Unlock Behind The Scenes Stories Of Avatar You Need To Know Through Its Cast

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Boomerang, you do always come back. Outfit, Chan. Careful, you could puncture the Halvin Empire class Fire Nation battleship taking thousands to drown at sea. Because it's. So sharp. And the Fire Nation and I can't what's What is the lie where where am I going what's who's what's happening? Now I'm into uncomfortable bracelets, OK? The scar When am I yelling? I'm going to do what? Greatest Earth Bender in the world and don't you 2 dunderheads ever forget it. Zuko, more than I fear you. Oh, never mind. You're watching convention coverage. Y'all heard of a show? Called Avatar. Well, thank you for coming this is this is the most of us in one place I think since since the show ended and I don't even know if all of us were in one place even during the show so thank you for joining us and joining me. This is so freaking cool. Thank you so much for being here it is an absolute pleasure to have those of you that are back thank you for coming back those of you that are show for the very first time, Thank you so much for helping make our show what it is we really love you. I know they love you that's why you're here, right? Thank you very much. Every single one of you. What is your favorite soccer one liner in the show? Boomerang, you do always come back. But I wanted to i know that some of you said that you haven't watched it all the way through, but tales of bossing, say, in the tribute to Mako. I wanted to know what that felt like in in what it felt like to to kind of lose him as a cast member but also honor him through that episode. I feel like Greg, you should take this. One because you have such. Good stories about this. Well, I mean that is by far the the what people ask me to do more than anything else they asked me to sing that song and it is the one thing that I absolutely and I love fans, but it's the one thing that I absolutely will never do. And I do that for two reasons number one, I have received so much thanks to Mako Iwomatsu, and it's my way of honoring him and saying thank you for what you've done for me i'm honoring your life and your legacy. And that's that's the lofty sort of reason why I never sing it. But also at a more mundane level, I never sing it because I'm not as good an actor as Mako was. I know, I know i mean Mako when you get on so Mako was nominated for an Oscar he was nominated for Tony. Mako was the real deal he was a star he was a great actor and I don't want, I would not ever want to taint everyone's memory of the Seminole moment in the show with me singing it. You know, frankly, I just couldn't sing it as good. And that is why when people, when people ask me to sing the song, I say absolutely I will not sing it i might have sang it in the shower a couple of times by myself and you know, trust me, you you don't want to hear it even, especially after a couple of cocktails by the way, this is excellent tea, by the way it's a little bloody tea there thank you very much. So I I never sing that song but if people really press me and they say no, please sing and I say, OK, I won't sing that song. Instead, I'll sing this song and please sing along with me if you know the song, I'm going to step back from the mic because it'll be loud. Here we go, 1-2-3 It's a long, long way through passing, say, but the girls in the city look so pretty. On Friday, I was talking with Uncle IRO about the diverse lessons that the show taught me as a child that made me into the adult that I am today. With your character in consideration, what do you find is the most impactful lesson taught to the audience, the other characters, or yourself? I have a good one for this for Katara. I was actually thinking about this the other day, and it happens to be my favorite episode was the episode where Katara encounters bloodbending. Because I know it's so dark. And for me, like as a kid, I remember like it, You know, those things where when you, like, experience something that's kind of new and it like, makes you feel weird and, you know, it's an important thing as you're learning it and I remember being like something clicked in my brain with that lesson where I realized, like, you really can't control other people and like, you can only control yourself and trying to control other people is not it. It's not good for anyone. And so for me, that was like a really amazing life lesson, was to try to like really not even ever try to invest time in controlling or making other people do what you want them to do or manipulate them and just kind of only trying to control your own reaction and your own self. So that was a a big one for me. Anybody else? Yeah you're welcome, Dante. Dante's crying you guys you can't see it, but Dante's crying hysterically up here. I think my the biggest lesson Zuko taught me was the courage to change. I mean, so many characters that we know and loved through all all the shows we see. You know, they're good guys or bad guys. And I came to the show thinking I was