Encrypt + Mount Cloud on Windows | OneDrive + More | RClone Complete Tutorial

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what's up my name is technobe here for troubleshoot and welcome back to another video basically in this video you'll see how to mount a cloud storage platform as a removable drive on your computer as if it were a usb you'll also see how to create client-side encrypted folders on those cloud storage platforms giving you ultimate control over your personal and sensitive files you'll see how to mount those encrypted folders as removable drives once again and finally you'll see how to sync your files on your local computer with a cloud storage platform using the same software and possibly even into said encrypted folder which is basically why i created this video as i'm using that last bit mainly in my day-to-day life in today's video i'll be showing you onedrive but of course this program does work with google drive and a plethora of other cloud storage platforms so you may be asking me why do you want to encrypt your data before uploading it to a cloud service well assume this you upload your data to a cloud service they promise the world's strongest encryption and who knows maybe they do actually offer the world's strongest encryption what does that protect you from well it protects you from someone who walks into a data center steals a hard drive plugs it in and expects to see your data on it or of course gains access to the server in some other way but the odds of that are incredibly low especially compared to someone getting say your password logging into your account and being able to view all of your data as if it was plugged into their computer directly if you were to encrypt your data on the client side before sending it to the server all i'll have access to is a bunch of mumbo jumbo i'll give you an example right now if i simply open up my onedrive which you'll be seeing later in this video as well you'll see something like this here i have a documents folder over here and i possibly have a file inside of it i have possibly pictures screenshots etc etc and if someone were to log into my say onedrive account this is what they'd seen but in today's video i'm gonna be showing you this folder over here my backups folder 70 gigs in size someone logged into my account maliciously opens up the backups folder and they see a randomly named folder inside of it they see a bunch of other randomly named folders and a bunch of randomly named files opening up any of these will result in absolute nonsense that doesn't do anything this is why it's very important to encrypt your personal or sensitive data before sending it to a cloud server if i had a file filled with passwords here and you got access to it you could do absolutely nothing to it but if i uploaded it to say this pdf over here somebody could click on it and they can see the passwords to all of my different websites pretty bad right so with all of that out of the way how do we get to setting this up and how do we get it to sync to a cloud platform of our choice well in today's video i'll be showing you how to install and use rclone which is an open source piece of software it's this over here you may have heard of this before and previously i did too but it seemed way too confusing to get set up until i actually looked at it properly and decided to dive right into it it's super simple and i got that setup basically within three or four lines of code and i've got files that i can open up one to back up my entire computer to this encrypted folder over here and one to mount that folder as another drive on my computer as if i had just plugged in a usb with all of my sensitive data on it even though it's stored in the cloud as complete random nonsense that people can't do anything with that's what makes this tool pretty cool so let's go ahead and get started of course you need a cloud platform that's supported by rclone and you can see your list over here head across to rclone.org or click the link in the description down below and look to see if your platform of choice is supported here of course you do have custom ftp if you have your own web server etc etc but for me i'll be using microsoft onedrive so let's get to setting this up if you get confused with the actual setup you'll see a home button as well as a config button next to the platform of your choice on rclone showing you exactly how to set it up and the steps that you need to follow so if you get lost this is the good place to start but before we get there let's actually download our clone and see what we need to do at the very top of the page you'll find a downloads button and you'll find this link over here in the description down below simply select the correct platform i'm running windows on a 64-bit pc so i'll click the download here of course if you're running something different click any of these other links once the zip finishes downloading click it to open it up and we'll be extracting this folder into a safe place like our desktop doesn't really matter where you put it just put it in somewhere accessible i'll open up the folder and inside of it we have this here there's a readme file you can go ahead and scroll through if you're curious but it does go pretty in depth with some commands etc etc i'm not going to be touching on this all i'm going to be doing is showing you exactly what you need to do to get onedrive setup and of course an encrypted folder inside of it if you'd like to see me do this to other platforms as well do make