UNLOCKED Full Episode: ‘No Holt-ing Back’ | Love & Marriage: Huntsville | OWN

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[Melody speaking] Do you... Do you guys feel happy? -Yes. -I feel like it's easier. Like, all of us living in one house. But at the same time-- I just want y'all to be back together and then I don't have to be crying sometimes. Still talking about... About you in terms of 47 Acres. Then the GC and things like that, you know what I'm saying? We can possibly do everything together? Would you be willing to work with Mel on it? I mean, yeah, I would be open to working with her. I did text all you ladies about the Destiny Race. I, kind of, didn't really like that you put it in a text group with them. Why didn't you call me and ask me about the event? Just like you normally do. I always call you. Your ass don't never call me. You the one that wants to be an entrepreneur and wanna be married. Be careful that the degree to which you want to success at entrepreneurship don't derail your relationship with your wife. We keep it moving All day, all night Yeah We keep it moving All day, all night Yeah Yeah [Melody] I'm at the office right now. Have you spoken with the dancers yet? We need to make sure they're, you know, still rehearsing. So we only have a few days. [woman] Um, let me reach out to Sky. Okay. Yeah, reach out and let me know. Um, I just had someone come in, let me call you back in a minute. -[woman] Okie-doke. -Okay. -Hey, lady. How are you? -Marsau. -Oh, how are you? -Good to see you. I can't complain. Everyone is meeting at my office today because Kimmi decided that we should have a Comeback Group meeting to really decide if we could maybe move forward, or if we really need to go ahead and dissolve the Comeback Group. Now, I quit the Comeback Group years ago. Um, they should know by now, with me, my word is my bond. And so it really, kind of, is bittersweet, you know? To be back in this space, at this conference table having discussions about the Comeback Group. First of all, congratulations. the Destiny Race was so cool. -Thank you. -For real. Like, just being out there running, man. It just did something to me. Des and I were talking about it afterwards. -Like, this was good for us. -Yeah. So I thought it was positive. I seen... I seen y'all over there vibing afterwards. I said, "You know, I don't want no part of that." Then you go out there and cheated. Woman, please. I have never dated a married man. -You get to stepping. -She's over here being very ghetto at me. She's the one that's got a husband and a boyfriend. So don't be trying to put me in that situation. I put that on... I put that on social media myself. -Wait. Hold on, I'm sorry-- -I put all this out there. I was just putting two and two together. Oh, yeah, your two and two is wrong. Listen. You know, my mom and Wanda hadn't seen each other in a very long time. And I ain't gonna lie, when I saw her, honestly, I was kind of happy to see her. I hadn't seen her in a while. You know, I spoke to her, "Hey," gave her a hug and everything. "How ya doing?" But, no, what she said to my mother. -It was like, now stop it. -That's out of control. I don't care if it was true, I don't care if you had all the proof. I mean, why? -Right. -Why you walking up to somebody saying that? -Right. -You don't say that to anybody, anyway. While I agree with Marsau, I find it very confusing. Because he didn't seem to think it was inappropriate last year when he was spreading rumors and stories about my mother. That junk that Marsau did, talking about he had a sex tape of me. For you to be like, "Oh, well, what if I have a video of someone's mother?" -I didn't say I had a video. I said someone had a video. -Okay, it doesn't matter. [Melody] I don't know. But, honey, it was... I felt like it was a Momma Gone Wild moment for a minute. -'Cause those two, you know-- -[Marsau] Hey, baby girl. -[Melody] Hey, what's up? -Hey. -[Melody] You look so pretty. -You look cute. Thank you. Overall, what happened with my mom and Miss Vann was not, you know, okay. And it wasn't good that it happened at the race. But at least it feels good that Mel and I, we're on the same page. I'm happy that this happened at the time that Mel and I, we're in a good space. Hello, hello, hello. -[Latisha] Hey, Rice. -[Melody] What's up, Rice? -How you doing'? -Welcome to Melody Incorporated. -The gang's all here, almost. -[Melody] Hey, Kimmi. This is definitely Melody S. Holt's office. It's a bit weird that I'm saying, "Melody's office" opposed to saying, "Our office." Soon as I didn't renew that lease, Melody threw pictures up there on the wall. It's beautiful though. I tell ya, she did an amazing... She did an amazing job with the office. But it was still a shock to me. I see you got a bag on the table. You got some old Comeback Group stuff up in there? Uh, kind of old, kind of new. What's new? I felt like, before moving on to a new venture, that maybe we should, kind of, tie up the ends to the Comeback Group one way or another. Um, and I've mentioned it a couple times. But I think now, is the most opportune time. I had had conversation with