Unleashing Total Comfort: Amana S Series / Daikin Fit Installation by Prime AC and Heat in DFW

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welcome back Prime family glad to have you guys back here it's the year 2024 hey sorry that we haven't been uploading in the last couple of months but we have been super busy in the background getting ready to move into our new building and I'm so excited for that our guys are going to have an amazing training facility and you guys out there will be able to learn more about the am Mana s and just the daytoday of an HVAC business so that's what's been going on the last couple of months but business still has to on and we have been super busy this last month also with the couple cold spills that we got here in the north Texas area we had a bunch of furnace Replacements we had some S Series installations we had tuneups so we're just continuing to grow and that's a lot in part with our customers how they trust us you know we're a family own and operated company here honesty is the number one thing we thrive on and when we go out here we're performing to the best of our abilities ensuring that our customers are receiving the best of the best tomorrow super excited we have a huge project in Dallas it's a three system install with the am Mana s featured and the crazy thing about this particular project is that it has three different type of configurations it has an UPF flow a horizontal and a downflow system so we that that again is pretty crazy to have in one house but it just goes to show the versatility and the am Mana s ser and how they're able to perform in any situation so guys thank you again for joining us thanks for all of our fans last year as they help grow this channel sharing it liking it you know spreading the word of prime ACN heat very thankful for all of that let's go ahead and check in with Joe our general manager and he's going to talk and show you what it takes to get the ball rolling on a project of this magnitude stay tuned Prime family welcome to my office as you can see it's pretty empty in here and that's cuz we're gearing up to move into our new facility we're going to have a lot more room to really showcase the am Mana s and to take you a little bit deeper into the training that we do here at Prime AC and heat now today I have a really busy day already pulled the permit for tomorrow's uh triple system job uh what we have going on is we're going to have an upload a horizontal unit and a down flow so we're going to have all three we're going to Showcase all three of those in one project so I'm getting ready to pull all the materials list that way we are good to go for tomorrow and uh but enough about me I got a lot of stuff to do let's go ahead and check out uh Brett and see what he saw see how he designed the system and what it really takes to bring Comfort back into this customer's life what's good y'all we have a really really big install today if you don't know who I am I am harder with prime AC and heat about to get ready to head to our biggest install to date at least for me I typically like to stop my mornings when I'm on the way to work I like to listen to Sean and RJ in the morning uh I'm kind of young so I really didn't listen to radio shows like that but I think the content they talk about is really really good so that's something that like kind of gets me going gets my mind going you know just actively listening good morning good morning we have a long very fun project today as you already know we have a triple system uh complete system going in today three different configurations and it all starts with this we have our permit by the city of Dallas to make sure that we are compliant with everything uh here at Prime AC and heat we take pride in making sure we do things right and the first thing we do is pull permits on every job that way everybody uh is held accountable and the customer has that peace of mind that we did stuff right so I'm going to go ahead and post this follow along [Music] what's going on Prime family it's Carter and this is Ben we were just talking about how loud this carrier unit is right and this old 5ton single stage this thing is making a lot of Racket uh we're going to go ahead and replace this one this 5 ton this two ton and then a 4 ton down there all right some things we want you guys to see actually is look how unlevel this is we're going to come in we're going to make sure that this is level and it's on a nice slab it's going to fit with the S okay this thing is leaning like the Eiffel Tower look at his space man we can't even get back here what what what if the panel was back here if the panel was back there man we'd be we'd be doomed yeah hardly enough space for this unit to breathe we're going to go also we getting a new disconnect okay we're going to be taking off all of these that are on here and putting up new ones making sure that it goes really really good with the S I think it's going to make it look really good what are you saying I think it's going to make it look great we're also going to be adding search protectors to protect the outside units as well so stick with us as we do this full install okay it's going to be a day can't wait for you guys to see and [Music] watch heyy good morning guys uh and this one is a down FL system and this where we're going to replace the whole thing and this one uh also