sure to leave a comment down below or at least follow along with this guide as close as you can swapping out the platform for your platform where necessary all you have to do here is click at the very top over here in the file path and type in cmd then hit enter that'll bring up a command prompt window as such now because i've already got the setup on my main computer i'm over here in the windows sandbox so i can show you a fresh install from the start i've extracted the rclone folder over here that we just downloaded and i'm able to open it up if i wanted but of course you'll see it's a command line tool that needs to be run from the command line anyway we'll get there in just a moment there's one extra thing that we need before we go ahead and start using the software if we'd like to mount a cloud folder like a usb this is something that will make life incredibly easy later so let's go ahead and get it sorted out right now in the description down below you'll find a download link for win fsp simply click download when fsp installer click run or save and then when it downloads and opens up follow along with the installer steps so it's basically next next install wait for it to finish and then finish now that we've installed this we'll be able to mount cloud folders as drives on our computer cool let's get straight to setup first of all to actually interact with our clone at the very top in the folders path click here type in cmd and hit enter any commands that we'll be running in our clone will do by typing in our clone space followed by the command the main command for our clone is our clone config hit enter and we dropped into a menu that looks something like this just get used to entering commands here as you'll see something like this with a blinking cursor next to it where your commands will go and you'll see a bunch of prompts above it followed by a question right above that so to begin we're going to be making a new remote a remote is basically a cloud platform or a platform that our clone interacts with so i'm going to be making a new one i'll hit n and hit enter i'll give it a name i'd like to keep this to something short and simple so for one drive i'll call it say od this is what we'll be interacting with later remember the name here after hitting enter you'll get prompted with a huge list of all the platforms that this program supports simply look for the platform of your choice in my case it's microsoft onedrive code 26 or onedrive as such you can enter either the text one drive as above or 26. i'll be entering onedrive after hitting enter depending on the platform you'll see a different login technique if you're using onedrive you'll be prompted for an oauth client id usually it's recommended to leave it blank and that's exactly what we'll be doing as we'll let the program do everything for us unless you know what you're doing so client id leave blank and hit enter client secret leave blank and hit enter and now we need to pick what platform it is so it's one drive and it's simply global it's not specifically for us government germany or the azure cloud over here for china it's simply the global onedrive i'll enter global or one and hit enter and we see a prompt if we'd like to edit the advanced config to which i'll say n for no and hit enter do we want to use auto config y for yes and i'll hit enter then it'll open up a web page as such asking me to sign into microsoft this is the first time i'm signing in on this virtual machine over here so i'll probably need to confirm it via email but let's go ahead and do that now there we go i've now signed in success you can close it and head back to rclone after closing your browser you'll see that this window has progressed waiting for code got code of course i'll have to blow what's above over there anyway i'm simply using microsoft onedrive for personal or business i'm not using sharepoint or anything else so i'll either enter one drive again or simply one and hit enter here we go now it'll give me a list of possible drives on the cloud that i can use one drive only has one the personal drive so i'll enter zero which is the first drive over here because computers start counting from zero and i'll hit enter to select the correct drive then fan drive root of type personal url etc etc is that ok yes is the default so i'll enter y and hit enter then we get a huge long token over here which i'm definitely gonna hide from this video as it'll give you access to my onedrive account is it okay y for yes and i'll hit enter then we get back to the screen over here i'll simply scroll down a bit basically it's listing the current remotes which are the remote drives that we've added the remote drive od of type onedrive is the one that we've just set up and linked to my account let's go ahead and do something fancy with this let's mount my existing cloud storage as a usb on my computer so i'll head across to the my computer tab over here so you can see exactly what happens inside of our clone over here now that we know exactly what drive we're going to be interacting with i'll type q and hit enter to exit out of our clone and after it's closed i'll be entering a new command here in this case our clone space mount space followed by the remote's name which in my case was od short for onedrive that's the first thing that i entered into the console so od colon space and then followed by the drive letter i'd like to give it in this case i'll give it say x colon just make sure it's not an already used drive letter after hitting enter if