Explore with us the Daikin Dual Fuel Heat Pump System with Humidification

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[Music] welcome back for another video of grand seating in air today we're talking about our dual fuel system from dykin so what is a dual fuel system well it's when we add a heat pump which is like an air conditioner that can work in reverse and the heat pump is outside and it is our primary sour of heat in a dual fuel system and then our traditional gas furnace that everyone's used to seeing is our secondary source of heat here let's explain a little bit how this works so when the heat pump is operating it's typically going to be above about a 25 degree outdoor temperature so anything warmer than 25 degrees outside we're going to use the heat pump to heat the home and we get below 25° we're going to use the gas furnace to heat the home unlike an all Electric System the dual fuel system cannot operate both the heat pump and the gas furnace at the same time they do need to be operated separately just to get a little nerdy it's because the coil here which is producing the heat in the heat pump mode is rejecting the heat energy up into the supply duct work to heat the home but we can't introduce heat from below the coil and put a bunch of heat into the bottom of the coil as that would not allow the heat pump to reject the Heat and heat the home so these both the the heat pump and the gas furnace must operate at separate times not together so what we have here is a Dyan 96% efficient furnace gas furnace this is in an LP setup uh that would be propane gas and this particular furnace is a two-stage furnace so we do have a 75% capacity and 100% capacity available at the gas valve we have wires here that are communicating to the indoor furnace the blower motor everything's talking the coil is even communicating here with this control board and the outdoor unit and the dyin one thermostat everything talking together and communicating so that we get proper airflow proper operations we have our electronic expansion valve in here that needs to be able to open and close with many different stages so everything's talking to each other so that we can get the system to work on our gas furnaces we always lift them with a box if you see down here we actually have a seven and a half inch Riser this might be six and a half seven but you get the idea and what this is is just an open box that allows us to cut a hole in the side here and allows us to cut a hole in the side of the Furnace this is all sealed and then that allows this to filter all the air coming back to the furnace but by us lifting this furnace off the ground we can get air into the blower on both sides and not just try to push everything through one side of the Furnace so we always use these Riser boxes for better airf flow lower the static pressures which in turn lowers the amp draws on the motor lowering the operational cost of the equipment by doing this we've added humidification to the home with this fan powerered humidifier now traditionally we like to install these on the supply duct but as you can see we really don't have the space above the furnace to install this um because of the warmer air that travels through the fan on this we would see a little more humidity we still get humidity out of this unit currently it is heating I don't know if we can see the guess you see that's that's heating currently the variable speed blower that's inside this furnace has many different speeds So based on whether it's in single stage two stage or our dyin fit heat pump which we'll show you here in a minute um has many stages of heating and cooling so we need need that variable speed blower to be able to change speeds ramp up and down and match that optimal flow whether we're trying to use the gas portion to Heat or the cooling or even the heat pump outside what this is for is to make sure that there's air flow running through the system okay so when this is all done heating that blower is going to come way down to a low circulation speed which is very quiet typically around 450 CFM something like that um so when we get this system to ramp way down we want to make sure that the humidifier when calling does not operate without airf flow so there's a couple different ways we can do this so in this setup we actually have this one set up to operate with the included digital humidistat this is included with the system with Dyan though it's a little bit different on the communicating system so since we have a non-communicating piece of equipment that we are now working with the commun ating piece of equipment we have two ways we can do this we could either have this humidifier controlled from the Dyan one or we can control the humidifier with the included digital humidistat so some advantages to the digital humidistat is that we can put an outdoor sensor and that outdoor sensor will automatically modulate the target of the humidity based on the outdoor temperature so if it gets really cold outside this target is going to start dropping down in this setup the customer has a 1 through 10 setting it's not going to say what the target percentage humidity is because we have it set up to automatically modulate so the customer just kind of finds that sweep Point leaves it forets it but what's important is that we don't run this without a fan blowing because then the humidity is just going to sit here in this this return duct which could condensate and water could actually potentially start to build up in the duct work can cause issues so with this setup and not having the Dyan one control this and having this we actually add that so if the customer does not turn the circulating fan on of the thermostat and the furnace comes down it's an idle everything shuts off then this will automatically shut off too even if it's calling for humidity something that's really the most problematic thing that we have in HVAC in our industry are humidifiers reason being is there's just so much that can actually go wrong with these and water quality is a huge one um being up on a well in this particular application we're going to get a lot of hard water sediment depending on what's in the well and that could actually cause this pad to plug up there's actually a pre-filter that's located where the water line comes in down here that can actually plug up as well um so regular maintenance is very important and we do take these off during a maintenance clean the inlet filters put new pads in clean the trays get all that out of there but in some applications we have a lot of problems with these just because there's too many minerals coming in so what we like to do when we have a lot of minerals is we use steam humidifiers so today steam humidifiers actually like the minerals it creates an electrical path inside the canister to actually produce more humidity um so we'll actually do a steam humidifier for in a location with some