AVATAR: The Last Airbender Cast Panel – Sci-Fi Valley Con 2023

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you're not the baddest cricket stuff you were never even a player [Music] the cast of Avatar [Applause] hi guys is this on can we turn this a little louder by any chance it's been a little while since that team happened they made me sit by him unfortunately some of the courts are a little tight yeah that's okay and we are filming you guys so don't say anything you know that's going to get you in trouble with Nickelodeon I also try not to so before we get how is it like working with James Cameron wow I know I remember at night oh I just said no I'm just kidding why don't we just go down introduce yourself your character and maybe your favorite line and then we'll get some questions does that sound good to you guys sure which side would you like us to start on why don't we start with you okay so it sounds good um hello I'm Michaela Jill Murphy AKA Jesse flower and I voiced top Bay Fung the greatest earthbender in the world and don't you two dunderheads ever forget it [Applause] oh hey everybody I'm Cricket Lee and I got to voice the most badass goth [Applause] should I start over my favorite line is Zuko's that's rough buddy [Applause] hello suko here how you guys doing I'm Dante Bosco I'm the the Misunderstood Prince of the Fire Nation what's your favorite line hello Zuko here you're not the baddest cricket so if you were never even a player I'm great DeLisle and I voiced Azula and my favorite line is that's a sharp outfit Chan sharp enough to punch to the hall of an Empire class Fire Nation Battleship leaving thousands to drown at Sea because it's so sharp [Applause] I'm Greg Baldwin and I'm the second voice of Uncle iro and my niece here is crazy and needs to go down you're a quitter and a loser Twitter and a loser was that your favorite line Greg actually my favorite line is from Cora actually and it is uh if you look for the light you will often find it if you look for the dark that is all you will ever see [Applause] hey guys my name is Jenny Kwan and I play your favorite Kyoshi Warriors Suki [Applause] secret line is probably not one that you might think of but mine is you never told me you made out with a moon spirit thank you hey I'm Janet Varney uh I am not on the first show I'm in the second show I play Korra and The Legend of Korra but [Applause] I also host braving the elements with my dear Dante Bosco and we are in the first series deep it's all I ever think about I know we're learning so much on that brave in the elements podcast uh we're going through every episode watching it breaking down talking about a lot of voice actors I think everyone here has been on the show as well as our creators Mike and Brian and animators and music the musicians and so many and fans have come super fans have been on the show yeah and I'm learning so much I'm trying to get my PhD in Avatar Avatar we haven't found the university yet this willing to give us a PhD in the Avatar studies we'll get there it's gonna have it it's gonna happen all right that was awesome I I was entertaining are you not entertained all right if you have questions raise your hand if you really want me to come over raise it with a 50 in it all right we'll start over here and then we'll move in this direction so gonna go to cabbage hi uh my name is Kyle and um I just want to ask a question for all the amazing voice actors out there um what was the funniest blooper in any of the voice acting credits you've ever had if you ever had one oh Kyle if you think you're gonna get away with not screaming my cabbages before the end of this panel you were already wrong great great blooper was when we were in the booth so we were in the booth together and it was our kiss and I was like how are they gonna do this this is where am I gonna kiss him like I will but I'm like a cougar and he's young and it'd be weird so I was biting my nails because that's what I do I don't buy the nail I bite the skin isn't that fascinating anyway it's a nervous habit anxiety um and my front tooth chipped in half and I was so embarrassed I'm like oh my God he's gonna think I'm a total weirdo I just took me and I was like look and I was like I my tooth it was like my whole front tooth yeah I doubled down on it I was just like and then let's do our scene now and I was so embarrassed I went right to the dentist and they were like we're tired of fixing this and I was like what they're like you've done you've come in here a million times and I'm like I don't know what else do they're like stop chewing your nails so that was a blooper but it was a more of a personal blooper little did she know that broken teeth are his Kink so just send it to Nickelodeon now we're just just send just live stream it to the Nickelodeon studio well let's speak if mine is a Nickelodeon blooper it's not an avatar blooper but it's not even a blooper it's just that when I was playing Vicky on the Fairly oddparented twerk's got a bed um I had to there was I had a boyfriend named Ricky on the show and um I was saying goodbye to him and um I there's a song by Steely Dan called Ricky Don't Lose That Number and I had given the kid on the show like I mean in the script I gave him my phone number and so I was like goodbye Ricky and then I just ripped and I was like Don't Lose That Number because Butch is old like me and he's like oh I get it you know that's how old some of us are I'll stay here I was five but yeah that's right and I was three yeah bloopers I know but I don't know you know it's so many years ago but I do remember I was a very young actor partying a lot and uh hanging out back in L.A nobody so in the Avatar Booth there's like a big room we're all in right and there's a and there's a separate room where like you just do kind of solos in but a lot of the times I'm working with Jack and May and the rest of the crew they're doing scenes together and I'm like have different stuff that they'll cut to as we're going through the whole show and so they put me in the small Booth right next to the private booth which I can see