I Destroyed My Ex-Employer and Took Over His Company! | r/NuclearRevenge | #221

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hey everybody rob from karma comment chameleon today is a wonderful day in the world of Reddit reading we have a new nuclear revenge story how I destroyed my ex employer and took over his company let's jump right in during my university studies I got into forex trading ETFs brokerage arbitrage etc I made some nice money out of it but I never really put so much effort into it it brought enough for a comfortable life but as it was not related to what I studied biochemistry and I really wanted to concentrate my future on what I actually studied for I considered it to be a hobby during the original stellar rise of Bitcoin I made some serious money at one time I had nearly a million euro in my bank account with that kind of money where I am from there is really nothing you can not buy once my university studies were over I returned to my home country once there I started a master's degree in a field related to biochemistry but I also started looking for a job in the finance sector to make money at the risk of sounding arrogant I am a tremendously good financier despite the lack of any formal training except what I taught myself from online lectures and days upon days of reading finance related textbooks from reputable sources after some job hunting I landed a job in a company founded and run by old boss old boss was a strong iron fisted man he would involve himself in micromanagement of every employee and I was no exception during the job interview he personally led the interview and asked me things among the lines of you are obviously not talented or intelligent why should we hire you and also making multiple unveiled remarks about my race where I am from there are two major races in the country and I belong to the minority although I have never identified myself to anyone as such by some miracle I managed to preserve my cool and sent him with documentation relating to my activities the previous year with bank statements proving how much money I made etc that shuts him up I end up getting hired with a respectable wage and flexible hours most of which can be worked at home I am in heaven I was assigned to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies trading working a company owned account the account through which I was to trade was owned by the company and I was provided daily with a two-factor authentication code to be able to log in and do my trades I would also receive premiums on what I earned the company so I transferred just over 40 bitcoins from my personal wallet to the company's accounts wallet to play big and earn nice premiums it worked like a charm the first month my premiums were more than my wage the second month they were nearly four times my wage I was making very nice money then came what was probably the worst day of my life just over five months after I started the job I get called into HR apparently I was not making them as much money as I promised I made no promises by the way and I was not making as much as other Bitcoin traders I made nearly as much as the rest of the department a whole eight people combined well there's really nothing to be done at this point really I am fired period I go to my computer to transfer my 40 bitcoins from the company account wallet to my personal wallet I am locked out someone changed the password I let my supervisor know his response is a derisive so I go higher I receive no response apparently the order for my firing came from old boss himself he responded to my career ease with eat a cake you'll feel better about it three weeks later I am informed that everything in the company account wallets belonged to the company and I was informed in the contract of employment I go through the contract there is no such claw I take them to court the first time the court convened old bosses personally there the first hour or so was just me explaining to the judge what bitcoin is and how it works he is sympathetic to my cause but as there is no law in my country even coming close to regulating cryptocurrencies they are not considered either currency or commodity there is nothing that can be done the look on old boss's face that smug look that eating grin of self contentment is murderously infuriating I am robbed of 40 bitcoins undiluted soul wrenching hatred towards old boss births a revenge plan in me I was robbed of 40 bitcoins you'll lose everything old boss but first I need to be in a position to hurt him I decide to found a company working in the same sector as old boss's company but before I found it I need reliable people around me I start hunting for fellows my search for months is fruitless everyone in the cryptocurrency market in my country knows who old boss is and will not go against the man everyone except one I was about to give up when I hear one of the three vice CEOs in old boss's company nice guy has resigned in protest bear in mind nice guy was a very nice guy he would always personally asked me if I needed anything and if I had suggestions on how my department run apparently he did that with everyone I asked around why he resigned and surprised surprised he resigned in protest about how all bosses treatment of their employees and customers was highly unethical apparently long before I got in the picture old boss's company had made a habit of screwing both their employees and customers and niced I was very antagonistic to this approach from what a close friend of nice guy said to me nice guy was particularly outraged over my firing as he considered a minority working n6 seating at old bosses company would be a good supporter of racial integration and an important marketing opportunity I contacted nice guy I explained to him barring no secret what my plan was suffice it to say that he was apprehensive at first he probably thought I was crazy every question he asked I replied with an answer over two months I finally wore him down to acceptance he became my greatest ally advisor and one of my closest friends hence we founded my company with an initial capital of around a hundred thousand euros nice guy and I worked very hard to succeed we made a goal of doubling the company's worth every year we expanded into capital investment and retail banking and forex trading within three years my company's net worth was well over nine million euros at which point old boss took serious note he invites us to his company's headquarters and proposes to buy us out for 5.9 million euro and assures us that we would retain our positions and my company would simply become a subsidiary of his working again as an employee for old boss don't think so I get up to leave go to the door turn around and say I ate that particular cake before didn't agree with me I turn around and leave we continue to be wildly successful for the next two years our working ethic especially in retail banking was solve the problem without hurting anyone it worked before we knew we started taking customers away from old boss's company this coupled with old boss's lavish lifestyle the man owned two Lamborghinis who even needs to put his company in a tight spot with the higher administration going South after nice guy's departure and the lower floors having virtually no drive to work or earn the company any serious income the company was beginning to stagnate at this point in late September 2017 old bosses company peaked had a net worth of ninety six point two