Mel in regards to, um, y'all dissolving Holt & Holt. And, in the by-laws of our company, when you dissolve one of the entities, 'cause you know our Comeback Group was Holt & Holt it was three-- -It was attached to the companies. -Attached to the business. Um, and so, when I was talking to Mel, I wanted to make sure y'all two were aware of that. Um, and then, the conversation about you and Marsau doing some dealings with the 47 Acres. -Mm-hmm. -I felt like we needed to tie up the Comeback Group. I just... It's just something needs to come to pass with what it's gonna be. We acknowledge that back when we talked about it-- -2019. -[Kimmi] Yeah, 2019. -Mel wanted to dissolve it. -Mm-hmm. -And we didn't. -Oh, yeah, I remember. [Melody] I don't want to make a commitment to something that I'm knowing I don't want to make a commitment to. Because that's what he wants to do. I'm just bothered. I mean, we gonna stay a part of it, just period. -You go-- -Who is the "we"? -But I official pulled out of the Comeback Group in 2019. -In 2019. -You can pull out and still have a baby. -[Maurice] Yeah. -Listen-- -That's fair. [all laughing] I'm just saying pulling out never... Pulling out never-- Speaking of babies, Martell, where the kids at? In your office. Say what? In your... Why you say it like that? They in my office? [chuckles] You about to get upset that I sent them kids in your office. Good Lord. They ain't gonna tear up nothing,. No, they're always up here. However... They're always up here. However, when my kids in my office, first off, I'm gonna speak to them. Second of all, make sure they keep my office in check. [Kimmi] I cannot... [all laughing] Eye-closing... [Kimmi] I cannot... Damn. Yeah, that's that gangster right there. -Hi, babies! -[Martell] Mommy! -[Melody] Hey. -[Malani] Mama. How's she gonna flip the popcorn? [baby giggling] Hey, baby. I love you. Were you being good? [baby giggling] At that time, you still wanted to be in, she wanted to be out. -Yeah. -What are your thoughts on that? I mean, like, what's the skinny? I'm still open, you know? I mean, I feel it's, um, it's a good purpose. You being a good girl? You being good? -How you doing? -Good. Good. How you doing? -[chuckles] -[child speaking indistinctly] You know I'm still for the community. And I feel like... Think it's been some time now for everybody to really have thought about what they wanna do. And everybody's really moving in the community already. And I feel that... I think one of you guys had mentioned, a long time ago, it's like we will meet at some point. In terms of your endeavors. Your own endeavors, you know? So I think everybody's moving, everybody's shaking. And, I mean, if you guys want to tie it all together, I mean, it's here, you know? -Guys, y'all having a good week? -[kids] Yeah. Okay. I'm gonna come back and see y'all. I just wanted to come check on you real fast. I think that we have to figure out how we're gonna have decent meetings. [Kimmi] Correct. We simply cannot have that dysfunction. If we're gonna do it again, we have to be very clear. What is the project we're working on and when do we finish it? Well, the good thing is that we're talking about working-- Are we takin' a vote? On what? Who wants to be in the Comeback Group and who don't. Why don't we individually, if we see a project and we say, "Oh, man. That looks like something the Comeback Group can be a part of." Then we have a direct focus, uh, you know, a specific purpose. And then we can organize under that effort, and go forward. I think that's great. But unfortunately, I won't be able to be a part-- Guys, are we doing something? -Come on. -I mean, are we... Are we doing something here? I had to 'cause he gave me a little look with them lips, so I just went to him. I feel like we're doing something that we're not doing. 'Cause we thought we were having a little meeting. But now I see, you guys having a little meeting on the side. Why... Like, why you getting upset with me? Okay. So, let me tell you the sneaky snake stuff that-- Sneaky snake! What the hell! When I'm watching our daughter for you to go to a meeting to pitch someone else to build on something that you have expressed to the realtor, Chris, I know y'all two had a meeting with the realtor, Chris, where y'all tried to throw your little jabs and jolts and stuff, about me building on the 47 Acres. -No. There were no jabs and jolts. -Oh, okay. We'll all see it. What the... You be tripping, Mel. Yeah, I know Marsau. Don't even lie for him. [Martell] Lie? For what? -But, what I'm saying-- -How would you hear about a meeting? Were you there? Oh, I've talked to the person who was. Mel, we've been good. So now it's like you just turn on and turn off. [Martell] Something happened. I will tell you if you shut your mouth. I can let you know. -Okay. You're not gonna be disrespecting me like that. -Okay. Well, let me talk. God. What's wrong with y'all? Like all this-- Let me talk then. You're asking a question but you're not letting me answer. Melody and Martell clearly came in and finished whatever conversation they were having before. So whatever page they were on when