the coil going to come out and 're going to replace the floor over here this very bad situation the lines and also coming with a apro air filter they're going to replace it too so everything going to come out they're going to be a brand new [Music] system thanks Marco for showing us the downflow unit now we're going to going to be taking a look at this upflow unit everything here is going to be replaced uh the Old Furnace look at this baby coil we're going to go ahead and Swap all of this out we're going to enlarge the supply plenum as well as redo all of the drain lines and bring that gas line up to code now let's take a look at another configuration with Carter appreciate you talking about that UPF flow system bin the one I'm going to be handling today is going to be the horizontal system here as you can see it's a little bit like Tetris but I'm going to tell you what we're going to do today we're going to start by getting a hang right kit to make this thing more serviceability okay give it a little bit more service instead of being down here working really really hard we're going to redo the line set here we're also going to redo the gas line more importantly we're going to make sure that we modify all of these ducks to make sure that they're getting optimal flow for their new s okay we're going to make sure that again this is not like Tetris as you can see this evap does not fit with this supply plenum we're also also going to make sure that they have the top-of-the line April air filter okay stick with me I'm about to throw it to our installed guys and they're about to get ready to take all of this apart can't wait for you to [Music] see okay guys so as you can see we're already um pretty deep into the demolition here we got the old Plum look the look at the massive uh length or width of that it's pretty big we're going to be correcting all of that uh the am Mana s has a a much better profile we're going to be making sure that it's uh nice and level with our hung right kit so let's get with Brett and see what he saw and what uh made him decide to go with the S series on this project good morning thanks Joe for lining out the guys this morning we're all hands on deck today we're installing three a Mana s uh units so um um you know one of the things I looked at here going over the homeowner's concerns is you know humidity control was an issue hot and cold spots and efficiency so the am Mana s was a great unit for that customer's needs um I just want to touch up here as you see the plenum uh this is the number one thing that that we uh that I look at when I go into a house is this big giant box where all the Ducks attached to so these have to be measured correctly for the size unit when we do a heat load calculation this unit has has to be sized properly again because the homeowner was concerned about humidity issues hot and cold spots so this is a real important thing to look over and get right the first time because it wasn't right done last time it was installed so I want to show you too another reason why plenums are so important to replace we're not just swapping box for box we got to replace the stuff around the box too um because if you look in here the stuff you don't see on the outside is growing on the inside so we're just starting scratch always no ifans or butts new plenums new Ducks sized correctly and this home owners is going to love the am Mana s they're going to be so excited on their temperature control the humidity control they're going to be wondering why they didn't do it sooner B what's going on man I got my unit out where's yours look this is my unit this thing is like my kid man it's like actually almost the size of me this Big Slab coil right here I'm glad we're getting this thing [Laughter] out all right we're back in my uh favorite place to go to in every house which is your attic or your crawl space and the reason for that is it's not the equipment it's the duct work that delivers all the air and 90% of problems and efficiencies come from inadequate duct work so again this homeowner had major humidity issues down here um air flow control Hot and Cold spots air quality so I said hey where's your duct work she says under the house in this one so we're going in the crawl [Music] space all right so we're in deep now in this crawl space crawling all over every single duct work here so another thing I found here we saw that duct that wasn't supported and the reason you know because that duct failed is because it wasn't supported properly and found another one here this one's not as big of an issue but still something we're going to address now and take care of before it becomes a big issue you can see here this duct again it's sagging here not supported and it just caused it to rip right here now it's exposed all the insulation that's inside the duck so we're going to take care of that seal it back up and properly support it so that's not going to be an issue down the road all right so this duct here is a bigger duct and it's called a trunk duct or main supply duct and this duct is feeding multiple smaller vents so if it's not installed correctly here it's going to make the other vents suffer um so I just want to show you the importance of the duct work here and why I go in your crawl spaces and your attics and spend hours there and looking at every single duct and you know this is why it's so