Avatar The Last Airbender Cast Full Audition Tape

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hi my name is Gordon cormet I'm 11 years old hi my name is Dallas Lou my name is G I'm 15 years old hi my name is Ian Oley this is a really big and complex project so we're being super careful and making sure we get all the pieces right the whole thing is going to take just a little while longer and I hope you can bear with us through the process it's no secret that the journey from getting cast on the show was extremely wild to say the least when it came to being a part of the show in the live action sense today we wanted to share these cast members moments of what they did to get cast now listen here no you listen I'm not going to sit by and watch a bunch of hacks who couldn't even program a d alarm clock ruin my father's company my father is a great man but before we get into more of these moments today's trivia question what year did production start for this reimagine series leave your guesses in the comments down below and stick around to the end of the video to find out if your answer was correct he will bring this world into a new age be better than him I just I just hope I'm worthy to live up to his name I'm just saying the cast goes on to reveal that Not only was it a process but the whole thing was extremely secretive oddly enough Gordon Cormier didn't even know what he was auditioning for I had no clue like they would not tell me a thing and then when you found out what did you think I actually had no clue what the series was at first so you hadn't seen the animated version but uh yeah but I've seen it like 26 times since then so I I think I got it going into Gordon's audition we can see how well he was and even how they were doing a practice test between him and Dallas Lou on a fake script to see their chemistry and see how they would bounce off of each other it's okay to show compassion compassion is a sign of weakness he knows about your power I didn't tell anyone I swear I know you didn't but Shan ho was at the river but I made him promise not to say anything given that this was quite a while ago at least for them as they were teens the cast gets to sit and react to their auditions my name is hi my name is iany listen I'm not going to sit by and watch a bunch of hats what the team at Avatar had done was write fake scripts for us moving on to quino's audition she was well with capturing Kara's personality and demeanor and having faith in herself and her powers we can notice this just in the audition tape all my life I've held myself back blame myself for what happened to my my mother no more I told myself that there's no use in fighting because I'll always lose but I get it now we fight even if we're going to lose even if we're going to get hurt we fight because we can and even when she went to react to this alongside the rest of the cast They praised her for how it was set up as they were responsible for choosing where they were going to do this audition as it was from Zoom what a lighting setup first of all we great even we're going to get hurt we fight because we can seeing that video like I remember how that felt we got to find Allan and the others before anything happens to them there's just nothing like that feeling like it really brings back everything watching that again at one point she want to explain what the process even was for the audition I I called my agents and I was like hey if you hear anything about this at all like this is this is number one this is at the top I get a call from my agent and she's like okay don't freak out but I'm pretty sure we have the Avatar audition and immediately it was literally just about the audition and I was like on my knees like there's no way there's no way there's no way before moving on to other cast members we can stop and take a closer look at certain scenes like the fight between Boomie and a that was sick y dude that's ridiculous you in the back flips Gordon I hate to break it to you guys we had like a wire rig set up did you have to do prep for that I would just drill back flips and they'd be like we're going to go higher on this one flip slower over and over and over again for hours you're just having fun but real quick make sure you guys check out our Instagram page linked down in the description there's a ton of interview moments and memes so make sure you check it out and give us a follow can you move faster we got to find Alan and the others before anything happens to them I'm just being careful you didn't believe what those kids said about these tunnels being haunted did you no even going as far as the music behind everything the original score for avatar the Last air bender was great in and of itself but to create their own originality to it the orchestra put their own twist on things while still having that feel for Avatar and War in general during fight sequences involving Fire Nation [Music] soldiers [Music] going into Ian Oley who plays Saka he goes into his story on how he was found like Sam and it was not really like it didn't really like encapsulate it wasn't like screaming Saka it was more about the sister in the character description it was like the the sister who is learning her powers to protect the globe and his brother that's like protecting her we even got to see him react to his own audition tape Saka from Avatar the Last air bender are you serious we know we have found our a and it's you how would you like to be a waterbending Warrior are you ready to join team Avatar I would love to join team Avatar Dallas Lou Who plays Zuko in the series has said that he had watched the series as he was a child and was extremely honored to play the role at that point before that we felt like we were really struggling in our careers we're auditioning on Zoom so we're not really able to you know have those kind of conversations in the audition atmosphere that we used to have how hard it was to keep on going when um it was during Co nothing was happening and we were almost ready to just take a break from acting during an interview explaining his character he said that as much as the new Avatar's creative team wanted to do right by their original show the changes made to isuko were all meant to present him as a more Dynamic human feeling foil to the Core group of Heroes I got involved with Netflix's Avatar project the same way everyone else did I had um Zoom auditions after a couple weeks I found out I booked the project although it is really nerve-wracking because there is that huge fandom and especially for Zuko who's has one of the greatest you know character development like ever our Zuko is pretty similar to the original animated series but we give him a little more depth Beyond being his rageful angry character like before all of this me Gordon G Dio and Ian we all got on a call together just to like wait for that countdown like we had been waiting for this moment for the past 3 years that like now that it's here and to think about all of those memories that we had experienced together growing up uh it's a it's a blessing it's obvious that a lot of hard work has gone into making this series and the chemistry between all the cast and of course we know that this isn't the end as they are following the events of the series as some of you might have guessed when more seasons were announced it got the cast pretty excited to return they did say something else to me that I think was really important they said they're not able to announce a season two because they would like to announce season 2 and three and as far as the answer to our trivia question in 2018 Netflix announced that a reimagined live action remake of Avatar was to start production in 2019 role you've been reading for is not Sam the role you've been reading for isn't Alan not Carrie I think you know that right have theories so the character's name is not really Juno it's Zuko from Avatar the Last Day right Saka from avat the last air bander are you serious but we wanted to turn this around you guys what do you think about all these moments and do you think that they did Justice with picking this cast I'm sorry I was exp that how'd you like to be the prince of the Fire Nation and let's do it let's do it I grew up doing martial arts because of Avatar so that's insane that that's ended up being what it was let us know what your thoughts are in the comments down below make sure you're subscribed with notifications on for more videos just like this that's it for today though we'll see you all next time with a brand new video bye guys how do you like your hair I like it oh wait am I going to have to shave it oh wait am I going to have to shave it this is my my second family and these are my younger siblings that I've gotten a pleasure to work alongside [Music] yeah
Channel: FilMonger
Views: 40,623
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Keywords: filmonger, avatar the last airbender, avatar the last airbender cast audition, avatar the last airbender audition, avatar the last airbender audition tapes, avatar the last airbender netflix auditions, the last airbender, the last airbender audition, the last airbender casting, avatar the last airbender casting, the last airbender cast audition, gordon cormier audition, gordon cormier avatar audition, audition, audition tape, Kiawentiio Tarbell audition, Ian Ousley audition, funny
Id: ndc6V3-Gqac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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