r/NuclearRevenge | 1 & 20 Years Paying the Office B***h Boss Back! | #162

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hey everybody rob from karma comic chameleon coming at you with another nuclear revenge story one and twenty years paying the back let's jump right in I asked you to hit that subscribe button for more daily reddit stories buckle up it's a long ride to the end but oh so satisfying posted to pro revenge and users recommended I share it here too sometime back I was hired to a company by a CEO I had previously worked for someplace else he was a good friend so when his newest company wasn't achieving sales he had hunted me to join the new one the company hadn't made a sale in two years year one the software product was in beta so it wasn't ready to be sold year two they realized using the tech stuff to make high-end sales to c-level executives was the PS sales model one could conceptualize in general and there are exceptions of course these two personality styles don't speak the same language tech people talk tech buyers talk benefits and how the potential product bills needs I bridge the gap well by translating text speak into natural conversation language so buyers better understand how their needs will be filled the job was an hour and a half drive one way from my home so the CEO said I could work from home as long as I kept the sales management tool current it's where you keep the notes of each prospect status came to important meetings and made sure the executive team had daily sales reports the first month I made the daily 3-hour commute because I needed to have solid constant interaction with all the departments to rapidly for my sales strategy and develop a two-way confidence level with the section heads once I had a handle on things I was ready to launch my sales plan in the mean time the CEO hired a VP of Sales boss who started four days before I hit the ground running to get in front of buyers she was a VP coming from the banking industry and had a long career in sales and marketing in finance products I hated her from the moment she arrived she knew all about tech and I spent huge time trying to orient her which wasn't ideal because I needed to work on my sales strategy they brought her on board because she had strong experience gaining financial investors nevertheless I forged ahead traveled to a target state and spent 19 days criss-crossing it when I came back I had 17 contracts from buyers totaling about two million dollars in sales my CEO was overjoyed fast forward six months and now I'm working from home I'm rocking and rolling sales are strong CEO is happy good things are happening boss has landed an investor willing to drop six million dollars into the company and they are coming to town for a discovery meeting she asked me to drive up because they specifically want to meet the salesperson seconds before walking in the door for the big meeting boss pulls me aside and says she needs me to back her up on the lie she has told him basically she doubled my sales numbers I told her there was no way I was going to do that she says the CEO has okayed the lie we get to the part in the talk where the investor is looking over my inflated sales numbers on the prospectus then directly asked me how many sales I'm making a month boss is behind him waving her arms but I was having none of it and answered truthfully he looks askance staring at the document which has the false number listed while she's giving me the stink-eye behind him no one says a word dead silence I asked to see the document and fates have aligned allowing me to solve the dilemma I explained the first two numbers were transposed they correlated well to my real sales versus inflated sales if you flip-flop the first two digits potential investor is satisfied and we move on switch gears about a week later I was meeting with the CIO in his office and he referred to my big I'm no shrinking violet but it stunned me because it was so unexpected that night I was chatting with my BFF who happens to be a lawyer and told him about it in casual conversation he said I should tell the CEO so he can address it thinking along smart business practices I decided to tell boss to whom I directly report as proper protocol since we don't have an HR department yet side note I also report directly to CIO as a boss since my role was a muddy mix of sales and tech the next day CEO calls me and I take him through it telling him it's no big deal but to make sure he talked to CIO so it didn't happen again he says he'll do it right away two days later I check him with him in CEO still hadn't talked to CIO because the investors were in town I gently pushed him to get it done and casually mentioned my best friend who happens to be a lawyer was the one who urged me to tell him because any good CEO would want to know about it I reiterate I'm not mad or upset the only word he heard was lawyer he went ape that I was bringing a lawyer into the mix now this guy was my good friend we'd worked together at two companies for years I calmed him down or so I thought explaining that I only wanted him to talk to CIO I also told him I hadn't brought a lawyer into it that I had been innocently chatting with BFF who just happens to be a criminal defense attorney he seemed ok and we hung up the next day I'm working as usual and I get a call from an attorney who explains the company has hired her regarding my sexual harassment claim I'm flummoxed and adamantly told her that was not the case I had no claim against the company she said otherwise and that's when everything changed dramatically CEO was furious with me for bringing this on when investors were looking at us his reaction set the tone which filtered down the company began to retaliate against me boss now made it her mission to make my life hell forgetting