they left that conversation and decided to come to this meeting, they picked it right back up when they got in here. I don't know what the heck is wrong with them right now. I'm not interested in doing anything when it comes to Martell. -And that's all-- -You didn't wanna do this a few years ago anyway, with the Comeback Group. -So now it's just the same thing. -Okay, now, all of us know now was because all of us were into it. There was conflict with almost everybody at this table. And it stem from you. -No, it didn't stem from me actually-- -It stem from you. It actually didn't stem from me. You'd love to believe that, but that's not accurate. No, I don't. Because I was always trying to, like, push away from conflict. I didn't want us to be in conflict. But it was created by you. How did I create it? I hate when people say things and they lie. And can't back it up. How did I create conflict? That's your favorite question, "How did this, how did that?" What I would love to do is continue to do what I've been doing. What I've said I wanted to do since 2019, thank you, Kimmi. What? Neglect the kids? -[Melody] You said what? -[Maurice] Come on, Martell. -Man, I'm going. -[Melody] If I neglect the kids... You think I neglect the kids? Why ain't you filling for full custody? I... I... Hey, I did. At one point you said okay about it. Yeah? You just told me a month or two ago that you was gonna give me full custody. -Golly. -What? [Melody] Coming up on Love & Marriage: Huntsville. [cell phone vibrating] -Hello. -[Martell] Hey, Mel. I need you to talk to Mariah. She's over here crying really bad. [baby crying] It's like they argue at every single thing. As long as this is going on, I'll never do business with her. Ever. Martell, I have not as of late at all been bothering you on social media. What you should be doing is worrying about what you were doing while you were married and out here on these Huntsville streets. -You did the same thing too. -No, I did not. You're lying. Prove it. What I would love to do is continue to do what I've been doing. What I said I wanted to do since 2019, thank you, Kimmi. -I would love to support-- -What, neglect the kids? -[Melody] You said what? -[Maurice] Come on, Martell. If I neglect the kids, you think I neglect the kids, then why you ain't filed for full custody? Hey, I did, and once, you said okay about it. No, you just told me a month ago that you were gonna give me full custody. -Golly. -[Melody] What? Hey, sweetheart. [Latisha] Can I ask y'all something? Why do y'all want to do business with Martell? People ask me all the time, "Do you think you and Martell getting back together? Do you think y'all can get back?" And the answer is no, and it has nothing to do with him cheating on me, and it has nothing to do with the baby. Has everything to do with the morals and integrity and the man that I've seen you to be. -That was quick. -It don't work. Yes, sir. [Mariah] Dad, every time it's so quick. So my question is, y'all have seen this, too. Why y'all so dead set on doing business with him? [Maurice] But, Mel, all of us had a good working relationship. If we can eliminate a lot of the BS, we can work well together. Because we all bring different perspectives to certain things. -Well, people change. -To be honest with you guys, doesn't take me long to learn a lesson. Thanks, and that's what I'm saying. Martell's a great business guy, and Martell has proven himself over time, uh, to be a pretty reliable friend. But Martell is choosing to lose his cool when it comes to interacting with Melody. In the end, it's not gonna bode well for him. Here's what I think people don't do. After they know that this person is this person... -Mm-hmm. -They keep trying to be surprised when that person is doing what that person does. Facts. It wouldn't be a Comeback Group meeting without at least someone arguing. That's fair. Mel and Martell are usually aren't the ones that are arguing. It's usually, you know, one group versus the other group. But this is new. This is different. Y'all were everything to each other. Interwoven completely. So why am I okay? 'Cause I'm okay. -You know why? -Why? 'Cause you're winning. Had your ass been losing, you wouldn't be in such a great place. That's how life is, okay? [cell phone vibrating] Hello? [Martell] Hey, Mel, you need to talk to Mariah. She's over here crying like, um... -Really bad. -[Mariah crying] What's wrong? I don't know. So I'mma bring her back there to you. Yeah, bring her back up here. -I'm about to be pulling in now. -[Melody] Okay. All right. -This is a wrap. -[Latisha] Yeah. -Yeah, that's it. That's a wrap. -[Melody] Yeah, I gotta go. Mariah, what's wrong? -What's the matter? Come on. -[Mariah crying] Come on, come inside with me. Come to my office. [Martell speaking] Come on. [car alarm beeps] When I left, Mariah, she was crying. And I'm like, "What's wrong, sweetheart?" And she mentioned that, "The office used to be yours and Mommy's. "And now it's just Mommy's," you know? She's our first, so she remembers everything. And, um, when I heard, I want us in a better place. I want us all to be in a better place. -This