Evil Stepmother Gets Screwed Over! | r/ProRevenge | #364

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hey everybody Rob here it's time for a couple of stories from the pro revenge archives first one ex-girlfriend shafted me out of hundreds I took her to court and reported her for tax fraud leaving her liable for thousands let's jump right in last year I lived with my then girlfriend this turned out to be a huge mistake soon after moving in it became clear that she expected me to cover her rent from time to time as she was between jobs I let this slide expecting to be paid back in due course it was a similar story with household bills while she paid her share to begin with she eventually refused to contribute I asked her if she could just open an overdraft with her bank till she got more work which would have been free of charge but she refused within the first few months of living together she got quite behind on rent and bills when she finally got a job she began to catch up on arrears but was always reluctant to pay I thought she might be reluctant because it left her with little money which would be fair enough but things continued this way even after she got a better job when she refused to pay rent one month I explained that this wasn't fair and insisted that she pay up after considerable outbursts she paid but not without making it clear that this wasn't what she wanted to do during this argument I was in a different town working and a few days later she let me know that she'd moved out and broken up with me I was upset with the break-up and further upset that she insisted she still didn't a renter bills which left me in a dire financial position to cut a long story short she realized her mistake and came back a few weeks later but with a renewed conviction that she didn't only anything because her returning was payment enough the next few months consisted of her threatening to leave at multiple points for not supporting her enough despite me buying most of our food letting her pay late and bringing her lunch every day she even repeatedly threatened to kill me one night after coming home drunk I thought this was especially rude considering I'd stayed up late to make sure she got home safe other notable events were her and her mother having a deep discussion on how to leave me high and dry on rent her mother was a classy lady and her getting verbally abusive that I wouldn't drop her name from a tenancy agreement must have thought I was stupid needless to say the relationship wasn't meant to be and didn't last into the new year ex-girlfriend ended it she eventually moved home but agreed to meet her obligations and pay her remaining half of the rent sometime after this had boiled over I met a fantastic girl and we eventually got together happy days I thought not quite ex-girlfriend discovered I had met someone else and absolutely lost her [ __ ] calling me all names under the Sun calling me out for betrayal etc she didn't consider that breaking up with someone might make them not want you anymore incensed ex-girlfriends stopped paying at the time I hadn't been keeping track and thought she owed me around 300 pounds after she calmed down she agreed to pay a few days past with no payment when I got a message from her mother claiming everything was paid and to stop asking her daughter for monies already paid to you she went on to say that any further requests for money would be treated as harassment at this point I was irritated by the entitlement and rudeness of the pair and went back through my bank statements to check exactly how behind on payments she was it turned out that the shortfall was more than double what I initially thought so I prepared a formal letter of demand for payment and posted it to ex-girlfriends address several days later I got a call from the police saying that a harassment report had been made against me I explained the situation and the police confirmed that no harassment was made I was surprised that my ex-girlfriend would waste police time to try to get out of paying the debt and decided to take pro revenge to obtain justice I discovered that for the entire period of our tenancy ex-girlfriend hadn't been paying council tax essentially she hadn't told the council she lived there I took it upon myself to inform the council that there was a second person living at the property avoiding tax they were appreciative of this information and further appreciated me furnishing them with an up-to-date home address for tax dodger ex-girlfriend in parallel I took ex-girlfriend to court over the unpaid rent and bills using the tenancy agreement we signed and got the majority of it back I like the comments for this story especially the one that says can we also take a minute to point out what a terrible mom that lady is if I had a kid and found out they were just refusing to pay a debt like that I wouldn't encourage it and I sure as hell wouldn't be rude to the person they owed money to on to our next story try and force workers into dangerous and life-threatening situations this will backfire in ways you couldn't imagine let's jump right in this story is about how I resign from my warehouse job once and for all the company I used to work for implemented a new way of paying management commissions and bonuses it was a money saved money paid type thing every little thing had a bonus attached to it this month you saved on stationery here's $100 don't spend any money to repair the store in any way here's $500 normally this wouldn't affect us but there were a few categories