming over here mama oh happy how about you coming up there oh lord like i ain't got a job okay so you hungry baby i do whatever i need to do okay okay she got i'm hungry i know you hungry i got something good you remember i was telling you about that smoke detector making that sound oh that beeping i keep hearing yeah so um yeah so i'm going to have my electrician come out here and take a look at that okay ain't nothing i can do especially oh baby i know it see them whenever i'm going through things in life it's always better for me to see my mom because it puts me in a better place daughter had came by that one day we talked you know she was really hurt that day i used to feel like martell wouldn't hurt me for anything in the world like he wouldn't want to break my heart you know and now it's just i don't feel like that anymore it's quite natural she's going to be hurt i'm with you you know lexi might do it to her amelia did you give her some inbox stay with me i told don't you don't let him do you ain't can't wait daughter but i ain't saying leave cause you got them cheering and you look honey you're a beautiful man you're a good dad you're a good husband and just cause you did what you did that don't make you a bad person that's right because it's like a bunch of them like they're running around not done you know worse than that right so yeah i'm hoping for the best hopefully um she doesn't leave me or anything like that she don't it ain't every day people be blessed to have it like y'all yeah i'm with you y'all got to have that trust and she got to be able to trust you i'm gonna do my best i know it that's how you use it that's right things that i'm doing to win melodies trust back is allow me to have access to my phone my second phone out there man i'm sorry what you got two phones i thought we were done with this i'm making sure that i'm home every day at a particular time where did you go last night when you said she was going to the gym but she was gone like an extra hour to it and i've always been a family-oriented person so it would be devastating if my family was to collapse you remember the wedding oh yeah it was beautiful [Music] i might need to go back and look at that tapes it is gorgeous yeah i might need to let you borrow it right so you don't even forget that day that's right mama could always be there for you no matter what you do but i don't like what you do wrong but i want you to get it right i am i'm gonna get it right my mom didn't only give me something to eat but she also reminded me of why mel and i need to stay together we got something great here all right mom i love you i love you too baby talk to you later okay [Music] right now i really just feel like i'm at a crossroad in my life when it comes to martell and the comeback group i'm starting to feel like both of these relationships are just really falling apart at this point i'm trying to figure out who am i supposed to have in my life right now and anybody that's not supposed to be just gonna remove them and take them away and let those seats be filled by somebody who is supposed to be in my circle hi how are you i'm doing good how are you doing wonderful i am here to see miss kimberly lewis and mr larry lewis please i'm reaching out to kim and larry because hey if things don't work out the way they're supposed to i need a plan b hello hey babe hey how are you i got blown off today by a client so i went around driving just kind of seeing what's out there and i stumbled on some new construction up in midtown and like every corner is construction going up or a sold sign going down even talk to the lady april at the model home and they can't even build enough houses for the amount of people that want to buy these houses the comeback group is in danger of not living up to the initiative we need to get out of our own way where this real estate boom is gonna happen without us and the low-income community is gonna be displaced i'm determined that's not gonna happen we gotta get on the same page some kind of way we can't just keep backing out every time we have a disagreement i agree with you i think that we gotta get our own way so we purchased two home sites um in north huntsville we've done all the clearing all the grading and we are at the foundation portion and this is kind of where we've stopped so now it's pretty much what we need to do is get them built get them sold and start showing the community that quality that should be in north huntsville that hasn't been there for a very long time okay but to be honest i don't really want to proceed with the individuals that we're currently partnering with [Music] first question first i have to ask can you tell us what happened with the previous people i need to understand what happened in that situation before we step into it that's a great question there were a few things that happened that i felt were side jabs i think we do better not being in a group together y'all do better not being in a group with mel stepping in is when it brings the confusion i brought confusion today because i stepped in oh wow so that's exactly why my answers are hell no so i shared with them at the last meeting that i didn't want to be a part of it and so um i'd be figuring out legally how i can get myself out have you talked to the other folks are they willing to be bought out are they willing to leave based on the conversations that we had during that meeting i think for sure they'd be open to being bought out you know melody is the one who brought us together we need melody back on this the way i look at the comeback group right now is that we're a fractured singing group lead singer wants to go off and do her own thing it's not over babe well mel quit she's gonna have to rethink this and back that thing up we gotta work this out i agree coming up on love and marriage huntsville one program in particular she offered me a position with her company and i said yes ah i got my own issues what god dawg you just got married fool with martel and i i question everything i don't really know what the future is going to hold it's time for surgery i'm a bit nervous i'll be fine long as you gonna be here afterwards to take care of me i think we need some time apart [Music] hey how are you uh two for scott i wanted to take marcel out to dinner because he