is the co-parenting. -Yeah, that's why I walked down. -Yeah. -I would have gone home in peace. -Right. -But the kids, so, yeah. Well, you started up real good before you got to the peace part. -Yeah. -That's what I'm saying. I know I shouldn't hit below the belt, but you know when certain things come at me it's like I gotta fight back a little bit. Look at me, okay? For real. Internalize this, please. Stop putting this [bleep] out there. -Martell, this is a life... -I know, you're right. You see what's in the car right here? -This is a lifelong battle. -Right. -You don't get this back. -Right. And you're gonna be explaining the same exact story when you're 50 and when you're 60 to your kids who are old. -Stop it. -Yeah, I understand. [woman singing] We all have ghosts That come and find us -All right, bro. -All right, yo. -All right, man. -I appreciate it, like always. I definitely feel embarrassed, um, that we're continuing, um, to display we can't control ourselves or something like that. You know, stop taking daggers at each other. And I feel that it has to come to an end. We have four children. And it's like we're gonna be in each other's lives for the rest of our lives. So I think that we have to take a different approach. A more respectable, um, approach. A more loving approach, um... Yeah, we have to. [sighs] We love our babies. Both of us love our children. And I want them to know that we, as parents, we're here to hear you out, we're here to support you, and offer you love and encouragement because that's what we wanna do. Because at the end of the day, the kids are the most important thing. Most important. -Where y'all got to go? -[Martell speaking] Okay, I'll call you when I leave here. [Kimmi] Coming up on Love & Marriage: Huntsville... We did a dual counseling session with Dr. Francis. All right, he told me, "You effectively have two wives." -Like-- -That's a stretch. Bro, it's the Range Rover. -What's up, Mel? -So I wanted us to have a conversation about boundaries. You matching my style, I want you to match this game. -Okay. -Have you played before? -Uh, no, I haven't played. -I don't even know if I can get... I don't know why you suggest tennis. -So that we don't get beat in tennis. -That's fair. -With an impromptu tennis game. -That's fair. I am pretty proficient in football. Basketball, yes. But we started golfing, softball, and now tennis. So I'm gonna brush up on some tennis, make sure Marsau brushes up. I can kick his butt. And then we'll be ready just in case we get challenged in the future. -Ninety percent of any sport is the look. -The look? That's it. [Marsau] Yeah, if Maurice can do it, I can beat his ass in anything. Can't mess with me in tennis. Ugh, bad serve. I get two of them. I get two of them. [grunts] -Well, that wasn't it. -[Marsau laughs] [yells] [cheers] Athlete right there! The Scotts are the middle version of the Williams sisters like that. We're on our way up, guys. Look out for us. Man, this is the first time I've seen you since our Comeback meeting. Oh, yeah. Mel and Martell, it's like they argue at every single thing. People act like they don't know how to act. -They act like they can't control themselves. -Mm-hmm. Oh, you can control yourself in the right situation. You know how to shut up. -[chuckles] -You just don't know how to shut up when you think you can avoid the consequences. As long as this is going on, I'll never do business with him, ever. Like, dude's a train wreck! I'm not willing to chance it. -Uh-huh. -That's irresponsible of me, dog. -Right. -I'm not gonna put my name on something that I gotta come back and apologize, not for my employee, not for a manager, but a partner. -Right. -My family eats off my decisions. Ain't no anthill. It would be a poor decision for me to go into business with Martell in this state of volatility, especially if there's a potential for Melody to be involved. I'm simply not gonna hang my business reputation on the hopes that Martell can control himself, especially when he has not done it thus far. Like, I took another step with Martell, even going to counseling. We did a dual counseling session with Dr. Francis. -Word. -Right. And Dr. Francis is a good therapist, bro. Might be good for you, Rice. -I'm just saying. -Y'all think alike. He was talking to me about relationships, me as a guy, he helped me see something that was, like... Life-changing, real talk. -All right, tell me. -He told me a lot of people look at entrepreneur, -like, as a job, right? -Right. -I look at an entrepreneur as that's who you are. -I agree. When Dr. Francis says, "You effectively have two wives." Maurice, that's a stretch. But the analogy makes sense. One wife won't leave you if you're out all night working. The other one is a living human being that needs your time. After having that conversation, what I found was I'm the one creating my stress. When you create your own evaluation of life, you can create your own problems. I think that Marsau's a pretty logical thinker. But his thought process on therapy doesn't seem like he's put enough thought into it. You don't know what you don't know. And I think that if