to tell me about important meetings I was supposed to attend freezing me out when I was in the office telling me I could no longer even speak to CIO a problem since I'm selling multimillion-dollar tech products needing his input and I directly reported to him as my other boss denying me a long-planned approve a keishon basically anything she could devise to screw me over she was gleefully working it coinciding with this was a serious health problem might've ultimately requiring surgery my illness had no impact on my work as I was able to work from home which made things easier on me health-wise boss then decided that I need to come to the office every day despite a three-hour round-trip commute now I know you're thinking why didn't I just leave get another job somewhere else I needed the health insurance there was no way to turn around another job fast enough and I had a complex surgery scheduled requiring three surgeons for my procedure my doctor gave me a note for them which released me from having to make the daily commute so I could continue to work from home as long as my work didn't suffer they legally couldn't force me to commute especially since working from home was part of my employment contract from the outset the night before my surgery boss calls to tell me they've cancelled my health insurance after hanging up with my boss I collapsed on the floor in a faint I was so so so sick and mentally exhausted from all the stress the next morning the CEO frantically calls asking to talk to me my mom refuses to let him I'm on official leave as of that morning and we're heading to the hospital CEO had told their lawyer about canceling my health insurance and she chewed him a new hole telling him it was illegal they immediately reinstated my insurance in the two weeks I was out my mom had found a lawyer for me as it was clear shenanigans were going on I still needed them as an employer because I was in no shape to rigorously job hunt while recovering turns out all the Bulls they were doing to me is illegal companies aren't allowed to retaliate against employees when they report nefarious acts against them I met with my new lawyer who said I had an excellent claim for retaliation and took me on he said I had to continue working there while he did his thing to stay within protocol while he filed the EEOC claim now it's time for me to return to work the company had relocated planned during my absence and boss refused to tell me where so I couldn't come back to work company lawyer told them they had to tell me so bus gives me wrong directions making me late on day one I walk in the new office and it looks like any other place except for one thing there is a wide open area directly in front of the CEOs glass office with a single desk in the middle of it welcome to my new desk also I wasn't allowed to do sales anymore in fact I wasn't allowed to do anything at all period they had hired a bunch of new people to the company and they treated me like a pariah turns out boss had gone to them telling a pack of lies and if they know what's good for them they'll stay away since I had nothing to do but couldn't just sit there looking like a dope I worked on documenting everything being done to me per my lawyer's advice I was meticulous in my note-taking boss began writing me up stupid stuff like not answering my phone on the first ring and for asking questions during company-wide meetings asking to see my personnel file which employees are legally entitled to do although not entitled to photocopy any of it each time she wrote me up I had to sign the right up there was a space for me to reply to it so I consistently wrote I do not agree with his assessment it infuriated her so much she wrote me up again for writing the statement that I didn't agree with it there were several instances where she called me into her office and literally began screaming at me loudly and enthusiastically I wouldn't engage though my standard answer to everything was okay which made her apoplectic at one point she's inches from my face screaming her face beet red and I just sat there with a dreamy expression whilst envisioning her blowing a vein in her head stroking out I infuriated her with my equanimity still and all I was in it to win it at this point it didn't matter what new humiliation they dished out I took it all with a bland face then went to my desk and documented it in my notebook she loathed my notebook sure that I was doing exactly what I was doing documenting because it was my personal property though she couldn't take it from me I had to carry all my belongings with me everywhere company-wide meetings the bathroom lunch because I caught her one time going through my desk drawer in my [ __ ] purse although it gave me great joy to write a note reading you what I left in my backpack and jerry-rigging it so I could tell if she went into it which she did I withstood it all with a brave face only breaking down once I left for the day my attorney took a lot of sobbing phone calls during this period finally the day comes that my attorney has what he needs and I can resign better still he advises I don't have to give a two-week notice I come back from lunch and type up my letter with one sentence I resign immediately I take it into the HR guy who also took part in their evil machinations and handed it to him his mouth forms an O shape and he half stands up from his chair as he reads it he looks up and I give him a smile and say buh-bye just as sweet as pie walked out the door and drove home feeling mighty fine one month later my lawyer and I are at the EEOC office along with the CEO boss and their lawyer so the EEOC can review my claim in my state you can't just bring a lawsuit against a company for things like harassment and retaliation claims must first be evaluated by the EEOC and then