everybody it's like a window and you can see everybody and they're all doing things and so they would always do these scenes and I'll be there but it was like one of the mornings where I guess I had been partying the night before and they're just like cut to me where you're just it's like a play you're just doing it and I'm sleeping in the room and the director was like Dante wake up wake up it's your you're on I'm like uh what I promise we're say that happened with David Faustino also Boston yeah I used to party with faustina see see they're probably together actually yeah Faustino who played Mako right so when I first did your show uh Cora I went and I hadn't seen Dave faustino's in a long time and me and David know each other from our 90s our Glory Days and we had not seen each other in a while and so so happened there was a party like that and I was like yep I'll see you ain't at the Levi's house Snoop Dogg is spinning he goes what I'm like yeah do you want to go he's like yeah next thing I know we did the table read that night I'm at David's crib on Sunset we're having a few drinks and then we end up at the Levi's party to watch Snoop Dogg spin yeah we took it back one night then I fell asleep in the studio the next day that's weird because I worked with Snoop Dogg at Nickelodeon in the exact same booths that we're talking about on an episode of Sanjay and Craig he wrapped crazy and I didn't know he was in there and I walked into the room and was like who has been smoking weed in here this is wild I was like no one's been smoking weed in here that just the smell came in it was great I was the mom on Sanjay and Craig so I remember that episode yeah it was good that was a good show I still get yeah my friend my friend I dated the Creator for a while he was really good friends I feel like I'm learning just from the last three minutes that I'm doing Hollywood incorrectly about my game for the last two years of my 20s so all right well you're in Altoona so you'll be able to party it up I will be over there but we better answer these faster I just realized that was one question we might we might not do a whole spread of all of us answering we might just do like one or two of us so we can try to get through as many questions okay hi I'm Amanda nice to meet you guys uh I just want to say thank you for voicing the show of my childhood um I grew up watching Avatar since I was a little eight-year-old so thank you so much for being a part of a show that really changed my life so thank you so much um my question is if you could voice any other actor either on avatar The Last Airbender on cora which one would it be and why oh sure uh I I love uh I love Ty Lee I feel like my me in real life is like a mixture of Toff and thaili which is kind of a strange combination but I mean it makes sense in one sense they have to run away from home you know whatever um but I feel like just voicing Azula I haven't voiced like a real mean person uh and she just gets to have fun so you know I think that's mean I'm a people person see [Laughter] and very punctual [Laughter] I played the actor like in in Amber Island I was the actress who played Katara like on the in the play and Greg was saying that if we were ever in the movie which we haven't gotten any word on anything but um he was thinking it'd be funny to have the voice actors play the Ember Island players perfect [Applause] to play Jet jet hot tree guy that's my guy do you remember his name I was like you know the hot tree guy and everything his name is jet he has that that thing in his mouth the whole time what I like about him the character that Dante defends second to Zuko is the other one he's complicated he's misunderstood he's misunderstood there's there's some pros and cons to the way he looks at the world I mean one shoulder pad he has one shoulder pad I don't see enough jet cosplayers out there with that one shoulder back get that straw a lot a lot of Swag that chat a little barley come from his mouth all the time everywhere okay um hello uh so this question um as the I know you can't say anything about you know the upcoming shows and movies and all this stuff coming out um but as you know Legend of Korra brought the timeline a little closer to modernity and new shows might bring it even closer um what might it look like if you were in control to see a musical theater episode of avatar The Last Airbender you know sort of wow Miranda were to write an episode [Applause] then all we do is play yeah there's some sweet original music out there already in uh The Tick Tock world and more and yeah that's true it's true yeah and they I would want it in the style of Bob Fosse personally right drama there's bad hands with lightning come off coming off of them definitely a song to my honor oh yeah my honor you know what yes but there is 100 a song that's like why am I so bad at being good am I so good at being bad yeah I like it I like it I love that top would be there'd be something like in Mulan where it's like defeat the Hunts except she's just going crazy on like a bunch of large men totally it's a whole stop it's a whole stomp it'd be like a whole stomp right down with the earthbenders and stuff it'd be great with lots of stunt work uh yeah great question all right next one here hello also thank you for being a part of our Lives um my question is if you could be in a different Society like you yourselves which kingdom or Fire Nation forever what are we talking about right now and yeah like with their Customs like or Kingdom Water Tribe anything like that anyone I I don't plan on it but I do feel like I fit where I was cast funnily enough I think I would be I think I would be Earth there's a little bit of me that's fire but I think I'm mostly Earth I don't know I wouldn't I wouldn't I'm loyal I like that I'm loyal to my to my nation there's a lot of Fire Nation on this stage anyone else anyone else that's right I was at Boiling Rock and that was too hot I'm gonna stay with her yeah how about you have other Avatar hang out with Saka as long as possible so we're trying to go on water the audience because I like to