just going to be a bad guy, chasing these good guys around and never catching them. But I found out as I'm watching the show now that you know, Zuko didn't catch the Avatar, but other people did. And I found out what they all had in common. They had a net. They had a net. And nobody, not even you uncle, told me to get a net. Some things you must learn on your own if. I had a net. Boy if I had a net. But seriously, the courage to change because Zuko really he had to face himself and and with the help of uncle and and and his friends was able to change and I think that's the biggest thing that we can kind of like learn. Thank you. And if you're If you have to catch an airbender, bring a net, The pirates know. There's some woman out there named Annette going I'm right here, here. What is your favorite episode in book three of Avatar The Last Airbender? In book 3. The beach, yeah. The beach. Beach yeah, I think the beach is so great because I like back story and origin stories in anything, and you get so much origin story there it's humorous in a season that's very dark and also you get to watch Azula flirt. It's so, yeah. It's so cringy. Try to flirt try try to. Flirt that's a sharp outfit, Chan. Careful you could. Puncture the Halvin Empire Classifier Nation Battleship taking thousands to drown at sea because it's. So sharp. We get to see even the great scary Azula, a little more human just for. And bikinis. And I mean Ember Island players, you can't go wrong to it's your nice little pause the pause before the finale where we get to just have a moment, a moment of theater right before the IT all ends and I mean. They ask me what who would you rather play in the show besides your own character and I would say Katara but then I got to play Katara i was the actress who played Katara in the Ember Island Players. You got? To do it. They cast it perfectly. Thank you for your question. My question, whoever wants to answer, is if there was a memorable recording session you had during the series and why? I mean, honestly, I just have to say my favorite, one of my favorite things, because often times it would be me and Dante and Jack recording all at once. And we recorded it pretty much like weekly so it, you know, was like a huge part of our lives for years and years. But my favorite thing was Dante. Dante would get so worked up with some of, like, the bigger, the bigger speeches where he would just get so into the character and he would be really acting to the mic and then he would be off the page and he wouldn't know what was going on and he'd be like and the Fire Nation and I can't what's what is the lie where where am I going what's who's what's happening? And we'd be like, it's OK, it's OK Dante, step back. Take a minute, take a minute it was so I have these like, incredible memories of those. That was always my. Favorite i'm always like, why didn't you? He gets lost. Slow down, slow down. We're like this. Cool off, buddy take two, Take two. My bad, I got too excited. I wish we'd had recording of that, please please. Please. I'm Andre. Here's a deal i'm a stander. All right there's there's when you. Voice I'm a sitter big sit never they're mostly. Sitter i'm a stander. But I'm a stander. I like to get into it let's stand up a little bit. But then I look at Gray and she's so calm, sitting down. All sitting I was. Going to say, I think for me, like every time I would go in, they'd play, you know, the the last time I was in and I'm like, who the hell is that i don't sound that dark and creepy. So it would take me like, I don't know, 10 minutes kind of get down to where I had no feeling and no anything. So that was memorable for me. Thank you so much. The very final episode was also cool because that was where the most of us were at one time to record i actually recorded a lot by myself because I was in school, so I had to come after school and leave early and whatever so it was cool because there were like nine of us in the booth that day so we got to go through pages and pages of dialogue just kind of at once and it felt like alive for a second so for me that was like the most, I think locked in memory for my 13 year old self because it was like we're all here doing it live. It's so cool so we'd. Probably be waiting for Jack. A little bit probably. All here at the same was like, wait, Jack here yet? And then we'll start when Jack gets here. Well, you showed up 5 minutes late with your motorcycle helmet, so you know, I had a crush on him is fine it's. Good. Who doesn't? Who did it? How could you not how could we not, right that's really why we're all. Here no, I'm just kidding. Thank you so very much. I really love these characters thank you for coming today so we can all meet you in such a great group thank you. There's like 4 bending elements as well as subcategories. But let's say if. You were able to create. Your own original ending style, what would you? Base it off of. Cabbages. It makes sense. Porsche making The possibilities are just endless. Missed opportunities? I would base mine off psychology so