hasn't been on board with the thought of me going back to work i just don't want to be in a household with the kids all day every day we're not coming off the deal we made a deal so what's the point of spending all the money and doing another background and getting my real estate license if i'm not going to use them to me it was for fun i've been working on some big moves behind the scene so i have everything in order and i'm ready to present everything to him and plead my case i know that you want the best for me and i know that you're a hard worker and you're going to go out there you're going to make things happen but you have to know that i'm a hard worker too honestly i feel like sometimes when i'm talking about me going into real estate i'm like dude he think i can't do it i don't doubt what you can do but my only question sometimes is like i don't know how this works together listen i don't [Music] well i've already had meetings with brokers the one broker in particular who says she works in hotel she offered me a position with her company and i said yes [Music] are you serious yes and there's more that you might be interested in i had a buyer that purchased some land and he is looking to build a hotel she said after speaking with you i wanted to see if your husband would be interested in being on this hotel in alabama i was like sign from god are you serious hey i'm interested so with that that's me getting my real estate license for fun how do you feel about that now i'm thinking that maybe t-shirts can contribute outside the household [Music] why is it so hard for you to say this it takes a moment to sink in a little bit [Music] yeah it takes a moment to for this whole thing to kind of to come to grips ah i told you i have a plan just imagine if we actually work together on a project i need you to view me not as my husband not as my boss if you agree to treat me like a partner then we can work together on some deals and wow wow let's make boss moves no she wasn't right all along you were correct in your approach to this the end results aligned with what you were saying in the beginning okay i guess that means you were right ah thank you i appreciate that first you gotta win this bid and first first you need to contact him babe i believe in you if you believe that i can win this bid and win this bid i can't keep anything from you how long were you able to keep this thing for me you have to wait for the right moment to deliver something cause i'm like this is big here's the right moment for me to deliver this hello thank you babe i'm happy the opportunity to work with you my partner i will never live this down i got you the greatest deal you ever had it wouldn't be difficult i'd be like babe remember that deal i got you i don't care i can land a 50 million dollar skyscraper deal i got the first one that ain't nothing you wouldn't be nowhere without that hey okay you wouldn't be on that hotel [Music] coming up on love and marriage huntsville i don't want all of us trying to build homes i want us to stay in our own lanes i feel devalued i feel disrespected that's typical relationship things right there typically [Music] take the whole door out it needs to be 36 inches for 88. maurice and i bought this house a couple of years ago and my mom is moving up from west palm beach to be closer to the family mom's in a wheelchair so we have to renovate the home to make it ada compliant we just really want to make it really nice and pretty and cozy for mom what's the timeline man we're gonna have a majority of it done this week but i think this is a temporary thing and then me and t were thinking about it it's like if those houses were done well come back i was thinking about maybe just getting one of those i think that if we were gonna buy a comeback group home for my mother we'd have to push it back a little while the last meeting was a complete disaster yet again we're not on the same page this is the exact same stuff that we dealt with with the original comeback group and now come back group part two that's a failure too see i think that when we get into those meetings and back and forth it's like exasperating man i know one thing when it comes push come to show this whole thing needs to be just move forward by the time we start going through personal attacks and i mean i don't know what it is i think the comeback group really needs to figure out what it's going to be doing going forward the hoax tooth there on horn all the time thinking we're riding their coattails but nothing could be further from the truth so hey bro check this out t went out and got her license right her commercial license i've been encouraging that by the way right and i was like you know what just you know do your thing and in my mind i'm like this is something you're going to do but you're going to do it half you can do a part-time whatever let me tell you something food question who goes to her commercial broker she says oh yeah my husband's a gc the commercial broker says hey i got a guy that's trying to build a hotel i told him don't use somebody from nashville use somebody from huntsville word right now we're negotiating the contract i'm about to build a six plus million dollar hotel you do a deal about my dude man my god i'm telling you bro we can't blow okay a long way man for real my guy about to go to the hotel that's a lot man that's a whole lot bro i'm proud of you man for real it's a lot of hard work everything making the name for the fam that's what's up bro god dawg bro you got it hot hear my eyes sweating i'm serious bro that's big time for real man i'm so proud of my younger brother like to actually come from the hood to go from that to building a hotel as a young african-american male here in the united states man anything's possible this is the little guy that you used to walk to school with and to see him doing this it's almost unimaginable i think what's more important than all that me and t seems like we're finally cooking that's why you should have let her go long time ago you probably have about 10 hotels now i got to hear this got dog heaven forbid teachers out there getting hotel deals and i'm at home watching the kids watching kids is hard man have you ever sat in a car line at school picking them up oh my god it's like the place where you go to die