you installed that win fsp software that i mentioned earlier it shouldn't give you this error over here i think this is possibly giving me this error as i'm currently using a virtual machine i don't think i need to run this as ad but let me quickly check that yep it seems to be because i'm on a virtual machine but regardless you may also see a notice like this onedrive root followed by a vfs cache mode rights or full is recommended for this remote as it can't stream if you use a cloud platform that doesn't support streaming then it's a good idea to enter this command as well in our previous mount command but let's quickly skip that step and head back to my actual computer so i can show you what this does so heading back to my actual computer let's open up cmd again and i'll type in our clone space config we go od onedrive there's another one down here but we'll be getting there in just a moment i'll quit out of it with q and i'll be entering the same command our clone mount od colon space x colon and i'll head across to my my computer so you can see what changes over here i'll put it there there we go after hitting enter i've got a password on my config so i'll enter that here correctly that is and you can see here the same notice that we saw earlier if i can't type anything i'm still in the program as you can see here it's telling me it's a good idea to define vfs cache mode as either right or full for this cloud service and it says the rclone service has been started and as you can see over here i have an odx folder opening this up you'll see my onedrive contents as it is on the website the backups folder should be fully encrypted as it is you can't do anything with the data in here and the onedrive pdf over here should simply open up with my pdf reader as soon as i open it up there we go it's displaying exactly as it would on the website though this pdf reader seems to be rather slow anyway i'll close out of this and head back to my command prompt over here to actually close the service and dismount this drive all you have to do is simply close the command prompt window or hit control c to end the task that's currently running as you can see our clone service was stopped and the drive disappeared over here let's quickly fix that vfs cache error i'll hit up to get to my previous command and in here i'll go ahead and add hyphen hyphen vfs hyphen cache hyphen mode space either full or rights up here right before the drives over here i don't think it quite matters where you put this just as long as it's somewhere in the actual launch command over here after hitting enter this time entering my password you'll see the rclone service was started and the x drive should pop up over here exactly as it did before and i think it should be a bit faster than it was previously which it sort of seems to be definitely seems to be anyway now we've successfully mounted our cloud service as a new drive on our computer let's get to the important part the encryption part for this i'll head back to my virtual machine over here so heading back to this window over here let's type in our clone config and you'll see that we're back to here just having od let's go ahead and start creating an encrypted folder on this cloud service that we can mount as another drive what we're going to do is create a new remote by typing in and hitting enter for the name i'll give it something unique i'll enter ode so i know it's the one drive encrypted folder that's the same thing as i've named it on my main computer i'll hit enter and we see a huge list of things here once again this time what we're looking for is this one over here crypt number 11. of course yours may be different you may want to enter just crypt so c-r-y-p-t i'll hit enter then you'll see this here remote to encrypt or decrypt normally should contain a colon and a path so my remote path to directory what i'm going to do is create a new folder on the onedrive server that contains all of the encrypted files from this folder over here so enter a string it's going to be working on the od colon which is my onedrive remote we defined earlier up here as you can see and inside of my onedrive i'll go ahead and create a new folder automatically called say test video as such i'll hit enter and you'll see this here how to encrypt file names enter a string value or press enter for the default of standard so we can choose standard to encrypt the file names or we can choose obfusicate which is a very simple file name obfuscation or we can choose to not encrypt file names at all only as a dot bin extension for me i'd like people to not have any clue what they're looking at when they're looking inside of my cloud servers so i'll enter one for standard and hit enter and we can choose if we'd like to encrypt folder names i'll choose one for true and i'll hit enter then we get to the password phase for this encryption so what we're going to do here is enter two passwords preferably that are both different and hopefully very secure as they'll be protecting your files so do i want to enter my own password yes i want to enter my own password i'll hit y and then enter i'll enter the password here for this video i'll make it something simple then i'll hit enter and type in it again to confirm it and we see password or passphrase for salt optional but recommended we can choose to leave it blank which isn't the best we can generate a random one or we can enter a second different password which i highly highly recommend i'll hit y hit enter and i'll enter a second password and