really bad water one of the important things with these humidifiers though is to actually have it freeze and leak detector underneath them um in this case we do not and it's really because it's all concrete here in the drains right here um but I we do recommend having some sort of water safety underneath um all humidifiers and we do that going forward because we've had a few issues and there's a little door you can pull here we actually allow you to reset the pad when needed and so every time you reset the pad you hold that down the lights will do this little dance and tell you that everything has been reset so nice that the customer can actually see if there's an issue just by looking at it and all the other humidifiers don't do that they don't have lights and indicators so okay so what I like to talk about is the dual fuel option what are some advantages to a dual fuel option versus an all electric option well in a dual fuel option you do have that comfort of the traditional gas furnace that most people are used to which is going to have higher temperatures at the register that's going to be more comfortable for some customers especially customers who really want to set back their thermostat at night so if you like to have your thermostat drop down to 60 and then you want it 70 when you wake up dual fuel is probably the way to go um just because even if we're above 25 degrees outside and customer goes up to the thermostat bumps the thermostat up or on a program the thermostat jumps up the dyin 1's automatically going to know hey heat pump's going to take a long time to do this operation so I'm going to go ahead and just kick on the gas furnace and get get this job done now I would like to say on a natural gas system here in Colorado um it's hard to beat a gas dual fuel system it's really nice to offset the gas with the heat pump as the heat pump is all electric especially if you have solar you just want to go green you just love electricity versus gas that's great um but here in Colorado until natural gas prices come up it's hard to beat if at all the operational cost L of a dual fuel system when it's warmer outside you get more more heat out of a heat pump so typically most of these heat pumps unless are really cold climate heat pumps about five degrees outdoor temperatur is really where they start to plummet off in the heat output but we still do around 25 30 degrees thermal balance changeover with these guys um just for Comfort um we could run that heat pump lower um but with the dual fuel we kind of lean more in that direction and it really just kind of depends on the cost in the fuel the the rating of the outdoor heat pump and what it's capable of putting out at heat another advantage to the dual fuel system would be in a home that doesn't have a lot of power coming into the house so if you got a 100 amp service or maybe even 150 amp service but you've got a hot tub you know you've got all these things that are pulling a lot of power going to an all Electric System may not even be an option for you so for an example a 10K W all electric backup heat kit system is going to need a 60 amp breaker just for the indoor and then the outdoor depending on the tonage is typically a 25 30 amp breaker but you can see adding a 60 amp and another 30 amp in a home that's only got 100 amps of service you can start maxing things out even 150 amp home with electric water heaters and hot tubs and all that so another advantage to the dual fuel system is not having that 60 amp or more breaker depending on the load and just adding like a traditional air conditioner would be and they may already have a traditional air conditioner but now we can use that same circuit to do a heat pump and still kind of offset some of that gas use and we go into here with a probe we read those flu gases and I have the technicians then go in and set the gas pressures in here and make sure that this is burning at the most efficient level possible because with altitude changes we got different amounts of oxygen in the air and so we're going to have to change that gas valve and we're going to you know just like a carburetor on a car right you could have too much gas or not enough gas kind of the same thing with the furnace so we use that thousand combustion analyzer to set every gas piece of equipment that we do to make sure it's running at optimal efficiency okay so we're outside here on the dual fuel system and I kind of want to show you guys this particular heat pump located here you guys can see there is some ice and some icicles that have been falling um we did mention to the customer that you might want to build a little lean to over it um but there is absolutely no damage you can see a little screw divot here but everything is just missing it and this system is not on a riser and we made that decision based on that the customer says it really never gets a lot of snow here compared to maybe some snow in some other areas I don't know I think in the future we do lift them all up on Mini Split stands I think it's just a better idea to do that but seeing here everything is fine and operating and it is out of the snow and out of the ice um we do add surge protectors to all of it because as some of you may know Mini Splits and you know inverter technology does have control boards that are sensitive to electrical spikes and stuff like that so we've added that we did talk to the owner about this job and wanted to make sure that you know if there were any issues with the sliding snow because you got to be careful of ice and stuff coming down and smashing into the units so another nice advantage to these units is just look how how tight they can fit and I think D says 6 in minimum so I'd say we're we're right at that minimum absolutely no damage to the unit and it is clear and the homeowner is happy with this particular setup so yeah just kind of wanted to show you um the dual fuel system will look a lot like our all electric systems you really couldn't tell um other than we do add an electric pan heater to all electric system because they're running down to -10 and of course we would for sure have it up on a Mini Split stand because of all the water defrosting out of the unit well thanks for coming along with another adventure here and learning about the Dyan dual fuel system with gr seating and air we really appreciate you guys watching and if you have any comments you want to share maybe other systems that you would like to see um we are going to be adding more videos all the time we've got mini split videos we got all kinds of stuff so like And subscribe and once again thanks for watching and uh we'll see you on the next [Music] one
Channel: Grants HVAC
Views: 5,314
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Id: mAAnSJoDgsI
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Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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