take I mean at my other cons when I'm more prepared I do a a very scientific non-bias survey of the area of Elemental you know just where everyone's from so can I get just who hears from the earth Kingdom [Applause] everybody who's not firing any air Nomads in the house you know very nice I love seeing it looking very good for a certain someone um yeah can we hear it one time for the water trap [Applause] strong water tribes indeed can't we hear it one time for the Fire Nation [Applause] thank you very much thank you very much every time period thank you thank you somehow I don't think that was very scientific we have another question over here um can I do a comma and a question okay um real quick so you said you want to be jet um jet is insanely similar to Rufio but also I want to know what your favorite episodes are individual episodes that's hard I like the library and Tails of bossing site but I feel like we all love Tales of us today but the library Tales from Boston say the beach yeah the beach the beach the beach strong I really like the storm going through it again the storm was a really good episode oh yeah just cinematically the way they put it together we good yeah next question all right so in honor of everyone's favorite uncle uncle iro [Applause] not mine do any of you drink T and if so what is your favorite kind Gold Peak for me for me forever first it was to have a I will tell you the cheese that I'm into okay that's my favorite tea I had to chase it down yes I chased it down girl I love it and then when I moved to Michigan I love Michigan but there's no doubt there's no so I had to go with this plastic pure leaf tea unsweetened and now I do that and I mix a little half and half an ice [Music] thanks friends I'm gonna have to road trip a creative to have it to you I I priced it out I'm so cheap like I'm just not with other people I'll buy you like a 500 dinner but for me I'm like I had to have it I'll make lift it and I and I started just making Lipton and a big thing every minute so now it's like a ritual and I put this stuff called bocha Suite which is from Kubota squash and it has no calories in it and it tastes exactly like sugar it's amazing you will poop everywhere though if you drink too much gray I don't need like this is so great why doesn't every oh my God I have to go to bathroom anyway um but this panel ever comes out on braving elements we're gonna be like I swear gray was there yet I'm not hearing from her she's highly edited good good but yeah a little bit of Lipton with some botches sweet and then you and it's like a ritual I'm like oh I'm gonna make my tea for the week and then and I'm like now it's not seven dollars a bottle or whatever that it's just tea and water there's nothing else in it I'm a big matcha yeah Drinker ditto give me a matcha latte matcha latte make it with oat milk ceremonial matcha you know matcha and I I do love a good Earl Gray as well a little London Fog yeah with some lavender tea later sorry or Rose the rose petal in it turns out we love talking about tea and the Very answer you want but my favorite tea comes from Long Island [Applause] all right drunkenness and very sweet laxatives I'm going to do a different kind of run uh hi my name is Jared um this question is from my lovely girlfriend or Nicole um so all the animals in Avatar are commas if you could create your own combo animal what would you do my personal is a dog a Dillo no it rolls off the tongue hello I have a microphone uh he said dog adillo that's so cute I I mean I know that this art exists but we love the turtle decks we're a big fan of turtle ducks on this panel yeah yeah but a good combination animal uh I don't know anyone I gotta put a cricket Arma didn't oh it's not very cute but I somehow want to wear like a penguin and a horse I don't know what that would like a a penguars a hangman that doesn't sound cute I like a cricket a critten could be a cricket kitten would be creepy but I have to use my animal s i just like the way this sounds what about a kitty corn it's like a kitty and a unicorn it's like a kitty I was puppy corn I have a sister named Kitty I like that yeah but I tried to do a rideable animal for sure right because that alligator sounds dangerous horse what about like an elephant because it's like an opera right so we got something big and awesome also dangerous let's how about the elephant and something furry so we get something closer to oppa what about like a polar bear in an elephant also dangerous she has a polar bear dog Cora has a polar bear dog I'm sure the Naga I guess I'm thinking like a oh no oh I got it like an elephant and an eagle [Music] now we gotta now we got something we can now we're rocking with something what are we calling that elephant Dumbo elephant elephant an eagle fin an eagle fins we're rocking with the eagle fins design an eagle fin that's very cool you could put all your luggage in the trunk [Laughter] hi my question is have any of you followed the post show comics and what are your opinions on them if you have wonderful yeah that's been it's been great for for them to continue Mike and Brian and uh and Eugene to continue the story through the comics of course like the the search for Zuko's mother was really wonderful to see that story play out in the comics yes but the other ones are great the promise and uh and also I've been reading the the novels so uh yes the Kyoshi novels I really know some things y'all yeah and the Airbender one the uh what's yes I just finished that one to hear to see the stories kind of continue within like the literary world is really good because you you know it's different it's a different mediums TV and film and and novels you really get to go into the folklore and really it's the stories are heavy the story The Rise of kill she's like a heartbreaking and phenomenal and makes me appreciate the kyoji wars even more that's right then I redo and tsuki has Kazuki has her own story Suki alone yes like a Zuko alone a tsuki alone a coral alone it's a cool theme love it all right I didn't know I know so much about the Avatar verse I'm a professor dang it