another time and i'll hit enter and we get to the advanced config to which i'll say n for no and hit enter then we see ode type crypt remote is inside of my onedrive directory under the test video folder file name encryption standard directory name encryption true password1 password two both encrypted is this correct y for yes and i'll hit enter there we go we now have onedrive od and my ode which is my encrypted folder inside of the onedrive server up here let's quit out of it and let's get to mounting my encrypted folder to do this i'll have to show you on my pc again as i can't mount on this virtual machine so i'll go back out of the od folder over here dismount it hitting ctrl c to stop the program and we're back to here if i enter our clone config enter my config password you'll see that i've already got an ode here but this is my personal one that points to the backups folder rather than the test video folder that we just created so this is also something you can do if you'd like to install this program and use it on a second computer if you'd like to add an existing remote file or folder simply add a new one here into the config name i'll enter something unique like say video and i'll hit enter then the type is crypt and i need to give it a folder if i have a look inside of my onedrive directory using the internet you can see the folder doesn't actually exist but that's fine we can still point to it i'll go ahead and enter the cloud service which was od colon for onedrive in my case and i'll enter the folder name which i'm pretty sure is case sensitive or at least it should be so the folder that the files are in is test and video as such then i'll hit enter then we'll choose the exact same settings that we chose previously so standard file name encryption encrypt file directories yes enter my own passphrase and i'll enter my password here the same as i did previously twice then i'll also enter my own salt so i'll hit y enter and i'll type in my sold password that i entered earlier would i like to edit the advanced config no is this okay yes and enter now we're done we put it over here let's get to mounting it to mind our encrypted folder all we have to do is quit out of our clone with queue and type in our clone mount space followed by the drive's name which in this case was video colon and on my virtual machine over here it was previously ode just keep that in mind and i'll enter the drive letter in this case we'll mount it to say zed colon and i'll hit enter i'll enter the password for my config which we'll get to later and you should see that the folder is mounted in just a moment of course it's complaining about the vfs cache thing again so i'll hit ctrl c to stop it up to my previous command and i'll enter it here vfs cache modes full and i'll hit enter to mount it again of course i've mistyped something there we go should now be mounting cool it's now started and the folder should appear here i can open it up and it's blank as expected i'll go ahead and open up my onedrive in a web browser as well over here refreshing the folder you can see that there's still no test video folder in here that's fine let's get to creating a file say a text document test and i'll enter hello this is a test i'll save it with control s and immediately you can see a new folder has appeared on onedrive the test video folder opening this up you can see another file inside of it which is our text file here it's 69 bytes big opening up the text file on my pc you can see it's only 21 bytes don't worry about this too much encryption will add a little bit of extra storage that's used but it will really be negligible especially compared to trading off a tiny bit of space for security i'd much rather have security over a tiny bit of space let's download this text file and let's put it in the same folder and give it the correct extension of dot txt so previously our file said hello this is a test what about the one that we just downloaded well as you expected our clone followed by a bunch of nonsense awesome it's encrypted as we had hoped so of course anything that we put in this now attached to drive over here which is this folder here will simply be uploaded to our onedrive server whatever so we have it on and it will be encrypted you can see over here this little encrypted text file that we just downloaded has been re-uploaded and is a little bit bigger a perfect example of how this works cool so we've now got it mounted as a usb how do we start backing up to this folder here but first of all let's back out of it i'll move this onedrive folder across as you can see deleting a file deletes it off the server as well which is good before we get to automatically syncing files and making backups etc let's go ahead and quickly touch on what that password was that i'm entering for this i'll head back to my virtual machine so basically if someone were to gain access to my computer and they checked in the arcline folder they'd immediately get the key that i use automatically to log into onedrive over here as well as any other cloud platforms with that key they can use it exactly how i used it where they can simply just open up rclone put the key in and boom they have full access to my account and all the files in it it's a very good idea to put a password on this so i'll enter our cloud config and let's go ahead and type in a command here you can see s to set configuration password after doing this i'll click add a password a and i'll hit enter then enter a new password for this configuration i'll enter the