Unity VFX Tutorials - 06 - Basics (Fireworks)

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hello and welcome to this new tutorial so today we're gonna see how to make fireworks in unity so this would be a fast video I mean fireworks are very easy to make to shine unity so yeah let's get started so first of all i just created by main folders so they're already and i just created a new scene and that's it that's all there is for now so what we have to start with is of course creating a new particle system so let's name it Lisa because this is what will be our me side let's put it into zero zero zero and that's really okay so when we want one missed I'll for now so let's remove the right over time and it's just add one missile in burst as you can see this is a very slow moving me sir but that's what I want I want it to be that's so maybe 20 in speed okay I don't want it to look only want one side be practice okay and I want some gravity because we are nurse and there is some gravity on us here and the last time let's say 1.25 maybe maybe you make more gravity okay now I don't want it to go that far like on the left right so let's change this and let's say the radius is to be 0 but it's only always goes from one point like if you have missile shooter it only shoots from one so that's how we want it and now the motion nodes good for me things with big loss or the same point five okay so the way you do fireworks is that you have this missile here what it does is we spawn a bunch of other particles and so let's create those particles for now so anything on my side effects Pasco system I'll scroll them except anything because that's what they are sub emitters and let's say I want them not to put a lot of time but rather on the burst that's not some random already and it's a between 30 and 60 particles at the same time okay just like the Miss are those we need gravity so let's say - okay maybe it's a bit 1.5 and let's give them a lot more speed 25 and now most fireworks just don't fire light is Nicole but rather this fear right now to speed this way to be this is fear so let's say them okay and that's this removes a lifetime because that's five it's a bit too much for five so let's say between 1 and 1 point 5 now that is good now of course I don't want them to explode just when we launch a missile because that would be dangerous so instead of that it's activated only set emitters Madeira and let's just drag and drop our seven meters in two days and you can see it didn't rate change much rather than now we don't see them anymore but I want them to be on the death and normally it works yeah so here you have yeah particle system for fireworks here that's done hey good job well yeah but now that's that's really and there is no colors and there is no trails and it's just it's just yeah there is nothing just a basic motion of stuff so let's add some color first just so that we have the basics I like blue so I'll take blue and now you will see that to be sad is indeed blue but not those ones so energy has this magical little function here into seven meters that says inherit everything color size or rotation I only want the color for now so let's take a look and if it was but now they are very dark and I don't like that so let's change the shader I just create a material it's correct blow that folder I'm at area here and it's not we can we create a new shader because that would be a bit over the top so let's just go into particles editing here and let's just select the default at all good now let's go into both of them into renderer and it's just drag and drop glow into material now that's a lot better I think it's a bit too bright so let's just change that a bit here simulate looks a bit better already and as you can see those earth did white is just a day take the color from the Miss Eyre and apply it to those particles okay that's good but yeah it's it should be a lot better if you add a trail so let's add them it's going to submitters first and it's a train so you will see here you ugly because there is no trail material yet so let's create one clear but yeah we cannot really use that for a free particle X Y so let's create a new texture here for n for this one I'd say 64 should be more than enough because it's very small to screen so control I to revert control shift and to create a new layer and let's use the brush here on white to create just simply just a line in the center of it that's okay and as you can see it's not very regular so makes it wicked I'll just add a little cushion prayer for should be more than enough okay let's just save it here I'm already in the right folder and let's rest for a fixed your tray okay now let's just freakin drop the texture into the material and apply the material to the trip okay so now yeah I mean you can see the fireworks you can see that it is a fireworks but yeah it's it's still ugly so let's change this from the width of our trailer is how wide it's gonna be over the battle over the trail so let's start with point one oh that's a bit too small maybe 25 yeah that should be but as you can see here as you have to have the origins so to make sure it is not but you can see here it's cut I mean yeah I could work in some games if it's so it seen from far