it's trying to get me hurt like martell i hope it's like a sprain that eruption you heard was like i didn't have a chance to stretch because i'm in the car talking to mail you think he's blaming her for that junk no man no trust me i think there's just still something going on what do you what do you think about them them phones man that just it doesn't look good and i'll tell you this i probably wouldn't do it but i got my own issues wait god dawg you just got married fool it's not about marriage bro it's about trying to bring kimmy and kiowa wait why are you doing that why are you doing it bad idea no hear me out what do they need to meet for there's no reason for your ex-wife and your current wife to meet and have a sit down if your past meets your present it could like shift into an alternate universe that you have no control over it's some butterfly effect thing going on i don't know i just know you shouldn't do it you already know that i want a transition with my son down here yeah right yeah i mean but there has to be a consensus with this deal doesn't that make sense but here's the thing what you have to understand you get a divorce you leave michigan lose 40 pounds and you're living this amazing life after so it kind of what i'm saying is you got to be careful because now you're asking for everything i think that kyle has done an amazing job to this point there are certain things that she's instilled in him there's just certain things that i think that men instill into young men you're about to build a damn hotel we're moving forward as far as business i'm about to be an attorney there are certain things that that black men in america the success that you can see on a daily basis it's a training ground monster's getting to a critical time in his life especially with what's going on in the media dealing with police violence dealing with so many different influences and i think that living with me is very important because i want to instill in him a level of confidence in whoever he is to become if you think they should meet honestly pray before the meeting and pray after and pray during yeah [Music] so today is the day i'm up early ready for surgery ready to get this over with and let's get started on my life i give you this reagan i give you this ring i give you this friend what's your definition of marriage i feel marriage is you know you being dedicated to the to the person that you're with i feel marriage is marriage is love this is my first time doing this job and the last time and it's so difficult to find a woman with such qualities and then to be beautiful on the outside i thank god every day for her and everything that um she has brought to my life so also marriage is oh man trying to satisfy your mate in any way possible even at times they might not feel like they're 100 satisfied but it's the effort doing all you can to really make someone happy though you might feel it making them happy but i mean in your heart you know that you really love them and deep down inside you will say that i would do anything for you but i mean if it's not enough it doesn't mean love isn't there melody doesn't mean i don't love you i can i didn't i can where are you talking about right now you're talking about the general definition of love i know but you don't act like you're not coming at me i'm not coming at you though okay why would i be coming at you because we've been talking about this over the last week okay yeah so you were ready there's love love yeah [Music] coming up on love and marriage huntsville we appreciate you wanting to bring us in the second time don't we i don't want you to think we're good because we're not good [Music] i called this meeting today at this spot because the revitalization of huntsville is passing us by look to your left look to your right everybody's there but us and we don't need to miss this boat i'm happy that kimmy called this meeting because i'm not a quitter and i'm not giving up on this project i don't want to give up either but after this meeting the other day i'm just not sure i want to continue doing business with the whole especially male i don't even want to see her right now so i really hope she does not show up when i tell the comeback group that i'm out i meant i'm out i've already moved forward with having conversations with kim and larry on how we can still make this thing happen for north huntsville but you know hey i respect kimmy so i'm gonna come and hear her out where's marty he's prepping for surgery on his achilles really he'll be down for a while that's the only thing well he can't put pressure on it for three weeks um and then the total i think he can put a shoe on in six weeks or eight one of those if there's something we can do you know let us know oh thank you we want them to recuperate quickly i appreciate it on the other hand i was able to kind of get out yesterday and drive around look at some new construction i had a long sit down with my broker and we were talking about the different upcoming things in huntsville huntsville's about to blow up off the mat obviously that makes me think about us thinking about us made me think about you uh-huh okay and the reason being honestly the reason is both times you've taken a true lead in this initiative we appreciate you wanting to bring us in the second time don't we yes we do we all jokes inside really i'm just playing i'm playing but we do i wanted to meet here because i wanted us to look around at what we started right and finish it together every single one of us involved in this initiative have come from a north huntsville i'm from inner city baltimore is where i grew up when you're 12 and 13 and everybody's living the same life that you live you don't realize that it's not your best life until you grow up you move away and you look back i have the ability to be living my best life everybody should be able to live their best life i want your spirit back okay you gotta be with me and you gotta be with me t she was all the way out you were fifty percent out when we were voting it's something that's gonna be done whether we do it or not and i would rather us be on the boat doing it as opposed to watching somebody else do it right and not have everybody else be displaced exactly because of they come in with new homes all of a sudden all of