important because when we're way back here what I found here was another duct that has got some big problems with it so you can see here from the Builder so when the Builder built this house they just kind of slopped things together they don't really take their time or really honestly pride in their workmanship and they just attached this duck with just cheap duct tape strap and a couple zip ties and it wasn't supported and what happened it broke of course and all the insulation that's supposed to be here fell down it's not even insulated at all and so this is why this homeowner in particular had really bad humidity issues and hot and cold spots for this unit because you got no insulation on your duct work so we're going to be taking care of this one and making it done right from the beginning how it should have been done and it's going to make a huge difference and most importantly it's going to give the AL Manet s its best life too it's going to give it the most efficiencies it's not working against itself because the Ducks were not looked at or addressed and it's such an overlooked thing but I can't stress how important it is it's like the arteries to the heart so again here at Prime AC we take pride in our workmanship the units we install and just how HVAC works and uh ducting is like the most important thing to make these things unit last a long life so we're going to take care of all this and I look forward to going in your attic and crawl space to look at your duct work and to make sure that it's looking good and you know going to be healthy and give you the best air flow air quality and Community controls for you and your family okay guys so one of the big benefits of having a more efficient unit like the Amna s is that it uses a little bit less power right so uh in this particular case we have our breaker panel here uh they're sized to the old equipment and we're going to size it correctly to our new specifications as you can see right here our 2ton is using a 40 amp breaker now our new am Mana s uses a 25 amp breaker so what we do is actually leave this in place but we replace the uh disconnect box outside and we properly size the breaker outside with it that way when the inspector shows up they're able to locate the disconnect box take it apart see the breaker size and then the panel with the rating is right there easily accessible for uh our inspector so uh first things first we got to turn it off to make sure we're safe to work on it [Music] [Music] one other thing I like to talk about that's kind of coming in the pipeline is the refrigerant change that is happening and that's going to be happening in 2026 that is the cut off that the EPA has given everyone to swap over to a new refrigerant type and that's called an a2l refrigerant so it's more efficient it's to help reduce the global warming potential um and that's the Mandate that's coming in 2026 so the current refrigerant that's been around for decades that is environmentally friendly is r410a so kind of like how they got rid of freon in 2020 r410a is kind of being phased out in 2026 and what that means to you is the manufacturers have to make units using the new refrigerant by 2026 the bottle being produce we could still carry in our trucks and service the units that are pre-existing not a problem um but the equipment is going to have that new refrigerant coming 2026 and we're training our guys we're staying on top of it um these a2o refrigerants require new training new tools and again we're the Pioneers leading guys in the industry when it comes out we're ready to swap over for that and these new refrigerants are more efficient so pretty excited and am mana and Dyan are going to R32 so really high efficient refrigerant coming in in 26 guys I'm here live and In the Flesh with the 5 ton s that's right guys look at this thing this is state-of-the-art one of the biggest things I want to point out about it with it being so Sleek it has to have a different type of base and that base is literally fit just for it so I can afford to walk around this clean it off walk around the other side and I can even operate it on this side if I wanted to right if that's what it called for but we're going to get into a little bit of the magic which is the inverter driven system as you can see here this is what makes this thing just magical okay it makes it quiet because it has that swing compressor on the inside and we'll get into that a little later and you'll see how quiet this thing runs along with the disconnect that we got for it we got a whip that's going to make sure that it's weatherproof coming in and then we also have our UV rated all right UV rated protection here making sure that we're keeping all of our uh low pressure and high pressure lines secure and safe can't wait for you guys to see this thing run man it's going to be like Silent Library thanks Carter for talking about the inverter board on these am Mana s units I just want to go and dive a little bit deeper onto those circuit boards and what they kind of do and kind of where that magic come from comes from on these s units so if you follow me over here one is uh installing this unit as you can see and the board is right here that circuit board that looks like that fancy computer board that's the inverter circuit board it's all DC voltage meaning it's all communicating so it's just like computer language it's