honorary degree hello my name is Sam but first of all I I would have been surprised if I saw any of you guys coming to Altoona so it's awesome to have all you guys here foreign so my question is for Michaela uh and the Ember Island players Toff seems to be the only person who actually likes how they're portrayed do you think if Toph actually could see the actor she would be disappointed or she would be even more excited I feel like no no um it's kind of an interesting thing because I can see I have a terrible eyesight but I can see but I think uh she probably has a better idea of like what that person really looks like than any of us like she can feel how heavy they are like how the muscle mass like that's almost better because she's like I'm this massive bro I can feel like the Tremors from like this person walking across the stage so no I think that that whole episode was so wonderfully written um it's so funny because I don't know if anybody watched Euphoria as well but when they did like their little musical theater Random episode where I was like what's happening here I was like we did it better but it was so it was so well written um just the Nuance of like the growth of the characters and their little things no I feel like she would have it just always loved her representation she's like yeah that's right this is my soul up here this is my spirit animal you've cast it correctly and and I think as a throwback and I think we learned this Janet on the show earlier that that actually is a throwback to how they originally were thinking of talk as this little big guy Bender so it was a throwback to the original idea how they were envisioning tough so it's really an inside joke for the guys that's right Professor yes attention I'm not sleeping in the other room uh hi I'm Michael um this is kind of a bit of a two-part question my what are your thoughts on the upcoming uh live action reboot by Netflix and do you think that it may reinforce the unfortunate stereotype that animation is just for kids anything live action that is for adults only basically I don't I don't know I mean look I think I'm like many people were excited for because we're a team Avatar and you like to see that it do well in any form it comes out whether it be film television animation live action uh I feel you it's a little weary I mean animation to live action is not batting a thousand you know so but you know they're all ours every artist gots out there and we all wish for the best and hope for the best but as far as animation I think it's been changed so much your generation that really brought anime at least Stateside uh and things like Avatar it has been like the the the I don't know the thing that brought your generation from American animation to Japanese anime and as we know a lot of animes in Japan it seems not just a kid's form and things of the nature that are doing with just the spider verse that came out things that are winning Oscars that are coming at you understand that's much more than just a kid's medium now and I think we're understanding that as a as just as Americans uh I I just had a meeting that's along at Sony and they were like what do you want to do they're asking me about ideas to do for for adults because they're trying to follow the trend of what's been going on in Japan so I think it's gonna be very exciting to what's going to happen in the future with animation here in America [Applause] very serendipitous moment for me I'm about to get really emotional here but I'm really thankful that you guys made it out here I'm coming from New York so it's like a huge thing for me um but my question was uh is there was there any moment on the show that made you the most emotional oh my breakdown my final breakdown was really emotional for me that I actually had to take a break I was all by myself when I was having that final battle um and and Andrea was like do you need to take a minute because I was like sobbing there's mental illness in my family which is where I sort of you know drew a lot of that from um and there's so much empathy that goes along with that you know because and when you're growing up in a house that has a lot of that going on people say horrible things to you and then people say you know they don't mean it you know they're not in their medicine or whatever the situation may be but but there's always that bit of like you know this probably isn't she's not I mean I know I am a little bit evil okay I'm a little bit evil but there's some of it that's you know my own mother thought I was a monster she was right of course but it still hurt so you know I did have that empathy there for her when I when she was you know devolving that way so I was it was hard it was hard you know yeah there's a lot of emotional things especially when uh Maca who originally played Uncle Arrow passed away very emotional for the whole cast uh Mako was someone who I knew since I was 12 years old who'd played my uncle or my my father several times throughout my career and someone I was able to kind of go to as a an older Asian American just Legend in our industry and who would check in with me over over my career see how things are going and just give me advice and it's great to work on his last project with him and so when he passed away was like very emotional for everybody and so when it happened it was when he was in jail I remember coming in and I'm doing the scene to Uncle and I'm like kind of apologizing to him but in that episode he has no uncle's just in in the cell no lines it was very like it was just crazy and then Greg came in and Greg that little room I was talking about that had me in I know Greg was in there and he's and no one can see him and the rest of the cast is there and we we continue the next episode of next week and then when he started doing the character the room I mean both us and the people the the producers and director Andrew Romano we all in the there's a producer room and there's a cast room with the glass and then there's this private room where Craig's at we can't see and he starts talking to me and it was like hearing Marco from