away I mean it's not a big deal but I don't like it so I want it to change over the lifetime altitude change like this now it was good I mean you can see that it's a bit earliest here but it's no big deal we can change that if you add an anti-aliasing to the camera but to make it a bit better we can already change the colourful trailer so that's the same as the width instead is the color let's just use a gradient and simply take the Alpha at the end and let's say alpha zero let it fade its alpha one a 2255 or one it is normalized and zero at the end simple now hmm I mean I like that those ones are as they are like that but I want them to follow the trade a bit so let's say I wanted to be stretched and point one and one here it's just this some values and yeah that that's okay but now yeah you can see that that's not really how physics work so we have to add a litter of set to it and that should be yeah I'll be good enough and now for me they are way too big so let's change size here what five fine 25 looks good now maybe too big too much here 1.2 and maybe it's a bit too too small yeah a bit more like spoonful yep and 40 and to make sure it's adds a little more sets okay abacus 1.10 this one yeah that's good eh now as you notice they all die at the same time and the trade disappears with them and yeah that's that's not very good looking so this little check box here that says that was practicals and by default it's activated probably 40 musician reasons which is good but we don't that want that here so let's just uncheck that let's try again yeah now you can see that the tray survived even when the particle is dead but as much as I like it you can still see that yeah it's like this and yeah it's it's not really I mean it could work I mean I guess or for our distance but I also have particles died out like this so I just change the crop arrived time you have a 50% still max visibility but then slightly fade out until the end and this will look like this see that's I guess it's a bit less natural but for me it looks it looks better now also some fireworks look like this but some are like that precise fear I would like to try to get that and to do that I can try seen this limit velocity of a lifetime by default this is what it looks like so it limits the speed to one and that's it you cannot go over one but yeah I mean this is right how it works right so we'll say that at first it doesn't have any limit and then it limits the speed or rather does the opposite we can say that it goes to ten attacks and then it limits up to zero so that you can they cannot move anymore and yeah it looks very weird different looks like they are somehow like inwards they don't but looks like it just weird let's try frame with the values here and let's try whistle to gravity justice look like you see how it looks like oh it looks weird let's remove the stretch billboard and the offset okay yeah I guess it doesn't really work by ourselves with the stretch it more because it takes the speed in account and if your reach speed zero yeah it's a bit weird so I'll just write like this and maybe not one in the damp and that's that multiplies this by this bicycle okay that's better now let's try again with our gravity one five I wish I could be a way to stop to use this but without affecting the gravity I haven't found how to do that yet I'm not sure there is a way but if there is one please tell me because I'm very interested in that so yeah maybe that's a bit too much so let's just say 0.5 and maybe that's too much - I don't want to be go to zero all the way more like this yeah more like this I need the speed is too much - so let's say maybe five okay so we have our basic fireworks here we can even try I don't know I think that would work Oh child that work with super meters hey does a nice kind of I guess it does work let's say we want five yeah okay it works so this basically says okay if let's say the particle move from left right and then you spawn a bunch of particles here those particles will keep moving all the way to the right so that's what it does here watch I think it's an okay thing to have since that's hot that's how it would work a bit in real life that's right so now that we have that I mean it kind of works but it's missing a flash to say okay that's at this point that the explosion starts so first of all let's say that this shape is smaller let they start ready at the center of it maybe that's a bit too small like this good work we need to create a new particle system here and it's pretty plain so of course once again it's strange that it's a flash so I only want one to spawn at the point I want so vertex mesh and I don't want any speed the lifetime is a flash right 0.15 and besides it's safe five let's speak enough let's give it a glow material okay now we just have to create a new sub editor here and flash so that the death a-and you can see the fresher with nice now the flesh let's say it's really bigger maybe even deal but it's very static it's there then it's not there and yeah it's not really look like an explosion so we'll use this flash as kind of the implosion to say that it's true it goes to the center of it so let's just make it so that it goes not up the speed goes down like this that's a