Unlock Your House Chest Easy! Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian Key Locations & House Relic Robes

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I'm sure many of you have noticed this house just sitting in your common rooms this is actually part of a large treasure hunt you can start at the beginning of the game to unlock some house specific robes that look absolutely amazing now each common room is going to have its own house chest but you're only going to be able to complete the one for the house that you chose when you started Hogwarts Legacy now you can start this Quest really early in the game and all of these keys are available in Hogwarts now we're going to be going over all of the key locations in today's video so if you follow along you will be able to unlock these as soon as you want now I will warn you it's going to take a while to run around Hogwarts and find all of these different keys to unlock that chest but it is well worth your time first thing that we need to do before we can actually start searching for these Keys is accept the quest from this fine lady Nelly ogspire now if you don't know where Nelly ogspire is she's actually in the astronomy wing and then if you go to the Transfiguration Courtyard flu Network you'll be able to find her out here next to the tree is everything all right yes I'm sorry I'm just I'm Nelly by the way I'm just so excited that the daily and keys are back the walkies the dedalian keys surely you've seen them flying about sure haven't rumor is that a former headmistress Professor mole conjured them to protect the contents of certain locked cabinets years ago Professor black couldn't be bothered to disenchant the Keys and they appear every few years you should try to catch one why would I do that each key will lead you to a locked cabinet somewhere in the castle if you can manage to get the key into the cabinet lock not an easy task you may find a reward perhaps I'll give it a go there's a lot of these in fact I think I heard one of the keys in the astronomy Tower you should listen for them perfect I think we might have to do that I hope we follow a few keys at least but essentially there is about 15 or 16 of these around the castle and this is something I'm trying to figure out how to open these little chests that we've been seeing and was not able to figure it out but this side quest will actually allow us to open up all of these little locked um they look like cupboards around and we need to unlock 15 of those and then we can open up our house chest to get our secret item the first ski is going to be in the astronomy Wing part of this Quest and it's right next to the Fast Travel point up here called the astronomy Tower and then from here we just got to go up and this is part of the tutorial but we're gonna have to find so many more of these uh and this side quest is not going to tell us where they are I wonder where it might lead me okay now we gotta follow it oh Jesus it's fast good Lord the keys should not be very far from the chest themselves so there it is right there there's the cabinet how do I get this key in there oh my God so what we need to do is we need to wait for it to go in front of the keyhole and we gotta slap that bad boy right into the hole this is a matter of being patient oh no it's gonna take a few tries I'll tell you what all right now that we have done that we can actually search for all I should see the Hufflepuff house chest all we need to do is actually run to our house chest and we're gonna put the one key in here but you can see that they're supposed to be more keys tokens if I'm to open this quite a few by the look of it for the second key we're going to go to the great hall and then to the Great Hall fast travel points and I haven't found the storage chest for it but I did find the day Dallas key which we're gonna need to try and follow oh my God where's it going sweet baby Jesus oh oh don't you be tricky like this where you going trying to Juke me around that pole oh that wasn't bad the keys are pretty close to these so from the great hall there's actually another key really close nearby if we run outside of these doors and then into the area where the points are taken just up these stairs is another one of the chests and if we go back and outside these doors there's going to be another one of the day Dallas keys right here do you have a moment now that we already know where it's going to lead us to oh my God you tricky little bugger I know where you're gonna go wait where are you going there's another one down don't even don't even do me like this wow this chests all over this place so there's one right down here now we gotta figure out where the other one leads to I'm really hoping that this is the day Dallas key that leads down to that one that we've been struggling to find and I do believe it does it's all the way at the top of the stairs oh please for the love of God this one was the farthest one away from the actual cupboard that we've found so far let's run all the way down see if it's uh oh my God we got to keep going down still there's no is this the key it flew off really fast it was wow it was way up there so this is that cupboard just just outside our cabinet that's just outside the Great Hall we had to run all the way up the stairs to find this one for the next key we're gonna head over to the South wing and then we're gonna choose the clock tower Courtyard as our flu Network one and then this is where we actually need to have access to lock picking once you have access to lock picking you'll be able to open up this door and then if we run up the stairs here and then back to this corner where the pendulum is we're gonna find another day Dallas key right here this bad boy is just going up and up and up and I believe if we go through this area here we're going to be able to continue up the Clock Tower whoop to where we actually need to open it and there it is for the next key we're going to go to the library NX and we're going to go to the potions classroom flue point from here we're going to run straight through this door and if we make a left we're going to see a day Dallas key that's going to lead us I'm assuming downstairs your sneaky little key they definitely seem to be really close to flu point locations which is nice and uh here's key number six for the next key we're gonna go to the South wing and the closest flu is for the faculty Tower from this blue point if we run straight down this hallway and then turn right into this room we're going to see the cabinet just there to the left of the stairs and we've got to go up one is that considered one or two flights of stairs but the day Dallas key is right here we gotta follow