if they determine you have enough grounds to file a lawsuit they issue a right to sue document my lawyer presented my case logically and forthright detailing all the evidence it took him 40 minutes to go through it all then they presented their side with allegations of my poor employment along with their evidence which were all the copious write-ups boss had written EEOC asks about the timeline of the write-ups inquiring if they before or after my claim occurred boss wearing a smug self-satisfied smile states they were all prior to my claim as noted by the dates on each document EEOC lady looks at my lawyer my lawyer looks at me I look at boss then serenely pull out my photocopies of the documents whilst handing them to the EEOC lady boss barks she's not supposed to have those there company property I show a EOC lady that the dates have clearly been altered by boss she had made copies with the dates blanked out and then back dated them you see whenever she wrote me up I had to take the document personally to the CEO to put in my purse they'll file along the way though I stopped through the copier and took copies she never knew I was doing this you could have heard a pin drop EEOC lady reviews the copies then slowly sets them on the table she didn't say a thing for a long time then she spoke I can remember her words exactly to this day I've seen a lot of ill-treatment and illegal undertakings by both employees and employers including forged or altered documents but I have never seen someone so incredibly stupid to present documents this easily disproved not only our employees entitled to receive and keep a copy of formal write-ups but reading these ridiculous allegations it's obvious you were trying to manufacture your case she went on to say I had a clear case for a lawsuit and moreover I would win it she recommended their side go in another room and determine a settlement amount to pay me immediately or risks a lawsuit they went to a nearby office and I could hear the lawyer dressing them down words I heard included lied to me lied to EEOC presenting false documents broke so many laws figure out a number big enough to pay her so this doesn't go to court because you will lose they came back with a $50,000 offer which we accepted my lawyer and I left then did a football touchdown dance in the parking lot looking up at the EEOC window I could see boss in the window looking miserable and crying she had just been fired that was my one year revenge I'm not a hateful person I get mad and get over it but for boss I nurtured hatred and vowed to one day get revenge so I kept tabs on her and discovered she opened a finance marketing company after she was fired then I waited a year before exacting my petty delight for the past 18 years I've executed a wonderful soul refreshing project each year I go to her website and write down all the work email addresses and phone numbers for the employees then I subscribe them all to get more information from places like online schools online insurance companies all those bullsh aggressive organizations that keep your contact information longer than a gypsy [ __ ] curse while trying to sell you stuff the last few years I've subscribed them to an email service where the service takes the address and instantly subscribes it to thousands of newsletters requests for more information feeds and other online buyers of email addresses for marketing services I tested it with a burner email and it wreaks havoc on your inbox with thousands of emails received within seconds and they never King stop you literally have to close down the email because it can't be salvaged each year when I go to collect the contact information all the emails have been changed to new ones last year my cousin took a job in the same building I enlisted her help and she made it a point to befriend a receptionist working for [ __ ] boss after executing my yearly plan my cousin went to lunch with her the receptionist was in a foul mood and explained the entire organization was in disarray because IT had to redo all the emails again it keeps happening over and over and nobody can figure out why she said the owner boss has had to get her cell phone number replaced three times because of all the texts and phone calls she gets whenever it happens again sometimes boss would have her phone number on the website which I duly subscribe to everything under the Sun the best part for me was hearing how she lost a mega client because they felt the company was in too much turmoil so often the thought of this keeps me warm and cozy at night and I sleep so very very well this will probably go down as one of the best revenge stories on reddit ever the first part of the revenge was your run-of-the-mill revenge it's a good story but we've heard it before the second part of the revenge going for so many years signing them up for all these different services was absolutely epic and I hope Oh Pete keeps it up with this in the future I want to thank Opie for giving me permission to narrate their story today you can visit them at the links in the description below on reddit and give them an vote once again this is Rob from karma comic chameleon saying thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video I asked you to hit that subscribe button drop a like and share it with your friends and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 343,369
Rating: 4.8643885 out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge, nuclear, revenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, prorevenge, pro revenge, pro, reddit revenge, reddit nuclear revenge, reddit pro revenge, revenge stories, nuclear revenge stories, pro revenge stories, reddit revenge stories
Id: RwsWhhB2QFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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