it would be mind bending. Tricky hair bending because you know that would make life a lot easier in the morning some hair bending that would be. Yeah, I would food bend where I would bend the food all right onto my plate. You know, far, far Myself, I've always been a very a big fan of elbow bending. Zuko was a character that was more written in at the last minute how do you think that would have affected the show and your character if it if he wasn't in the show at all? I mean, sorry Dukos, Zukos wouldn't be here. It would have been a way better show. Like who would I be in? I think me and Ty Lee would be together or something. Just saying. Well, I'm like who would ever, Who would we all have had a crush on? I mean, Ang, we love, but also like he's, you know, he was like the bad boys, you know? Got a lot of girls. Soccer got a lot of. Girls, soccer sorry, my bad, my bad i forgot it but you're my brother that would be gross. Let the hair down. Let that hair down, soccer. But it's Zuko's show, right it's not really Bang show i mean it's it's Zuko's transformation, it's his arc, it's really his journey i mean there is there is no show without. Zuko, right I. Don't know to me. Honestly, I think that Zuko's transformation arc, his redemption arc, the only redemption arc I can think of that is greater is Ebenezer Scrooge. You know, Siri. Thank you so much. No was there ever a? Line or scene while filming. Avatar That you felt really. Resonated with your own personality. My gosh. My, my mother. My, my mom and I. Sometimes we get along and then years go by we don't talk. She's got some there's some. Anyway, my own mother thought I was a monster she was right, of course, but it's still her. I am sort of. Lots of them. I feel like many of us can can take a lot away from our characters, which is cool because that happens when you're an on screen actor and when you're you know, in a play and a musical and you're kind of with your cast mates but it's cool and it happens in animation as well. And that's a tribute to Mike and Brian of course, and the incredible characters they created but I definitely feel a sense of a comfort in tough back then, it didn't feel like I was really stepping too much outside of myself and as I've gotten older, I kind of realized some of the issues with some of that and like the fierce independence that she was so just determined to have and, you know, I carry my own weight and whatever and it's like no girl, you need friends. Shut up. Use your friends and so. So there were a couple lines there, you know, especially in in the chase early on you know and she and Katara were, you know, sugar queen. We were butting heads and she was off having, you know, tea with with arrow and she was like wow you know it's it's really nice to have people who are looking out for you and it's OK to like trust those people and like coming back and like realizing that you have to you know, it's a little scary trust the people around you. And then by the end, it's like, you really think friendships can last more than one lifetime and she's like, yeah, I'm going to like have these friends and then she's like kind of comforted by that so anyway, it's her little arc has been cool as I've grown up to so I found a lot of solace in in those moments where she had to be vulnerable. So yeah. It's also like, you know, this show was one of the first I having done like a lot of cartoon shows and stuff and especially when I was little, it was like one of the first shows I'd encountered where the Mike and Brian had a set amount of episodes that they were gonna do, they were not gonna be pressured into doing anymore. They were like, and it was one of the first shows where a lot of times networks want you to have the ability to just pop into an episode and it doesn't matter the back story or what's coming, It's, you know, you don't have to have seen the rest of them because it's easier for them to air. And this was like the one of the first shows where there was such growth and like change even in every single episode and like, it is always the mark of a really special project when the characters grow and change and you don't, you don't feel like they have to stay the same or you know so I feel like that to me was like really inspirational and I think you know as far as at least for me as far as Katara goes, it was like one of the first like really super powerful strong women that you know I had seen like in a in a cartoon or that I've been able to voice. Yeah there's like yeah it was like non-stop it was so it was like such an empowering situation there and I think you know it just inspired for me a lot of all the scenes it wasn't even anything specific, but the arc of like her and her, like deep, fierce loyalty and love and like wisdom and her need to grow and and change and understand that to me was something that like I still carry that with me as like an inspiration for you know, who I want to be recently. You know, Iro makes everybody a better version of themselves, from from Prince Zuko to fans to to me actually, he's