password enter it again and there we go your configuration is now encrypted if i quit with q and q again the next time that we run our clone you should see something a bit different so our clone config you'll see that i'm prompted for the password if i enter the correct password we get into the account and we see all of our cloud servers over here that we command and do everything with as we'd hope awesome now we've got that out of the way i can close this virtual machine let's get to automatically syncing data so there's different ways of doing things and i'd highly recommend checking out the rclone help documentation if you get lost anywhere along the way for this i'll be using rclone sync but there is also an rclone copy there's a slight difference between the two our clone copy as such basically copies the source to a destination and doesn't transfer unchanged files so basically if you change files it'll sync with your server yes but if you delete files off of your computer they won't delete from your server if you're using our clone copy if you use our clone sync instead help documentation defines it as the destination is updated to match the source including deleting files if necessary doesn't transfer unchanged files doing this is probably the best if you'd like to maintain a backup of whatever you have on your local computer with the server if you'd like local files that are deleted to not be removed from your cloud storage use copy instead of sync so this one's a bit different to the other commands basically we enter our clone sync then we enter a folder that we'd like to copy from our local computer to whatever remote followed by a folder so for this i'll quickly check the config to see my available remotes which in this case is onedrive my personal onedrive backup folder and the one that we created for this video i'll be using the video one in this example i'll clone sync and i'll enter a local file let's go ahead and create a new folder on my desktop to sync to the server i'll put some files in here so there we go i've now placed some files into this new folder 10 on my desktop you can see i've got a couple of things here that total to about 130 megs let's sync whatever is in this folder here to a folder on our cloud server what i'll do is i'll copy the folder path at the very top and we'll head back to our command prompt window our clone sync inside of quotation marks i'll paste in the address over here either with right click or ctrl v so i'll clone sync this folder over here and would like to put it into say my unencrypted onedrive so i'll say od colon and then i'll enter a folder that i'd like to put it in so i'll call it say temp sync after doing this i'll hit enter enter my password and the transfer should start immediately the only way that we know this is through our task manager by looking here in a moment after it scrubs through all the files you should see that it's sending a large amount of data to the server here we go sending 43 megabits per second and it's uploading the files but we don't really know the progress of anything that's happening here why is that well i'll hit ctrl c to cancel it and close out of it we need to enter a couple of commands here to see everything i'll hit up to go back to my previous command and right before i enter the folders i'll add another space and i'll be typing things in here this is where we previously ended something special anyway for this i'll be entering hyphen hyphen stats hyphen log hyphen level space in all caps notice this will turn on logging and only show notices then i hit space hyphen hyphen stats and i'll enter space 2s so every two seconds we'll get statistics from our clone space hyphen hyphen transfers space followed by a number let's just choose how many concurrent uploads we'd like to do i'll say maybe five you can of course set this higher or lower depending on your internet speed and computer these are usually the only ones that i add so far i don't add much else anyway from here let's go ahead and hit enter enter our password and this time you should see something a little bit different it only showed us one status which is basically telling us that yes the files have been uploaded and things are working as expected you would have seen a bit more if we had to actually upload the files again opening up my onedrive over here heading back to the home directory you can see a new folder called temp sync opening it up here's all the files inside of it and i can view them on the internet if i'd like but just remember that we uploaded this to our unencrypted folder so everything in here can be opened by anyone let's go ahead and add it to our encrypted folder instead so i'll hit up and i'll change it from od to our encrypted folder which could be ote or in this case i called it video i'll hit enter enter my password again this time you should see a bit more info than previously when it eventually gets started you'll see something like this the files that it's currently transferring as well as the file sizes the transfer speed etc etc and eventually it'll tick through until it's done something you can do here is lower the size of the window to basically match whatever you see on screen doing this will help you see a little bit better it'll tick through as such simply updating this little bit rather than distracting you with a whole bunch of text above it so that's of course up to user preference and only something that you can do in my case it's something that i do do as it's a bit easier than looking at all