Majestic MAGISTAR: Red Crit Slam Madness! | Dante Unbound

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[Music] hey everyone welcome back welcome to the second overview on new slem setup since the Dante update I showcased jaag last video and it was pretty nifty with what a little Emerald shards plus Vulcan blitz could do today we're going to be instead be looking at what increased slam radius allows the more ambitious hammers to do we're going to be looking at magistar and carnon with and without melee influence now you'd be surprised on how strong it is even without it today's showcase and Theory crafting comes courtesy of some cool people from the quars clan they're an active tryhard Clan always hosting events and pushing operations leaderboards you can thank them for the funny Strat we're looking at feel free to check out their channels in the description and pin below and there's even a funny new disruption level cap short on the new Dante tile set let's get a full breakdown on what's going on here shall We There are three main setups today one for minimal investment that is frame independent and can be used anywhere one that dips a little bit more in synergies and finally one that doesn't even need melee influence at all of course the influence variants are strongest but magistar has the slam radius for non-influence builds to still work extremely well at base steel path which is a claim that jat CAG cannot really take it's time to see what makes magar tick so well now this is an incarn on weapon so remember needs to be farmed from steel path Sur circuit mode on duviri the first evolution activates in carnon mode as an option at six times combo or 100 plus counter its main benefit is granting fast removement speed via plus 100% Sprint and parkour velocity which is perfect for getting to your next victim sooner extra melee damage which is always nice and heavy oneup speed which only affects the recovery animation after a heavy slam the initial combo isn't important on our first two builds but will be handy for the non- melee influence third build later our perk two crushing verdict only affects normal melee swings the bonus falloff does nothing for radial slam attacks heavy or not luckily heavy slams still retain 70% of their damage at the edge as of this update so it really isn't a big issue edge of justice is taken because it makes it so much easier to build up combo as needed Perk 3 is where the good stuff is though this 100% bonus slam radius is the reason why magistar is so competitive it increases slam hit box from 99 M to 18 m however since hit boxes overlap and enemies are 3D it is still possible to hit enemies 20 M away now this increases the dis hit box from 81 m squar to 324 M squared or effectively four times bigger area it's extremely apparent on how much a difference this makes when using magistar slams in Mission there's literally no reason to use any other perks on this tree for slam builds because nothing can compete with a four times hitbox size increase now perk 4 has some interesting notes while this weapon is main impact weight the slam is pure Blast by default it gains elements from modding but cannot proc impact on Slam or heavy slam under any circumstances therefore flashing bleed is completely useless here subtle Force isn't needed because it's significantly weaker than our right perk which grants the rare innate stat modifier critical damage alongside critical chance this is how we get our juicy red crits now some of you might also be asking which one is better the normal magicar or D magistar don't worry I got the math for you now this is ignoring rivens though keep in mind if you're going a raw damage build then the sany magistar is only 81% of the final damage that magistar can pull on but if you're going a status DPS build I melee influence then the original dot hit of Santi magistar will deal 1.62 times that of magistar due to having twice the status chance for non- statistic purposes I would recommend just using the Santi version this is because the influence status variant is the only version that scales to endurance without needing to constantly apply armor strips and even while being only 81% of DPS on Raw damage the S magistar obviously has enough damage to one-hot anything at Bas steal path on a corrosive build so let's look at them the first is a cookie cutter melee influence electric build that can be used on any frame with no ability support or Warframe Arcane support whatsoever dld dii can slap this on a pre-re worken Arlon will still kill everything even if you don't use a helmet things to note zada's whisper double dips stealth modifiers of course slam Buffs can be improved with say like eclipse or Roar now with slam damage seismic wave this applies twice when melee damage is present I.E Prime pressure point this means seismic is actually giving plus 400% base damage instead Prime Smite is used because it triple dips melee influence for 3.72 times more damage on Dawns nothing is going to live this on Bas steel path as you're spreading 18 M radius electric prop with barely any fall off which can chain to each other the build caps out at 2 73% CC meaning mostly red crits if you can squeeze on another Forma to Max Frank Gladiator might feel free to do so however blood rush would let you skip this Forma but