Mitsubishi vs. Mr. Cool: Which Mini Split Should I Choose?

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hey guys it's Mark with gut duckus here and today we're going to be comparing two very popular brands Mitsubishi and Mr Cool making the decision for choosing which mini split brand is a big decision and a lot of factors go into it do you go with the premium it's aishi or do you go with um the more affordable uh the more customer friendly DIY solution Mr cool there's a lot of factors to consider and it may seem like we're comparing apples and oranges today but sometimes that's necessary to know all the factors that go into a big decision like choosing a mini split so let's get started so today we're comparing the Mr cool easy Pro 9000 BTU single zone which happens to be a DIY system and we're going to be comparing it to the Mitsubishi GS 9000 BTU it's actually a 230 volt uh non DIY it's supposed to be professionally installed uh and so they're two different 9,000 BTU single zones that's how they're similar and so we're going to go through what makes them similar as well as what makes them different and we're going to break it down based on a couple categories that are uh pretty common and would make it a logical comparison now before we get into the product comparison between Bishi and Mr cool we just want to say that the conclusions that we make today are based on these specific model numbers we're not trying to make blanket statements over both Brands they both have their own unique offerings both for single zone and for multizone so don't take the conclusions that we have today and apply it to the entire Brands we want to look at these two model numbers specifically and uh make conclusions based on that now today we're covering two single zone options between M Mitsubishi and Mr Cool now we could do multizone options as well but just for Simplicity purposes we chose a single zone just because it's a very simple setup indoor unit for both outdoor unit for both now for multis Zone these conclusions can also apply uh however you would have to look at at it from a different lens and we can make another video about that but today we're just comparing two single zones now in order to effectively compare both these units we're going to look at a couple categories the first is going to be performance how do both these systems perform and can we compare the specs to look at uh the performance second is the features and technology that both these systems compact with the third is warranty longevity how long are both these systems going to last you the fourth one is rebates and incentives uh does the government and the state uh incentivize you do utility companies that are local to your area in iviz you the fifth is info process obviously one is DIY and one is a pro install and the last is price what's the bottom line how much is it going to cost you um purchasing the equipment the materials the labor that goes into it um so these six uh different categories are going to help us compare these two units so you can make a decision for yourself so the first category we're going to look at is performance and we're going to start with Mitsubishi to start so there's three categories of performance that we cover first is Energy Efficiency second is uh Heating and Cooling output and the third is the noise levels when the system's operating so for Mitsubishi for this particular uh single zone the gs9000 uh single zone it has a 28.4 sear 2 rating a 15.4 E2 rating and a 10.9 hspf rating now you might wonder what those acronyms stand for to I put it very simply sear rating is an efficiency rating that looks at the cooling output compared to how much electricity is used across a seasonal average of temperature and the eer is the same for cooling but it looks at very um Peak temperatures uh in the summer so it's going to look at like 95° fight when it's extremely hot outside and it's looking at how much electricity is being used and how much cooling output is being given at that Peak temperature and hsbf is simply just a heating um calculation similar to what the eer is now those ratings are above average compared to the industry average 28.4 SI 2 is pretty incredible most other Min splits are ranging um single zones particularly ranging between 20 and 25 so uh 28.4 is a great number as well as the hspf being above 10 that's also um a great number as well so we'll rank Mitsubishi pretty high on that Spectrum second category is cooling and heating outputs Mitsubishi uh produces 12,200 BTUs of cooling when it's 95° fit so it's above the 9,000 BCU rated capacity the second is uh for heating 15,000 BTUs of heating output at 47° F and 70 900 7,900 BTUs of heating at 5° F when it's pretty cold outside now it locks out at -4° so it's not particularly low temperature uh system for those folks uh in the north um that have subzero temperatures often um but if you're in a climate where uh you know you need heating but it's not going to go below the teens very often this system is uh great and it does um produce heating outputs um just make sure that you're sizing your system accordingly so if it does get to the teens uh and down to 5° fah just make sure 7900 BTUs is enough for your space third category is noise levels obviously people care about this since it's going to be in their house or in their yard you'd want to make sure it's not disturbing whether it's uh your sleep in your bedroom or if it's in an office space you don't want it to be um overpowered in your voice if you're on the phone so for an indoor unit for Mitsubishi it's uh rated between 19 to 43 DB um which is a range between uh the fan speeds so 19 is at a whisper quiet mode um 19 is really quiet I think bitsi uses the term um child's whisper is the uh comparison of decies um so really quiet indoor operation and the outdoor is ranging from 48 to 50 50 DB so you know that it's not incredibly loud it it operates at a fairly quiet um quiet range so you're not disturbing your neighbors as well as yourselves if