million euros despite the ownership of over 100 million euro of assets they were lacking liquidity immediately available money such as cash for money and bank accounts instead old boss had a lot of land expensive but doesn't really bring in a lot of money worst investment form ever as the central bank of my country is not very resilient in terms of financial power either there is only a limited amount of liquidity they can provide for old bosses company which encourage debts to the central bank Realty industry has essentially been dead in my country for some time now so there is no chance of selling that land at profit and only a meager chance of selling it at a loss old boss's company sells what they can sell at a loss for liquid funds and for more liquidity needs they increasingly borrow from the central bank it is still not enough an old boss does not sacrifice his luxurious and extravagant lifestyle to save money they finally resort to issuing bonds to bring in money the way bonds work in my country is that whosoever holds the bond at the maturation date can demand payment of the bond bonds that have passed their maturation date can be demanded payment at any time I hire people to buy old boss's bonds as they come out I ended up buying a hundred and sixteen of the hundred and twenty bonds issued by old bosses company each bond was valued at 100,000 euro for a total of twelve million euro of which eleven point six million euro is held by me the maturation date is one year and the interest over that time period is sixteen point five percent the money brought in by the bonds kept old boss's company afloat for a while but without hot money to keep the lights on they soon began to struggle once again they tried to issue even more bonds but the central bank did not allow them as they already had twelve million euro worth of outstanding bonds without factoring in the interest instead they did an IPO initial public offering and decided to sell 40% of the company in stock at 0.1 percent a share I bought some from old boss directly but most from third persons thirty six point four percent of those shares at that point old boss's company was still valued over 90 million euro so the purchase of stock nearly broke me in exchange I owned thirty six point four percent of old boss's company and held including the interest nearly eighteen million euro of his debt in bonds due in most part to nice guys undying direction I navigate this burden without too much difficulty but the main test is still to come the shares I hold give me access to old boss's company's financial records there are lots of irregularities it looks like tax evasion I notify the central bank the central bank finally takes a stand and bears down hard on old boss's company what they find upon inspection is astounding embezzlement laundering fraudulent tax fraud the list goes on the fallout is massive all companies in the sector including us are inspected down to the last penny we have done our work well we pass with flying colors old boss gets fined 3.6 million euro including back taxes he cannot pay he is broke so is the company a virtual monopoly in the sector goes belly-up they do not hold liquid assets Realty is still stagnating customers are in a bank run and money is not flowing in they have only one option they sell 10% more of old boss's company at 1% a share at half price some people buy I track them down and buy them all at regular price they made a lot of money I now own 46 point four percent of all bosses company the final sale puts old bosses company in profit they massively downsize within a week the payroll is reduced by half they sell there now ik strenuous offices company cars are sold away as they struggle to bear the storm I begin gathering clouds for mine that day for my victory has at long last come I have my CFO an unknown person to them call old boss's company to set up a meeting in my name an anonymous shareholder to discuss business strategies on the day of the meeting I walk into old boss's company 10 minutes early they still do not know that I practically own them I walk right to the office block he's talking to his officers in the corridor right outside the meeting room he sees me looks at me like I'm some insect and goes I have a meeting in 10 minutes with some very important people whatever it is leave it with my secretary I know let's talk then I open the glass door to the meeting room walk in and sit down for a second he looks confused then comprehension dawns on his face along with it terror undiluted pure soul wrenching terror of what is about to happen he knows now he understands he knows I hold the shares he knows I hold the bonds he understands I am about to take away everything from him he only manages to mutter one word oh the meeting is short I return the bonds to be rendered null and void for another 12% of old boss's company I walk away with 58.4% of his company since I am now the majority shareholder i dissolved the Board of Directors on the spot an appoint nice guy to convene a replacement the termination letter to old boss is written the same day we are saddened to inform you that you have been relieved of your duties in old boss's company his personal debts to the company are Suriname achill over the next month we wrestle away most of his remaining shares and distribute them among the employees they laid off in their downsizing along with six months of wages old boss ends up with 0.3% of the company shares since taking over old boss's company we reversed its fortunes it's only making baby steps toward a recovery but we are making progress using my powers over the company I move towards an integration of operations with my own company smoothing out operations and disposing of unnecessary expenditures old boss boycotts all board of director meetings which he has the right to observe as a shareholder his shares being 0.3% next to insignificant it makes barely any difference my revenge is now complete I not only adventure the hundreds of other people he victimized old boss went to prison two months ago for a variety of convictions totaling sixteen point five years he now atones for his sins I'm not sure how much it was then but 40 bitcoins now is approximately four hundred and eight thousand US dollars that's a lot of money to walk away from I've got to admit though this is one of the most well written best revenge stories on reddit in a very long time I want to thank Opie for posting this story to the nuclear revenge subreddit you can visit them at the links in the description below please go there and give them an upvote once again this is rob from karma comment chameleons saying thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video please hit that subscribe button drop a like and share it with your friends and we'll see you in the next one you
Channel: Karma Comment Chameleon
Views: 140,378
Rating: 4.9085712 out of 5
Keywords: karma, comment, chameleon, karma comment chameleon, reddit, funny, funny reddit, reddit funny, r/entitledparents, entitledparents, entitled parents, entitled, parents, top posts, reddit top post, best of reddit, comedy, r/, rslash, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge, reddit nuclear revenge, reddit revenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, prorevenge, pro revenge
Id: w9XejpUwVgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 34sec (1054 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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