Create Your Own AI Music Video (a complete guide)

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Linkin Park recently used AI to generate this music video for their song lost [Music] it turns out that it's actually pretty easy to make AI generated music videos like that and I'm gonna show y'all exactly how to do that in this video here are a few examples of what I've already come up with [Music] [Music] so in this tutorial I'm going to show you how you can use artificial intelligence to generate your own unique song and then we're going to create a seed image for our video this will be the initial frame this will be the setting of our video and then we're going to use an AI tool to animate that photo and actually generate synchronized video so we're not just generating video and Link it on top of the music the AI tool that we're going to be using is actually going to be analyzing the melody the beats and the energy of your song and then generating synchronized video to go with your music which is a really big deal as you can tell right here the synchronicity between the video and the song is really what ties it all together it makes an incredible final product foreign as a little bonus I'm going to show you how you can use a video editor to tie several of these clips together and create a full music video and you don't have to use a video editor I just want to show you all how if you wanted to you could tie them all together but by just generating the music and the video you'll come up with some pretty incredible AI generated music video by the way if you enjoy learning about Ai and how to use new emerging AI tools be sure to go ahead and subscribe let's get started the AI music generator that we'll be using in this video is called it's been one of my favorites so far not only do they have a free plan that allows you to generate unlimited songs for free but if you did want to actually monetize your music video you could do that with your paid plan which starts at only 19.99 which in my opinion is well worth it and no they're not a sponsor of this video although I definitely think they should be if you want to check them out I'll put a discount code in the description of this video with that code you can get a 14 day free trial which actually does include the license to the music that you generate so that is a way that you could start monetizing your music videos for free with this AI music generator you can discover pre-generated Clips based on the mood genre theme length Tempo and even the instruments that were used I would argue that this is the most important part of your music video because this is what your visuals will be generated off of so I would recommend General writing a song with high energy and high beats per minute so far I've gotten good results by setting a genre combination of hip-hop and trap and then setting the mood as smooth hopeful and sexy and then turning up the tempo to the highest beats per minute from here you can sample the different tracks and click around until you find something that you like when something does click with you you can click on Pro mode and completely customize the song you can change the different stems within the song you can adjust the beats per minute adjust the instruments that are used and even adjust the length of the song as well once you get it to a point that you like you can simply just download it I've already generated one that I really like a lot so this is the one that I'm going to be using for the remainder of this tutorial if you're wanting to use a song that has vocals unfortunately AI just isn't there yet it's getting really close but it's just not quite there yet so in that case I would recommend using a music library called epidemic sounds there they have tons of music that you can download royalty free and if you would like to try them out I'll actually put a link in the description where you can get a 30-day free trial where you can download that music and actually publish it and monetize it if you wanted to now that we have our song it's time to generate the seed image of our video this will be the initial frame and the video generator will essentially take this image and generate the entire video based on this initial photo you can really use any image that you would like however I have found to be a fantastic resource for coming up with some pretty great images for music videos for one thing they're free to use at least for the first 100 images that you generate every month and on top of that they have a fantastic gallery that you can scroll through to get inspiration and find a style and a theme that you'd like to use for your video I typically put on the music that I chose for my video and I'll scroll through the gallery until I find an image that really clicks with the music that I want to use in my video then I'll click on the image copy The Prompt and put it into the image generator I'll then adjust the prompt however I'd like to generate that perfect photo I'm adding in this the York City street this is what the prompt says and I'm going to click generate and these are the photos that Lexica generated sometimes it takes several tries to really get the image that you're wanting so I'm gonna go ahead and adjust this and it now says animate astronaut walking down busy New York City street and let's go and see what Lexica comes up with this time so I really like this photo on the end on the far right I'm going to go ahead and click that and this is the one that I'll use for the video I'm going to go ahead and right click and save as and now we can move on to actually generating the video [Music] same technology that was used to generate the Linkin Park music video is available in a really easy to use AI tool called kyber dot AI