a lot of ones and zeros being sent back and forth to talk to the thermostat to talk to the heater and then upload all that information into the am manic Cloud so we come out in the field we don't have to open this panel up cuz these are very dangerous and you can see here there's a high voltage warning sticker and even a high voltage uh insulated pad to protect yourself you don't want to be Zapped by the DC voltage and these high voltage capacitors on these units now so everything is all soldered in place a mana and Dyan doesn't really want you to rip this panel off and start poking and prodding on that inverter board the reason why is it's all simplified and we just have all that information on our tablets now so we don't again have to come here spend a couple hours finding what's wrong we already know what wrong when we get to the job site so pretty cool technology and again this board is controlling all the speeds on the Sam Mana s unit it controls the compressor and that's a high efficient swing compressor very quiet also controls the fan motor out here this fan is keeping the compressor running cool so that's multiple speed so is the compressor everything is completely variable or inverter that's another term for that so that's that's what these s units do super high-tech stuff um we love them customers love them and they save a lot of money in the in the summer season so great [Music] technology one of the key benefits of the am Mana s units is the am manic cloud service so what that does and it's really important as a dealer is it allows us to remote access and tap into these units Real Time by the second 24/7 around the clock from the day we commission the system all the way till its very end of the life so we know all the time what's going on we can look at specific data points what date what time you know we can log into here it's really convenient for us texting the field and convenient for you as the homeowner it's very similar to let's say you get a check engine light on your car what do you got to do got to call a mechanic you bring your car to mechanic he buds with it for an hour or two costing you time and then you find out it's a part he has to order from the manufacturer then you got to reschedule to come back out at a later time fix the part and hope that was the part the whole time that was causing the issue the S Series eliminates that we know exactly what's wrong what part it is we get the part before we even come to your house replace it all saving you time so time is very important as we all know and again it's just a very think for us to know what's going on real time and if there's any alerts we notify you we come out again with the right tool we know exactly what's wrong replace it and Amanda has the best warranty on the market 99 years unit replacement warranty so if the compressor ever fails guess what you get a brand new S Series unit so it just gives you that peace of mind knowing that this is a unit you're investing in for the Long Haul and this is why duct work is so important we want to make sure these units are lasting that long life making sure the Ducks are adequate for these all right one of our favorite things here at Prim AC about the Mana s units is how small they are and how quiet they are um they keep it pretty simple they come down to two sizes in residential it's 1 and 1/2 to 5 tons but the actual size of the unit only comes in two sizes so what I have here right next to me is the larger one this is your 4 to 5 ton system it's just one size your 1 to 3 ton system is over there and that's it it just really adds about maybe 6 in on top another really cool uh benefit of these is how easy they to maintain I want to show you the coils on the back side so here are the coils which are coated in a corrosion resistant material that's why they're kind of blue so they're actually saltwater tested for I think it's like thousands of hours basically but coils are very high resistant to any corrosion and they're easy to clean so you can get back here get a hose clean it versus other units if you look at that unit it's all around the unit so a lot more coils to clean which means more time for our texts in the field and some spots even get missed that are behind unit towards the wall so again this is very accessible easy to clean all up on the cloud service so we could go with our tablets tap into it know everything right online which is really cool and convenient and uh leaves don't fall inside the unit so when the Fan's on top leaves and debris in the winter time F the inside of these units and they get dirty and again man s eliminates that with the the top there's nothing getting in this unit so just simple quiet easy to work on we love these units all right so little awesome features of the am Mana cloud and uh the Wi-Fi access can't be done without the am Mana smart thermostat so this thermostat is going to plug into the S units and the furnace and it's going to give you access to control it on your phone gives you the weather report you can set a schedule which is really nice and most importantly we have the cloud service with this as well so we're able to tap into this remotely work on it make any kind of diagnostic reports um or tweak it or if you just need help using it we could actually show you how to do it uh remotely which is really cool so very simple to use very user friendly