the grave we all burst in tears it was so wild you're very kind I I always knew you know that I was replacing an iconic character but more important than that it was the iconic actor that played the iconic character and I I got to admit when that first day I was terrified when I went in not not only because I knew this was a life-changing event for me but I was you guys knew him if this was your friend you know this wasn't just this iconic actor that everyone knew about and what for some reason I don't know why the internet is apparently is wrong about some things I don't know how that is it it uh it says that I was Marco's understudy and the reality is I never once met Marco never once I did meet his daughter and his grandson and it was at the next I think it was at the penultimate record session for Samurai Jack and I was checking into Cartoon Network Security and someone ahead of me had written Marco and I thought well that's a sick joke what's up with that and I walked back to the green room and guindy tarkovski says hey somebody want you to meet here this is Marco's daughter and Grandson who's also named Marco and I'm going again I wish you'd give me the heads up here because again it's one thing to do the voice of an iconic actor it's another thing to do the voice of somebody's beloved father you know and grandfather so I'm freaking out fortunately I I cannot see her from my vantage point in the booth but Phil Lamar says that the minute I started to speak his daughter just goes like this and then and then after the after the session she comes right up to me with tears in her eyes and says thank you so much it was like he was in there room with me again and and you know I still of all the things that I've ever done I think that's one of the things that means the most to me because I have received so many gifts from Marco and it was nice to be able to give that gift back and you know you think about things as it relates to your own life and I uh you know I think what what I wouldn't give to here even an imperfect impression of my own father's voice again so that you know the fact that's as close as I ever got to Marco I hope to meet him some someday but but not today if it's okay I mean I wasn't allowed to have any emotions so that sucked I wanted to I'm a very expressive person but I had to just keep it all down and not move my face all right we have a question over I'm making her move because interference from the speaker hi I'm Tessa share with the people closest to me um but my question for each of you is who is your favorite Avatar and why I mean I'm a little biased because I I got to train Aang so I you know Twinkle Toes the special place in my heart but I technically did I guess get to see you again later but uh I mean Aang I know it's kind of straightforward but I do love him dearly even though he could have a little bit more of a spine but that's okay I'm partial to court because Janet was my really good friend before she even booked the part and when she got it I was like girls we're gonna do cons together oh my God we could share a hotel room I was like I had a whole life plan for us she was probably like settle down I'm sorry I mean I've read so much about all these other avatars are great airbending avatars water tribe avatars Earth Camp kiyoshi earthquake I'm I where is the fire Avatar Story coming I know I know Roku but we haven't really met him we don't haven't had the book we haven't had the film The I'm waiting for Fire Nation Avatar to really be explained what happened because there's good folks in the Fire Nation you guys absolutely I know in the original story they got us looking kind of we've done some things some crimes that happen there's a very good folks in the Fire Nation hi my name is Malachi uh I think the Avatar Universe has really good combination of powers like lava bending and metal bending if you could see one new bending come in what would you like to have huh elbow bending I don't mind bending I would want to know what everyone's thinking happy I think it's funny this is coming back to me now but I still agree with my answer uh it's a little strange but hair bending uh would be great if we could just do this without any of the tools that would be phenomenal I'm interested in time bending I don't say time bending too I was right at the same time bending I'm scared almost I mean that's yeah that opens up a lot we're in a Multiverse situation yeah so yeah I mean time bending shirts I don't know what element it's going to be able to do that see everyone's like air air they get to do all the fun stuff yeah hi my name is Cooper I'm a much younger fan of Avatar I wasn't even born when the original YouTuber for telling us that we're very young we're very telling everyone is very very also we are also very very young it's fine it's fine hi Cooper I can't even believe I'm having the experience to see you and I would just like to know um I know a lot of the original ones have been in quora but what's your favorite episode that you wish you could have been in in your other show so I have the original water bender and I played a waterbender in Cora the one with no arms but yeah yes and I also played young I mean young young Linda We Were Young Lin and I was young student so we are kind of half partially related to snow so I was also the spirit mushroom when they got lost in the spirit mushroom yeah episode in core that I wish I mean I don't know if this counts but like Asami is hot so hey Michaela can I talk to you for a second yeah yeah fight me you wanna go so yeah I don't know if I want to be her or be in a scene with her but something yeah I I yeah there's there's I wish I could have been well you know what I guess I wish I could have been in office lost days because for those moments before Suki finds him just to have a little extra Comfort oh that poor guy okay we're going to go over hi my name is Leo um and I have a question ah I mean there's so many great scenes with Uncle iro I mean of course the emotional stuff when I'm apologizing and he's he's accepting that that's of course the moment of just you know