this bad boy we already know where it's going just trying to trick us I think it's going upstairs but it's not it's going downstairs like the dirty little key it is for the next key we're gonna go to the library Annex and the closest one that we're going to go to is for the central Hall flu Network from here you're going to spawn right at these stairs you're gonna take the left or right stairs essentially you just need to go up here into the center there's going to be the cabinet right here and then if we turn a right and go under these stairs right here we're gonna see the day Dallas key floating around trying to be all confusing like but this is going to be our eighth key I'm just gonna follow this bad boy right back to the cabinets and then we've only got eight more to go the next key is very close by at the exact same flu Network we're gonna go straight down the stairs here and we're going to turn the corner and just behind this pillar is going to be the next day Dallas key which is going to lead us essentially to the other side of this kind of grand staircase area ignore its little juking efforts and this is going to be key number nine for the next key we're going to head to the astronomy wing and then we're going to take the defense against the dark arts classroom flu Network from here we're going to head down this hallway just to the left and then down these stairs over to this little Rhino looking I guess it is a rhinoceros there's another day Dallas key right here now I haven't actually seen where this leads us to yet oh it's going to go upstairs oh what a deck move okay oh where'd it go we can use rebellio to reveal where the actual chest is oh there it is just up the stairs don't know why I didn't see it for the next key we're gonna head to the bell tower wing and then we're going to the bell tower Courtyard from here we're going to run up these left stairs we're going to go straight through this door and then head straight up the stairs and it's going to be another day Dallas key right here now since I already seen it I think it went up these stairs and nothing yet keep going up the stairs there's no way I went all the way up these stairs ain't no way there it is wham bam thank you ma'am so the next key we're going to go to the grand staircase and we're going to go to the lower grand staircase flu Network from here we're going to run up these stairs we're going to go all the way around to find the next key this one's a little bit far away from the actual cabinet but this key right here should lead us to I believe our 12th key and follow it down these stairs and then it's going to lead us to this little back corner we're going to find our 12th cabinets for the next key we're going to go to the bell tower wing and then in the bell tower Wing we're going to take the bell tower Courtyard flu Network I'm most pleased from here we're going to turn left and instead of going up like we did for one of the keys we're going to go down and continue going down through this door and if we take a left and another left we're going to see another one of these cabinets here so I think all we need to do I'm assuming this key is going to be down here somewhere and bam bam thank you ma'am right near the sleeping dragon is our next rebelio I wonder why it's sitting over there though it's a little a little frustrating you want to you want to go to your little chest there buddy buddy old pal oh there it goes that was weird is this is going to be number 13 that means we gotta find three more after this one from the same Courtyard flu Network we're going to do the exact same thing and we're going to run down this and we're going to go once again to the right through this door this is the one that we just opened up on the left but if we continue down these stairs there's actually another key right next to the one that we picked up which was right here we're gonna go down this hallway we're gonna turn right and we should see that key right here yes sneaky revelio see where it's going already right up through here I can't believe they put two right next to each other that's number 14. 14 down and only two to go the next one we're gonna go to the library Annex and then we're going to go to the library flu Network from here if you do a video you can see the cabinet right there and then the key is actually just behind these bookshelves right here I'll just follow this bad boy right over to the location and then this will be our 15th key out of 16. the last key is going to be in the South wing and then you're going to use the hospital Wing uh flu Network now if you don't have any of these flu networks unlocked you can actually just click on them and be able to navigate to them so you can figure out how to get there from that at least and it'll help you unlock all your flu networks but from here you're gonna head back towards these um spinning little uh gears you're going to turn right right again and then this main hallway that's going to be the key that you need to find I'm just gonna follow this bad boy to the final cabinet to get our final key to unlock the item that we have so diligently been trying to find but hopefully with this video y'all will be able to get all of these keys to open up your house chest as quick as humanly possible now once you get that last key all you need to do is head over to your house chest another house token and you're gonna place all of your house tokens into the Nifty little cabinets and the last one there we go the last house token what's inside oh that's such a cool looking chest look at all the numbers I wonder if they actually mean something ooh Some Hogwarts music we got the Hufflepuff Relic House uniform now to equip the uniform you can go to your robes and each of these are going to look different depending on the house that you decided to choose but man I think they look freaking awesome the Hufflepuff I feel like Hufflepuff always has like the least cool looking stuff but I've seen already some of the other house Relic uniforms and they look freaking awesome I do really hope you all enjoyed this video and it helped you get this item a lot faster let me know what you think in the comments below about the how Cyrillic uniforms and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 396,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts, legacy, howgwarts legacy house chest, hogwarts legacy daedalian keys, Hogwarts Legacy Daedalian Key Locations, hogwarts legacy relic robes, hogwarts legacy secrets, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy guide, hogwarts legacy ps5, hogwarts legacy news
Id: OKMllchy7mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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