your windows are open now let's look at Mr cool so the performance category obviously we'll break it down into the same three categories the first is Energy Efficiency so Mr Cool 9000 easy Pro comes out at 20 sear 2 11.5 eer 2 and 10 3 hpf4 so again the same uh cooling and heating uh metrics are being used here at um seasonal averages Peak average as well as heating performance 20 sear um for Mr Cool is I'd say lower average um on the scale of efficiency most like I mentioned in the last uh clip the sear rating is typically ranging between uh 18 to low 30s and so uh 20 SE is I'd say on the lower uh end of that scale however compared to traditional systems 20 SE is great next category is cooling and heating output so this uh single zone system is able to operate 9,000 BTU output 9,000 BTUs of cooling at 95° Fahrenheit so it's going to be pretty uh close to the rated uh capacity and then 10,500 B of heating at 47° fah which is over the uh the rated capacity now this system also U operates down to 5° F so again same with Mitsubishi it's great if you're in an area where the coldest you're going to get is the teens it's not going to produce up to 9,000 BTUs in that colder temperature so you have to account for that um but if you live in a area where you're experiencing lower than teens this system is probably not the one for you the third category is noise level um for indoor and for outdoor now Mitsubishi was pretty quiet now let's look at how the Mr cool easy Pro Compares for the indoor unit it goes from 22 to 38.5 so pretty close uh to Mitsubishi Mitsubishi's was 19 this is 22 and the highest uh noise L noise level in terms of ible is is 38.5 compared to Mitsubishi's 43 so the loudest Mitsubishi setting is actually louder than the loudest Mr Cool setting which is pretty great um the outdoor unit ranges um at 40 54 to 55 uh DB and so 55 dcib compared to Mitsubishi's 48 to 50 is a little bit louder uh you'll be able to notice it a little bit more but not by a huge margin the second category we'll cover is features and Technology of course we'll start with Mitsubishi so Mitsubishi has two features we really want to um break down one is the anti-corrosion blue fin technology that they just came out with uh not too long ago which is a covering on the indoor coil and the outdoor coil that prevents from corrosion now this is really important uh if you're located near Coast um but also just generally really helpful um to preserve the system over time the second feature that is featured in this single zone is the whisper quiet mode that we just talked about in the performance section which is that this is possibly the quietest unit on the market now if you really want to prioritize peace and quiet in whatever space you're working whether it's a bedroom or it's an office some of our customers have put these in recording studios CU they know Mitsubishi is by far the quiet system uh this is definitely that whisper quiet mode is is really important and it's an important feature to cover now these are the two features we wanted to talk about today this is a pretty basic um kind of middle of the way uh model number for Mitsubishi they have other model numbers that have more premium features um but this particular single zone uh just comes with those two features that we discussed so Now features and Technology for Mr cool easy Pro 9000 so this system comes with a few features that are pretty interesting the first is a follow me function which is a sensor on the indoor unit that allows for a personalized comfort of air Direction air flow so this system can actually sense where a person is in the room and adjust its uh air flow as well as temperature to make sure that you get the personalized comfort that you want the second is a leak detection technology that actually lets you know whenever there's a refrigerant leak in the system now if you have a refrigerant leak in the system you're not going to get the output that you're thinking you're going to get lukewarm air because there's no gas in the system to be able to transfer heat uh Heating and Cooling to your indoor space and so this system will actually let you know if you have a a issue at hand so you can call a professional in to get that fixed for yourself and the third thing is buil-in Wi-Fi and a more technological advances so built-in Wi-Fi in this system so you can control the system from anywhere in the world at a click of a button on the smartphone app which is great it's built in you don't have to um uh purchase it separately and it's also available with Amazon Alexa as well as Google home so you can add it to whatever smart settings you already have have in your home the next category is warranty and Longevity now this is super important because the Energy Efficiency uh category we just talked about and the features in technology all those things are marvelous and they're great but how long are these systems actually going to last you in your home or your business that's what we really care about so we'll look at warranty and that's really easy to compare that's just the manufacturers warranty for their parts and their compressors um now longevity is a little bit more subjective but for today's video and today's purposes we'll just compare longevity and correlate it to the uh the manufacturer warranties and assume that the manufacturers warranties that they put out is their way of saying we're confident that that the system is going to last as long as the warranty that we provide now we'll start with Mitsubishi who boasts the industry is probably the top warranty um with 12 years if it's installed by mitsi Certified Technician as well as if the system is registered within 60 days of installation now even if it's not registered and it's not installed by a Mitsubishi Certified Technician it still comes with an outof box 7 years compressor 5 Years Part warranty which is pretty great now if it's registered but not installed by Mitsubishi warrant uh Mitsubishi technician it's still 10 years which is great compared