actually touched my own life, certainly as I live Iro adjacent all these years. And then you. I I tell this story a lot, but it was my wife and I moved from California, where we lived 30 years back in 2020 and we moved back to New Mexico, where I was born, and we arrived on March 1st, 2020 fantastic timing. So it's two weeks about two weeks later, 3 weeks later, we're the height of it people are freaking out. And I'm tired of the news i just go out for a walk, you know, when I'm thinking to myself, Oh my God, my, I have a daughter in in Pasadena and a son in New York and we've left them to the wolves and there's no toilet paper and we're all going to die and this is terrible. And I heard birds singing, and very clearly in my head I heard Iro's voice it's from Korah, not from Avatar but he was saying, if you look for the light, you will often find it. If you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see. And from that point on throughout the IT was sort of my touchstone i could go back to that line, no matter how bad things got, you know and I would look for the light it's a conscious choice and IRO taught me that, you know, the light is all around us light envelops us it's easy to find the light. Even at night you can find the light and you can look up to the stars, but you have to look for it. And once you make the active choice to look for the light, I promise you, you will find it. I did and I I think I wrote for that. Thank you very much. So my question is, is just kind of? What was it like having such intense sibling dynamics with. You know people that aren't. Your family. You know, I I'm, I'm an only child. And so for me, a part of you know, what I love about being an actor is being able to step into all these different roles, you know, have all these different lives that I never would have been able to have otherwise and a big part of that is, you know, I found my family doing projects like this and I mean, like, I I love Jack i've been obsessed with Jack since day one i mean, how can you not love him i truly like. And to this day, he is like one of the best, most solid, kind, considerate like, I was just saying, I was like, he's somebody who's always watching for every single possibility to make, to make sure that everyone's being taken care of or considered like he's so extremely considerate and kind and also just really funny. And so for me, like, I think him and I, like, immediately connected and got super close and so it really was like having, you know, a family member with you pretty much right away. Yeah, you know. Which is not exactly the sibling dynamic. No, it was a different. It was just like beautiful clothes yeah. It was more, yeah. But agree. Yeah, May and I just hit it off immediately, Yeah. And I love the guitar soccer dynamic. I really enjoy how much they play with, sort of like they play with the like Big Brother, little sister dynamic a lot, making Katara often more responsible. Often smart bottle every single. Planner you had good ideas. Three good ideas. I'm a very annoying younger brother i have AI have a four year older sister and I just lived to torment her and so getting to kind of play that, I kind of think we brought that energy even though it was I was an older brother. I I know I was an only child mostly and my parents had children with other other partners later but I but I pretty much do that wasn't until I was older. But the most beautiful sibling thing that I hear from fans coming up is how how this show bonded them to their siblings, which I mean one girl said I, you know my my brothers and I like didn't get along at all and we fought constantly but then we started watching this show together and it just bonded us in this way that and another girl was getting something signed for her brother that. They're still really close now it's her only brother but she was like, we probably wouldn't even be friends now as adults, we would have gone off in our own way but in high school we started watching this show and now we're like best of friends, which I was like, Oh my God, that's so beautiful. Anyway. And I mean, I have a lot of brothers and a sister, and my little sister is pretty powerful and I'm. I'm a little scared of her. I'm not going to lie. And so it's very easy to play that, but but also with Gray, we, we hit it off immediately and I just love being in the room with Gray. Working is like my favorite days of doing the show because she's just so just amazing and also, strangely, she's always been very sisterly to me. She's the reason why I started doing cons she made me You got to start doing these cons, other things in life. She's like giving me advice all the time. She's always, like, giving me sisterly advice, which I I'm like, oh, Mozilla's OK. I ain't when his line is longer than mine though, Well. Thank you so much it's my favorite show ever. Really quick. I wanted to say something about the the the empowered women on this show because I started working with May when I was like 22 or something and she was just a little girl and we were doing