that were outright dangerous and unfortunately had the biggest bonuses attached to them it started with the manager and area manager wanting us to change light paneling's in the store there were a few problems with this the lights were so old that the wiring was faulty and unpredictable the way the lights were rigged would require you to have training as an electrician to remove the panel's and replace the bulbs management was hoping that we would undertake the work saving costs on hiring a professional electrician and thus receiving a hefty bonus I outright refused but a few of my off ciders were roped in to it after one particular incident of a worker receiving a mild shock we all banded together and said no effing way a week later we were emailed a link to a new online training course the main theme warehouse employees were to undertake various maintenance tasks and the main one changing lights light panels etc if we didn't complete this training then we would be unsuitable employees not meet our hiring requirements and could possibly be terminated I said about taking screenshots of everything including the mandatory tests it became evident very quickly that I was one of the only employees who had refused to complete the training and was confronted by the area manager who said I have a week to complete the training or I'd be written up with an official warning and because of the severity of the warning could face disciplinary action and possible immediate termination now what management didn't count on was anyone sharing this information with outsiders I put together a nice packet with all the new tests and training that would force warehouse employees to do dangerous tests but also copies of the new management bonus structure where it explicitly had categories that detailed if employees could do in-store repairs and save the company money they'd receive a hefty bonus there was even an award for most money saved I also made sure to include the copious amounts of emails and texts showing that management was violating a lot of Health and Safety guidelines especially with the lack of warehouse staff to safely unload and load trucks and shipping containers and one of the worst things I found was around page 36 of our contracts which stated that we weren't officially covered to unload transfers and trucks that the company would hire professional contractors to unload and it was up to us to take over once goods were safely unloaded why because the company didn't want to cover us medically if we injured ourselves unloading and oversight on all our behalves but shocking nonetheless I checked in with my friend a lawyer who helped me navigate any non-disclosure issues and who pointed me in the right direction with sending off this information once I had sent everything off everything went back to normal for a while management kept pressuring me into signing off on undertaking dangerous tasks to make their bonuses and I refused it all came to a head when the area manager essentially said you don't sign off on this next shift I'll fire you on the spot no matter how much I pleaded my case the area manager tried to spin it as a new company-wide initiative and that we should take pride in our workplace what a load of [ __ ] I struggled with this a lot and didn't know what to expect when I got off the bus and made my way to the store the next morning when I walked in ready for my next shift the store was essentially deserted I opened the warehouse check the transfer sheets and then grabbed my water bottle and headed into the store to fill it up as I was standing by the water filter the customer service manager came downstairs with this cheeky smile on his face apparently the manager was under close review and was currently in mediation having to answer for all the [ __ ] corners she had cut to make her bonuses the best bit the area manager and general manager were both fired apparently they were given the choice to resign without any payouts or benefits or the shareholders and CEO of the company would begin an investigation into these practices I couldn't believe it a few hours later the CEO and CFO arrived and tried to offer me a bonus for speaking up a formal apology and a raise if I was to drop the case I just grabbed my bag and resigned right there on the spot no way was i dropping anything I walked out of there with a sense of satisfaction knowing that they'd be investigated and hopefully taken to task on what they tried to force us to do from what I saw online and on the Company's website it took a long time for the company to recover even to this day you can see the company has been bought changed hands over and over millions lost bad publicity public trust and employee trust gone all to save a few bucks and reward greedy management I'm very glad Opie stood his ground in this story I knew a convenience store owner who worked on his own sign outside of his building was electrocuted thrown off the ladder and is no longer with us electricity is not something you mess around with if you don't know what you're doing on to our last story how I screwed my stepmom over at the moment I had the legal option to do so let's jump right in back story when I was about 9 to 10 my parents got a separation later a divorce where my dad forced my mom to sell my childhood home and my mom got main custody with my dad having us they had me and my 4 years younger sister over every other weekend plus every other holiday he moved out only to immediately move in with the stepmonster and her three kids the youngest was two