understanding who his uncle is more like his father than his father was to him which is beautiful but uh I mean also I'm in a family that likes to bicker at each other so I like a lot of the scenes yelling Uncle Ira one of my favorite moments is when Uncle when when I see Uncle arrow in the hot tub like that's the dragon of the West right there that's the dragon of the West absolutely I was never angry with you I was sad because I thought you had lost your way honestly I'm generally pretty critical of my performance but that scene man that's that's a great scene it's a perfect scene yeah yeah hi big fan of you guys um what would be toff's special field trip with Zuko be like if they haven't uh recently would you would you there'd be a lot of that probably um because I tried to talk to him and he just has no one's to have nothing to do with me but I feel like we would either like go to like a therapy session um or we would there's been we both have parental problems we do we have some parent issues that we need to work through some trauma um and recently I don't know if you've seen this going around but like the Barbie movies coming out and there's the meme of like them holding up the plaques and getting arrested somebody uh Ollie art I think is his name made a a Zuko and tough like copying that picture and I was like you know what they might get arrested you know either therapy or committing some sort of crime in an attempt to like do something good and then we just end up making trouble uh somewhere but we're Benders so we can get out of it that's true we just pretend to be caught it's all part of the plan when you roll with the world's greatest you know earthbender you can get out of a lot of things and I'm not too bad of a Firebender you're okay I may not the best one in the world but I'm I'm not as good as her but I'm just okay still pretty good um honestly I just have a comment and my comment is my favorite moment is actually in the um the Amber Island play and it was when Zuko said the scar is on the right side the scar is not on the wrong side [Music] hi so I'm more for my brother but we both had the question of based on his question if you could have what care if your characters could have a pet in Universe which one would they choose not that they could create their own but just mountain climbing spiders could ride around I mean I feel like I have to pick Badger moles because they literally taught me everything I know but they're very large so if I had to bring one around I feel like like a little like a little hamster I don't know of some sort just like keep in my pocket as a friend because the vaginals are quite large so I there's I'd have to have a bad dream of farm or something because I can't take them with me anyway I keep hearing vaginal I was like I did too I'm like wait what wait what are we talking again I know gray was there Badger the conversation took a turn yeah sorry gotta vaginal mine you're getting cut out of this episode great allows getting cut out of this note to the editor's great allow snip snip but um I mean Zuko does have a dragon yeah Dragon which is you know Fire Lord but what you don't know he's probably he has some turtle ducks for his sensitive side plus when he was a kid throwing he always felt bad about throwing the rocks at the turtle decks when he was a kid and got yelled at by his mom so he actually has you know a little royal family Turtle Ducks I think mine would be obvious I cannot wait to go on that big oppa out there have you guys seen it oh it's fantastic yeah so we're gonna go do that like I've been that is something I'm so looking forward to so yeah that would be mine I was gonna say the same I mean I went on it it's it's Majestic yeah hi everyone my name is Shawna I love all of you guys so my question is so there's a lot of controversy about Avatar one I wanted to know like how do you feel about it like do you like that there's they explained the first avatar because a lot of people don't like that like all the spirit world stuff in in Cora yeah that was kind of my favorite thing to to watch just because you know backstory is so cool um I liked all of it my thing too is that like Mike and Brian came up with this Incredible Universe that we're all just lucky to kind of be a part of right so anytime we get more information I'm just like cool and just kind of latch onto it immediately especially because after the first season so many people first season first show Avatar the original Three Seasons uh people wanted more they were like make another season make another show give us more and they were like we're gonna maintain the Integrity of this show like we're just gonna keep it at the three seasons which I think is a smart idea because it makes it so good um but I loved that they went into so much detail I had zero calls I thought it was really cool backstory and I loved watching it all I don't know how anybody else feels but yeah yeah I'm just exciting of things too would you have more information my friend he cosplay my friend Justin cosplayed Avatar one and I was like who are you and he's like Avatar one Steve played him and he was a fan of the Avatar verse and so amazing and wonderful and was like so excited to be a part of the show and so that's also part of that for me when we have the sort of weird meta experience of also getting to meet or know some of the actors who come in for stuff then you have this like you were saying like we have a very positive association with the story behind the story too all right we have another question over here I'm Ashley and I've actually been watching bringing the elements like well listening to it religiously I'm excited for the third season of it it's gonna be so cool and I would love if this actually did end up on it that'd be really cool um I mean um but my question is if like the pandemic happened in like Legend Decorah or Avatar like wherever your characters were what do you think they would do in their free time oh great question wow what a great question Ashley drink tea and play pie show oh I feel like Suki's uh she she would still be forging in