a sudden everybody else gets dispersed and same thing they did downtown the same thing they're doing across the nation in uh negroville usa uh moving the old ones out and moving the new ones in this needs to be us on the front end and not on the back watching everybody else right i agree kimmy i totally agree i'm with it mel what do you think about it so far well um first i can only speak for me you know i'm melody holt i am down for being a part of the initiative and the comeback group's overall big picture initiative i just definitely feel like i want to sustain our own lanes i don't want all of us trying to build homes you know let me handle that part credit repair real estate real estate building and all of that you know like everybody just stay in their lanes i mean it's just a matter i think of us where we are still able to work together but not have to work as much together then the friendship is not also exactly tackled as well cause we're working too much together right and that's whether it's three couples doing this or whether it's two couples and two individuals you know with martell and i things are up down up down i'm really into a place where i'm just moving myself back a little bit from holding hope because i don't really know what the future is going to hold [Music] coming up on love and marriage huntsville i don't want to talk no more just have a seat i'm serious you don't want to talk no no i don't we're not friends anymore [Music] you know with martell and i um things are up down up down i'm really into a place where i'm just moving myself back a little bit from holding hope because i don't really know what the future is going to hold so that's why i say i'm only speaking for me i can't speak for him any decisions he may want to have with it that's on him so that's true melody has a lot of blood sweating tears into holding hold so for her to walk away from that i'm like yeah this is deep really um has something gone bad or worse it's not necessarily that it's just getting over the hump it's a lot when you're trying to recover from something like infidelity it's just a lot right you know when you first decide you know what i'm gonna try to work through this when you first decide that you don't know what that looks like right and then as time goes on you get a feel for what that is and you have to decide can i do it or can't i so yeah i want my marriage to work but at the same time i feel like i haven't been able to be who my mother raised me to be so to speak um because i've just had so much hurt that i haven't been able quite frankly to get over if there's a solution what is it well um i think that it's something that has to happen consistently on a daily basis even to restoring trust that takes a lot of time um it takes a lot of just plain and simple work right work like there's no way around it except when you're talking work even when you're tired just the bottom line you got to fight for it exactly yeah and if you're tired and you don't want to fight for it then hell don't fight for it i think they're both a little confused is how much they need each other i think that they're holding hope for a very specific reason and [Music] separately so have you actually fouled the paper yet no no i haven't so there's still hope there's still hope so like what can we do as a team and as our group of close friends to really help you guys try to rebuild and get back on track well you know that's the funny thing though is i didn't see it coming like we always spend time together we always go to the movies go to the part we're always doing things together so it's not like a way something has gone wrong you know what i'm saying so that makes it harder because it might say the whole thing was fake well not necessarily that but it's kind of like the work that you you would put in to win me back that's stuff we were already doing so if you invite me to dinner if you invite me to the park girl they say that people find time to do what they want to do yeah that's period if it would be different in martell and i were estranged weren't spending time together weren't having sex weren't doing anything then i'd be like oh it was coming it was you know the writing was on the wall right but unfortunately so this is more about building up your confidence back in martell that everything is authentic yeah there we go exactly because i know that you can be this way with me and still be doing dirt now i question everything when i think about how long martell was able to deceive me with all of this it definitely frightens me because the one person that i'm supposed to be the closest to the person that i'm supposed to have as my best friend i can't even trust you does he know does he know what that is at this level i've been telling him that so i think it's starting to sink in i think it's starting to sink in if y'all need something we're here for you because we want you all to succeed as a team and i believe that and i want us all to succeed period you know i'm glad we had the meeting like i really am but i need to go get some bricks just as it looked like the comeback group was making a comeback it seemed like bella martell's relationship has reece's end it's gonna take a lot less i'm perfect and a lot more i'm sorry let me earn this back i don't know if martel has it in him [Music] this situation's gonna hit martel for real there's no way in the world that he knows that she's there he doesn't think that at all i think martell doesn't get it [Music] oh shucks [Music] all right so we get you andres get your gown on so i'll help you with that oh you ready i think martel is totally surprised that he's about to have to go all the way through surgery he's always thinking he's superman like superman can't be hurt can't do anything wrong martell superman superman martel i told you not to break a leg you should have told me not to uh yeah rupturing achilles that's right t whitaker's it's time for surgery i'm a bit nervous but one thing with melody no matter what we go through she always got my back so she's here with me i'll be fine long as you're gonna be here afterwards to take care of me i'm here for you during this process cause this is a major process you're about to have surgery that's right but i don't want you to think that means we're good because we're