3 Hogwarts Legacy Secrets You Need To Solve! XP, Legendary Items & More!

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there are many secrets in Hidden areas in Hogwarts Legacy and in today's video we're going to be showing you three specific ones within Hogwarts that is going to help you level up get legendary items and complete one of your challenges the first secret we're going to solve is in between the library Annex and the Great Hall we want to head to this location right here on the map now when you first get here nothing looks terribly out of place except only one of the four Brazzers is actually lit up and when you go near them they light up like you can Target them this means this is the puzzle that we need to solve now you'll also notice that under the Brazier is an actual icon on this little emblem right here on the bridge this emblem corresponds to this dial right here on the floor you can see that there's a square with an x on it and there's a square with an x on it now we'll notice that below that icon is the Roman numeral four so what we need to do is we need to light up this Brazier so we're going to use I guess confringo or whatever this is and we're gonna light that up then you're gonna see this little gear engage and what we need to do is we need to switch this to the Roman numeral four now we need to do this for all the rest as well so you've got an icon with two little circles and a line so that one is going to be number two we'll turn this to two then we have two left so we have the little triangle with the lines and then we have another triangle with a circle and a line so we got three and one left we're gonna run to the end of this bridge we're going to light up these other two brasures so that one is already on one I think that was the right one and then we gotta light up this one and this one I believe needs to go to three when this happens you'll get a little cut scene of this opening up over here and then from here we can just walk up to it open it up or if it's already open you can just climb right down the stairs or fall through if you time it just right there's gonna be a couple chests that you can get in here I've showed this off in another video already but down in the back here is actually an or an eight chest that you can open for a legendary item and this will complete the first of the three Hogwarts secrets for the next Hogwarts secret we need a locomora level 1 which means we need to do the Demi guys statues Quest if you haven't done that yet I have a great video on it I'll leave a link in the description make sure to check that one out we'll also need either a glacias or a Resto momentum now Aristo momentum is later in the game and glacias you can get pretty early and honestly it works a lot better if you decide to go the route with glacias you will also need a fire spell for this secret we're gonna need to go to the South wing and then to the clock tower Courtyard I'm sure you've already been through this area and you've noticed this a giant swinging like pendulum thing it's got a little circle that overlaps these icons on the smaller circles that it's swinging across each of these icons corresponds to one of these locked doors we're gonna see the unicorn on this one so that's the one we're gonna get first so what we want to do is wait for this pendulum to get over to this icon and then we're gonna freeze it with glaciers and if you miss all you need to do is just go ahead and light it on fire and then hit it with glacias again and as long as you get relatively close to that icon the door should open now the nice thing about using glacias is it's not timed like a Resto momentum which means you can take as much time as you want so we're gonna pick up this chest right here for the hippogriff statue once we get that we can go ahead and just run outside of this room we can hit it with a confringo or whatever fire spell you're using and it'll unfreeze it and then we need to time it on the second one right here so we're gonna wait for it to swing back come on baby and try and time it right and wham bam thank you ma'am that was almost perfect now we're gonna go through this locked door right here you'll need a locomora level one to unlock that door and we're gonna head up these stairs what's up these stairs we're gonna head into this little room here and then the door we're trying to get through is right over here if you put yourself invisible first you can walk right through this door and then grab this chest right here where you'll get 500 galleons now for the next one we can do it from right up here we're gonna wait for it to get close to this glacias and then we're going to turn around we're gonna run right up these stairs so we're gonna go up and up and up and once we get about here we're going to turn right we're gonna go down these steps right here and into this door if we could get my God go through the door thank you and we're going to get the wonderful cabinets there's also another chest right here where we get the Imperial gray and bronze wand handle which actually might look really nice with my wand I do want to mention if you do wait long enough the glaciers will go off on its own so you can't take like all the time in the world but we're gonna get this fourth one right now so we're gonna cast oh man bam thank you ma'am we're gonna turn directly around and go up these stairs and then once we get here there's gonna be a door you can walk through this door and this one will be unlocked and we get 200 XP and we've solved the Hogwarts secrets well another one of the Hogwarts secrets and a legendary chest now to be able to find and complete the third Hogwarts Secrets we'll need to complete a main quest called the Polyjuice plot which will give you access to the headmaster's office now this Quest is just before completing your third trial so it is quite far in the game now if you have already completed this Quest and you don't remember how to get to the headmaster's office we're gonna go to the grand staircase and then we're going to take the trophy room Blue Point from here you might see this from here you might see this armored statue just completely decimate this one which is a good time to watch but we're going to head down this hallway and it's it's quite of a quite a bit of a jaunt to get to the headmaster's office we're gonna go through these double doors we're gonna head all the way up these stairs we're gonna go down this hallway which is gonna lead to another set of stairs that we need to go up this area is actually really pretty I just wish there was more things to do here other than just run all the way to the headmaster's office then we got to go all the way up to these stairs it's a lot of stairs I'm sorry I didn't make this Maze of a place I just run through it and we're gonna go through this door right here and we're gonna turn left when we turn left we're gonna find another set of stairs thankfully this is the final set of stairs to the headmaster's office I'm gonna go up here and then in to this room right here and into the headmaster's office now if we turn left you're gonna see a level two unlocked door hello homura we're gonna need alohomora level two and three to be able to get through this so highly recommend checking out that Demi guy statue video if you have not already we go so this is the level 2 unlock door right there for the avian Brown ooh one handle that's kind of cool and then of course there is the level three unlock right here once unlocked you're gonna find another set of stairs we're gonna go up these bad boys and just collect everything you want in this area if you so desire Professor black regarding your letter dated 20th of September I shall not reconsider the admission process at Hogwarts regards okay so we actually want to grab something right next to this music box thingy booper right here it's a keep this is the key of admittance now we're gonna take this bad boy all the way back down the stairs once you're back down into the headmaster's office we're going to exit and go back down another set of stairs and then once we're at the bottom of this we're very close to the end of this Hogwarts secret we're going to go directly down this hallway and there's going to be a large lock this is actually kind of a really cool lock we're going to open it up with that key that we just got and it's going to do all sorts of little spinnies and once it's done it'll go back to the center and open up this will give us our final achievement or a challenge for the Hogwarts secrets and it's going to give us another legendary chest if you run all the way up those stairs there's actually a couple cool things that you can get up here we can get another Field Guide it's the quill of acceptance and then we've got another chest and another ornament thing ornament I don't know why I'm calling it an ornament but this is where you'll get the arrow pink swirl um wand and the Tower Spire collection update now that we've completed all three Hogwarts secrets we can go to challenges and then to exploration and if we go all the way down we're gonna get to collect all of our challenge items so we got the tailored tail coat and the fashionable dress robes now the tailored coat on the other hand actually looks really good and this is the same coat that Professor black is wearing in the game and I actually really really like the way it looks especially with this outfit I don't know if I'm a big fan of the fashionable dress robes but if you're wanting feel pretty fancy maybe it'll work for you now arguably the better reward is the XP that you get because XP is very limited in this game and the legendary items so if you're needing some upgrades it's a great way to get some upgrades and some XP because when you complete the game you're gonna need to actually level up to get one of the final quests so I highly recommend completing this I do hope you all enjoyed the video and I'll see you all in the next one [Music]
Channel: TagBackTV
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Keywords: hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy money, hogwarts, legacy, how to get rich in hogwarts legacy, best way to make money in hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy money making guide, hogwarts legacy money making method, money, get rich, hogwarts legacy secrets, hogwarts secrets, hogwarts legacy demiguise
Id: khJXbR8J6M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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