to the rest of the uh brands on the market now uh either way if you get up to 12 or if it's below um below 12 seven years compressor 5 years Parts it still proof and shows that Mitsubishi stands behind the product they know that it's going to last up to seven years for the compressor and five at least 5 years for parts and they'll cover up to over a decade 12 years of coverage for both the parts and the compressor for this system now they don't cover labor which is still something that you have to consider but if they're guaranteeing or um maybe not guaranteeing but they're providing a warranty for that long of a period they know that the system is going to be resilient and hopefully you don't have to pay as much labor uh to replace parts and things over the years Mr Cool's easy Pro 9000 is only covered by onee compressor warranty and 2 years Parts warranty which doesn't really say much about Mr cools um confidence in the product over a long period of time now you can probably imagine since that warranty is so short it's maybe not meant for applications where you just want to install it and leave it alone for a long period of time like you would maybe for mitubishi so the applications might be a little different for this product now the warranty might be lower for this Mr Cool system but you definitely get what you pay for we'll cover that in the price where the price of the system definitely is reflective of the warranty on to the fourth category which is rebates and incentives now this is an important category to consider when you're looking at the full budget of your project now uh if you have a system that qualifies for maybe a federal tax credit you know that at the end of the year you're going to get a credit towards your taxes that can help W uh with the overall cost of the system another thing is rebates um rebates that are available able through your utility companies your electric companies that are uh offering these rebates depending on the energy star qualification as well as a few other metrics uh that you have to look at to see whether they qualify but that could mean up to a couple hundred of savings depending on the system now of course we start with Mitsubishi now this particular indoor and outdoor combination the gs09 is energy star uh certified and it does apply um towards and qualify for the IRA uh federal tax credits both for the North and the South Region so the entire United States you know that you can get 30% of the cost of installation plus the product um towards your tax credit at the end of the year which is great this system also qualifies for local utility rebates so check with your electric companies locally in your area and you could get up to $300 um of a utility rebate if you get the system installed on to Mr Cool this system is energy STAR certified when it comes to the IRA federal tax credit it only um is qualified in the South Region which is typically the state of Maryland and Below um where it's warmer typically in the winter and most likely it isn't qualified in the North Region because of the heating outputs uh the colder that it gets now it is since it is energ certified it does apply and qualify for local utility rebates kind of like the Mitsubishi system where if you contact your electric utility company or you can find it on their website this system meets the qualifications to receive up to a couple hundred off your uh system installation and purchase the fifth category we'll cover is the installation process now this is going to look far different from each other because Mitsubishi requires a pro install it's not DIY you have to flare line sets you have to pull a vacuum you have to release charge the DIY uh Mr Cool system can be done all by a homeowner or a handyman the line sets come pre-charged uh there's no flaring involved there's um no vacuuming involved it's a very simple process that um that Mr Cool has engineered to allow homeowners to do the installation by themselves so let's get into the differences as mentioned Mitsubishi requires a pro install a homeowner can install the indoor unit the outdoor unit they can run the line sets maybe even um do the flare connections if they have a flare block but a pro is needed in order to uh start up the system vacuum it down make sure that the charge is released properly and just verify all the connections everything is good to ensure that the system will last for a long time mitubishi wants a pro so um sign off and make sure that the system is running according to their specifications so that it can last a long time obviously it has a up to 12E warranty so Mitsubishi wants to ensure that the system is installed properly so it lasts for as long as it can now as mentioned Mr Cool is a DIY system or this system um the easy Pro 9000 in particular is it comes with everything that you possibly need it comes with the indoor unit the outdoor unit the um no vac vacuum pre-charged line set um everything that you need except for some of the electrical components and uh mouning uh components whether you go with a bracket or a pad is kind of up to you but it's not necessary in order for the system to run itself if you already have an existing concrete pad that you want to set the outdoor unit on um of course the mounting um accessories might not be needed but it doesn't include the electrical components um because they want an electrician licensed electrician to do those connections for you however everything else is DIY um a homeowner or handyman can easily put this together uh it might take one day to to put the whole system together to get it up and running but it's a fairly simple installation and does not require the assistance of an uh HVAC professional with a license now the last category we'll cover is price this is where the rubber meets the road and makes the biggest difference of course if you're only budgeting for a certain amount of money that's the amount of money that you can work with so um the factors that you have to consider are the equipment the