pretty much a show that Johnny Bravo, which was all about just. I was like twenty five four or five yeah. You were just tiny. And it was so cute, 'cause she was wearing these Jelly bracelets the first day I met her. And I was like, I was like, I love your bracelets, you know, 'cause we were the two youngest people in the show, even though I was like, you know, an adult, but and she was like, Oh my gosh, thank you so much. The best thing about them is they're so comfortable. What a freak. What a little weirdo. Oh my God, I got i used to get in trouble for saying inappropriate things in front of her because to me she was like my, you know, she was like just a Co worker who was super mature and her dad was like you cannot say things like that in front of my daughter i was like. I'm sorry. Anyway, but at that, Johnny Brown was pretty much just about like a guy sexually harassing women the entire. Actually, oh, how? Far We came with Avatar, yes. It's true but you know it was it's amazing also again like I grew up working with people like Gray and working with everybody here like and it's such a tight knit community like the voice over community and you really get to know everybody and it is like a it's like a family you really get you grow up with these people and you like become friends and and family and like so I learned so much about everything good and bad and and dirty pretty much from these people. So you know I and I turned out OK. I turned out in, like, medium OK oh, you know. You're very sturdy emotionally. No, you've really changed those bracelets don't look very comfortable. You're not. You've changed and now I'm into uncomfortable bracelets. Ok, I'm a rebel. What was the call like when you got? The call about the The Book of Forsuki. So back in the day when we used to have to go to our agent's office to record and drive 3000 times a week, we would go audition and I said, oh, OK well, Jenny, you have this, you have this audition for this show called Avatar i was like, OK, cool, you know, go in, read my lines, you know, she's this young warrior and I was like, I don't know, OK, here we go. And so I was like, OK, And they said, oh, you have a call back maybe like AI don't remember what it was maybe a couple weeks later and it was the first time I'd gone to Nickelodeon. And so Nickelodeon, which is in Burbank, california, looks like a rainbow threw up in it. And basically I go and I was like, oh gosh, you know, and I see like tons of people, it looks literally like it's just going like this. And there's so many people it's like this and so I see Dante i think I remember seeing you daunting like, hey, Dante's like, hey Jenny, I'm like. What are you here. For I'm like, I don't know, some guest spot here he's like, OK, cool, cool, you know and I was like, OK, see you later you know, So I go in and, you know, I read for the creators and the producers and it went great and typically, you know, when you're just auditioning for some part, you never know. And so then I I think it was just a couple days later they called and they said, oh, you booked the role of Souk and I said cool. You know, I'm the type of person where I don't get super excited until like afterwards because I'm like, I don't want to jinx it i'm going to, they're going to fire me, you know, like as an actor but So what was cool was that because of all of you guys, like, it was only supposed to be a guest star. And I kept getting called back and back and so every single time they would call me back, I'd be like, whoa. And what I realized was when I was on tour, they would rent out studios, which today it's nothing we all have our own studios but back in the day, when I was on the road, they would, they would find some little studio in Podunk, you know, I don't know where and I was like, wow, they could have recast me so I'm so grateful that I'm here and I love all these people up here and we're very, very lucky for all of you guys so thank you. Thank you so much yes. Thank you. I was going to say that recasting. I've done probably three or four things where I just came right in and I think this was one of them i think I just came right in and was like, oh, hi, I see humans and and there's usually like a little mouth and they give you a little beep and you have to just like try to sink your. The mouth up to that. Cricket weren't your because I They must have cast somebody else for a time because. I didn't and same with may same. Too, and I just thought it was some anime dub. Yeah, I was like, oh, this is cool. He'll be out of here in a day and then? I was like, oh, she's because I could see i was like. She's pink, so she's going to sound like this. That's awesome. But yeah, so there are some recast so Jenny, you're right it's like that that does show your you know talent and and how much people loved you the. Person who lost this part is probably so depressed right now. Let's find them and torture them. It's probably someone like Julia Roberts who cares she's fine. All the Mean Girls are talking to each other now, you guys. All the Mean