very simple touch screens and it's a real Slim profile so it doesn't take up a lot of real estate on your wall so really cool slim looking thermostat for the uh s [Music] units guys I just came to take a peek at this downflow system and this one is a it's a lot more there's a lot more going on here we have to uh redo the whole uh bottom part of the pla make sure it's all sealed up we also rebuilt the frame that it sits on the old wood just wasn't sturdy enough to hold this a Mana [Music] ass look at how beautifully it's coming along the next step is going to be to braze with uh nitrogen and the reason that we do this is to prolong the life of the unit if you don't braze with nitrogen then the copper will oxidize where you braze it at and eventually it'll cause premature failure by clogging the TXV or clogging the filter dryer prematurely um so that's something that Prime as a company we don't want to happen uh we want to make sure that we take care of all of our customers and do it right the first time so as Jonathan is brazing right now we have it in um braze mode and so that's just going to flow a little bit of nitrogen 2 and a half PSI um and that's just to prevent any type of oxidation from the copper heating up uh we definitely don't want anything forming on the inside of the copper lines clogging up txvs or eevs in this particular case um and most importantly uh it prolongs the life of the unit hey guys little midday recharge sugar-free Red Bull so continuing on we're looking at our 2ton system we're pulling a 250 Micron vacuum currently we're sitting right at 767 microns manufacturer recommends that we go below 250 microns for this particular system once it hits at 250 microns we're going to isolate the unit and uh we're going to do a DK test make sure that it doesn't creep above 500 microns once we're done with that then it'll be ready for a system test so that video earlier you saw with Carter standing next to a giant coil and a gigantic metal box plenum that's because it was attached to a coil called a slab coil and those are just really long and skinny coils we're going with an aoil so they're more Compact and it gives us more room to install these ducks correctly so that old Plum was so big and we're dealing with tight space already in this attic it was hitting against this wall right here and this duct was just attached to it being severely pinched because the plan was pushing against it well now we're going to give this unit more space so we're going to actually have room to have this duck be unkinked and unpinched and have gradual 45° sweeps so the air is going to naturally flow this a lot better than what it was being pinched against this wall and what that means to you and this homeowner in particular is when you have a pinch duct guess what it's doing at the air flow it's pinching it and restricting it and guess what you're not getting into your house the cold and hot air that you need for you and your family so and what it does to the unit hurts it it puts stress on it and it's going to make a short lifespan out of that unit so it's so important to get it done right making sure the air flow is going to match and the Ducks are size correctly to have your Mana S series or any unit really live a long life all right guys we just finish up this install right now this was the one that I was overseeing making sure the install guys did their thing and you can bet they did come down here let's check this out check out this drain line action we got tying everything in making sure that if anything thing were to happen water will not be the cause of it okay we got our float switch as well on the brand new drain pan do you remember the old one yeah I'm sure you don't check this one out we got the hung right kit that's right making sure that this thing is elevated cuz last time we were on the floor working but now we can stand up and work on it we can Crouch and work on it whatever you want to do got the flu pipe making sure that it's ready and up to go with city code that's right it's easy easy going remember last time it was reaching way over here eev is plugged in ready to go got that new April air that's right check this out no more boxes we're going accordion style for this okay and then to finish up everything the only thing we haven't done just yet is cut this baby on so you can see why it is the best system out right now okay I can't wait for you to see it how it's running but I also want to to my own horn here Ben I won you had the vertical UPF flow system man what happened Carter I'm right over here since you're done so early come give me a hand all right man we're just vacuuming it down to 250 microns um I think once we're done with this it hits at 250 Micron uh then we'll do a DK test once that passes the test and we'll go ahead and put it into a test mode um and make sure the system is operating efficiently quietly just like years that's it here's the thermostat action right now boom you're going to take this going to hit this button here and put it on cool man it's a nice hot day for some reason out here in Texas and it's winter time all right from here okay going to drop this thing down the 71 and then we're going to let it work let's go outside see what happens all right guys we just finished turning on the thermostat and this is the effect of turning on the thermostat the unit is on none of those loud