materials and the labor that are involved in order to get the systems up and running so let's start with Mitsubishi so Mitsubishi uh requires a few different things that you have to consider in terms of price you have to think of the equipment that is involved the indoor unit the outdoor unit the accessories like the line sets the mounting accessories electrical accessories things of that nature any linet covers that you might need and labor to get the system installed you're going to have to pay the labor for the startup if you want to get the EM of issue warranty so all these things together you need to consider as of uh December 2023 um even up to now the price of this particular system was about $1,600 um that's just the equipment That's not including line sets as well as the labor labor can be considered anywhere between 3500 to 5,000 depending on the state that you're in and so all that together you have to calculate now I mentioned that 3500 to 5,000 is the labor cost for a single zone installation and that really does range depending on the state depending on the company how many years of experience they have whether they're Diamond contractor mitubishi certified now one thing that you I forgot to mention is that if a homeowner installs the indoor and the outdoor and they want the technician to come in and do the startup ensure that the system is installed properly that may be significantly less uh money but those are quotes that you need to receive locally from the technicians that you work with now if you're a homeowner or a business owner that wants to purchase Mitsubishi GS system or any other Mitsubishi system online and you just want a labor quote for a contractor technician to come and install it for you don't be discouraged if you get nose to start with um a couple years ago that would have been completely normal but now the industry is changing to cater to homeowners needs and more and more contractors are agreeing to provide labor only so if the first couple contractors say no because they only do things their way continue to research you will find contractors that will provide this labor only quotes now on to Mr Cool since it's a DIY system if you're not planning on Outsourcing the installation to your uncle or maintenance guy you're probably not going to pay for the installation you're going to be able to do everything yourself so you're just going to be paying for the system and everything that it comes with now you will have to pay for electrical accessories um disconnect whip um and running a line to the breaker box and if you're in a state that requires um a licensed electrician to do that work you're going to have to pay him as well however when it comes to the line sets the some of the more basic accessories everything's included and you don't have to pay for an atre professional to put in the system for you so the system on our site right now it sells for 12252 so you know that you're getting the line set the indoor the outdoor and all the accessories needed to install all the system within that 1252 Mark now that we've covered the six categories it's time to kind of go over the general overview of who would buy each of these systems so Mr cool easy Pro we think someone would buy it if they're physically able to install it themselves they don't want to get an haac company involved they just want to install it themselves and save the money for that they're looking for something affordable that they uh they know will fall within their budget and maybe something that's more of a shortterm term solution now Mitsubishi why would someone choose Mitsubishi they're looking for a long-term solution that they know they can install and they won't have to worry about for a long time they uh want to have higher efficiency ratings and they want to know that uh the part availabilities will be available and the system will operate um flawlessly and they're also looking for the quality and the um performance that we mentioned earlier in the video to give them the comfort that they expect so today we compared the Mitsubishi gs9000 single zone to the Mr cool easy Pro 9,000 now both of these um products have different offerings as we covered in the video and maybe those offerings attracted you in different ways maybe you're a diyer that wants to save on the installation um price and maybe you like the technological features that Mr go has maybe that's the single zone for you or maybe you're a business owner that just wants to install a long-term highquality uh very quiet system maybe Mitsubishi single zone is the the way for you depending on who you are and which product offerings are important to you your decision could could look a lot different but we're here to share the value that both these Brands and both these products provide and help you make a decision we hope that this video helped you and you're able to uh be more educated on what both of these products can do for you and we hope that you got something from it thanks for watching this video we hope this content was helpful for you in your mini split buying decision process we really want to be helpful for homeowners and business owners that want to learn more about Mini Splits so if you found this helpful would you consider subscribing to our Channel and liking this video so we can continue making great content for people like you thanks for watching he
Channel: Got Ductless
Views: 11,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mitsubishi vs Mr Cool, Mitsubishi, Mr. Cool, Mitsubishi ductless, Mitsubishi mini split, Mitsubishi ductless Air conditioner, Mr. Cool ductless, MrCool mini split, MrCool ductless Mini split, ductless mini split, ductless mini-split, mini split air conditioning, ductless heat pump, mini split heat pump, rebates & incentives, warranty & longevity, 9k single zone system, performance, installation process, price, Features & Technology
Id: Zo9m8tl0z1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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