you dig deep that you'll find some answers, especially if you're going to a professional. And not yourself. What I got out of it is I'd rather scale back or make myself more efficient at work and spend time with my babe because my babe might not be here all the time. Now I can still achieve what I want to if I become more efficient. And I look at that as a problem to solve. Let me ask you a question, how do you become more efficient? I have to work on my system, brother. -But you're investing time to save time. -That's facts. -And so... -But I'm solving them. In the middle of your investment, and say it's not paying off, you have to say, "I'm in the middle of building." I get it, but this is the thing. If you don't know the destination... But what if you do, though? Oh, so have a situation where you know the destination? I'm saying I've got a cut off date, I've got exact plans. I've been trying to say this. I've set up some things and I had some plans a while back that brought me to this point. And now that I'm arriving at this point, it's not time to derail the plans. But I do see the light at the end of the tunnel. If I didn't see the light at the end of the tunnel, then I think that's the time where I need to solicit advice from others. I'm not against therapy. But at the same time, I just don't feel like it's needed right now. Sometimes, you gotta press through. I expect you guys to overreact. -Ain't no problem with that. -No, it's not... You can't say depression and then there's an overreaction. Not with people that love you. I get it. I think there's an overreaction based on what it actually is, you gotta have a strong circle around you that knows when this is prolonged. -Uh-huh. -And so, I'm kinda telling you to hold me accountable to make sure that this doesn't become a problem. You feel me? I think that Marsau's a pretty logical thinker. And he reasons his way in or out of things. You know, you never can fix what you're not aware of. And as far as problems are concerned, and what you don't want to do is bury you head in the sand and act like you don't have the problems, because they just don't go away. I think he might have been dealing with something at that moment and now, he believes he's past it. This reminds me of, like, uh, you know, when we were younger? And the streetlights came on? -Time to go. -Yeah. All right, this the last one. -Yes, sir, you see this? -[laughs] Let's roll, bro. -That's game, set, match. Rice, I won. -No, you didn't. If you lie in a one-on-one setting, -you'll lie anywhere. -Okay, Dr. Francis. -I don't know, Rice. -What you wanna do is rewrite this history. -Hey! -Hey, chickie! -You look cute. -Thank you. -So good. -So do you. So do you. Latisha has been over to Scott Imperium before, but this is Mel's first time coming to our building, and we're gonna have a good time. We're gonna, you know, have some drinks, do some girl talk. It's reminiscent of when we would hang out prior to the multiple disagreements. [indistinct chatter] -[Melody] You remember what I like, Kimmi? -I try. -Thank you. -I try. I know she's a red, you're a white. -I just, I do the best I can. -[Latisha] Cheers! -[Melody] Surprise list members. -There you go. That's two to three. The last time we were chilling out, we were at your house. [Melody] And now we've got new people added to the circle. For real, we could use Tiffany right now making some drinks. -That girl. -I know she can make some drinks. -[Kimmi] Can she? -She's definitely good for that. So, um, what was going on with you and Mr. Martell the other day at the Comeback Group meeting? Well, I think that it was an example of what typically happens when Martell and I are together. He says little things that, um, are like taking jabs. And so, then, I respond. But I don't start nothing. -He said something that was inappropriate to me. -[Latisha] Mm-hmm. [Melody] Like, it's my week, I got them. And it's like, you think I'm gonna be... My kids all be in my office, I'm not gonna go speak to them? Like, quit trying to pray and wish that I was a bad mom. -I don't agree with that. And I don't like that at all. -[Melody] Like, stop. -Yeah, stop. -[Latisha] That's not cool. So he sent the kids as we left the meeting? -Uh-huh, yeah. Just this week. -How's Mariah? Mariah's good. Um, I think for Mariah, it was either her feeling the energy from her dad when he went in there. 