the forest because she could stay outside so she's smart which I kind of took a little bit of her uh lead on that just be in nature fighting mean lady I'd be on a plane getting kicked off for not wearing a mask don't you know who I am Azul is the ultimate Karen [Music] I'm on the phone right now to the police so Azula doesn't fly private that's really interesting why am I in coach what would you guys be doing and what would you be doing in during the pandemic I mean it depends on where what was happening but I mean if you if you if you were there I think we would be having fun we would be having fun would be up in the kingdom and just like you guys watching yeah avatar on Netflix just like you guys did yeah during the pandemic it would be like may I bought all three of your emo albums That You released during the pandemic look Susie in the band she is she's the new Susie yeah and I would wear a mask because yeah who I don't want people to see anything I would just may would just be like can I wear a full face throw out your bangs all the way down to your chin and uh I feel like I would do what I did in Cora just earlier I would just run away to a swamp and hang out with Badger moles and like just fuss around in the mud um I don't think yeah I was like oh we're not being around people sweet sounds good to me oh yeah I think I would probably just do yeah do what I did in Cora earlier foreign my name is Liz I would love to be Avatar University's first PhD student we're working on it my question is for Janet and Dante I love the podcast so much and if you you've already had so many amazing panelists on the show but if you could have anybody like living or dead Avatar related or not like who would you love to have on the podcast and why well we definitely know there are people that keep almost being able to do it and then one of our schedules changes so if there's someone that you're wondering why they haven't been on yet know that we're working on it yes anyone I mean there's some people that are going to come but there's I I hear of so many different uh just people that are fans of the show that would be interesting there's someone told me recently I'm not the biggest UFC fan but there's a UFC fighter champion and he calls himself the style vendor but because he's a who is it yes like and like I do like that to come on the show and talk about it because he he talks about Avatar during some of his interviews and his like he feels he's the Avatar because he has so many stops yeah but I'm like that kind of stuff is cool because when you do when you you're part of a story like this and it makes an impact on the world it's it's really wild because we're all artists we're actors and we're filmmakers and storytellers and and I know there's a lot of artists and creatives in the room and when you work you know a lot of art you make things you make things you never actually know sometimes when the thing that you make really is one of the things that changes your life forever and this is one of the projects that happened literally when we started doing this there was no internet I thought I was playing a villain on the show and we didn't have any idea what was going on as a start the show started there was internet idiot not like there is today no but you're you know you're becoming fan of things like Star Wars and Star Trek and Harry Potter and then you're doing a show and you don't realize it's going to become that show and in the middle of it you're like are we is this something oh is this like the new Star Wars like what no you're gonna think you're like well yeah they're like who who am I and it's already coming out you're like am I no I'm Darth Vader yeah yeah like am I yeah you're Darth Vader for sure Sith of some sort I'm like am I on solo who am I but you don't know who I am oh yeah you're Yoda for sure but it's you don't know that going into it especially this show I think sometimes you they have an idea like the things they're gonna do this show was a small show that wasn't even really Nickelodeon Nickelodeon didn't even show like this and it was something that came out of nowhere and and it kind of changed all of our lives and it's pretty phenomenal and a lot of people's lives which is great [Applause] all right we're gonna get a question from someone who quit their job to be here I really did so support that I had requested off and one of my co-workers backed out and my boss was like if you're not here by four today it's four hours away I was like absolutely not it's a waitressing job I can get another one so I'm here I know yeah let me know who your boss is and I'll get all fire bendy on his ass so my name is satra I was talking to Cricket I say it's like Cleopatra but without the Cleo Jess Patra so I wanted to ask Janet especially just because from working on cora but everyone else who your favorite villain was in the series because we have them on um Zahir and the Red Lotus and we also have kuvir at the end I would say Amman because I was 10 when it came out and it was absolutely horrifying seeing him on screen yeah so I'll have to stick with that and and it that it's complicated that it makes sense that you see what how and why those things happen and why giving people a voice is important um that it's not you know black and white amman's great it's really hard for me to choose um and we don't even say villains on the show now on our podcast adversaries because yeah yeah because it's yeah because we start to hear a lot of people's stories and you understand like they're not like totally evil people everyone thinks they're the good good character in their story kind of I know I know I know yeah see here was definitely the scariest for me like I love Henry Rollins and he would just they would just put him back behind me sort of in the dark corner of the record and so I just hear him and sort of feel that presence he's so funny and so nice but he turns that on and you're like okay I gotta go um I had such a big crush on him in high school just because he is banned and so when he was in the lobby I was like oh my God Henry Rollins oh my God