lot better already now it looks like an explosion and so let's say I want to either it a shock wave to it because yeah it's good to have a flash an explosion but I like shock waves so let's add one the shock wave if we go that way half Facebook Facebook yeah better no more notifications and let's say I wanted to collect this as you see of course of course we first we have to add it here death shockwave okay okay only I want it to be it has to be longer yeah should be good also I don't want but yeah it doesn't look like a shock wave because you can see it's just a glow that just grows up then fades so we have to create a new texture flight so a new texture maybe this one a bit here one two th would be fine I'm sure I to invert and and the way I do my shock waves is just it let it remove the field that we don't see the field anymore and it's creating new graduates so yeah it's been I did that earlier so it's already working but let's do a leaf it was on default and so let's take this one here and instead of linear I want it to be right here and let's just change it so that we have more black and this way it'll be a bit okay opacity should be fine and if you find something with pornographic art we can even do this let you see there is a small outline to it now we can even say duplicate or we have here and then brittle glue like we added earlier let's say I want it to be at 50% and on screen maybe a bit more 75 then once again duplicate other thing and we get again another growth and 50% then let's save this into 6 and then let's duplicate out glow we call it shock wave and put the shuttle here that is a bit too bright so we change it either already here and it's but this here and as you can see it that's already enough working shockwave but I wanted to fade of course I don't want it to pop out like that cause it's heavy so a now it's way too big so maybe five maybe six yeah that works unless we beat along some point three okay okay I'll just to try just see if it works the delay and it was okay nice so that the expression happens and then the particles are emitted good well now it's all good I mean it worked you'll have your particle here maybe just add a trail to the missile because that would look a lot better I wanted to dive with the particles because if you don't when you try with out just so you see I've timed say four or if just so you can see that's it just one let's give it the trail material here and as you can see if you do that it just disappears at the same time that's okay but if we deactivate this it will wait for the trail to die before spawning the particles which is not very something we want so let's just say it dies wisdom and to compensate for this but we don't see the big chunks appearing at the same time just do this or you just change brightness a bit the white so it is not as white and let's give it a nice curve that should be fine a gradient or the lifetime two like this the shapes up you can see the thing and here you have some fireworks now for this too much gravity yeah that's or better now the speed is three and now the inner rate is way too big point to a little bit more gravity to compensate now that's good now I need a flash could be a big digger I like big flashes okay that's good okay and now if you would just want to have this one spawn a lot of particles let spawned a lot of fireworks I mean you can just have like this right over time and here you have your party and you don't want or your fireworks to look the same you can just change the main color here of your miss I'll have some red or so maybe some brains and what you can even do is duplicate this to have like let's say one that spawns rats and once that spawns I'd say mmm blue purple stuff here and let's say one waste pond that way so it's 90 60 yeah - yeah - 60 should be fine and this one ah here and then to combine them just create a new particle system see what 0 just that's screen and let's say main ethics I don't I'm not good with names but like this and let's remove the shine for this in there are two sure and here you have your little thing five and five rather ten and ten are maybe 50 and hey you have roster Freddy well the party already okay say I you have any questions feel free to ask and yeah if you free to experiment I think that's the most important part on the see of this one because this is ready to main basic stuff how to make a fireworks but if you experiment adding more randoms adding more stuff different kind of massage different speeds different shapes you can even have mesh shapes so that your fireworks will look like mesh you want and yeah just this stuff couger stuff ask me if you have any questions and I have I hope you learned stuff here and once again thanks for watching this video and I'll see you later bye you
Channel: Sirhaian'Arts
Views: 19,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: special, explosion, vfx, Unity, games, final, preview, easy, sparks, subemitters, version, fireworks, effects, particle system, tutorials, spells, introduction, beginner, light, shuriken, particles, fx, sirhaian, 2017, industry, learning, abilities
Id: zj4Iaq-KrkE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 05 2017
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