startups if you if you hear anything in the background right now that's them vacuuming down the other unit but this thing right here is as quiet as kep as Victoria Secret check it out huh what' you say what's Marco where's Benjamin I don't know but this one is finished and this is Carter's install right now guys can't wait for you to see the rest of them all right all right guys this is the upflow configuration um I think I beat Marco so after this video I'm going to go give him a hand so way we can get out of here get out of the customer's hair uh but we have it communicating already we have it in test mode so making sure that it's working uh efficiently and effectively the way that it's supposed to be working um but I'll catch you guys in a little [Music] bit okay guys allow me to introduce you to the am Mana s thermostat check Che out that Sleek design got a nice wall plate behind here to couble any kind of blemishes that might have happened on previous thermostats uh but the customers are going to love the interaction with this the phone application is buttery smooth super user friendly and uh with this thermostat it has the capability for the amount of cloud service which is basically a service that allows us to troubleshoot remotely uh from any part in the world we can access the uh thermostat see how it's doing and and it generates reports uh based on the runtime and the uh heat and uh cooling demand as well so let me show you a little graphic here this right here is our uh map this is all the s am Mana s that we have out there in the Metroplex right now as you can see our circle is growing we have a lot of customers and a little bit of uh the information that uh we share here is the performance graphs so here we can check the performance of the temperature um and it goes minute by minute cooling demand heating set point indoor temperature and outdoor temperature time and date so we can troubleshoot this uh no matter what we'll probably figure out that something is wrong before you even notice anything so we can be out there on the spot when you need us so the commissioning process for this one is complete we have two more to go okay guys uh we just finished the down FR system we did the down FL furnace the uh the gas lines flu P gas and the filter base I'm very happy the customer are going to love it the SE are going to pass it let's check with the [Music] guys that's it Prime family we have made it to the Finish Line we have complet completed the three system installation here and I'm sure you guys saw we had a downflow horizontal and UPF flow and our team put their head down focused up and got this project completed in one day and I could not be more happier our service department came through our installation uh Department came through even Brett our design specialist was out here to ensure that everything came out perfect for this customer and here's the end result we have the am Mana s slim efficient super quiet sitting on a sturdy concrete slab bolted down this thing ain't going to go nowhere our guys did a really great job in putting the copper nice has really good bands we got the UV Arma Flex our handy surge protector with our disconnect box here and really guys the only thing left to do is get the city of Dallas out here but guess what that's the easy part cuz green tags is all we get here when you call Prime AC in heat and you're asking for us to do a job like this you can count on us that we're going to do everything above and beyond to ensure these systems last you 15 or 20 years so stay tuned for the next video thank youall again for tuning in like always go ahead and like subscribe and share this content and you know watch us on the next video we'll catch you on the next one prime family dararius you ready to get out of here man I am ready to get out of here and these things are running as cool as me wearing Shades at night man so I mean I think that that's great there I don't even know what to say about that but just take a look at these units I mean they are they're both on by the way they're both on I don't hear anything and yeah it's you can't hear a thing they're so quiet these systems are super efficient yeah um I know I have no doubt in my mind that these these guys are going to have great sleep tonight and for the the rest of the time that they have these units yeah man I think that they're going to sleep very smooth no startups like this morning you remember this morning had man that thing was sounded like a old 350 small block Chevy trying to start in the morning that's it 5° but all jokes aside guys we worked really really hard me Benjamin Marco and the entire install team shout out to George and shout out to Jose as well uh we got it done and I hope you guys really really like this video man we show what the S can do and what it takes to install the S as well so yeah I mean you know I really have no other words other than to stay tuned for stuff that's coming in the future because we have a lot of really cool stuff planned um a lot of really exciting stuff as well so just stay tuned make sure to like subscribe and comment let us know what you guys think youall have a great night let's get out of [Music] here
Views: 40,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ml2TX4vkngk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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