years younger than me and a boy the middle a year older than me and female and I'm not sure about the oldest age but she was also female I never interacted much with her on an ideal world us four kids would have gotten along great played together and whatnot or at least ignored the existence of the others sadly it's not an ideal world and that didn't happen my sister got along with them just fine I didn't maybe it was my then still undiagnosed Asperger's syndrome maybe it was me not instantly going a new family but the step siblings didn't like me they started bullying me and my little sister joined in because she adored her new step family and she was just seven at the time over the first six months the bullying got worse and worse until I broke and tried to call home and get picked up at which point my dad decided to start confiscating my phone as the first thing he did when picking us up the bullying escalated even more there was nothing I could do the stepmonster defended her precious demon spawn calling me a liar and saying things like Mike said they didn't whatever they did or said to hurt me that day or she's just lying for attention during the next year I would try to run away from my dad's place a few more times to go to family they lived less than a 40-minute walk away from a nod and about one and a half hour from my grandparents then my dad in the stepmonster moved over two hours by car away from where my mom lived things got so bad that I dreaded going to see my dad sitting at every dinner the only time I would see my dad at that point between pick up and drop off listening to my dad calling my mom a fat greedy Pig and other evil things hurt at 12 to 13 I was suicidal and numb since I would only see the stepmonster mostly when she told me to get the heck out and play or something just get out of the house I tried telling her that I wanted to die that I didn't want to keep living like this anymore her response I don't care get the [ __ ] outside already if you're going to kill yourself do it outside not long after that I had a meltdown at school crying for hours and unleashing the whole nasty tail on to them since my school was a good one the teacher contacted CPS who talked with me ran some tests and sent me to a psychologist at some point they contacted my dad with their concerns for my mental and emotional well-being my dad dealt with it by calling me saying since you feel the need to lie like that you shouldn't come visit anymore stay with your mom I don't care that was my last conversation with him although I heard a lot about him and the stepmonster from my sister now for my revenge ten years or so later I get a phone call from my dad's sister about him passing car accident and funeral I went and I met the stepmonster again obviously widowed now and my half-brother for the first time during the funeral and following wake she proceeds to insult me my mom and the rest of dad's family then she starts complaining about how his name is on everything they had together how is she going to keep the house it was paid down but taxes and whatnot now she never worked a day in her life and such thing which is where my revenge comes to play see in my country the children of the deceased have a right to claim a minimum of a hundred and fifteen thousand dollars each if there is that much money or value in goods left behind and there is no will stating otherwise normally this claim comes after the deceased spouse also dies or when they try to sell the property worth the money whichever comes first normally see legally the children can claim at any time they just don't cuz decency and pity for the widow too bad I hate her guts and both the youngest step-siblings as it so happens my dad and the stepmonster owns some award-winning show dogs the house and land and a car the stepmonster also got some insurance money plus she will get a sum of about 60% of what my dad would earn if he was still alive every month if my dad had a will she could have kept all of that for herself or my half-brother he didn't and by that time my sister also hated her guts so I talked to her and did the only thing I could think of we took her to court to claim our inheritance sure we got many looks of disgust and mutters of greediness but in the end we won and I got my share of the money my sister got hers and our half brother got his locked in a trust fund for when he turns 18 this meant that the house dogs and car had to be sold the insurance money also got split so us kids each got around a hundred and fifteen thousand each in a trust fund for my half-brother as for the stepmonster she got around $1,000 and the monthly sum of around thirty seven hundred dollars sounds like the stepmom forgot a critical rule for life the toes you step on today may be connected to the ass you must kiss tomorrow I want to thank all three Opie's for posting their stories to the pro revenge subreddit you can visit them at the links in the description below please go there and give them an upload once again this is Rob from karma comic chameleon saying thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video please hit that subscribe button drop a like and share it with your friends and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 55,898
Rating: 4.8925862 out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash, r/prorevenge, prorevenge, pro revenge, reddit revenge, reddit pro revenge, reddit prorevenge
Id: SpJ3vlhH7JQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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