'Cause remember, he left the meeting upset. So either feeling the energy and as a nine-year-old, thinking, "What's wrong? What's happening? And plus, Mommy said she's gonna come see us before we leave." Now if he had walked in there saying, "Hey, guys, we've gotta get ready to go. Go say bye to your mom." -Right, right. -You know what I mean? Absolutely. So those kind of considerations have to start happening. You're right about that, girl. How do we help you handle this situation with Martell when those kind of things come up? Like, what's our role at that point? Right, that's a very good question. [Marsau] Coming up on Love & Marriage: Huntsville... I know you guys were talking about the group text. She's just being petty about trying to get ... You do stuff all the time on social media. -Not true. -So now... Yeah. Yeah, I'm like, "What's up, man?" -That's childish. -You stop doing stuff. Everything you're doing with the stuff on social media is childish. I'm trying to do something in your face... How do we help you handle this situation with Martell when those kind of things come up? Right, that's a very good question. Um... Don't have us in the same room together no more. Is that how you feel, like, at the end of the day? -And I'm asking this, 'cause you know we do stuff. -Yeah. And there have been times we've come to you and said, "Is this cool? Is it not cool?" -Yeah, y'all have. -At this juncture, are you feeling like, "Just no, I don't wanna be in the room with him. If y'all do something, just don't ask me?" That'd be great. -Really? -Until he grows up some. He's got some, you know, maturing to do. Hanging out, kicking it around each other? Yeah, no, I'm good on that. I'm hoping that you and Martell will be good. I have very little doubt that we won't be there eventually. Martell and I cannot be together right now. I go into a situation wanting to be positive, wanting to not fuss, not argue. But he always does the same thing! He throws jabs and comes for me. And I may let the first one slide. But after that, I'm gonna come back for you. So, the end of ends, I'm just being... Ridiculous. You two, how have you guys been doing? Um, I know you guys were talking about the group text. Was your issue that Tiffany and Destiny were in the text message instead of just meeting you and Tish? Historically, she's called me. But that takes two. -Historically, she's called me multiple times. -But we wasn't good, -so that's why she feel like it was an issue. -I can see that. -That's why. -Sometimes, it's like... Yeah. To be fair, I think because we weren't good, she put it in the text group. That's not true. I was gonna remind her together. I wasn't even thinking about, like, making phone calls. It was on my mind, so let me send texts out. It was nothing more, nothing less. I think it just gets blown out of proportion -'cause we weren't in the best place. -[Melody] Best place. -Mm-hmm. -Um... And she was just being petty by trying to get an attitude with me about it. It doesn't really take a lot for either of us to kind of push a button. Or assume that the next person is pushing a button. Because of where we are right now. It's not cool. Originally, I didn't think twice about it 'cause I knew I had to text back, but I had signed up to volunteer. -Mm. -But then, I guess when the conversation went further to say, you know, "Only Destiny and Melody sponsored and did this and did that," that's probably when I got petty. -To be fair. -Okay. -Because we'd given checks to Scott 1.0... -Oh. ...for everything that y'all have done. -I never said you guys didn't sponsor! -[Kimmi tuts] Let me finish. -Didn't do anything. Okay. -Let me... I'm talking. I, um... I just don't always feel like when we're in discord that I get the benefit of the doubt. We've sponsored debutantes, we've done kings and queens, -we've done, uh, $1,500 memberships. -We both have done that. No, no, no, T.- -Y'all's checks that y'all write... -[Latisha] We went all the way to Troy to watch Jaylin play. -Don't do that. We both support each other's stuff. -Tisha, Tisha. I hear what you're saying. You did drive to Troy, I'll give you that. That does not compare to the amount of checks that we write for y'all. I don't know why we're playing tit for tat. Who keeps tabs on who's supporting who more? I didn't know we was keeping tabs on that. So now, I need to just pull out my phone and pull up all the things I've done for her. I threw her bachelorette, I threw her brother's showers. 'Cause that's what friends do. They're there for you. That text message was clearly only a reminder. Nothing more, nothing less. Maurice was supposed to have written the check. Unbeknownst to me, I didn't know he hadn't given you the check. Because normally, when he's tardy, you'll call me and you'll say, "Maurice ain't give the check yet. Are y'all gonna donate? We need it by Friday." I didn't say, "Well, Kimmi, I guess you ain't sponsoring things for me no more." -I didn't do it like that. -[Kimmi] No, I'm saying when you said it, you said nobody replied. I said I went straight to the website and I signed up to volunteer. And you said, "That's not what I'm talking about. -I'm talking about sponsoring money." -I said it like that? Well, I was talking about the sponsorship. You cleared up the fact that me volunteering wasn't what your intent was for that text. It was about the money. And so, I had no idea he hadn't sent it. -Mm-hmm. -And so, I think it falls into that same Tiffany category as far as timing. For us. In order for us to be working on stuff moving forward, like just having that conversation in that moment to imply that they were the only people. sponsoring your event... I just didn't care for it. I wasn't mad or angry or upset, I just didn't care for it. Kimmi is not understanding what I'm saying. Right now, she's just, you know, she's like, "Whatever." And frankly, I'm tired of explaining myself. 