I'll put a link in the description where you can get 30 credits for free once you sign up and the Pro Plan is 15 which will give you 1 000 credits which is enough for approximately 10 minutes worth of video and when you have the Pro Plan there's also no watermark on the video as well so you can use the video however you'd like if you're wanting to make Tick Tock videos or YouTube short videos with your music videos this could allow you to make around 20 videos that are 30 seconds each I'm going to make two different videos right now walking all through two different prompt Styles and the first thing you do once you get logged in is upload your image then I would recommend clicking on the link that allows you to trim your audio that way you can trim down your song and create a few different scenes with the same song and that way you don't use a whole bunch of credits every time that you make a video so right now I'm trimming Down the song the 16 seconds and once you have trimmed it to a point that you like you just want to go ahead and click crop and then download that clip of your song back over here on kyber you just want to go ahead and upload that clip and as you can tell this clip right here is going to cost me 16 credits from there just click continue to prompt this is where you're actually going to type in the prompt for your video I would recommend typing in something that involves motion that way your character will have some kind of motion in the video mine says astronaut dancing and jumping in Street and then just click continue and now you type in the style of art that you want your video to have mine says vintage 90s anime I would recommend trying to relate this style to the style of your image now you can adjust the camera movement Direction in your video you can have it zoom in zoom out rotate pan to the left pan to the right you can choose whichever one you would like and then just click generate and wait for the video to finish generating okay this is the generated video let's go and check it out [Music] foreign that's really cool well let's say that you want your video to actually change settings and change scenes within the same clip that's what I'm going to show you how to do now and at the same time I'm going to show you how to add an additional clip to your first clip to create your full music video so I'm going to use Adobe Premiere for the video editing and I'm just going to drag in our initial clip right here and I'm going to take a frame shot it's just like a screenshot of one of the last frames of the video that way when we add on the second video clip to this first one it'll appear to have a seamless transition so I'm back over here on kyber and I'm just going to go ahead and upload that frame shot that we just took and I'm going to go back to the audio Clipper and I'm going to adjust the clip of the song so I'm actually going to start this new clip at 16 seconds which was the end of our first clip that way there will be a seamless transition with an audio and same process as before I'm going to click crop and then download I'm going to come back over here to kyber and upload this new clip now to actually have your video clip change scenes and settings within the same clip is just going to take a little bit of prompt engineering nothing too difficult though to do that you need to put in a prompt that has a different setting than what the image is so for example this one says man dancing through life in space obviously the image is of a person on a street so it's going to take that initial frame and then transition the video into hopefully somebody dancing in space and having that abstract idea of Life thrown into the prop there it's going to come up with some pretty unique scenes so let's go ahead and continue I'm going to use the same art style as before vintage anime then just continue to the settings and it's really important that you click enable to show the initial image in the first frame that way your music video will have a seamless transition and for this camera movement I'm going to click rotate clockwise that way we can get some rotation in the video click generate and let's see what kyber comes up with this time [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right so I think this video clips is a lot cooler than the first one you can definitely tell how by including in the prompt a setting that was different from the image setting that it transitioned into a completely different scene and on top of that by including an abstract idea such as life it just threw in a whole bunch of unique frames in there so I think this is a really cool clip right here now we're going to go back over to Adobe Premiere and just drag this new clip into Adobe and I'm going to adjust the length of the clips to help the audio line up seamlessly and once you get that to a good point you can just drag in a video transition and just like that we have our final product let's go and check it out [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I think that's a really cool video and we just kind of threw this all together right now imagine if you really got intentional with your prompts and you really got creative with it I know you all can make something pretty amazing with this technology if you got any value out of this video please go ahead and like it and feel free to let me know if you have any questions in the comments I'll see y'all next time
Channel: Sharp Startup
Views: 307,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, ai video, ai video generator, ai music, ai music video, ai music video tutorial, ai music generator, chatgpt, startup, entrepreneurship
Id: dJmsA1HJgWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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