Girls are just talking to each other. Have you ever done chakra? Trainings like meditations. Last night to go back to sleep. Yesterday on my lunch break. Oh, cool, yeah, that was. And you know, by the way, like a huge part of this show. It's not like we just came in and we're like whatever there was like there was like Kung Fu lessons and meditation specialists and like experts and elements and all these different things like they were like, we are going to make this legit. We are going to learn all about it there was like literally in the wildness of Nickelodeon, which is actually like this when you're in there, it's like all different colors and it's crazy there's a basketball court. And I remember, do you remember that we were doing like Kung Fu in yeah, in like the on the basketball court and it's like that, that's, you know, you never get that you just start guessing at stuff. And Brian wanted to like learn all of it as they were animating it so he was like deep, deep, deep in study with. Yeah, nice. Yeah, we love. It actually pick good job. What was the audition process like for each? Of you as you were heading into your roles as Avatar in Avatar. I mean. I like. Kind of Jenny was saying like, we can audition for a dozen projects a week, you know, or something and so it's just like any other audition really when when you audition for something, unless it's an existing property, like we don't know what it is we don't know what it's going to be and so you do these things, you send them into the ether, you know and when you audition, you're not auditioning unless it's a callback for creators or anything so it's just a guess it's a stab in the dark you hope you're pitching them the right age or the right frequency or or you know totally correct and yeah and you just hope your voice doesn't remind someone of their ex-wife and and. I don't know if it's for Azula that it does remind someone of their ex-wife. But I was going to say like, now that we don't drive a thousand miles and you can just do it from home, it's great because I can listen to it and be like, oh, I don't know that that's what I mean. You can have a little more fun, you know, giving the take that you want them to receive. And we were lucky because our voice over director Andrea Romano, who's like in a brilliant genius and we love her and she was with us every step of the way and like she is, has always been a big champion for us and I mean, I've known her since I literally was a baby she's like my godmother she's one of my mom's best friends so it was really wonderful it really like lent the family vibe, especially for us when we were in there and she was really able to help explain to us as we went, you know, keep things moving but also make us understand what it was and bring out the best emotions so I feel like having a good voice director is really an important piece. Yeah, and it's. Never know. You never know, like when you're you're starting every, every audition you go for, you just do it like literally i mean, Zuko's cool now when I walked in the room, I was like, who who's this ponytail guy? The scar. When am I yelling? I'm going to do what? Ok, what's his name? Zuko i was like, like Danny Zu, Yes. Danny Zuko, baby. I was like, I mean you never like, you don't know, you just kind of do your thing and then what the work we do, they'll we'll know if it's good like 10 years from now. I I I think they wanted an on camera like a bigger name for my character but and I auditioned for it and then I didn't hear anything for months and months and months. And finally they had me come and they said, great, You're the only person who didn't yell when you did the audition because I guess a lot of people were were like playing her really angry, like, you know, and just like yelling at everybody, but God should just be a hoarse by the end of it. But I just remember that they said you were so creepy when you said that I was like, maybe you should worry less about the tides who've already made-up their mind about killing you and more about me, who's still mulling it over. And it was just sort of like, you have to be like real like it's creepier when you're just like offhand with. I just thought, she's so powerful, she doesn't need to yell at anybody. Yeah, and you know, you really never know how, you know, as I, Rose says. Destiny is a funny thing you never know how things are going to work out. It can be the most random thing sometimes for me when I was a kid, I loved musicals. And so for my birthday and for Christmas, I would ask for vinyl records vinyl records, Back in the old days of musicals that were on Broadway at the time, yeah, that actually did start Camelot the Music Man and for my seventeenth, birthday my parents gave me an album from a Sondheim musical called Pacific Overtures. It was 1977 and it had opened in New York and it starred an actor named Tamako Awamatsu. And I love this musical i could sing the entire score for you right now in fact, I will sit back it's going to be a while. But I mean, from the first time I heard his