'm just, I'm tired of explaining myself. You know what? It happened. It is what it is. Moving forward, I know to call. Make sure I call.- -Oh, yay. -[Latisha] To follow up. That's what I love. Resolution. Resolution. I mean, at the end of the day, I cherish you. I cherish our friendship, and our relationship and our sisterhood. -[Melody] Yeah. -I mean, I even look up to you! -So yeah. -Aww. -Group hug. Girls, hug! -[all laugh] -We're group hugging? -Don't be a party pooper. I'm not gonna be a party pooper. Did you drink before you got here? -Right. -No, but I'm drinking now and I will be drinking after. Oh, what are you doing? You have a date? That's why you got that short, get 'em girl dress on? Well, honey, you know, don't try to keep up with me. -[all laugh] -Easy... Nevermind. Oh, yep, easy access. [all laugh] Listen, happy hour, you know, they all know I don't drink too often. However, I'm pretty sure that I can find a man who will treat me better than Martell ever did. And of course, I may have plans afterwards, so I'm gonna come up in here ready... So if I do wanna go somewhere else, I'mma be ready to go. You stay ready so you ain't gotta get ready. It's very cute. -[all laugh] -Thanks. [Latisha] She's single! [Maurice] Coming up on Love & Marriage: Huntsville... You don't see me calling all the women over the state -that you gotta sleep with... -[Martell] Stop. Stop. People around. -Tell the truth. Oh, we're talking. -I'm sorry. -Stop. -You're being disrespectful. -Of course I'm being disrespectful. -For what? I'm not your woman no more! What up, brother? -Man, hot. -Yeah. -[both laugh] -[Martell] What's going on? A roofer should be in this Saturday. SO everything like windows, doors, all of that kind of stuff -is already ordered and all that? -It's already ordered. Because, you know, 'cause of Covid and all that, man... -You can get everything you can hold on to. -It's all back on. -And so you have to get it ahead of time. -Yeah, and hold on to it. So I'm definitely looking forward to wrapping this project up so Fred and I, we can go ahead and, you know, get our profits and move on to the next property. So at this point, we have the house enclosed. The roof is on. And now, we're waiting for inspection to get the insulation in and get drywall up and, you know, start knocking everything else out. How's your studying coming along? -I mean... -Come on now. I ain't gonna lie, man. I got motivated one night when I had them four kids. What do you mean you got motivated one night? Nah, yeah, had them kids, told them, "Hey, look, y'all go on in, sit down, I got them books." I looked at it briefly, man, and I'm like, "Damn!" So I haven't studied. Which software are you using? What, who? No, just the books. Oh, man, come on, man, brother, look. I got a software. Damn, I'm not lying, man. First, I ain't a test-taker. And I guess prepping for it, you know, is like, "Ah, damn." You need to focus, dog. -That's real talk. -No, I am focused. -Just not on that studying right now, you feel me? -On that studying. I'm focused on a whole lot of things. The home builder's license right now the hot priority. Follow me? I ain't saying that I'm on your back. I mean, but we business partners. -You got it. You follow what I'm saying? -I got it. but I just want you to have it, as well. -I'mma get it, you know? -Bro... -Hey... -[cell phone ringing] Remind me to show you something. Yeah, hold on. Oh, Lord. -[Melody] Hey, Martell. -Hey, how you doing? Hey, I'm good. I'm good. Look, you got a quick second? I really, really need to talk to you, like, ASAP. Hold on. Hold on. Yeah, what's up? Um, I really would rather have it in person. Are you in? Can I swing by, wherever you are? If that's cool with you? I mean, you said it's important, so is it about the kids? -I'll be right on over. -All right. -Appreciate it. -All right. Bye. Okay, really is only one reason Melody would wanna come over here and talk to me. Um, I screwed up last night. And then she appeared, God damn! -What does she want? -Like Freddy Krueger. -That's not like her. -Oh, okay. -To wanna meet in person, anyway, but... -Oh, okay. We'll see. -Do I need to leave? -[both laugh] I mean, not like that. Oh, when she get here, we walking all the way down there. I got you. No telling, 'cause every time we've gotten together, you know, it's always been some kind of off-the-wall, you know what I'm saying? Well, we don't need the neighbors to know your name. I wonder what she gonna pull up in. [bleep], a limo in the backseat? No, it ain't like that, is it? Knowing her... Yeah, no, that's probably right. Did she have a Rover? Range Rover or something? -Yeah. -Bro, it's the Range Rover. [Martell] Good, let me walk over here before she runs over here. Okay. All right. -I don't want you to hear whatever she's about to say. -Okay. -What's up, Mel? -Hey, what's up? Thank you for, uh, I guess taking time out of your work schedule. Oh, nah, it's cool. So I wanted to talk to you for a moment. About what happened at Bridge Street. So I wanted to talk to you for a moment about what happened at Bridge Street. So I want us to have a conversation about