of the stuff over here as such anyway now the files should be successfully uploaded if i have a look at my onedrive here and head into the test video folder we just added files to you'll see a new folder inside of it which is because we basically told it to create a folder called tempsync and sync this folder into it this one over here is tempsync and here's all of our files in it let's go ahead and mount this directory rclone mount i'll enter the same vfs cache mode full and i'll enter the address which is video clip on space followed by the drive letter which i'll set to x opening up a new file browser put it to the side hit enter enter my password and you should see that it pops up over here in just a moment opening it up we have a temp sync folder and inside of it we have all of the files that we just uploaded to the server after a short while you'll see the previews for everything appears and if we open up say the image over here you see it opens up properly everything works as hoped awesome of course the dismounted you can just hit control c close the window and it'll dismant from your computer such as unplugging a usb that's all very cool and nice to use but you may not want to type things into this console every time you want to use that software so what else can we do well we can automate it let's go ahead and open up the arclone folder over here and we'll be making two new batch files inside of it a batch file is basically a folder containing commands that's run inside of command prompt so i'll make a new text document which i'll call mount.bat and we'll get rid of dot text at the end click anywhere and yes you can see file extensions by clicking view at the very top and making sure that filename extensions is checked i'll right click it and click edit now we're going to enter the commands to mount a folder here what was it well it was simply our clone command vfs cache mode full or rights followed by the remote which in this case is video colon followed by the path i'll enter say x save and a good idea is to create a new line which you enter pause on basically when this command finishes at the very top it'll close the window and it'll vanish however if it were to crash the exact same thing would happen if we enter pause as soon as we close out of the program it'll ask us to press any key to continue before closing completely that way we can see areas that appear on the screen if we go ahead and run this over here you'll see it pops up asks us for our password and upon entering the password you should see that it appears on my computer over here there we go we can now access the files in it awesome let's go ahead and make a new file for syncing so right click new text document and i'll be calling it sync.bat i'll right click edit and inside of here we'll be entering our sync command which was our clone sync stats log level notice stats every two seconds transfers i'll say five and we can enter other commands like say retries five so as soon as the file fails to upload it'll retry uploading five times until it eventually gives up this is pretty much unnecessary you can have it at say two or whatever or you could completely skip the step then i'll enter the folder names once again so it's this desktop folder over here and i'll be syncing it into i think it was video followed by temp sync as such i'll save it and once again enter pause upon running this file over here it should immediately ask us for our password which upon entering will start the syncing process to onedrive using the command right above it which it is everything inside of the file matches what's already on the server so nothing happens let's go ahead and say duplicate this file here open up the sync again password you can see it's already syncing this file over here and it should be done any moment now there we go as you can see press any key to continue boom it's done if you remove that pause line as soon as it's done it'll just close completely whatever your preference you can do here so in this video i'm not going to show you how to make these automatically start up with your computer or get them to run every say six hours if you'd like to see how to do that make sure to let me know in the comments down below and i'll show you how to do that but basically whatever way you choose you'll be using whatever commands you have in these files up here to do whatever you'd like of course there's tons more that you can do with rclone this is purely just scratching the surface and it's a really simple getting started guide for onedrive and rclone and encrypted folders if you'd like to see more let me know in the comments down below but anyways that's about it for this really long video hopefully i can shorten it up quite a bit as the recording was a solid 50 minutes thank you for watching my name's been technobaby here for troubleshoot and i'll see you all next time ciao
Channel: TroubleChute
Views: 4,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rclone, rclone windows, windows, rclone google drive, rclone windows 10, rclone windows setup, instalar rclone windows, rclone setup, rclone browser, rclone mount, set up rclone for linux, rclone in windows, rclone google drive linux, google drive rclone, rclone mount windows, mount rclone on windows, setup rclone on windows, rclone mount on windows, rclone google drive windows, amazon drive rclone, encrypt, encryption, crypt, OneDrive, mount
Id: RodGVORy90A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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