voice and I would sit in my room and sing along with this record note for note over and over and over again. And it's so random because in 2006 when I got, they were looking for a Mako sound alike. I did not know what I had actually been doing all those years was working on an impression of Mako Awamatsu. So you never know how random life is going to be because literally, if my parents had given me a different album, literally someone else, Yes. Yeah, indeed someone else will be sitting up here right now. So you just literally, you never know where where Destiny is going to lead you, you know? Thank you all so much. Thank you. My question is for Jack. So your other show, The Dragon Prince, there is a bunch of Avatar references, yes? Were you? Involved in that in any. Way I was not, I was not involved i got, I got to approve doing like saka boomerang joke. So Aaron Ehas is one of the creators of Dragon Prince and was the head writer of Avatar. And so he pulled me aside, like while they were writing that script like a couple of episodes earlier, he pulled me aside and was like, we want to do this joke does this feel? Fun or. Icky and we agreed fun yeah. I find a boomerang and I have sort of. I transcend through lives. Yes, right. No cabbages. No cabbages. Yet yet thank. You thank you so much i had an IRO in my life for a very short period of time, unfortunately like Till A Tea and dealing with those like underlying heavy story beats that all of your characters had to deal with. Did you have any idea how much of an impact those story beats would have on people? No, honestly, I think we all knew when we knew it was a beautifully written show when we were doing and we knew this is a great show. But when the show was over, the show was over you went and looked for another job. For me, it wasn't until I started coming to these events and fans would come up to me and they would say, you know, I didn't have a father figure in my life or I was going through this dark patch in my life and Uncle I Rose advice got me through this and that's when I started going, wow, there is something else going on with this. And and you know, really, I cannot think of another animated program that had such an impact in the real world as Avatar has had on people's lives and and what a blessing that is, right you know, to be involved with something like that. Thank you. So what was your favorite? Thing about working on. The show avatar. Working with my friends. Sorry, but it's true we love each other still it's amazing it's very rare that you still want to hang out with people after you work with them for so long and I feel like we all do yeah lucky. Thank you thank. You Thank you. What food would you want from the Avatar universe if you could have it there's an Avatar. Like warm soup, I like like all those little steamy soups. Like, I know I was supposed to learn the lesson not to, but I would want to eat a Saber tooth Moose lion cup it looks delicious, cactus. Juice. Cactus Juice. Cherries with no pits. Sorry for this sassy question in advance, but this questions for guitar Tasuko and spirit Ayro how does it feel being the only members to make it Decorah? Shots. Fired. They're cool. I mean, I went to, I went to the new crew and I was like, we already did this, you guys, we already saved the world how y'all going to do it? I I was in court i played Minghua and Young Bei Fong and the Spirit Mushroom and the Dark Spirit. But I'm glad I don't i don't cosplay Minghua because I can't sign autographs with no arms what? Is your favorite line that you guys said? You miscalculated i love Zuko more than I fear you. I was never angry with you i was sad because I thought you had lost your way. I must capture the avatar and regain my honor. Don't flatter yourself. You were never even a player. Straight cactus juice it'll quench you and nothing's quenchier it's the quenchiest. I am the greatest earthbender in the world, and don't you 2 dunderheads ever forget it. That cloud is so. Poofy it's like poof. I am a warrior, but I'm a girl too. I will never, ever turn my back on the people I love my. Oh, never mind. Thank you everybody. Thank you to the orgasm. Thank you so much. Cricket and Glenn and Dante. And Grey and Jack and. Olivia and Jesse and May and James. Thank you. So much.
Channel: Convention Coverage
Views: 198,245
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #ConventionCoverage, Convention, Coverage, Panel, Full Panel, Mae Whitman, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Katara, Dante, Basco, Greg Baldwin, Mako Iwamatsu, Cricket Alexander, Dante Basco, Grey DeLisle, Jessie Flower, Olivia Hack, Jennie Kwan, Jack De Sena, James Sie, Mae Wittman, Toph, Avatar The Last Airbender, Cabbage Man, Avatar, Airbender, Avatar Airbender, Airbending, ATLA, Avatar Panel, Avatar The Last Airbender Panel, Avatar: The Last Airbender Panel, ATLA Panel
Id: vhasyOX5ZWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 40sec (2200 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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