boundaries. About respect and what that looks like. For us, when it comes to us, because what happened was out of line. Totally out of line and unnecessary. Mel, listen, it's like when you do something, it's cool. -Like you do stuff all the time on social media. -Like what? I'm saying when I even mentioned I had a baby or something like that. You went straight to social media. -That's true. -So now, when I see you with a dude, and it was a shocker to me, you know, it's the first time seeing something like this. So, hell, yeah, you know, like, what's up, man? -So you walked over there and we talked. -Yeah. I told you I was coming over to where you was gonna be at. You didn't tell me you were coming there. You said, "Where y'all going?" -I said I'd be over there. -No. No. Oh, it doesn't matter. I had all intentions to come over there. -But for what? -Because I wanted to. I saw her at a restaurant. Said she's on a date. I'm like, "Okay." Like, you had a whole business meeting, somebody you tell me flew in from LA, so you step out of a business meeting deal with possibility, to address your ex-wife about her being out in public with someone and you got them waiting on you. Then you probably ended the damn meeting in 15 minutes -just so you could come over there. -It don't matter. -It does matter. -To me, no. So this is something where you talk about your business reputation and trying to get things back however you want them to be, that's childish. Everything you're doing, especially on social media, is childish. I'mma try to do something in your face, um, in your presence, and how I'm behind a damn computer. Martell, I have not as of late at all been bothering you -on social media. -Listen, listen. Like, you literally was like, "Uh-uh, are you on a date?" I say I'm walking out at Bridge Street, "Oh, no, you're gonna be my wife again." -All of that. -No, I didn't say that [bleep]. -I don't want you to be my wife again. -Okay. Okay, Martell. Okay, Martell, whatever you like to say. I don't want you to be my wife again. Well, that's not what you just said. I just said I don't want you to be my wife again. I told you that before. That's not what you just said the other day. What I've said in the past is only way that I will be with you is only because of my children. [clears throat] Martell Holt. Let's see. [Martell] And my thing is why are we even discussing stuff like this? I mean, are you trying to get your dude on some air time? -What do you mean? -Like, what? That. That's what you flaunt with at our favorite restaurant. How you gonna take another dude to, like the family... That's my favorite restaurant. No, that's a family favorite restaurant. -Martell, let me be clear. Let me be clear. -What, like that? Let me be clear. Last I checked, I'm single,. -Last I checked, I'm single. -I know. I know. But do better. -No, you really need to be better. -No, do better. And what you should be doing is worrying about what you was doing while you were married and out here in these Huntsville streets. -You did the same thing I did. -You're lying. -No, I did not. Prove it. -No, you did. You don't see me calling all the women over the state to state that you gotta sleep with. You don't see me saying anything about them. -Hey, look, stop. Stop. People around. -Prove it. Tell the truth. -People around. -Oh, we're talking now? Pulling up the little video things, what were you recording that for? For what? -Stop. -You're being disrespectful. -Of course I'mma be disrespectful. -For what? -'Cause I want to be. -I'm not your woman no more! So what you being disrespectful for? [Martell reading] So speaking of Kiuwha, I just didn't like the fact that she was... Slandering your name. Kiuwha knew it wasn't true. Everybody knew it wasn't true. You sister-in-law, Tisha, she didn't have your back. -[woman] You must be Tisha. -I am. -[Marsau] Hey, babe. -Who is that? It's a surprise. He wanted us to come help you guys get better with your money communication. Oh, it's money counseling. Me and Martell, we went to therapy for a guy's session, I guess, with Dr. Francis. And he said that I'm mixing... My work as my second wife. We've never, like, had a conversation but I was like, "I don't know anything negative about Tiffany. I know she was, you know, married one time. She's divorced." I know we've been talking about, like, sponsorship. And I never received a check from you. That was underneath the bus. Well, you did reply to the text message. -It doesn't matter when the check came. -Oh. We signed up to volunteer and we wrote a check.
Channel: OWN
Views: 398,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oprah, Oprah Winfrey, Oprah Winfrey Network YouTube, Oprah Where Are They Now, Where Are They Now Oprah, Iyanla Fix My Life, full episodes, Super Soul Sunday, Oprah Winfrey Show, The Haves and The Have Nots, Have and Have Nots, If Loving You Is Wrong, Iyanla Vanzant, Livin Lozada, Oprah Life Class, how-to, season, episode
Id: aK8phS4NLJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 43sec (2503 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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