Unleashing Creativity - How AI is changing Filmmaking Forever

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filmmaking the art of making films when it's kind of crazy the last few years 3D drones 360 cameras [Music] however everything here often requires a big video production a big budget but one thing is maybe going to change that I don't know if you ever heard of it it's called um yeah artificial intelligence what is possible with AI today here is a brief overview first generative AI this is using AI generated images into your films this is mainly used for VFX Transitions and the 3B Styles it gives the main technique used is separating existing images from a video modifying these images in some way using Ai and then morphing the new images to create an insane look I recommend checking the work of both Rio and Karen if you are interested in this because it's absolutely out of this world you can find many tutorials on their Instagram to understand their processes while this technique is good to use for Clauses of buildings it's much harder to make videos using only generated images why because of small variations between images create a weird flickering effect some people have actually managed to correct that problem like Corridor or NAB but such results are not available to the public most video makers had to use git up and know the basics of coding to get these results but recently Runway just released their gen 1 beta video to video which is a very efficient and easy way to generate new videos from existing ones it still requires a lot of tries to get something right but it seems to be the closest we ever got to creating entirely generated AI videos I will put the link of the waitlist in the description if you are interested generative AI is cool but to go further we need to sync outside the box we need to think from 2D to 3D Nerf Nerf is basically the Pokemon evolution of photo scanning [Applause] why is it good because it embeds a refraction of the light in other words it just looks crazy how does it work I have a 2-3 no idea but it works I found the easiest way by far to use this deck is to use Luma AI that snap in the results are insane if you are very Advanced there are many more softwares probably better but if you're lazy like me the app is really enough you just have to work slowly I want to object and wait for the app to proceed I don't recommend this app if you have ADHD it also allows you to create the camera move of your dream after you took enough this is easy fast and the results are insane you can then import these 3D files into a 3D software and use it directly with this technique you won't even need a drone to make a drone shot loser you can import any Studio environments into your 3D software in just a few clicks I really can't wait for what's going to happen in the next few years Nerf upgrades but in order to use them to the full potential we still need to spend a lot of time editing right wrong AI editing tools are taking over this part is not the most spectacular but will in my opinion have one of the biggest impacts in the industry why because editing is very very time consuming it is often the first thing YouTubers delegate AI editing is all about saving time and making the most out of small budget situations let's say you forgot to film in slow motion thanks to Topaz lab for instance AI can make any of your videos promotion recognize video but it's very noisy boom fixed with a click and it's not only about fixing the small mistakes AI is acting as an assistant it's like having a full-time editor basically for free among the tools we can find audio cleaning green screening in painting ice skating being drinking a lot of things Adobe also has always implemented some AI tools like rotoscoping or music remix both working great these tools are already saving us a lot of time and will even be more accessible in a near future at the end of the day Ai and video is not about student jobs it's a tool that makes creativity accessible to everyone with AI even a monkey can make good videos it's about making the boring tasks even easier and faster I don't think it will turn to big Productions as much between allow everyone to get a shot at making insane videos thank you for listening I hope you enjoyed [Music]
Channel: Video Monk
Views: 11,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmmaking, filmmaker, artificial intelligence, ai, generative ai, vfx, runway gen1 beta, nerf, luma ai, ai editing, time saving tools, 3D software
Id: 7uAjNlTcmgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 7sec (307 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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