that's when I sat next to him didn't talk to him because whenever I whenever I'm a big fan of something I'm a total jerk to them because I just like they probably think I hate them but anyway then he got in there and I realized he was my boyfriend oh my God it's my boyfriend but I still never talk to him I've never spoken two words to the guys wow you're so cool I mean her and the girls her in the baddies but um I mean definitely I think Azula is all time great and we talk about as always like the Joker of our world so he almost maybe don't you know she's like the Joker we don't know where she's going and it's phenomenal but all right you can laugh it's funny but I mean with it's the actors that play them like Henry Rollins but Jason is playing General job oh yeah so phenomenal and he's kind of the quintessential bad guy from you know from from Harry Potter playing Lucius Malfoy to the Patriot and then he's in our world and he the same thing you know who these actors are or these people are and they bring so much their presence brings so much to the character and just hearing them speak you're like oh no yeah I remember when I first started watching the OA I was like don't trust him oh yeah do not trust him uh oh hey we need to talk about the OA yeah I was like oh readers Anonymous what yeah it's like I'm a member I think we only have time for one or two more questions we got one right here and then uh we'll start the bidding after that whatever happened to me is coming to this Con so I just want to say that and I just want to know basically if you had to Vacation anywhere in the Avatar verse Cora not where would you go if it was all right Amber Island today yeah today we have like Skye bison waiting for us in the other room yeah that's what the bidding is for we're bidding so that you can come with us you'll do my bidding oh boy Choice paralysis I think we'll go for you get the last question no pressure just make sure it's really really good like Epic hi hi I want to say happy pride month [Applause] um but then I want to say how is like Avatar and like the people you've met through it like influenced your life and changed your life that is a good question yeah yeah that's a really beautiful question I think sometimes and you know again all of us are artisan we've been acting for a long time and it's not often where you get to meet it's going to make me emotional you don't it's not often where you get to be with people who you actually really like and so the chemistry here that you hear on the show it's not manufactured right like I mean I just love gray Dante I've known since a kid I love Janet I mean you know it's it's something very special that when you actually can say that you have admiration for your cast mates it's it's a nice thing because that's not always found in the business that we're in so I really respect and adore all these people up here great great answer yeah I was gonna say I um you know I took a break so I left uh performing and I left LA and I went on a whole new adventure and got a master's in social work and was like what am I doing with my life right and I was like okay I won't tell anybody about that part of me I just cut it out and my one of my professors was like why don't you talk about it and I'm like no no that's weird I was this thing I did this thing but now I'm this thing and he was like but why can't you be those things together and I was like oh I don't know I'm scared right like and I'm 40 and back in school and that's terrifying and living at my mother's house but I did it I slowly was like okay I'm gonna show you this super vulnerable beautiful part of my life that I had to leave which is so painful when you do a new career especially one when you're an artist at heart and I'm so glad I trusted it because I did it and I'm 10 years in and now I'm leaving that again and I'm going back to being more creative so I feel that it changed my life to let me leave and to come back and get to do Comic Cons with these people who I haven't seen and they just accept me and are kind and and fun and we have great chemistry so thank you [Applause] so much yeah the wonderful thing about this whole whole thing is we as an actor as a filmmaker you never know if you're ever going to find success right and we happen to find success on this show and we have we when you do a show like this in the impacts World it ends up creating Community this is what we are I mean we're a part of the community you're a part of the community and these actors look we could have been it could have been a show that was about vampires or about killing things or about this or that but it's this beautiful show about this incredible message and it's created this community around the world about getting the world Back in Balance at this time and I love that and it's it's profoundly I don't know any jerks who are fans of this show really it really does like kind of parse out yeah anyway maybe pull back on the core of hate I'm not sure why that's such a problem but it's changed it's changed our lives it's an amazing show it's it's built an amazing community that includes the cast and and the whole community that around the world so it's just a it's profoundly I think impacted all of our Lives which is amazing absolutely so well said Dante I think that's a great way to close we're so grateful for all you guys we're so grateful thank you guys this is Brandon McKinnis the voice of funeral and Black Clover and you're watching fandom Spotlight Please Subscribe please if if you don't uh I'll be sad okay thanks bye [Music]
Channel: Fandom Spotlite
Views: 173,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar the last airbender, avatar, the last airbender, the legend of korra, michaela jill murphy toph, cricket leigh mai, dante basco zuko, grey delisle as azula, greg baldwin iroh, jennie kwan suki, janet varney korra, sci fi valley con, sci fi valley con 2023, fandom spotlite
Id: osryNx_GOLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 14sec (3434 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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