do be aware you only get the full effects of blood rush at 12 times combo instead of being able to slam at any combo for plus 440cc discipline's Merit is our go-to for free heavy slams attack speed is not needed because the Evolution 2 grants plus 40% andag star is a base 1.0 attack speed Hammer already pure electric obviously to activate influence and while only 47.5% electric weight it shouldn't be hard to proc due to the massive slam radius the second build considers a couple more elements on your load out this build has slightly lower damage but more forgiveness by itself while I bring tenai we still have 90% heavy efficiency so it is okay to heavy Slam by accident without it or in situations where you don't have time to build combo we gave gave up gladiator might and Prime pressure point for this dropping crit chance to just 226.24 attack speed perk otherwise the build is the exact same I would also recommend slotting the two unranked neuromods on your Warframe for plus 200% more slam damage if you can fit it since it applies twice to base damage this will easily offset not bringing Gladiator might and the setup allows you to choose between using tenai to set up slams or spamming heavy slams repeatly when needed notably having crit mods on magistar unlike Chad categ allows you to benefit from a higher damage cap per Slam against acetes attenuation which is further multiplied by the actual crit damage itself and then obviously even further because of higher tier red crits TLD drr magar obliterates acolytes for the case of using lavel specifically if you bring veence formation you can use a Max rank variant to infuse electric this allows you to bring Emerald shards and mod Santi for corrosive instead replacing shocking touch for primed fever strike this weapon has 108% status chance at 12 times combo with weeping wounds unlike chat cag's smaller original 9 M radius slam hit box magar's 18 M radius hit boox allows you get enough crosa procs to reliably hit the 14 stack cap for 100% armor strip without needing to rely on force procs from veilance formation infusing electric also gives you the the best chances at activating melee influence consistently giving you the best of both worlds for DPS armor strip and consistency in activation in one single Hammer now the third variant is unique to increase slam radius Hammers and can be used on any frame these setups allow you to get enough DPS in a big area to make up for not having scaling status DPS via influence magistar has both much higher slam radius and access to Red crits which jat ceg does not this allows a non-influence build to still this destroy at base steel path without needing armor strip priming or any other ability Buffs in particular I would personally recommend mainly Crescendo because the damage is so high per hit that duplicate is not needed and also would not really work with the higher tier crits Crescendo also allows you to spam 12 time heavy slams back to back without needing to worry about Max combo dropping each time technically you can use exposure but I feel the free access to 12 times slams forever is better we still opt for 90% heavy efficiency because this allows your combo to recharge from 198 instead of zero taking only fractions of a second to reset to 12 times tenai is entirely optional serving only to let you heavy slim without losing combo before building Crescendo up Crescendo can be easily stacked with using reg doll grouping tools and pressing melee over their bodies such as air burst or larvae this allows you to ground finish your multiple enemies at once all counting for Crescendo Stacks because ma star and Caron also grants plus 30 initial combo you only really need to get 190 Crescendo Stacks I'm using a rank two which require 64 finishers in this setup to hit 220 overall and that only takes about a minute at most to achieve I would still recommend to bring two near mods on your Warframe since they appli twice to base damage lick siis make wave allowing these to Grant plus 400% melee damage instead Arcane Fury and Arcane strike can go a long way to boost damage even further and feel even better on swings if needed cheers if this is your first time watching feel free to leave like or better yet subscribe let me know your thoughts down in the comments 79.5% of you are not subscribed I'm trying my best to get you new information out always as soon as possible like I've been doing with the Dante update stick around if you want to see interesting memes and builds on a nearly daily basis do miss out on any of that do you that'll be it for this video thank you all for watching and see you all next [Music] time [Music]
Channel: AznvasionsPlays
Views: 13,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warframe, Best Steel Path Build, Warframe Steel Path, Whispers in the Wall, Companion Rework, Dante Unbound, Dante Build, Dante Steel Path, Dante Warframe, Melee Influence, Lavos, Lavos Build, Lavos Steel path, Best Lavos Build, Valence Formation, Lavos Valence Formation, Lavos Nuke Build, Magistar Incarnon, Sancti Magistar, Magistar Incarnon Build, Best Magistar Build, Magistar Slam Build, Sancti Magistar Steel Path, Magistar Incarnon Stat Stick, Magistar Incarnon Warframe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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