not good we're not good period we're not good we're not good because you know all the things that have taken place me finding out certain things a year ago why is that still playing a part in us right now i'm about to go under and you're talking about something that took place over a year ago we're not good period we're not good we're not good because you know all the things that have taken place me finding out certain things a year ago why is that still playing a part in us right now i'm about to go under and you're talking about something that took place over a year ago oh but then still after the fact one thing after the other after the other that's why we're there's typical relationship things right there typical yes going through things i'm not talking about what happened over a year ago to my other stuff that you talking about after that martell it's not typical you always have a comeback we can come back if you come back the comeback group nc everything's a joke to you [Music] so what i need you to understand is you're going to be downstairs i'm going to be upstairs downstairs because it's more convenient freedom and then whenever you're three weeks and you're able to get around a little bit more then we're gonna have to figure out other arrangements well okay we can talk about it right now what other arrangements what's in your mind what you mean i think we need some time apart obviously what do you mean what do you mean i just said exactly what i mean [Music] is i feel devalued i feel disrespected i feel unappreciated and i don't feel like i don't feel babe i'm sorry i don't want to talk no more just have a seat i'm serious you don't want to talk to him no no i don't we're not friends anymore [Music] what are you doing how are you sir doing well how are you feeling feeling okay you ready to get this taken care of i am it's pretty doggone good the doctor walked in when he did cause it was probably about to get heated i was able to cool off while they prepped him for surgery and i really did kind of hate to bring this up to him like this but the fact of the matter is there is never a good time for bad news anyway you're gonna be okay you got this right all right they're getting ready to take you on in you got your nerve block and all of that they did that to your leg they did man yeah they did you've been doing really good okay wow they suggested i got some hold on [Music] good [Music] all right are you hearing a woman roll me out now yeah they're getting ready to roll you out now into surgery so i'll see you when you come out love you really of course i love you i told you that you gonna take me home yeah i'm gonna take you home you'll take care of me for not just three weeks but for the remainder of our lives okay you are you got that medicine oh look at you oh for the rest of our lives you'll take care of me are you gonna take care of me and what does that mean that means that i have no communications with any woman outside of my wife that could potentially lead to anything that does would not approve of us being us perry yeah i hate you saying that why you are no i'm not drugged up here i love you i'm not playing it took all of that for you to say something like that no it's just real because you are the best thing that came into my life so anything i just had to i knew it but i'm ready to turn into work to make sure that i never lose you period yeah i'm seeing yourself we can't be a part i don't want a so far ever and it's not just for the kids it's not just for the money it's not just for the business it's all that entangled into one thing that's loving each other though for real are you crying i'll see you when you come now hello hey mama hey baby how are you i'm good just finished with martel getting him prepped and everything they're taking him into surgery right now he was just like i don't know like he just kind of really opened up it reminded me of the martel before all of the extra you know what i mean um and he was just like you know i love you i want us to be together you know i don't i'm not going to talk to anybody i don't want to talk to anybody like i want us to work i want and i'm willing to put in the work um and you know i just felt like for a minute i got the old martell you know what i mean good morning mommy good morning good morning how's it going i couldn't have asked for a better father for my children he helps me get them ready for school in the morning or she helps me get them ready for school in the morning yeah see that's what i'll be talking about i know you helped me getting them ready to school where you wanted it babe all the way to the back down the middle there you go martial that's what i'm talking about who built holton hope we did when our friends were out partying having a good time with some of our friends now oh they still partner and we busy making those meals right you know what i mean to my beautiful wife i love you just as much as i love you the day i ask you to marry me times are difficult at times but the love i have for you will always keep us together and overall happy love your husband really just let you know that i love you so much though and just regardless of what um i will earn your trust back nicely babe thank you yeah [Music] you saw the old martell you're wondering right same problem that you all had before still there you have to decide are you able to work through it with him and you have to know it could possibly bring some more heartache for more disappoint [Music] i'm a very strong woman and i think it's kind of unfair that one situation could change all of that about a person so i'm just ready to figure myself out again and get myself to a place where i can be who i'm meant to be again [Music] [Music] you
Channel: OWN
Views: 292,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Network YouTube, Oprah Where Are They Now, Where Are They Now Oprah, Iyanla Fix My Life, full episodes, Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey Show, The Haves and The Have Nots, Have and Have Nots, If Loving You Is Wrong, Iyanla Vanzant, Livin Lozada, Oprah Life Class, how-to, season, episode
Id: dg-E39Uci4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 43sec (2503 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 23 2021
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